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Text Chapter 1695 Rainy night covers up sins

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    Yang Luo and Madman moved at the same time, and their bodies suddenly appeared in front of the pirates. They covered the pirates' mouths with one hand, and stabbed their necks with the dagger in the other hand.

    There was no struggle or sound. The pirate's eyes instantly lost their luster, and there was still an incredible look in their eyes.

    Yang Luo and Madman leaned their bodies against the wooden fence, and then put guns on their stomachs to prevent them from falling.  At this time, a pirate standing at the gate of the village looked over. Yang Luo hugged the pirate's body and waved to the pirate who came over.

    The pirate standing at the entrance of the village didn't notice anything wrong. He smiled and waved, and then continued to inspect a truck that had just arrived.

    The madman laughed loudly: "Damn, I thought I was exposed. I almost scared to death."

    Yang Luo took out a cigarette, lowered his head and lit one, then took a deep breath and stood there adjusting his collar.

    When Li Tao saw the signal Yang Luo gave him, he waved his hand, and more than a dozen people rushed over, quickly passed through the hole in the barbed wire fence, quickly dispersed, and walked toward the village in a swaggering manner.

    Yang Luo and Madman stayed for a while. After seeing Li Tao and the others sneaking in safely, they slowly walked down the watchtower.

    The cold wind mixed with the increasingly heavy raindrops passed by quietly, bringing a chill to the bones. Yang Luo wrapped his clothes a little tighter, took one last puff of cigarette, then threw the cigarette butt on the ground, fiercely  Stepped on it.

    "Hi! Are you Japanese?" A fat white man in a suit came over, accompanied by two black men, who seemed to be his bodyguards.

    Yang Luo smiled and said in Japanese: "Yes!"

    The fat white man waved his hand: "I don't understand Japanese!"

    Yang Luo said in English: "Yes, I am Japanese."

    "Ha!" The fat white man laughed, "You Japanese are so brave. You dare to come here. Are you also interested in the goods in Efiani's hands?"

    Yang Luo was moved in his heart and nodded: "Of course, don't you think that those goods are full of temptation for each of us?"

    "Yes, yes!" The fat white man shrugged, with obvious contempt in his tone, "You are right, those goods are full of temptation for everyone, but I don't think you Japanese can eat them, even if you eat them  I don¡¯t have the ability to ship those goods out, so I think you should go back. Well, the only thing you can do is make money on those women.¡±

    Yang Luo¡¯s face became angry: ¡°Baga, how dare you insult our Empire of Japan.¡±

    "!" The fat white man did not take the Japanese he thought seriously, "This is not an insult, this is a fact. Don't you know that there are many competitors this time? Among them is that son of a bitch Ross.  asshole."

    Yang Luo laughed arrogantly: "Ross? But I think that as long as whoever gives more money, Efiani will sell the goods to whomever, right?"

    The fat white man¡¯s eyes lit up: ¡°You mean, you want to get that batch of goods at any cost?¡±

    "Of course!" Yang Luo said very firmly: "My organization needs this batch of goods."

    The fat white man¡¯s eyes flashed brightly. The arms Efiani had hijacked could be eaten by those who needed them. Except for the warlords in Somalia, they were the anti-Japanese armed forces that were destabilizing the country.  But it is impossible for Efiani to sell arms to Somali warlords, because that would make him uncomfortable. If those warlords get this batch of arms, they are likely to turn around and beat him.  The armed forces of other countries must also be very jealous of these arms, but they don't have the guts to come here. It is not fun to anger the Russian bear.

    Now the only people who have the ability and courage to take those arms are the arms dealers in the world.  The only people in Japan who need this batch of arms are the Red Army.

    Thinking of this, the fat white man said: "Are you the Red Army?"

    Yang Luo smiled and didn't answer him. He turned around and wanted to leave. The fat white man hurriedly shouted: "Wait!"

    Yang Luo looked at him doubtfully: "Do you have anything else to do?"

    At this time, the fat white man no longer had the same contempt as before. After all, the Red Army is not that easy to provoke. If he offends them, he will probably never have peace.

    "I would like to apologize for my unreasonable behavior just now, and please forgive me."

    Yang Luo's face became very serious. He looked at the fat white man and said nothing, but waited for the next step.

    The fat white man said: "My name is Darren Brown, you can just call me Brown." He extended his hand.

    Yang Luo snorted and raised his head slightly proudly, as if he didn't see Brown's extended hand.

    "Damn Japanese pigs." Yang Luo was so disrespectful, which made Brown a little embarrassed and cursed in his heart.He made a loud noise, but with a smile on his face, he put down his hand naturally, "I think we can cooperate."

    "Huh?" Yang Luo raised his eyebrows, "Mr. Brown, why can't I understand what you are saying? Cooperation, do we, the Red Army, need to cooperate with others?"

    "!" Brown said, "Need, of course. I know you Japanese are very rich, but everyone who can come here is as strong as you. It's hard to say whether you can get that batch of arms. But  If you cooperate with me, you have at least a 90% chance of eating that batch of arms."

    Yang Luo hesitated, and Brown was overjoyed and continued to cheat: "Don't worry, I only need the 30 latest model T-72 main battle tanks. All other weapons are yours, and I will be responsible for transporting the arms out."

