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war3. The Frozen Throne Chapter 47: Black Lake Iceland, Resurrection of the Coffin

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    If we say that among the palace buildings in Britain, Buckingham Palace is the human residence of the British royal family that shines in the material world, then the slightly less famous Westminster Abbey is the place where the royal family¡¯s spiritual reincarnation and thousand-year-old immortal soul rests.

    Westminster Abbey, officially known as "St. Peter's United Church", is located on the southwest side of Parliament Square in London, England.  It was originally ordered to be built in 1050 by the religious king Edward the Confessor and completed in 1065.  The existing church was rebuilt in 1245 by Henry III, and additions were made in successive generations until it was completed at the end of the 15th century.

    The church is in the shape of a Latin cross, with a total length of 156 meters and a width of 22 meters. The large dome is 31 meters high and the bell tower is 68.5 meters high. The entire building is both magnificent and quiet, and is considered a masterpiece of British Gothic architecture.  Westminster Abbey is not only the chapel of the Church of England, but also the auditorium where kings of all generations hold coronation ceremonies and royal family members hold weddings. It is also a state funeral mausoleum.

    ??According to legend, a widely circulated last eulogy is engraved on a tombstone in this royal mausoleum¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª

    "When I was young, my imagination was never limited and I dreamed of changing the world. As I matured, I realized that I could not change the world. I shortened my vision and decided to change only my country.  "When I entered my twilight years, I realized that I could not change my country. My last wish was to change my family."

    This straightforward but touching repentance is naturally just a beautiful lie and exhortation, because there is actually no written record of this tombstone in the real St. Peter's Church.  However, although the story is false, the sincerity of the emotions in its words is out of heartfelt regret. It can only be inferred from the facts that when the unknown author finally woke up, he was already in his twilight years and experienced the changes of the times.  The family is almost torn apart, and even if they are intentional, there is no chance of recovery.

    "Fortunately I have the power to save everything." The young adventurer, who was standing quietly in front of this legendary tomb, suddenly remembered the story and couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

    Looking from outside the church, this majestic bell tower building that demonstrates bright faith is currently bathed in the dark clouds and ink-colored sky. Even in the middle of the night, the sky is still dark and gloomy to the point of weirdness.  Thousands of meters away in the sky, clouds like thick ink surged, continuously sucking up the vast gray fog across London. The black fog spiraled up layer by layer like a spiral, turning into a billowing black curtain covering the sky and the earth.  A magical force that seems to suppress people's hearts spreads.

    ? Coming from the "Ring of Cold Silence" formation in the hands of the black witch Falina, the power of natural disasters that caused the darkest night in the magical civilization revealed a ferocious color in this other world.

    The twelve grand cemeteries and churches in London are all replaced by the operation of the ziggurat under the "ice orb" floating in it. The ocean of resentment of the dead accumulated by no one in this world for thousands of years is here.  Awakened and boiling for a moment, under the operation of the magic circle from another world, the resentment of the dead that was originally unable to interfere with the real world was transformed into undead magic at an exaggerated loss of 100:1, and then flowed along the fog throughout London, turning into  A "big circle" encompasses most of the city.

    The axis of the circle is Buckingham Palace, the inheritance of this country¡¯s royal family, and the center of British destiny for thousands of years.  At this time, endless undead followed the orders and surrounded the city. They seemed to be majestic and terrifying, but the mist that was actually flowing with magic power had actually completed the infiltration cycle over the city along twelve pipes, and the magic power of death was  While impacting the lingering spirit of the King of Heroes in this castle, it also eliminated the impurities of the deceased's resentment, leaving only the purest and coldest magical power. The large gray mist was purified into wisps of black smoke, flowing towards  The other direction.

    Therefore, during the natural disaster that night, Buckingham Palace was the place with the greatest power of the undead at this time, but the purest and most exploitable source of the surging death magic in the city was the tomb of the King of England - "Holy  Peter's United Church".

    It is also Rorschach¡¯s real destination.

