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war3.The Frozen Throne Chapter 30 Glacier Hell, Resurrection of the Dead

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    The vision of the soul is different from the colorful and vivid world in the eyes of living people.  Rorschach had already realized this, but when he no longer browsed indirectly with the help of the holding spirit, but watched it in person, he was still shocked and speechless.

    Becauseeverything in front of me is really too weird and terrifying.

    As if a layer of gorgeous and delicate plastic shell had been broken, this glazed ice cave, as beautiful as the ice and snow kingdom in a fairy tale, finally twisted little by little in his eyes, and finally cracked to reveal its extremely ugly monster.  transformation essence.

    The world between heaven and earth has become different.

    The originally crystal clear ice crystal channel is no longer the pure color of snow and sky, but is filled with a glimmering light that cannot be seen by the naked eye.  From top to bottom, from every ice brick on the wall to every deposit of snow on the ground, it is like the phosphorescent ore in the cave at the bottom of the mountain. A strange lavender mist is evaporating from the inside out, and these firefly-like stars are dotted  It was always entangled in the air, and finally merged into a huge purple-black torrent.  Luo Xia looked up and suddenly realized that a long river of netherworld with a width of tens of meters and an unknown length, like the nine-curved corridor of the Yellow River, almost ran through the entire interior of the mountain, heading towards an unknown place.  The distant source pours water backwards, and in the process it emits a suffocatingly rich evil force, making the entire mountain cave look as gloomy and mottled as the legendary hell.

    This seemingly miraculous and beautiful glacier is obviously a pure and natural scenery in appearance. However, when Rorschach looked through the ghostly vision, he felt as if he saw a huge, constantly roaring nineteenth-century steam machine.  Every piece of crystal-clear ice is transformed into tiny gears that keep turning "click-click" in a trance. Countless transparent ghosts are trapped in every bit of ice and keep wailing, being used as batteries.  Wisps of lavender smoke were also squeezed out, blending into the turbulent river of dark power in mid-air.  Rorschach lowered his head and could clearly see the Frostmourne held by Alsace, forming a large skull-shaped vortex in the torrent, absorbing the ocean-like death magic at all times, instilling death every minute and every second.  As time passed on the knight's body, the scars left by his fight with the Corpse Lady gradually disappeared without a trace.

    "What a grand gesture Are these dead souls the indigenous tribes that Ner'zhul massacred during his sweep of Northrend? There seem to be close to a hundred thousand ghosts in this cave alone, and these are definitely not all of them. Natural disasters are still coming.  There will only be more in the glacier fortress, the base camp in the north" After marveling, Rorschach also calmed down. He stretched out his hands, lowered his head and stared at his floating and transparent body, and then said after a while:

    "Am I dead?"

    He immediately realized something was wrong, because in the vast ocean-like evil energy, in addition to the large whirlpool stirred by Frostmourne, there was actually another small tributary that was shrunk a thousand times.  Different from the Styx river that flows towards a certain cold will, this one looks like the source of a small stream, but it is a bright and transparent three-sided fragment.

    A small fragment embedded in the flesh and blood of the body, as transparent as crystal.

    "Isn't this the 'Fragment of the Frozen Throne' that Arthas mentioned?" Rorschach was stunned for a moment and guessed: "Could it be that the way I look now is the function of this fragment?"

    In fact, Rorschach was only half right.  The strange state of his soul's shelling out at this time, although it was indeed dependent on that fragment, was completely different.

    The uninterrupted original history of this world is based on a famous game expansion pack in the real world, and is also pushed backwards in the form of expansion packs.  In other words, at the time when Rorschach set foot, the entire world was in the stage of "The Frozen Throne".  The "Frozen Throne" is by no means just a metaphor for Alsace's fate of setting foot on the Glacier Crown and abandoning the wealth and love of his life to embark on the Throne of the Dead. In itself, in a sense, it is even better than "Frostmourne".  secret treasure.

    From the perspective of modern warfare, if "Frostmourne" is compared to a reusable weapon of mass destruction similar to a nuclear bomb or a biological bomb; then another gift given to Ner'zhul by the Burning Legion is the "Frozen Throne"  "It is a comprehensive base integrating command room, satellite radar, military camp training, scientific and technological research, and logistics supplies.  Using the former can certainly win a local war, but the latter is the mother of wars that achieve strategic grand momentum.

