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Text Chapter 1927 One Step to Heaven

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    When the first ray of sunshine shines on the land of Urumqi, the door of the heavy-duty prison area is opened, which means that the death row prisoners will be taken to the execution ground and bid farewell to this world in a disgraceful way.

    Prisoner 4 Huang Bin, Prisoner 5 Sun Guoren, and Prisoner 7 Li Guorong were taken out of the cell, with Yang Luo and Prison Guard Li walking side by side at the end.

    Guard Li said softly: "I'm about to hand over my shift, and they have to see their families for the last time. Do you want to go and see them?"

    Yang Luo smiled and said, "Go, there's nothing wrong anyway!"

    Guard Li looked at Yang Luo, hesitating what he wanted to say, but in the end he didn't say it. He just nodded: "Okay, although this is against the rules, it is not a big problem. But there is one thing, don't contact them again after you go.  Just stand with me and watch from a distance."

    Yang Luo agreed and followed Guard Li to the handover hall. The middle-aged guard who accepted Yang Luo and the others yesterday was also there.  Only then did Yang Luo find out that this middle-aged guard was named Pan Yuehong, and he was the instructor of the detention center.

    Today, Pan Yuehong's face is no longer so serious, but with a friendly and warm smile, "Today the three of you are on the road. Before execution, I will give you each a cigarette."

    Sun Guoren and Huang Bin smiled and took the cigarettes with both hands, but Yang Luo could tell at a glance that their smiles were fake. After all, no one is not afraid of death.  But at this time, they didn't want to die, so they suppressed the fear of death in their hearts and behaved quite calmly.

    "I want to appeal, I can't die." Li Guorong kept shouting, his legs trembling.

    Pan Yuehong lit the cigarette for Li Guorong: "The Supreme Court has already rejected your request for appeal. If I had known now, why bother?" After saying that, he took out the three plastic bags and said, "Okay, let's change clothes!"

    After Huang Bin and Sun Guoren finished smoking, they started to change into new clothes. Only Li Guorong kept shouting that he wanted to appeal.

    Pan Yuehong ignored him, looked at Huang Bin and said, "This set of white clothes was specially prepared for you by your mother. She said that you were guilty during your lifetime, but she still hopes that you can go on the road with a clean conscience."

    The smile on Huang Bin's face solidified. He thought for a while and said: "I'm sorry for my mother, my daughter and my wife, but now it's too late." Speaking of this, he looked at Pan Yuehong sincerely, "Pan Jiao  Thank you!" Then he looked at Coach Li and said, "Master Li, thank you too. For someone like me, you can still treat me as a human being. I thank you!" After that, he bowed deeply to the two of them.  .

    Sun Guoren could no longer lose his composure, tears fell down his face, and he cried uncontrollably and said: "I still have a daughter in Japan. I really don't know what will happen to my daughter after she knows that I am dead."

    At this time, Li Guorong also knew that the situation was over, so he put a lot of effort into changing his clothes with weak hands and feet, and said in a trembling voice: "Jiao Pan, is there someone in my family?"

    Pan Yuehong sighed and said in a heavy voice: "I went to each of your homes last night and tried my best, but none of them were willing to come. They all said that they would take you home for burial."

    The eyes of the three people dimmed at the same time, and Pan Yuehong said: "Okay, let's have something to eat. After eating, you can hit the road."

    Since none of the three people made a request, the detention center only prepared three bowls of egg noodles.  Huang Bin and Sun Guoren reluctantly took a few bites, but Li Guorong refused to eat or drink, and was still talking about appealing.

    Han Bin glanced at Li Guorong and said: "There are all kinds of medicines in the pharmacy, but there is no regret medicine. Now I really want to live my life again."

    When the sun filled the hall of the detention center through the glass windows, the court bailiff came.  The bailiff took the three people away. Pan Yuehong watched them get into the prison car and exhaled: "Three evil souls paid for the crimes they committed with their lives." After speaking, he glanced at Yang Luo and said, "I hope you will too.  Take care of yourself." Then he turned and left.

    Guard Li took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to Yang Luo, then lit one himself. Looking at the prison car that had disappeared, he said softly: "I really didn't expect that Huang Bin would tell me such a big deal in the end.  's secret."

    Yang Luo took a puff of cigarette, squinted his eyes, and looked at the sun gradually emitting heat in the sky: "When a person is about to die, his words are kind, and when a bird is about to die, his cries are sad. In this world, there is no extremely evil person.  There is no such thing as a bad guy or an extremely good person.¡±

    Guard Li tilted his head and looked at Yang Luo: "I have seen all kinds of prisoners who have committed various crimes, but I can't see through you. This feeling makes me very unhappy, but I don't know why.  But I have unreasonable trust in you." At this point, Inspector Li laughed self-deprecatingly, "Isn't it ridiculous that a policeman who manages prisoners has such trust in a prisoner?!  "

    Yang Luo didn¡¯t say anything: ¡°Send me back!¡±

    Guard Li nodded and followed Yang Luo back to the cell building. But when he came outside the cell, Guard Li suddenly said: "Don't you want to tell me something?"

    Yang Luo blinked: "What did you say?"

    Guard Li said: "For example, about your past, I really want to know what kind of environment you grew up in. I can feel that you are a very capable person. I believe that no matter what you do, you will be able to do it."  You are one of the few people who stands at the top of the pyramid, but why did you turn to crime and end up like this?"

