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Text Chapter 1834 Goodbye, friend!

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    Beckwith lay down in the grass, observing the movement on the other side with a night vision binocular, then looked at the time, raised his hand, and waved forward.  ¡ª¡ª

    The two Delta members slowly crawled out of the hiding spot, using the remaining tree roots and long grass as cover to move slowly over.

    These two guys are also very careful. Although they have been observing for several hours, no one knows whether there are enemies hidden under the overgrown weeds and thick fallen leaves.

    The two crawled half the distance, then lay there motionless, observing the surroundings vigilantly.

    On that hill, Han Weiguang was lying in the single soldier pit, looking at the two green figures in front of the position through the night vision sniper scope, with a smile on his lips.  Then he raised his hand and tapped the headset, lowering his voice and speaking.

    "Head, there are two mice out of the nest."

    Inside the cabin, Yang Luo smiled: "Here he comes!"

    When the major and a dozen officers heard Yang Luo's words, they immediately became nervous. They stood up one by one, holding the guns in their hands tightly and looking at Yang Luo.

    Yang Luo waved his hand: "Don't be nervous, we will go out when there is a fight outside." Then he knocked on the headset, "Old Han, is there any movement from the enemy who has already got into the pocket on the left?"

    Han Weiguang said: "No!"

    "Okay!" Yang Luo said, "According to the plan!"

    "Understood!" Han Weiguang agreed.

    After more than ten minutes, Beckwith waved his hand when he saw that there was no problem.  Korean black berets, Vietnam's 198th Special Agent Brigade, and Japanese eagles jumped out from hiding spots, crawled forward and 'touched' quickly.  The Italian amphibious force, the Polish Thunder, the French Men in Black Commandos, the Israeli Wild Boys, the German Deutsche News, and the Indian Black Cats have built heavy fire defense positions. Once there is a firefight, they will  It will be suppressed with heavy firepower.

    Han Weiguang looked at the dark shadow and said softly: "Brothers, be prepared!" After speaking, his eyes narrowed slightly, the sniper scope locked on a head that was shaking back and forth, the finger on the trigger slowly tightened, and the corners of his mouth raised  A bloodthirsty arc, "Goodbye, friend!"


    There was a dull gunshot, and a bloody flower popped up from the still shaking head. The body suddenly bounced on the ground, and then lay there motionless.

    At this time, Li Tao, who was lying at the foot of the mountain, suddenly stood up, and the rocket launcher on his shoulder sprayed out a ball of fire.  The rocket streaked across the night sky with a brilliant tail flame.

    Beckwith's pupils shrank sharply, and while he was lying in the middle of the unobstructed open space, the hair of Li Yongjin, Jingchuan Ueno, and South Korean Black Bailey commander Cha Enwu all stood up.

    "Baga!" Jingchuan Ueno cursed, rolled out more than ten meters away with his head in his hands, and hid behind a half-meter-high tree root.  Li Yongjin was at the very back, listening to the whistling sound of rockets piercing the air from the sky. As a soldier, he judged that the impact point of the rockets should be far away from him, so he lay there motionless with his head in his hands.

    The biggest seller was Cha Enwu. Seeing the rockets falling on his head, this guy turned pale with fright.  Without hesitation, he threw away the gun in his hand, took off the grenades and magazines hanging on his body with incredible speed, jumped up, and threw himself towards the back. Inertia led him to roll forward involuntarily.


    While he was still rolling on the ground, a loud noise suddenly sounded from behind him, and a ball of flames rose into the sky, reflecting half of the sky red.  Red-hot shrapnel and shock waves spread rapidly around in a radiating pattern. People within a radius of more than 40 meters were lifted up high, like rag dolls, torn into several halves in the air, and some  The soldiers who were not killed on the spot danced and struggled for a few times. The bullets and grenades on their bodies exploded in the high temperature. Countless bullets and grenades exploded in the air for a while.  Warheads flew randomly in the air, and shrapnel from grenades shot out in all directions. The soldiers outside the explosion range suddenly felt a pain in their backs, and little bits of blood splashed on them.

    Che Enwu, who was still rolling, was blown away by the air wave of the explosion, pushed sideways a few meters away, and then hit the ground hard.

    When the rebel soldiers who were in the trench heard the explosion, they stopped drinking, playing dice, and even throwing money on the ground. Fifty or sixty people suddenly stood up and walked along the trench to both sides.  Running wildly, there was a person every ten meters, and a heavy machine gun every twenty meters, and it started ringing in an instant.

    Yang Luo laughed loudly, picked up the gun, stood up and walked out: "Let's go and take a look."

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????The major and a dozen officers looked at each other and saw that??Guihu followed him out, they could only bite the bullet and walk out.

    Beckwith eyesHe turned red and roared: "Open fire, suppress their firepower for me."

    At this time, Li Yongjin, Jingchuan Ueno, and Che Enwu, who was stunned by the bombing, also shouted angrily: "Shoot, shoot!"

    "Da da!"

    "Da da!!!!!"

    The heavy machine gun started roaring. Beckwith held the binoculars and suddenly saw more than ten people walking out of the cabin.  He knew that those guys were decoys. Even if they were not real senior officers, they were definitely not ordinary soldiers.

    "Heavy machine gun, one o'clock position, fire for me!"

    A heavy machine gun hidden under a branch suddenly turned its muzzle and started shooting violently in the direction of the wooden house.

    Yang Luo had just walked out of the wooden house when his eyes suddenly jumped: "Fuck you!" He turned around, grabbed the ghost fox, and suddenly threw it to one side.