    Yang Luo hesitated for a while, and Brown added fire: "I think you should know that that batch of arms was sold by Russia to the Somali armed forces at a very low price, and the real market price is definitely more than 120 million."  When Fiani was negotiating with the Ukrainian government, the polar bears were causing trouble behind the scenes and were very tough. They were only willing to pay $5 million, so Efiani stopped negotiating and planned to sell the arms for $30 million.  . But there are so many people coming this time, I estimate that the final transaction price will definitely not be less than 50 million, or even 70 to 80 million.¡±

    Yang Luo said arrogantly: "Money is not a problem, our Red Army can get it as much as we want."

    Brown shook his head: "That's not what I meant. You spend a lot of money to buy arms, but the T-72 main battle tank is of no use to you. This is really a waste. So we can cooperate, as long as you can eat this  If you want to buy arms, I will buy the T-72 main battle tank from you at the market price and be responsible for transporting the arms out. I will also give you a thank you fee of two million U.S. dollars."

    The greedy light in Yang Luo's eyes did not escape Brown's eyes, and there was an imperceptible smile on this guy's face.  The Red Army is indeed very rich, but it is not that easy to come up with 50 million US dollars or even more money at once.  The most important thing is that those T-72 main battle tanks that are coveted by all arms dealers are indeed of no use to the Red Army.  A terrorist organization is responsible for bombing and killing people. Why do you need tanks? Do you really want to fight a war?  But even if there is a war, these thirty tanks will have no effect on the battlefield.

    Yang Luo lowered his head, as if thinking about it, and Brown was not in a hurry. He believed that Yang Luo, a member of the Red Army, would definitely agree.

    After a while, Yang Luo raised his head and said with a smile: "My name is Miyanoya. I hope our cooperation will be pleasant this time." After speaking, he extended his hand.

    "Ha ha¡­¡­"

    Brown laughed happily and shook hands with Yang Luo: "I believe our cooperation will be very pleasant."

    Yang Luo nodded: "I'm going to see Efiani and take a look at that batch of arms. After all, seeing is believing and hearing is false. If it is like what he said, I will eat it at all costs. If some  Even if you give it to me for free, I won¡¯t take it.¡±

    "Of course!" Brown said, "Not just you, everyone of us will go to inspect the goods. That bastard Ross and others have already gone. I came a step late and just got the pass from Efiani. We are now  Just leave.¡±

    Yang Luo said: "I haven't gotten the pass yet."

    Brown smiled and said: "Don't waste time, just come with me."

    Yang Luo thought for a while: "I hope Efiani's men won't arrest me as an enemy."

    "Ha ha¡­¡­"

    Brown laughed again: "No, as long as I'm here, they won't touch you."

    "Okay!" Yang Luo agreed, which made Brown relieved, "Mr. Miyano, the car sent by Efiani to take us is over there, let's go together."

    Yang Luo looked up and saw two off-road vehicles parked not far away: "I have more than a dozen brothers, and those two vehicles don't seem to be enough."

    Brown was stunned: "Mr. Miyano, just let your brothers stay here. We are just inspecting the goods and will be back soon."

    Yang Luo shook his head: "No, no, no, I won't leave my brothers here, they must go with me."

    Brown looked at Yang Luo's unnatural expression and sneered contemptuously in his heart, Damn it, if you are so afraid of death, why do you think you are a terrorist? You have no future at first sight.  No matter what he was thinking, he always had a smile on his face.

    ¡°That¡¯s easy to say, I¡¯ll borrow a few more cars.¡±

    Yang Luo looked at Brown's back with an evil smile on his lips.  Originally, he was still thinking about how to get a car, but when he wanted to sleep, someone gave him a pillow.

    At this time, Li Tao and Madman came over: "Boss, who is that guy?"

    Yang Luo explained the matter, and Li Tao laughed loudly: "Interesting!"

    Yang Luo's eyes turned cold: "Kill them on the way."

    "Understood!" Li Tao and Madman agreed.

    Two off-road vehicles and four jeeps drove over and stopped next to Yang Luo. Brown opened the window.

    "Mr. Miyano, get in the car!"

    Yang Luola opened the door and got into the car. Guihu also sat in the passenger seat of the car. The driver was a pirate. When Yang Luo and Guihu got into the car, he glanced at them, maybe because of Brown's  Regardless of the relationship, I didn't suspect anything. I stepped on the accelerator and the car sped out.  Li Tao, Madman and ten soldiers got into other cars, followed closely behind and sped away.

    At this time, the rain was getting heavier and heavier. In the distance, the thirsty desert quickly filled with rainwater, turning into rapid streams flowing down from high places.  The dark clouds in the sky kept flashing with lightning, and the rumble of thunder from the distant horizon heralded the coming of a bigger storm.

    Yang Luo looked at the rain outside and the dark night sky, and said softly: "Mr. Brown, look, it's raining really hard."

    Brown smiled: "Yeah, it rains so heavily before the rainy season. It's really rare."

    Yang Luo took out a cigarette and lit a cigarette: "It's raining well. No matter what crime happens, it will be covered up. And some people can't wait until the rain passes and the sun comes out."
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