    "Ha!" Yang Luo suddenly laughed, "Did you know? I, Yang Luo, rarely admire anyone, and you are one of them."

    Guard Li also smiled, "For what you said, should I buy a bottle of wine to celebrate?"

    Yang Luo nodded seriously: "You should, there are really very few people that I, Yang Luo, can appreciate."

    Guard Li patted Yang Luo on the shoulder and said, "If you were not a prisoner, I think we would definitely become good friends, the kind of friends we can be close to."

    Yang Luo looked at Inspector Li: "Can't I, a criminal, be your friend?"

    Director Li said: "No, we are friends now, but we can only be friends, not heart-to-hearts."

    Yang Luo thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Yes, after all, we are from two different worlds, but I still have something to say to you."

    Guard Li said: "Speak!"

    Yang Luo said: "In this small detention center, there is no room for development. If possible, find a way to be transferred out. Although the outside world is big, as long as you have the courage to break out of this cage, I believe that with your ability,  No matter how big the outside world is, there will always be a stage for you to perform."

    Guard Li was silent for a moment and smiled bitterly: "My dream since I was a child is to be a criminal policeman, but dreams are just dreams, and they are too far away from reality. Even though I got excellent grades in all subjects at the police academy, I have no power and no money.  , I can only work as a correctional policeman here."

    Yang Luo pondered for a while. He really admired this guy's character and temperament, but he didn't know what his abilities were.

    Guard Li saw that Yang Luo was thinking about something and did not rush to open the cell door. Instead, he took out another cigarette from his pocket and lit a cigarette.

    After a while, Yang Luo smiled casually. Let¡¯s not talk about whether he has the ability or not. At least this guy is a talent in some aspects, and he has the responsibility to push it out.

    Thinking of this, Yang Luo looked at Inspector Li and said, "Do you have paper and pen?"

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    Yang Luo took it and flipped through it. All the records contained the names of the prisoners and the contents of the conversations. It can be seen that Inspector Li is still a person with a relatively delicate mind, and a delicate mind is also a necessary condition for being a criminal police officer.

    Yang Luo didn¡¯t look at it carefully. He tore off a blank page, wrote his name on it, and handed it to Inspector Li: ¡°You should know the name Liu Cunyang!¡±

    Inspector Li frowned, and after a while he said hesitantly: "Our director?"

    Yang Luo nodded: "Go to him, then give him this piece of paper and tell him about your dream!"

    Guard Li wanted to laugh, but he could see Yang Luo's serious expression, but he couldn't smile with his open mouth. He took it mechanically, put the notebook and pen into his pocket, and then looked at the two figures dancing on the paper.  I was in a daze for a while and even forgot about the cigarette that was already burning in my hand. It wasn't until my hand burned that I came back to my senses with a shiver and stared at Yang Luo with both eyes.

    "are you kidding me?"

    Yang Luo grinned, showing his white teeth: "You must be joking!" After speaking, he patted the iron door of the prison cell and said, "Open it!"

    Guard Li¡¯s mind was in confusion. He silently opened the cell door. Yang Luo pushed open the door and stepped into the cell with one foot. Then he turned back and said, ¡°By the way, what¡¯s your name?¡±

    Guard Li said reflexively: "Li Zhe!"

    Yang Luo nodded: "Didn't you ask me to tell you something? Then I will say something. You are still too young. You must guard against arrogance and impetuosity when doing things." After speaking, he pointed to his eyes and head, "Remember  "Remember, no matter what you encounter, you should use your eyes to observe more, use your head to think more, and treat everything calmly." After that, he walked into the cell and closed the door with a bang.

    Li Zhe stared blankly at the closed cell door, then locked the door with his head in a mess, and made a handover with his colleagues. At noon, he actually appeared at the gate of the city bureau, and he?Always holding the signature paper Yang Luo gave him in his hand.

    When he looked up at the majestic office building, he laughed to himself. He didn't know why he ran to the city bureau in a daze.  Then he looked down at the piece of paper in his hand and smiled to himself. Did he really go to the director with this prisoner's signature?  I guess anyone who knows this will feel ridiculous and call themselves an idiot.

    Thinking of this, Li Zhe turned around and was about to leave. Suddenly he heard someone shouting from behind: "Li Zhe, why did you come here?"

    Li Zhe looked back and smiled. It turned out to be his old classmate Liu Wu, and he was also his best friend. He was now in the SWAT team: "I have nothing to do after get off work. I just wandered here alone."

    Liu Wu put his arm around Li Zhe's shoulders: "I thought you were here to do something in the bureau. Since there is nothing else, we haven't seen each other for almost a month, so we were just looking for a place to have a drink."

    Li Zhe said: "Okay, but why did you come here?"

    Liu Wu said: "The one who came with us didn't have anything to do with me, so I ran out." After saying that, he accidentally saw the piece of paper Li Zhe was holding in his hand and asked curiously, "What's in my hand?"  What is it?¡±

    Li Zhe said: "It's nothing!" After saying that, he threw it away.

    Liu Wu snatched it over, smiled, and said in a very vulgar manner: "You can't come here to send a love letter because you want to see a girl in the bureau."

    [Remember the URL ÈýÎå]
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