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Chapter 1: When you are special, you are not necessarily the best. File.38 The confusion between day and darkness

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    "Fortunately, death knights are basically classified as undead, so they are not at a disadvantage in this kind of place!" "Riese, it's so dark here" Rose also changed her usual style of running around and stayed close to her.  By Lu De's side.  The denseness of the trees in Dusk Forest is completely beyond anyone¡¯s imagination.  Anyone who had previously scorned the statement that "the day here is worse than the night elsewhere" had to obediently hold up a torch to light the way under their feet when they stepped into the depths of the forest.  Otherwise, limiting his sight to no more than two meters in front of him will ruthlessly restrict all his activities.  Although strictly speaking, the death knight's field of vision still requires the support of pure sight, but also benefiting from the characteristics of the undead body, even in this dark light environment, Lu De can barely guarantee a 25-yard field of view.  If you have to free one hand to hold the torch, you can't use two-handed weapons to output.  However, when considering the holding judgment of one-handed weapons, the system is also strange.  Even if it is a two-handed weapon, it can be wielded and cause damage even with only one hand. Lu De once tried to attack the target while holding Rose with his left hand, but the result was that the rhythm of the attack was still not affected.  However, as long as the left hand is actually equipped with a torch that weighs almost nothing, the two-handed weapon will become a pile of worthless scrap metal.  Although after asking Rose, I learned that as a dragon, her dark vision is actually much stronger than Lu De's, but "I just don't like this feeling. I can feel at ease only when I stay in a place that smells like Rise" - maybe it's because I remembered that in  The time inside the egg.  Judging from the fact that Rose can directly find Lu De after breaking out of the shell, she actually has perception and memory in the egg, but the range may be very small.  Yes, now it is back to the adventure of Lu De and Rose. Therefore, although this environment makes Rose feel uncomfortable, she is always in a good mood.  "Terrorist skeletonscorrupted walking corpsesviolent ghouls" Lu De carefully retrieved the mission information obtained from Night Watch Commander Althea Aberlock and a group of Night Town residents.  The speed at which they put forward the commission was as if they were at the end of their rope and they were desperately trying to cram the task into Lu De.  "I'm afraid I have no choice but to ask you for help, my friend. Stormwind City's army has to deal with more evil forces, and not even a single infantryman can be spared to protect Night Town. To protect our hometown, we can only rely on me and the other Night's Watch.  "This is the exact words of Night Watch Commander Althea when she taught him the mission, but Lu De can also understand it to a certain extent - after all, no matter who it is, as long as they have to use one hand to maintain lighting, then  The decline in combat effectiveness is also very easy to understand.  Relying on the light inside the town, although Night Town is more than enough to protect itself, it is powerless to deal with the source of the trouble.  "This is just like someone dug through all the cemeteries and then dug out all the corpses and transformed them into various skeletons!" Looking at the large number of densely packed tombstones and people wandering among them,  Lu De really couldn't be too interested in the skeleton with its jaw constantly making various "click-click" sounds.  "Should it be said that it is a miracle that Night Town has persisted until now and has not been wiped out?!" Fortunately, although the skeletons have a large number and good attacks, they still cannot escape the nature of skeletons - fragile.  Even a skeleton on the same level as Lu De has about one-fifth less health than a normal monster, not to mention its defense.  Although the number of them is enough to drive anyone crazy "Oh, damn, don't touch me with that claw you just took out from the graveyard!" Lu De kicked a violent ghoul that was sneaking up on him.  Got out.  No matter who you are, you will not have a good impression if you see a monster that has just had a feast from a certain place in the tomb, and its teeth and claws are still full of flesh and corpse liquid.  Especially when they are about to use those two places to attack you.  "Anyway, the number of kills is enough for the time being" Lu De, who carefully examined the mission log, was not ready to return to Night Town prematurely.  "Rose, let's go outside and take a rest!" "Yeah!" The red dragon girl jumped onto Lu De's neck with ease.  In the process of leaving the battlefield, Lu De used his friend information to check the scope of other people's activities.  Except for Feiyu and Mari who are still practicing in Demacia City, Sakura and Tomoyo seem to be still operating on the map of the cold-faced girl Rei they met before - Ash Valley, and the latter  The location has now been moved to Darnassus and looks like it hasn't changed in a while.?As for Yuan Qiu and Huahua, it seems that they are still sadly recruited by the guild and continue to pioneer in Gnomeregan, which has "numerous deceptive mines and traps."  Judging from the fact that no news has been released, it seems that no group has been able to successfully solve the problem until now.  After all, the dwarf city is not far away. It must be a very difficult situation that even they can't handle easily.  But Lu De knew very well that no guild would do such a thankless thing - so they must have made some progress.  "Darnassus I remember it seems to be the main city of the night elves, right?" Lu De, who was thinking wildly, almost tripped over a stone on the road and fell to the ground. Then he retaliated by sitting on the stone.  ¡°Want some candy, Rose?¡± ¡°Ah¡ª¡ª¡± Rose opened her mouth happily, waiting for the candy like a chick waiting for feeding from its mother bird.  