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war3. The Frozen Throne Chapter 8: The Widow¡¯s Magic Axe, the Black Knight Recruitment

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    The sun shines through the skylight of the attic, casting a golden glow on the blood-stained floor. The attic is bathed like a small church.  After feeling angry and resentful, the women who had lost their husbands and children had calmed down and were now kneeling on the ground and snuggling together, praying to their inner faith.

    Rorschach, on the other hand, was leaning in front of the door alone, silently thinking about his next plan.

    "Xia, what are your plans next?" Hearing this voice, Luo Xia raised his head and realized that there was a blond woman standing in front of him.  With a strong flavor, she is the comatose woman imprisoned in the deepest place, named Shar Frieden.

    Based on what Rorschach observed, this person seems to be the central figure of the family, such as the matron, who arranges various affairs and stabilizes the situation as soon as he wakes up.  What impressed Rorschach deeply was that even though she was unbearably hungry, she still sternly stopped the women around her from gobbling up food, led her companions around her to clean themselves first, and after completing the etiquette of prayer, she ate calmly and quietly.  There was a calm demeanor in his demeanor.

    At this time, Shar was no longer naked, scarred and embarrassed. She was wearing a gray shawl dress, but the snow-white gauze wrapped around it could be vaguely seen through the thin skirt. She was weakly holding on to her crutches.  Sapphire eyes looked at Rorschach, waiting for an answer.

    "Actually, I received a mission from above and passed by here, and had to go to a camp called 'Walgard'. Mrs. Shar, do you know the location of this place?" Rorschach thought for a while and did not hide himself.  purpose, asked directly.

    "I have never heard of this place." Shar shook his head and answered doubtfully: "But as far as I know, there should be no such thing as a 'camp' here. The residents here gather spontaneously in villages or towns.  , there is no unified governance of the kingdom, and daily security relies on the local militia. How come there are troops stationed there? Are you mistaken? "

    "Noit should exist." Rorschach suddenly realized that he had made a mistake: the time period of the game he was playing was more than ten years after the plot of "The Frozen Throne: Wrath of the Lich King".  At that time, Prince Arthas had long since fallen, and Northrend, which was originally far away from the mainland, had also been carved up by the Horde and the Alliance. The natives either integrated into the two camps, or were slaughtered by the Lich King and turned into zombies.  But during this time period when nothing happened, most of the residents of Northrend were descendants of refugees. They had been isolated from the world for a long time and had no information. It was impossible to know too much information.

    "This seems like a blind question It seems that the only way to continue is to follow the mission instructions in the Book of Reincarnation." Luo Xia was silent for a moment, and saw that the woman was still standing in front of him, with a gloomy look on her face.  After some realization, he asked aloud:

    "Although I have cleared away all the undead nearby, this is just a resource collection point for natural disasters. I'm afraid that if there is no wood delivered in a few days, they will react and investigate the situation. What is Madam going to do?"

    "This is what I'm worried about" Shar looked at the other companions who were confused or sobbing, and sighed, "The men and children have suffered misfortune, leaving us, a group of incompetent women, in captivity.  Here, everyone is desperate and ready to die, but they never expected to be rescued in their lifetime. "

    She paused hesitantly, then suddenly looked up at Rorschach, and said with hopeful eyes: "Actuallymy family is in a remote village in the southwest, just because the village hopes to obtain the wood supply from the Freden family.  That¡¯s why I got married here. It¡¯s in a remote place and should be safe. Can you escort us there?¡±

    Seeing Rorschach's silence, she gritted her teeth and continued: "If you don't mind, any young lady you like, or even several of them, can be committed to you. The assets left by the Freden family from logging for many years are  All the property will be yours for free. With your ability and the support of my family, you can definitely obtain the status of lord in my village. "

    "Sorry." Rorschach glanced at her, shook his head, and replied coldly, "Madam, if you are worried about the undead army along the way, there is no need. As far as I know, the main forces of the natural disaster are distributed in the direction of Hanim Town.  , As for the beasts along the way, if I am not mistaken, the beasts within a hundred miles have been killed to fill the skeleton army, and"

    He looked at Shar's devastated look and suddenly smiled again, "With your strength, madam, as long as you don't encounter a large force of natural disasters, some obstacles along the way are not a problem at all, right?"