    In the plot before "War 3", Ner'zhul was originally just an orc shaman in the world of Draenor. Although he had deep magic power and profound knowledge, he could only be regarded as the best among mortal races. He didn't know how to fight in real life.  One point stronger than young human heroes like Arthas.  But when it comes to "The Frozen Throne", he has jumped from a second-tier supporting role to a despairing and unrivaled villain. Although he has never had a great record, he can almost defeat everyone like a god.The vision covers the vast continent of Northrend, which is thousands of miles away, and derives all kinds of incredible powers. The spirit crosses the endless sea to summon the strong men on the other side of the continent, seduces and controls the hearts of the weak-willed, and at the same time precisely monitors and operates  The consciousness of a million undead army.

    All of this is the result of "The Frozen Throne".

    This artifact itself does not have any destructive or defensive power. Its only function is to increase and mutate spiritual power. But as the saying goes, one handsome person can cover up all the ugly ones. When the essence and purity reach a limit, the simplest ability is  will become more terrifying than any destructive weapon.  With the amplification power of the Frozen Throne, Ner'zhul's consciousness radiates tens of millions of times, and like an optical brain processor in a science fiction world, it simultaneously monitors the movements of the entire continent.  But more often than not, this big boss treats the Frozen Throne located at the center of Northrend's pole as something similar to the center of a psychic signal tower, using the characteristic that the mental wave arc is not affected by space distance.  There are no data points established within the Scourge Legion's sphere of influence, and the energy emitted by the vengeful spirits is collected like a digital signal. By absorbing the inextricable discrete spirits of millions of undead across the continent, it continuously increases and replenishes its own power.

    Gathering sand to form a tower, dripping water to form a sea, every territorial expansion of the Scourge Legion represents the control of a dead soul. This ability, similar to that of the gods of the underworld, is the real reason why the Lich King is so powerful.

    The "Cave of Sorrow" where Rorschach is now is one of the hundreds of undead strongholds built by the Lich King on this continent.  And because the original reason for its creation was to warm up "Frostmourne" and provide this artifact with abundant magic power at all times, its scale is even within the top three, and the number of imprisoned undead stored in it is as many as 120,000, accounting for a full  At this time, it accounted for one-seventh of the total "battery" of the entire Scourge Legion.

    Originally the "Frozen Throne" that the Lich King started as, this artifact has been kept in the glacier ice cap in the deepest part of Northrend, where it belongs to the true headquarters of the Scourge. In this period before the Lich King became the public enemy of the world  Here, it has not been attacked by any hostile forces, so it is naturally impossible to break any fragments.  However, this artifact itself actually has no name. It was originally used as a cell container used by demons to imprison and torture Ner'zhul's soul, so its original shape was a cube-shaped crystal that was as square as a coffin.  The so-called "fragments" are actually the leftovers that were removed when Ner'zhul later set up a new business and proclaimed himself king. In order to cover up this humiliating history, the crystal was polished into the shape of the throne. However, because it was soaked with the Lich King's  The evil force also contains its huge mental force field, and even a small fragment of Ner'zhul's consciousness.

    In the original story, this last remaining fragment was used as a hidden weapon to attack the mountain lord Muradin Bronzebeard who came with him when Arthas pulled out Frostmourne.  A heroic knockout that prevents the protagonist from going astray.  It is precisely because the will of the Lich King in this piece of broken ice turned into a one-time mental shock that the joke of "a hero with steel and iron bones was crushed to death by a palm-sized ice piece" was made.  However, it was later proven that although the blow did not cause the dwarf king to be brain-dead on the spot, it still caused him to fall into a complete coma and had to be a vegetative state for three years. Even if he was rescued in the future, he would lose his ability due to the side effects of the brain trauma.  Most of the memory, but it also triggered another encounter for him. He spent more than ten years as the leader of the savage natives in the Arctic ground.

    "The reason why Rorschach was safe and sound was because of a time difference.  Before Arthas uprooted Frostmourne, the Lich King's consciousness was in a clear and active period. At this time, the Frozen Throne was controlled by his will, and any behavior that touched or offended would inevitably be retaliated against. But when Arthas uprooted Frostmourne,  After the sword, in order to control him at all times, Ner'zhul divided part of the spirit as planned and threw it into Frostmourne. The body had to fall into a deep sleep for three years, and the defense mechanism of the fragment in Rorschach's abdomen also entered.  Sleep state.