When Lu De put the rather expensive milky-white ball into the opponent's lips, he could feel Rose gently sucking on his finger. The soft touch that came instantly made him think that he had inserted his hand.  Among down.  "It's very sweetit's delicious. Thank you, Riser!" The smile on Rose's face after being fed was as sweet as candy.  "(Does this count as an indirect kiss)" It was only when he also ate another candy that Lu De noticed a certain problem.  But considering Rose's own attributes, not to mention indirect kissing, even direct kissing, I'm afraid she would only treat it as a sign of her happiness, right?  "Lisel, what are we going to do next?" As if what just happened had never happened at all, Rose looked at Lu De with her jewel-colored eyes.  "I think the next target is the nocturnal werewolf in the Sunshine Forest to the west" Lu De glanced at the mission log.  However, in this dark place called Sunshine Forest, it feels a bit weird no matter how you look at it.  "I don't like werewolves, and I don't like orcs! It's not good at all!" Rose puffed up her cheeks angrily.  , Lu De poked her with his hand, and she immediately deflated with a "pop" sound like a deflating balloon.  "(Yes, there is indeed a reason why the Red Dragon Society hates orcsbut when it comes to werewolves, it can only be said that they are unlucky)" It is said that a few years ago, those orcs used some kind of particularly powerful weapon.  The artifact took control of the red dragon queen, Shanask'thartha, and forced the entire red dragonflight to serve them, using her favorite pineapple buns as bait at her side.  And the Red Dragon Queen really couldn't stand the fact that "her favorite pineapple buns were being gradually destroyed in front of her eyes", and with her limited power, she could only swallow her anger and work for the orcs for the time being.  Later, when she regained her freedom, burning with incomparable rage, she directly activated the most powerful skill "Heaven and Earth Shatter", which directly burned all the orc cooks who could make pineapple buns and the entire prison into a sea of ??fire.  "No way out! This is the consequence of disrespecting pineapple buns!" In addition, the werewolf race is not actually orcs - they are mutated creatures created by a powerful magician through his own research results, but except for very small  Except for one part, it is essentially the same as a beast.  But from Rose¡¯s point of view, those who are furry and bipedal are considered orcs, right?  Who taught her this knowledge?  "However, if Rise wants to go, I will definitely go, it's the same there!" Fiery emotions spread from Rose's sight.  "If they're so annoying, just spray them hard later!" Lu De crumpled the remaining packaging bag into a ball and threw it on the roadside.  "If you feel uncomfortable, you can just use the weapon I gave you to hit them hard - just be obedient when I ask you to come back!" Then someone was frightened by something that jumped at the target location.  A jump.  Nocturnal werewolf, level 27, life 1102. "I'll go, such a high level!" Lu De himself is only level 24.  One can imagine how motivated the Lianmeng officers who openly marked "Suitable level: 20-30" on the map of Twilight Forest are.  In particular, this map was obtained from the military information storage point next to Bavaria's office. It is a so-called "high-precision military map" made using parchment rolls. Compared with the yellow papyrus version that most players use,  I don¡¯t know how many units are better in terms of precision and accuracy.?.  "Be quiet!" Because he was worried that the werewolf's necessary howl before fighting might attract other monsters that were too close, Lu De punched the opponent's big mouth with a heavy punch. The fist wrapped in chain armor did not only cause  In addition to more than 20 points of damage, it also brought out several dark yellow teeth.  Before the werewolf could howl in pain, Rose's healing flame poured directly into its throat.  This scene reminded Lu De inexplicably of a certain snack called "explosive belly" that he had eaten with Yuan Qiu before and was highly recommended by him.  "Death blow!" The sword blade, shrouded in ominous black, stirred up a stream of blood on the night werewolf's chest with a heavy blow.  This action that caused a critical hit wiped out the last bit of life of the opponent, causing the black figure to twitch a few times before falling to the ground, stirring up a slight puff of dust.  "Huh If this unprepared guy comes over, he might just fall into trouble!" Lu De knew very well that if he were an ordinary level 24 player, he would be able to kill just one of these monsters at most due to the damage speed.  You must regain your strength before you can continue.  If unfortunately two of them are attracted Sister Angel is waving to you on a one-day trip.  "Let's see what good stuff there is" Before Lu De could bend down, several pairs of green light spots appeared not far away.  "¡ª¡ªOops! Rose, you're running away!" Lu De grabbed Rose's left hand, who still didn't know what happened, and started running wildly.  At this moment, he really wanted to shout something in the face of Carol, the NPC from Demacia City who provided him with this task.  PS1: The security forces in the Twilight Forest call themselves the Night Watch, and there seems to be a reason for this - because for them, every day is actually almost the same as night.  PS2: The mission in Dusk Forest is a nightmare in the history of Warcraft.  The first few missions are okay, but when the Night Watch starts to give you the long list of missions, you will realize how vulnerable you are - from the earliest time when you kill two kinds of werewolves, under normal circumstances the player should be at level 24  Or so, but you will be surprised to see level 28 or even level 30 bloody maws rushing towards you Not to mention the elite of Crow Ridge, Morgan Ladimore, a level 35 terrifying elite wandering existence  , I was often killed by him when collecting skull knuckles!  Coupled with the super hatred, my God, who is really offended by those who play League
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