    In fact, when Rorschach opened the cage, he felt strange. Compared with the others who only put on symbolic collars to avoid escaping, this woman except for her neck, her limbs were fixed with iron hoops and could not move. Although there was something under her bodyHe was in a mess after being violated, but the weakness was obviously caused by long-term hunger. After eating a little and taking a rest, he became energetic. This kind of physical fitness and recovery made Rorschach feel unparalleled.

    Moreover, the humanistic culture of Azeroth is similar to that of Europe, and is not as strict as the patriarchal system of the feudal era in the East. After losing its former power, it can still make the companions around it awe and respect each other. It is really not something that can be explained by the identity of a "mistress"  .  So Rorschach cautiously used the basic function of the Book of Reincarnation for detection. Although this function can only be used on the natives of the mission world, and can only make inaccurate judgments based on the physical appearance, behavior, and habits, he still concluded that  He was given an evaluation of "median black iron level", which shocked him.

    You must know that the necromancer who massacred this land and took over the assets of the original owner was only a black iron-level leader.  Of course, in addition to his own magic spells, he also has the support of the Scourge Legion. He is also assigned elite ghouls whose strength is not inferior to his own. Adding the two together, the actual power exerted has to be calculated separately.  .

    Although this woman looks weak and helpless now, she is actually a powerful native who can tear apart tigers and leopards.  If I had just stupidly nodded and agreed, it would be fine if I had to escort her all the way. But if I really arrived at her territory, once the other party suddenly turned against her and one or two hidden characters like family elders appeared, don't say anything about it.  Ruiden's family wealth and even his own life are at risk. Who can open up a business in this primitive and cold continent, how can he be a simple refugee?

    After hearing Rorschach's teasing, the woman's face changed obviously, and finally she suddenly smiled, showing a hint of charm under her dignity, and whispered softly: "Since you have your own affairs, I won't bother you, but look.  You don¡¯t seem to be very interested in Freden¡¯s property, so why don¡¯t you share half of it with me and give it to you, the precious magical treasure that is the heirloom of the Freden family?¡±


    "I always feel like I'm at a disadvantage" Walking in the vast wilderness, Rorschach was wrapped in a black hooded cloak with gold edges, playing with a rusty iron ax and whispering to himself.

    This broad-bladed long ax is full of traces of time. The wooden handle is engraved with a line of letters - "Wend Frieden", which is the name of the first generation owner of the lumber camp.  And this dilapidated ax is indeed a magic prop, called the "Suppression Blade", but whether it can be called "precious" or not is a matter of opinion.

    Although the appearance of this two-handed long ax is curled and blunt, the two magic runes inside are intact. They are "Forest Bane" and "Second Sharpness". The former can be used to cut tree structures once a day.  Force field; and the latter is a passive ability. Every time you chop, the object will undergo a quality test. If the hardness is lower than the judgment and there is no magic protection, it will be directly destroyed.

    It's just this so-called "judgment" Rorschach tried it several times, and unfortunately found that it was somewhere between blunt iron and cooked steel. It was okay to deal with things like wood or stones, but even if it encountered ordinary plate armor  Or weapons made of steel are useless.

    "To put it simply it is just a civilian logging tool. It can also be used by civilians to fight with kitchen knives. No wonder that woman is so generous." Luo Xia didn't mind, and casually put the two-handed ax into the death pattern bag, looking at  Towards the front.

    Under the bright sun, this broad and straight road looks long and long. The soil on the road is fluffy and soft. A few figures in the distance are staggering back and forth, as if some hard-working farmers are busy in the fields, and the fork in the road ahead stands.  A crooked wooden sign.

    Luo Xia frowned and walked over slowly alone.  As his footsteps approached, the soil suddenly made a loud and crisp sound like firecrackers. Several broken skeletons and corpses crawled out of the ground and gradually moved towards him, while the farmers-like figures in the distance also heard the sound.  Jumping up like an ape, revealing the torso of a rotting ghoul.

    However, after these dead skeletons came within ten meters of Rorschach, they suddenly stood blankly as if they had lost their target, while the slightly intelligent ghouls showed fear and slowly retreated back, leaving room for  A road gave him passage.

