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Text Chapter 1779 Sniper

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    Just at the two o'clock position, in a patch of waist-deep grass, a pair of eyes full of ferocity and glowing like beasts were staring ahead.  Suddenly, the owner of those eyes jumped up in the grass, his whole face was smeared with black mud, and he was wearing a straw hat woven from wild grass. His very thin body was wearing loose clothes. Although it was dirty, it was still wet.  It can be seen that the clothes are khaki in color and are patched in many places.

    This man was holding a rifle in his hand. Since the gun was wrapped with a strip of cloth, it was impossible to tell what model it was, but looking at the half-barrel exposed, it was probably an old-fashioned rifle.  He doesn't run very fast, but because the forest is very dense, he can find a bunker every time he takes a step. Unless you confront him in front, you will always be in a blind spot for shooting, whether on the left, right or behind.

    Yang Luo's figure ran over like lightning, then stopped at the place where the man had just become invisible, glanced at the overwhelmed grass, and chased after him without any hesitation.

    At this moment, the corners of Yang Luo's eyes jumped wildly, and a crisp gunshot came from the nine o'clock direction.  Yang Luo roared, jumped up, and a blazing bullet flew past his ear.  Then, gunfire rang out just in front of him, less than fifty meters away.


    "My day!" Yang Luo had just landed, put his hands on the ground, and suddenly rushed to the right.

    "Poof!" The warhead left a bloody mark on his shoulder and penetrated into the ground.

    Yang Luo held his head and rolled out more than ten meters away, turned over and jumped out again, threw himself towards a tree two meters away, and then leaned tightly behind the tree.

    Yang Luo tilted his head and looked at the blood marks on his shoulder, then spat out. This time, he was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.  It can be said that he has encountered many dangers before, and it is not uncommon for him to be hit by artillery fire.  But never was it so dangerous.


    Before Yang Luo could take a breath, another gunshot was heard from the front left. Yang Luo suddenly lowered his head, and a bullet flew from the left side, grazing the back of his head and scratching hard on the tree trunk behind him, a slap in the face.  Large pieces of bark fell off.

    Yang Luo didn't dare to stay any longer. He bent his legs and rolled forward desperately while holding his head.


    ¡°Bang bang bang!!!!!¡±

    Bullets kept flying past Yang Luo in two directions. Although there were not many, each bullet stuck to his body, chasing him as if it had eyes.  The most terrible thing is that he only has a pistol in his hand, so he can only take a beating when facing a sniper who is more than fifty meters away, especially in a dense forest.

    "Damn, you were careless!" Yang Luo cursed in his heart. His body was still rolling forward rapidly, feeling the hot bullets passing by him again and again. At this time, the inertia of the rolling began to weaken.  Yang Luo let out a roar from his throat, stretched out his body suddenly, slapped the ground with both hands, and moved his whole body strangely to one side for more than a meter, and then threw himself into a small depression.



    The warhead followed Yang Luo's heel and drilled into the soil, while a faint green smoke rose from the ground.  The gunfire stopped, and the whole world suddenly fell into silence.

    Yang Luo lay stubbornly in the ditch, which was not deep. He raised his head slightly and looked at the single hole with a faint green smoke in front of him. He took out a dagger and stabbed it into the ground hard. Then he pressed his wrist down, and dirt flew up into the sky.  The warhead fell next to Yang Luo.

    Yang Luo picked up the warhead and took a look, an inexplicable light flashed in his eyes.  It is a 7.7mm bullet, and this kind of bullet only appeared during World War II, and it was equipped by the British army at that time. The second one was the Japanese 38 rifle, also commonly known as the 38 cap, which was later upgraded to  99 rifle, and Japan also uses bullets of this caliber for the Type 92 heavy machine gun.  It's just that the British and Japanese bullets cannot be used interchangeably because of different primers, and Yang Luo can't tell whether they belong to Japan or the UK.

    At this moment, the grass behind him shook slightly, and Yang Luo raised his arm and turned around suddenly.

    "It's me, boss!" Madman and Li Tao ducked out of the grass and rolled to Yang Luo's side.

    Yang Luo cursed and put away the dagger: "Where are they?"

    Li Tao said: "Those little devils also heard the gunshots and left. They chased after them."

    The madman glanced at the blood marks on Yang Luo's shoulder and smiled: "Have you met your opponent?"

    Yang Luo said: "They are two snipers, and they cooperate very well. Fortunately, I am pretty good at it, otherwise I would have died just now." After saying that, he threw the warhead to Li Tao, "Look!"

    Li Tao took it and looked at it, and was stunned for a moment: "7.7?"

    Yang Luo nodded, and Li Tao's eyes lit up: "Is it true that Hong Ye eavesdropped? Those old Japanese from World War II are not dead yet."

      Yang Luo touched his chin: "I can feel it. Those two snipers just now are definitely experienced in many battles. One of them is a master among masters. If it weren't for one of them who is slightly less powerful, I wouldn't  Might still be here to chat with you.¡±

    Li Tao and Madman gasped. They had never encountered anyone who could force Yang Luo to panic.  However, when the two of them heard the gunfire and rushed over, they did not encounter a sniper, which made them feel a little confused.