    Because of this, when Rorschach's "witchcraft" from the psychic touched the fragment, the "tool" side of the throne fragment was awakened when the Lich King's consciousness was already asleep.  Without the control of its owner, this broken treasure instinctively activated a basic auxiliary effect - spiritual amplification.  Although this is only a fragment that is less than one percent of the original body, it is impossible for Rorschach to have the will to encompass half of the planet like Ner'zhul, but it can also temporarily increase the breadth of his thinking to dozens of miles away, but the problem  It was Rorschach, but unlike the Lich King, who was a pure dark spiritual body, his fragile body could not withstand the expanded spiritual power. Repelled by his body's survival instinct of abandoning his soldiers and protecting his commander, his soul suddenly left.  The body is like the Taoist Yinshen, and the spirit appears in the outside world.

    And because this fragment comes from the "Frozen Throne", if the complete throne itself is regarded as a state-monopolized television signal tower,?It can be regarded as a high-voltage antenna in a rural village that is a thousand times weaker. After activating its basic function, it can also intermittently absorb the power of the sea of ????the dead circulating in this stronghold.  Even to a certain extent, one can take advantage of the owner's firewall to be closed and steal part of the Lich King's authority like a hacker, which in turn affects the transmission of natural disaster instructions.

    Although Rorschach had a vague understanding of this, this sudden gain could not provide any real help to his current crisis.

    "I don't know how to attack in the ghost state" Luo Xia looked at the tall and advancing figure below, with a gloomy look in his eyes, "Even the power of a psychic must rely on the possessed body to be used.  , necromancy also requires spells and gestures Do you want me to hit him directly with my soul? No, unless it is a thousand-year-old ghost like the Black Mountain Old Demon, ordinary ghosts are just like snacks to the death knight Doing such stupid things?  It¡¯s like a sheep entering a tiger¡¯s mouth.¡±


    Just when he was entangled and depressed, another weak voice suddenly sounded in his ears, which seemed to be a shout from a hundred meters away. The sentences were vaguely unclear, and he could only understand some words intermittently.

    "RevengeHoly Light"

    "Eh this voice sounds so familiar." Luo Xia couldn't help turning her head, only to find that a corner of the distant ice cave was faintly flashing with a faint silver light.


    In a realistic glacier cave.

    After Rorschach's spirit body left his body involuntarily, the dull and dazed look on his physical body left on the ground was naturally regarded by Alsace as the ugly appearance after his belief collapsed due to his inability to accept the facts. He just glanced at it and did not delve into it further.

    However, the expected failure of the plan also made the prince look quite ugly. He glanced at the corpses and severed limbs lying on the ground indifferently, and suddenly another thought came to his mind.

    Pure physical death has never been a problem for a death knight who lives with the undead and corpses.

    He picked up the beauty's head that had fallen in Luo Xia's arms, looked at the vaguely smiling face, and said bitterly: "What a fool! Do you think you can get rid of my enslavement by dying? You don't want to be my subordinate."  Knight, then become the humblest ghoul and serve me. I will let your body rot and get maggots, and then let the incomplete soul inside taste the painful taste of personally devouring the flesh and blood you love - death.  Grip!"

    As he said this, Alsace raised his palm and emitted several black lightning-like arcs. The arcs were like ropes and drew an arc in mid-air with his head, and finally reconnected with the fallen body with a "pop" sound.  On the headless female corpse, as his thoughts turned, the dark arc light slowly lifted up the body of another corpse girl, placing two tragic female corpses dipped in blood in the mid-air in front of him.

    He then raised Frostmourne in his hand, and the power from death immediately surged, turning into black light visible to the naked eye and spreading out. The painful and twisted faces of countless dead people loomed in the air, and he used such a powerful spell.  Alsace seemed to be struggling, and just recited word by word: "Endless magic, twisted soul, driven by hatred, rebirth of bonesthe sea of ??the dead is resurrected from this!"

    The ability of this move to resurrect the dead is exactly the ultimate move of the undead hero in "Warcraft" - "Resurrection of the Dead" (I just don't call it "manipulation of corpses"). It can kill the six most powerful corpses around it.  Entering the battlefield again and transforming into an undead state that cannot be killed, combined with the death knight's evil aura that is a replica of the paladin and the ability to heal the undead, it can be called an immortal nightmare on the battlefield.

    It¡¯s just that Alsace¡¯s torrent of magic power that controlled the corpse did not penetrate the beautiful corpse that fell to the ground.

    What stood in front of the turbulent and dark death curse was a light film composed of a hazy dust-like light blue mist. Although it was less than a finger thick and seemed transparent and weak, it was like a thousand-year-old reef before the waves.  The dark tide of death was rushing and surging, but it could not make any progress.