    The place where he was at this time was the rear hall of this majestic church, which belonged to the corner front door of the twin tower building of the monastery.  Under the rows of diamond-shaped white glazed chandeliers on the ceiling, the entire spacious and gorgeous hall was illuminated into a drastically changed layout. Countless gleaming art exhibits were mercilessly swept aside and piled up like garbage.  In the corner of the room, and in the center of the hall, is a crystal clear ice spiritual hub.

    The calm girl with long purple hair, wearing pure white spiritual clothes, seemed to have fallen into a peaceful sleep, her eyes were slightly closed, and she was lying quietly in it.

    Luo Xia stood silently in front of the Lingshu, but in her heart she thought of herself who had just stepped into the infinite space.

    Actually¡­ I¡¯m also scared, facing cannibals.The evil ghost who killed the corpse, the evil magic scum who plays with the soul, the unreasonable crazy and stubborn protagonist. At that time, I was far from being as calm, calm and brave as I imagined

    ¡°What really allowed me to grit my teeth and survive was not so much driven by the desire to survive, but rather the sudden support of my companions

    For so many years, I have been struggling alone. In fact, my only wish is to find a partner who will never leave me As long as I think that I am no longer alone It doesn't have to be a lover or anything, as long as I can talk to comfort myself.  Also a good companion

    When I think about holding hands and facing what lies ahead together I feel like my heart is filled with a lot of fulfilling and warm things Fear, horror, monsters like evil spirits all feel ridiculous all of a sudden.  Woke up¡­¡­


    "It's you who brought me into this reincarnation Then, I won't allow you to leave midway," Luo Xia lowered his eyes and said softly: "Even death will tremble in front of me This is no joke.  ¡±

    "I won't allow you to evade fares on this infinite train journey."

    With that said, Rorschach, who was wearing a black dress, stretched out his right hand.  The dark light bloomed from the palm of his hand bit by bit. In the blink of an eye, everything around him suddenly darkened. In other words, at this moment, his entire body seemed to turn into a brilliant black diamond, bathed in black velvet.  In the brilliant glory, the glazed white light reflected from the ceiling became dimmed.


    As he uttered a spell that he himself could not understand, the dark sky thousands of meters above slowly shook, and the thick clouds burned and stirred like boiling water. As countless black lightning bolts flashed past, the ocean was like  The power of death turned into flowing black water, surging downward like a long tumbling dragon. Finally, these undercurrents flowed down the Gothic bell tower of this ancient church and the sharp crosses of the monasteries on both sides.


    Viewed from a thousand meters away, it seems as if the sky has turned into three howling dark hurricanes, with long, narrow and violent tornadoes rotating along the famous three spires of St. Peter's United Church.  The entire splendid church mausoleum, which symbolizes light, suddenly seemed to be soaked from the inside to the outside with a sea of ??black water that was so viscous that it turned into substance. An immeasurable dark torrent flowed down the river and poured into the center of the front hall where the church's spiritual center is stored.  , which is also in front of the altar where Rorschach stands.

    Time passed by, and this ancient altar, which had witnessed the coronation and funeral of British kings for three hundred years, experienced glory and wind and rain, once again glowed with pure black brilliance, and countless magic powers that poured down from the church ceiling turned into reality.  It flows like spring water, filling the stone platform of this ring, making the altar in front of the hall look like a peaceful lake, and the ice crystal coffin storing the corpse girl turns into an island in the mirror lake.

    Rorschach stared at it, then suddenly took out a short blade, cut his wrist, spilled a large amount of scarlet blood, and then issued the final ritual order.

    "Resurrectmy warrior."

    ¡°Gulu, gulu, gulu¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡±

    The dark spring water blended into the blood-red color, as if hearing some kind of call, it spontaneously surged and rolled, countless bubbles burst and surged, and the ice coffin that sealed the corpse began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye.  After a while, as the outer layer of the ice crystal completely melted, countless seemingly filthy black torrents finally penetrated into the body of the fair beauty, wrapping her up layer by layer. The corrosive black water touched the delicate skin, but it glowed strangely.  It emits a hot and vital breath.

    The water level of the spring began to slowly drop, and the female body, which was originally cold and lifeless, began to exude a lifeless and vigorous vitality.