    "Puff puff!!!!"

    Machine gun bullets quickly passed over the ground where he had just stood, and the soil spattered. A crater more than thirty meters long and more than ten centimeters deep appeared there, and the thick trees behind him were interrupted one after another.  A broken tree more than ten meters high fell down, and there was an explosion of branches breaking.


    The ghost fox gave a sweet scold, jumped up in Yang Luo's arms, and rushed to the trench in front, with Yang Luo following closely behind.

    The major reacted quickly. When Yang Luo pulled the ghost fox and jumped up, he lay on the ground.  The dozen or so officers were not so lucky. They didn't even scream, and were instantly torn apart by machine gun bullets.

    The major was lying there with his head in his hands, but he didn't hear the ghost fox's charming voice.  After feeling that the enemy's firepower was weakening, he got up and quickly jumped into the trench. His face turned pale with fear and his legs were shaking.

    Yang Luo leaned in the trench, watching the rows of big trees behind him that were as thick as the mouth of an ocean bowl being swept into two pieces, and cold sweat broke out on his head.

    "These sons of bitches really think highly of me. Their machine guns actually use special warheads." After saying that, he cursed, "Damn it, if I don't show you some color, you think I'm a sick cat.  !" Then he kicked a machine gunner beside him to the side, set up the machine gun and shouted: "Open your eyes and see clearly, the enemies on the other side are invading your country and preventing you from establishing an ideal country. Use all the bullets.  Throw all the grenades and rockets out to me and destroy them. Then you will be the heroes of the country and your names will be recorded in the annals of history forever."

    Hearing Yang Luo's shouts, the soldiers' eyes were bloodshot, and they poured bullets fiercely regardless of whether they could see the enemy or not.  Regardless of whether the grenade can hit the enemy, he throws it out anyway.  There were also a few guys carrying rocket launchers and firing at areas where gunfire was intensive.

    For a time, bullets, grenades, and rockets were mixed with an almost crazy roar, creating one bullet mark after another in the air that was so brilliant that it could almost be engraved into the eternity of the universe.  And Yang Luo was holding a machine gun and pulling the trigger crazily.

    Beckwith's heart sank to the bottom instantly, and rockets kept blooming all around.  At this moment, the head of a machine gunner next to him suddenly exploded. Before he could react, half of the head of a machine gunner not far away was also knocked off, and blood and brains were scattered everywhere.

    Beckwith gritted his teeth and roared: "Devil, kill that sniper on the top of the mountain." As soon as he finished speaking, another machine gunner's head was blown open.

    The devil was sitting on a tree, holding the sniper rifle firmly with both hands and a cruel smile on his face.

    ¡°Come on, come on, little baby, it¡¯s too painful to live in this impetuous world, let me send you to heaven.¡±

    Suddenly, there was a flash of fire on the top of the mountain opposite, and the devil grinned: "Goodbye, little baby!" After saying that, he pulled the trigger hard, and then his face changed. He clearly saw that just as he was shooting,  A figure disappeared from his sniper scope at an incredible speed.


    The devil cursed fiercely. As a sniper, he certainly knew what it meant if he failed to hit the enemy.  Without any hesitation, he grabbed the tree trunk with one hand and jumped down, and a bullet drilled hard into his head.  It was as if he saw the bullet and hit it on purpose.


    The devil stared with incredible eyes and hit the ground hard.  Beckwith heard the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground behind him. When he looked back, his eyes were filled with desire: "Devil!"

    "Devil!" The tank turned around with the xm317 heavy machine gun and roared angrily, "Son of a bitch!" Then he quickly disassembled several parts of the xm317 heavy machine gun, and then replaced a few more parts, quickly changingA 25mm grenade automatic launcher.

    The tank picked up the grenade launcher that had been disassembled and reassembled from the XM317 heavy machine gun, "Go to hell!" He said and pulled the trigger hard.

    Han Weiguang heard the roar from above his head and cursed: "Oh my God!" He held the sniper rifle and rolled down the hillside behind him.


    The XM317 heavy machine gun adopts an advanced modular design. By replacing seven parts, it can quickly form a 25mm automatic grenade launcher. This is the US military's purpose to reduce logistical support and adapt to various modern warfare environments as quickly as possible.  Need the latest design.

    This thing is much more powerful and covers a wider area than rockets in attacking short-distance hidden strongholds.


    The grenade landed on the top of the mountain, causing rubble to fly in random directions with a loud bang.  Han Weiguang's body rolling down quickly was blocked by a big tree. Fortunately, it was a gentle slope, and then a rain of gravel fell.

    Han Weiguang grabbed the gun with one hand and hugged the big tree with the other. He pushed his feet on the ground and quickly turned behind the tree with his body centered on the tree.

    "Puff puff¡­¡­"

    ¡°Bah bang bang¡­¡±

    The gravel fell down and hit the branches, making a crackling sound.

    "Fuck!" Han Weiguang cursed with a grin, and a stone the size of a fist hit his butt.  This guy covered his butt, grinned and shouted: "Boss, it's almost over, stop playing."

    "Da da!!!"


    Yang Luo's machine gun stopped roaring. At this time, he heard Han Weiguang's voice, and then looked at the rebels who were running out of ammunition. He shouted into the earphone: "Taozi, madman, feint to the enemy's wings."  Move and let the enemy on the left pass."

    There is no next chapter, let¡¯s read something else first¡ª¡ª2o371+aahhh+267354¡ª¡ª>
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