    Alsace couldn't help but be startled, and then he suddenly discovered that Rorschach, who was collapsed on the ground, had woken up at some point.  And he took out a gem pendant. Bits of diamond-like coldness spread out from his palm, and then condensed bit by bit in the next moment. Ice-blue magic like a tide poured out along the necklace, and finally turned into something as bright and clear as crystal.  Six-sided icicle.  In just three or four seconds, the strangely bright icicles with hooked horns surrounded Rorschach and the other two corpses like a snow-colored lotus stamen, and a looming light blue mist lingered among the ice crystals.  In the middle, connecting the sky and the earth, the continuous and blue flashes flow along the icicles, and then sink into the top of the cave, blending with them.

    The death knight shook his head and sneered: "It's just a dying struggle. Do you think this kind of toy can stop death?"?Arrival?  "

    He suddenly moved, stabbed straight with his sword, and Frostmourne, which erupted with azure radiance, was worthy of the name of the legendary magic weapon. It broke through the ice in an instant, advancing like a broken bamboo, but it was broken by the sword's edge.  On the ice wall, in the next second, there was a sudden and continuous sound of "click", and at the same time, it condensed into ice inch by inch from the inside out. A deep and endless wave of magic surged in, endlessly restoring the ice barrier.  Alsace said "Hey" in surprise, and was pushed back two steps by the repulsive force, and was stunned on the spot.

    If it were any other magic, holy light or even the divine power of a priest, he would be bored at most, not so surprised, but

    That cold and evil evil force, the despair that seems to be sucking out the soul, is actually the boundless power of the Lich King that once defeated him miserably and lurked in this glacier?

    He looked up and was shocked to find that the lotus icicles in front of him were connected up and down, and they were integrated into the entire cave. They actually used a disguised deception to gain the support of the evil power of the entire glacier.  Frostmourne slashed at it, and the magic power from the same source clashed, forming a strange cycle like a two-headed snake linked end to end. The sharp blade broke through the ice, but the evil power attached to the blade in turn replenished the destroyed  Ice wall.

    Just like a strong man can lift the earth with one arm, he will never be able to lift himself upside down with his hands.  Even though he was holding the artifact Frostmourne, Arthas found that he was unable to do anything about the ice barrier in front of him.

    "I was very surprised just nowAccording to your arrogant character, even if you face the strongest evil, you can't resist without resistance before you fall. But when I woke up, there was no trace of damage to this cave. I just suddenly  Only after an unexpected encounter did he vaguely understand the mystery." Rorschach's voice sounded slowly in his ears. Alsace looked through the icicles and found that the young man inside had his head lowered and a hand was pressed against the dazzling blue belly.  on his face, frowning with a sad expression.

    "So what?" Although the death knight was depressed, he refused to lose face and sneered, "Although I don't understand how you stole the master's power, do you really think that I have nothing to do with this fragile shield?"  How long can you last with your half-dead state?"

    "It won't take long" Luo Xia raised his head, which had been lowered, with unwiped tears on his face, and said seriously: "It's enough for me to kill you."

    After saying that, he dragged his hands on the ground alone, slowly dug his fingers into the smooth ice surface, and crawled inward little by little, leaving behind the figure of the fallen prince roaring angrily.

    The transparent ice reflected the colorful colors. Under the winding and spacious cave, Rorschach gradually reached his destination covered with rays of brilliance.

    When he followed the voice in his heart and climbed deep into the stairs of the cave, he couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the source of the whisper.

    After hesitating for a moment, he looked at the silvery metallic light and asked vaguely: "Is it you, calling me?"



    The "artifact" here does not refer to a powerful treasure that surpasses gold in the reincarnation space.

    The definition of "artifact" in the Warcraft series is very strange. It does not necessarily refer to treasures that can make the user as powerful as a god. In addition to some real artifacts such as "Dragon Soul" and "Scepter of Sargeras", there are also  It refers to various other props with "magical" effects, or magic tools related to religious gods, which can also be called artifacts.  According to a certain point of view, Grandma Tai's thousand-year-old banana, Illidan's little white flower, the invisible night cloak, the "ancient artifacts" that players often collect in the game, and even the calculators of modern society have traveled to Azeroth.  This world can also be regarded as an artifact.  (O(¡É_¡É)O)

    Also, professions such as Paladins and Death Knights cannot see ghosts and ghosts themselves. Only after the spirit body fuses with magic power and obtains a semi-substantial body and becomes a wraith or heroic spirit can the spirit body be seen.  All "ghost" monsters encountered in the game can be seen and hurt by the naked eye and fall into this category.

    It¡¯s so stressful, but fortunately I still have 60,000 to 70,000 yuan left in my manuscript deposit, otherwise I would almost be unable to bear the four-page reminder of 12,000 yuan)
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