    With the thunderous heartbeat rising and falling, the pale and beautiful face of the purple-haired girl was gradually dyed with a touching blush color, and the life breath diffused from her body also began to slowly improve from scratch.

    Black Iron level lower level Black Iron level middle level Bronze level lower level, when that sweet face showed a twisted and uncomfortable look, in Luo Xia's induction, Corpse Girl's power had completely surpassed the original level, reaching  After reaching the bronze level, he is only a hair away from the silver level of Azeroth's so-called legendary hero.

    At this time, the water level of the black spring has only dropped by one-third.

    "Is it just that" Luo Xia nodded slightly disappointedly, not surprised.

    He used the method of resurrecting the corpse queen, which came from the world of Azeroth in the previous world.

      Although in the online game "World of Warcraft", the blueprint for that world, almost any spell player can skillfully use the "resurrection technique" to resurrect teammates who died in battle, but after all, it is only for the sake of gameplay.  Considering the setting, and for a data character, "death" in the game can only be regarded as a state of serious injury when the character falls to the ground. Deleting the account and erasing the character can be the real death.  Therefore, even in a world like Azeroth, where magical civilization has flourished to its peak, there have been very few real resurrections in history.

    Among these extremely rare miracles of resurrection, there is only one encounter with the villainous Scourge Legion.  That is, after Arthas degenerated into a death knight, he led millions of undead to attack the thousand-year-old elven holy city, and used the urn of his biological father, King of Lordaeron, as a blasphemous sacrifice, and threw it into the "Sun", the source of magic for the entire elven clan.  Well", sacrificing the huge power of the entire magic source of Azeroth, thus successfully resurrecting the archlich "Kel'Thuzad".

    However, even this kind of resurrection has great flaws, because Kel'Thuzad, who was reincarnated from the dead, was not reborn with living flesh and blood, but became a great lich with his soul entrusted in a phylactery. In essence, he was just reborn from the dead.  Transformed into another kind of undead, rather than a successful resurrection case in the general sense.  It can be seen that even the Scourge Legion has no real way to resurrect.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? If it is not necessary to force the true rebirth of the destiny, but to bring the dead back to the world in a slightly inferior state, the methods of this camp that specializes in death are rich and varied.  What Rorschach used was the most famous "Ghoul Contract" among the evil talents of the Death Knight.

    In the game, among the death knight's three talents of blood, frost, and evil, the evil talent is the closest to the manifestation of the power of the undead. In the hands of the player, its distinguishing feature from the others is that it can contract an independent  A ghoul exists and follows the player to fight together as a hunter's pet.  This kind of talent also exists in the real world, but it requires an extremely huge source of magic power to complete the contract, and the death knight as the contractor must also have psychic talent.

    Unfortunately, Rorschach has neither of these two conditions.  Originally, the corpse of a monster resurrected with such incomplete means will turn into an ugly appearance like a ghoul, and its sanity and soul will be completely gone. Although it can always gain the same level of power as the adventurer in one leap,  But it can only be regarded as a combat puppet turned from a corpse.  However, the corpse queen, or rather the two corpse queens in Rorschach's hands, happened to be a unique exception.

    Because the so-called "Corpse Princess" is itself a moving corpse with simulated intelligence but no real spiritual intelligence. Since there is no intelligent soul when it acts, does it mean that there is nothing in the first place after becoming a ghoul?  Will "zero" become "one-tenth of zero"?

    As for deformation, Rorschach did not consider this issue at all.  The reason why the body of the deceased is deformed into a ghoul is essentially due to the passive mutation produced by the physical structure of ordinary people being unable to withstand the violent power of death.  But in real comparison, how can the ghouls of Azeroth be more adaptable to the power of death than the high-level undead "Corpse Princess" who is itself a different world?

    "The only thing I'm worried about isare you still 'you'?" Rorschach looked at the ceremony that was about to end, and suddenly became a little nervous. He suddenly recalled the last conversation with the puppet master in the public space.