    This is the effect of the cursed sect¡¯s standard cloak on Rorschach. The low-level brainless undead do not have the intelligence to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, so each cursed cultist¡¯s clothing has a trace of the upper-level natural disasters attached to it.  The effect is similar to the poor version of the "fear halo", which has a certain deterrent and dispersal effect on the low-level undead on one's side, so as to avoid the joke of accidentally killing one's own people.

    Rorschach stopped in front of the fork in the road and looked at the road sign soaked in black blood. After he identified the direction of "Hainim", he thought about it and carved a warning in common language with the blade of an ax to avoid accidents.  The aborigines who understood the situation were willing to die and then continued following the instructions.OK.

    Strictly speaking, he doesn¡¯t want to move forward to the town that has become a demon cave, but his mission in this world is stuck on this level, and he can only proceed to the next step by going there.

    After he destroyed the lumberyard, the mission of the Book of Reincarnation took on a new twist.

    ¡°The second phase of side missions is triggered

    Name: Clearance

    Content: Go to the battlefield in front of the ¡®Hainim Town¡¯, join the Alsatian camp, and assist them in cleaning up the undead troops in the town.

    Reward: 1000 survival points, Alsace's favor.  "

    With Luo Xia¡¯s meager strength, even with two corpse girls, recklessly entering a town stocked with heavy troops would definitely lead to death.  According to the explanation of the soft-headed mage, the permanent troops in this town are 2,500 skeleton soldiers, 600 skeleton mages, four standard-configured elite ghoul brigades of 100 people, and a senior  Undead Lich.

    After this period of adaptation and the information obtained from the Necromancer, Rorschach basically understood the division of power in this world.  Although gods such as the Ancient Titans may have existed in this plane in ancient times, the power of the mortal world today is actually not an exaggeration. Excluding the powerless civilian class, it can be roughly divided into three stages.

    Among them, 90% of them are at the bottom, which are trained human veterans and professional trainees. Among the natural disaster forces, they are basic ghouls and acolytes. Although their physical fitness and martial arts are slightly stronger than ordinary civilians, they are  There is also no supernatural power, and the fighting method is simply a close-quarters fight with bloody swords.  Even spellcasters can only release some tricks with almost zero lethality at this stage. According to the standards of infinite space, it is a level that fluctuates up and down the black iron level.

    Furthermore, there are professionals who have mastered supernatural power, that is, paladins who are familiar with summoning holy light, mages who master the power of frost and fire, and druids who can freely transform into three forms of beasts, etc., which are somewhat similar to games  In fact, most of the professionals in Azeroth stay at this level. As for the upper level, it is not something that a small person like Schiller Cohen can know, but  Rorschach felt that it should be a legendary hero or great demon who was famous in the mainland, such as the Archlich Kel'Thuzad and Uther Lightbringer, the kind of leader heroes who were sung by their respective camps in the game.

    "I just don't know if Arthas has reached the third level now? But according to the fact that he was teased by a fear demon like 'Mel'Ganis' in the battle of Stratholme, and he did not show any superiority to his mentor Uther.  The level should only belong to the powerful Paladin." Luo Xia suddenly sighed secretly, with a ray of desire in his heart.

    "I really want to get that kind of power one person can become an army, and the personal power of one can defeat a hundred."

    But before he could finish his envy, the ground suddenly shook untimely. Luo Xia was stunned and quickly ducked to a corner of the roadside before sticking his head out and looking into the distance.

    At the end of this road, which is in the direction of the small town of Hanim, the sound of trampling became more and more urgent, and the sound of horse hooves became louder and louder.  Suddenly, as if thousands of troops were charging, the entire ground roared like thunder, and dozens of cavalry figures came galloping around like black arrows.

    "Could it be that Alsace's army has arrived?" Such a thought flashed through Rorschach's mind, but he rejected this speculation in the next second.  Because as the distance suddenly narrowed, the two knights leading the team in front showed their scarlet eyes. They and the horses they were riding were covered in heavy black armor, exuding a cold and solemn atmosphere. This group of black  At the end of the cavalry, there were several cursed cultists dressed the same as Rorschach.