    The madman said: "When the two of us came here, we did not encounter snipers."

    Yang Luo said thoughtfully: "I guess they don't want to fight and have already left!" But he still didn't dare to be careless. He waited for a while and then whispered to the madman, "You stay here, Li Tao and I go out. If they  If you are still here, you will definitely shoot. If you kill one of them, we will win. If you miss, one of me and Li Tao will probably explain it to you, so you can take care of it."

    The madman grinned, slowly crawled forward for about a meter, and then placed the sniper gun on the top of the ditch.

    "Okay, if you are killed, I will burn incense sticks for you during the Qingming Festival."

    Li Tao raised his middle finger and made a gesture. Yang Luobei spat and said, "If I were so fucking heroic, I would definitely take you away with me." After saying that, he waved his hands and jumped out of the ditch with Li Tao.  , the body quickly jumped into the jungle, but after running dozens of meters away, they were not sniped. The two of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

    Soon the madman ran over: "It seems they have left!"

    Yang Luo nodded, waved his hand, and the three of them formed a triangle and ran towards nine o'clock.  Then he stopped in a thorn bush, and saw more than ten bullet casings in a piece of overwhelmed grass.

    Yang Luo squatted down, picked up a cartridge case, looked at it, and said with a smile: "It's a 7.7 mm bullet, and judging from the primer, it's what the little devils use."

    "Hey!" The madman pointed at the ground and said, "Boss, look at it!"

    Yang Luo took two steps forward and looked towards where the madman was pointing. He saw two small holes on the ground, which were formed by round objects pressing on the ground.

    Li Tao also came over, looked at it and said, "Gun stand!"

    The madman said: "If those old devils were really alive, there would be no mount for the sniper rifles at that time."

    Yang Luo suddenly said: "It's a machine gun!" Then he stared at the two small holes, "I want to take back what I just said. This guy is definitely not weak, and he is even better than the real sniper.  I underestimated him."

    Li Tao said in a deep voice: "Indeed, it's terrible that a person can shoot with such accuracy using a machine gun."

    The madman said in disbelief: "How is this possible!"

    "What is impossible!" Li Tao said, "The boss can do it!"

    A smile appeared at the corner of Yang Luo's mouth: "It's interesting. I'm looking forward to meeting them again. I hope they don't disappoint me." After saying that, he waved his hand and said, "Let's go and see what happened ahead.  There is such a strong smell of blood.¡±

    The three people ran back quickly, crossing the open space and entering the jungle. Not long after, a small village suddenly appeared in front of them. There were about twenty households. The doors of each house were open, and the blood energy was even stronger.

    Yang Luo signaled to the madman, who nodded, climbed up a big tree with the sniper gun, then squatted among the dense branches and leaves, and set up the gun.

    Li Tao and Yang Luo walked towards a house. When they entered the house, they found five corpses lying in a staggered manner. Some had their necks cut with sharp tools, some had their chests pierced, and some had been strangled with ropes.  And there were no signs of fighting at the scene. It was obvious that these five people had no chance to resist.

    Yang Luo and Li Tao withdrew and walked into another house. They found that the people inside were also dead. They died in the same way. Either their throats were cut or they were stabbed through the chest, and they were strangled by ropes.

    Li Tao said: "It seems that there are no more living people in this village."

    Yang Luo said, "It's probably those two guys who did it!"

    "Which two guys?" Li Tao understood as soon as he asked, "You mean those two snipers?"

    Yang Luo nodded: "It's very possible, but I don't know why they killed everyone in this village."

    Suddenly, a corpse moved, and then opened its eyes. When he saw Yang Luo and Li Tao, his body shrank back suddenly, followed by a burst of wild yelling.

    "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I'll give it all to you" His neck was as straight as a steel pipe, and his veins were exposed, obviously he was in extreme pain.Fear.

    Li Tao squatted down, raised his hand and slapped the guy hard on the face, saying in English: "Look who we are?"

    The guy was beaten so hard that he looked up at Li Tao blankly. When he saw his appearance, he suddenly hugged Li Tao's thigh and howled in horror.

    "Help me, help me!"

    Yang Luo also squatted down, looked at the deep marks on his neck, touched the guy's head, and said in a very soft voice: "It's okay, it's okay, you are safe now."

    The guy gradually calmed down, and Yang Luo said: "Tell me, what happened here, who killed everyone here?"

    The guy began to tremble when he heard Yang Luo's question, but fortunately, his spirit did not collapse again: "They are two very strange old men. They look very strange. They are wearing yellow clothes. They look like they were from Japan back then."  During the war of aggression, the uniforms of Japanese soldiers were probably more than 70 years old.¡±

    Yang Luo asked: "Why do they want to kill you?"

    The guy said: "They came to us asking for food, but we didn't give it to them."

    Yang Luo was stunned: "Just because you didn't give him what he wanted to eat, they killed the whole village?"

    The guy nodded: "They want all the food in our village."
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