    In fact, in the last three days, Luo Xia conducted a total of more than ten inquiries and investigations of different levels and different departments in order to find a way to resurrect the Corpse Princess. The consulting fees alone consumed thousands of survival points, and those  The lowest ones were undead cultivators with a high rank of Silver, and their answers were all conclusive, confirming the feasibility of his conjecture.  But there was only one gold-level puppet adventurer who happened to pass by. Because of the difference in skills, he came up with another idea and put forward his own different opinions.

    "Although your corpse slave was originally the work of that group of madmen, it seems to have undergone a secondary mutation of some kind of death power and has derived its own consciousness. However, this kind of spirituality is different from the independent body of a living person.  The soul is more similar to the acquired spirituality of the instrument, which is like the consciousness aggregate of the zombie "Hanban" or "Witch" in the Eastern world that is one with the physical body. In other words, when a sword is damaged and then reprocessed.  After forging, the material has actually changed, so is it still the same sword you are familiar with? "

    The answer to this question almost involves the deepest mysteries of the soul, so much so that the master who has almost penetrated the mysteries of artificial souls can only vaguely detect it. But after all, he is not an adventurer who specializes in the undead series, so he cannot come up with an accurate answer.  In the end, the answer was vague, leaving only the conclusion that "there may be some variations."

    No matter what, with the aura of the purple-haired girl no longerThe promotion and gradually stabilizing at the upper bronze level also means that the ceremony of "Ghoul Twin Contract" has also reached the final step.

    Generally, when other death knights enter into a contract, at this stage, they only need to split off their own soul fragments and fill them into the fragmented chaotic consciousness in the ghoul's body, thus completing the final "completeness".  In this way, this pure monster who only knows how to kill will become another clone that only obeys the main body.

    Luo Xia took a deep breath, like a hug, spread his hands, and was about to use the secret method to break out a trace of his soul. Suddenly, a cold flash of light burst out from his waist.  Yingying is shrouded in light blue light.

    ¡­¡­not good!  This is¡­¡­

    Rorschach was startled. He felt that the world was suddenly spinning. His entire consciousness expanded a hundred times. In an instant, he took in the sight of this majestic and majestic church. Then it continued to expand, straight into the pitch-black sky. Finally, his physical body could no longer bear the sudden sudden change.  The mental strength raised to the limit once again "squeezed" out his consciousness.

    Rorschach has always regarded the crystal fragment embedded in his waist as a power source that provides inexhaustible corrosive vitality, but he has forgotten that this treasure was essentially a spiritual amplification before it was evilized by the Lich King.  Super secret treasure.

    Until then, the omission he made unintentionally finally exploded.

    What¡¯s more important is that when the Rorschach spirit body floating in mid-air was about to return to his body, an inexplicable throbbing suddenly arose, causing him to subconsciously turn his head and look over, and he was immediately shocked.


    In the final step of the ritual, without a complete will, the empty body with a broken consciousness was finally unable to suppress the rampant magic power in the body. The instinct ignored the load of the body and began to absorb power again, while the surroundings happened to be  The remaining two-thirds of the huge source spontaneously resonated.  As a result, the magic spring that absorbed the power of death in London boiled again.

    Looking at the pale girl with pain on her face and her body almost bursting, Rorschach took a deep breath and finally made the final decision: "It's too late let the ceremony be complete first, and then separate the spirit and return to the body.  It's the same thing. If it drags on any longer, I'm afraid this church will be destroyed by the riot's death magic, and that will be the real end."

    The soul is originally an energy wavelength that ignores spatial distance. Almost at the moment when Rorschach thought, the ghost floating in the air had turned into a light blue stream of light and entered the trembling body of the beauty.

    At the same time, Rorschach's body, which had lost its soul and should have been stagnant in place, suddenly showed a mysterious smile. He took the first step to draw a sharp short blade from his waist, and then stabbed it directly into the heart of the corpse girl who had not yet recovered.  Go down.

    Just the next second, a hand as white as jade gently reached up and pinched the wrist holding the knife.

    "AhI've been waiting for you for a long time" The girl's sweet and innocent voice sounded faintly.
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