    "Damn this is the Death Knight? There are no such guys in Schiller's information Weren't they established after the fall of Arthas? Why did they appear at this time?" Rorschach's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly discovered  These black cavalrymen reined in their reins and walked slowly and straight towards him. Only then did he realize that at some point, the crimson blood-red skull mark on the cloak he was wearing was flashing faintly.  Red awn.

    "Damn itdoes the Scourge Legion still have remote positioning capabilities? Have I been discovered?" Luo Xia was shocked, but found helplessly that he couldn't escape.  After all, he is just a modern high school boy with mediocre physical strength, not a flying man. What's more, even Liu Xiang Bolt can never run faster than these four-legged cavalry for long distances. Luo Xia had no choice but to stay put and quietly brushed the clothes on his waist.  The cyst is ready to take out the corpse Ji in a desperate fight.

    These knights were obviously aware of Rorschach's presence. They paused for a moment and jerked the reins in front of him, showing off their superb riding skills from movement to stillness. However, they did not get into a violent attack, but instead acted like a row of knights.  The row of iron statues fell silent.

     After a while, a knight jumped out of it. He stared at it with scarlet eyes for a moment, and suddenly a harsh sound like iron scraping came out from his throat.

    "Is it Priest Schiller-Cohen?"

    "This questionhas this guy never seen him before?" Luo Xia thought in his mind, and could only answer in a vague tone: "It's methe task at the lumberyard was completed ahead of schedule, so I simply came over in advance to complete the handover.  ¡±

    "According to the order of Lord Sareddin, all natural disasters go to Hanim Town to participate in the defense." The knight ignored it and said directly.

    "What's the matter?" Luo Xia narrowed his eyes, quietly took a few steps back, and asked, stalling for time.

    "According to the order of Lord Saredin, all natural disaster soldiers go to the town of Hanim to participate in the defense."

    Defense In other words, a big battle is taking place in the town of Hanim?  And who can force the Scourge Legion to gather their troopsbesides that person, who else could it be?

    Thinking of that answer, Rorschach couldn't help but look at these cold-looking knights up and down, and immediately found that their black armors were covered with cracks, revealing large wounds filled with black blood. A few black knights at the back even had missing limbs and could only ride on them.  Act now.  However, even so, under the detection of the Book of Reincarnation, even the most miserable wounded person is still rated as a black iron superior. Counting the two bronze knight captains in front of him, even if he takes out the corpse girl to resist desperately, facing  This kind of legion-style enemy becomes stronger the more people there are, and it's just a matter of charging.

    His heart moved, and he suddenly asked an unrelated question.

    "Do you have enough supplies there?"

    "According to the order of Lord Saredin, all natural disasters go to Hanim Town to participate in the defense." The exact same tone and answer as before sounded again.

    "This is not a death knight! Or at least, it is a second-class semi-finished product. It does not have complete intelligence, but it seems to have basic logical questions and answers. If it is done in accordance with the set proceduresthen" Rorschach's eyes flashed.  After thinking about it, he tried to ask again: "What if I refuse?"

    This time they did not make a sound, they just touched the long black sword hilt with their hands, their eyes glowed red, but it stopped abruptly the next moment, because Rorschach remained calm and replied calmly:

    "Please lead the way, I'll be there right away."

    "Judging from the injuries of these guys, there must have been a brutal battle in the town To the extent that the lich urgently summoned all the lame apprentices around him" Rorschach, who was following behind, had a gloomy face.  , I never expected to encounter such bad luck, so I took a deep breath.

    "We can only take one step at a time We have seen whether the town can escape, and if the guy's notes are not lying, maybe this is an opportunity!"



    PS: Okay

    Under the wrong yang, the protagonist was trapped to the natural disaster coal mine group for coal digging because of greed for a warm clothes  From then on, the tragic life of the coal mine kiln began.

    With this sudden ending, he would probably be beaten to death, right?

    As for the logging axewell, I just miss the Dota years many years ago.

    I bet you fifty cents that you don¡¯t know who the ¡°Wend Frieden¡± mentioned above is a metaphor for.

    I think back then, Xiong was also a professional dragon knight known as the Little Prince of Tower Stealing

    I hope you all enjoy reading it and will also add it to your collection and recommendation.  )
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