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Text 997 Chapter 997 Beautiful Prospects

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    Yang Luo's words silenced everyone for a while. Zhong Zhixin said awkwardly: "Secretary! We all know this situation, but it costs money to repair the school. Now the town can't get a penny. "

    Yang Luo's face turned cold: "I can understand the difficulties in the town, but can't it be solved by getting a few pieces of plastic sheeting to block the windows of the school? How much money can we use?"

    After speaking, he glanced at Zhong Zhixin and said, "You all know Huang Dekui, right? He went to the town to report this situation years ago, but was sent back in the end. Pat your chests and ask yourselves, what can you do for the people? This  If you can't solve any problem, what do the people want from you? As I said just now, water can carry a boat and also capsize it. History has repeatedly explained that those who win the hearts of the people win the world. As long as you work hard for the people, the people will naturally work hard for you.  , all the rulers who finally fell had a fundamental common problem. They always thought that the Chinese people were "grassroots" and thought they could be trampled on at will. Just like Lao Jiang, he thought he could control everything with just a few million troops, but he forgot  There are still 400 million "grassroots people" in the world. Our party implemented land reform and won the hearts of the people. In the end, the people of Qin had no time to mourn for themselves, and later generations mourned and ignored it, which also made future generations mourn again.  Future generations also. We cannot forget the warning given by history.¡±

    Zhong Zhixin, Wu Qianghui and the three deputy mayors were a little restless.  They knew that Huang Dekui came to Luo Jinrong years ago, but they didn't know what he said.

    Zhong Zhixin said cautiously: "Secretary! We knew that Lao Huang came to the town to see Mayor Luo years ago, but we didn't know what happened. Don't worry, I will arrange for someone to solve the matter tomorrow."

    Yang Luoyi waved his hand: "No, I contacted an entrepreneur. After hearing about the situation here, he decided to spend a sum of money to repair the school building and bring cotton-padded clothes and shoes for the children for the winter. Moreover,  After the beginning of spring, a Hope Primary School will be built in the town, allowing children to come to school and provide three meals a day for free.¡±

    "Great, now there is hope for the children." Zheng Anjun shouted excitedly.

    The faces of the people below all showed excitement. Li Qishan¡¯s face had not been washed for an unknown amount of time, and his beard stuck together was trembling.

    Yang Luo smiled and said: "There is another good news to tell you."

    It suddenly became quiet down below, everyone looked at Yang Luo eagerly.

    "This entrepreneur is not just here to build a Hope Primary School. He plans to come here to inspect investment and support poverty alleviation in mountainous areas."

    "Coaxing" has exploded. Who would be stupid enough to invest here?  But they had to believe Yang Luo's words. After all, this was for real. As a newly appointed town secretary, it was impossible for him to talk nonsense in front of so many cadres.

    Zhong Zhixin couldn¡¯t sit still: ¡°Secretary! Is this true?¡±

    Yang Luo smiled and said: "We are in a meeting now, can I joke about such a thing?"

    Zhong Zhixin blushed: "I mean, our environment here is too special, how can anyone invest here?"

    Yang Luo did not answer him, but looked at the still noisy scene below and said, "Everyone, be quiet."

    The following fell silent, and Yang Luo continued: "I have been here for four months and visited nearly a hundred villages, large and small. The reason why we are poor here is because we have not found the right direction for development"

    Zheng Anjun asked: "Secretary! You are a literate person, and I believe what you say, but the environment here is so bad, how can we develop in the right way?"

    Yang Luo nodded: "Comrade Zheng Anjun asked this question well. I have already prepared the development plan for Dahua County. I will send it to you in writing in a few days." At this point, he looked at Zhong Zhixin and said, "Mr.  Bell! It¡¯s very late now, and some comrades¡¯ homes are too far away. Can you arrange to stay at a hotel in the town?¡±

    Zhong Zhixin said with a wry smile: "Secretary! There is no hotel in this poor place. But comrades who are far away can go to stay with fellow villagers, and the town will give them five yuan for accommodation."

    Yang Luo nodded: "Okay! Then you can make arrangements." After saying that, he stood up and said, "Okay, let's break up the meeting. If your home is too far from the town, you can go back tomorrow."

    Dozens of people were unwilling to leave. They all wanted to know Yang Luo's development plan for Dahua Town. They were all scared. Now they have hope. Although it is still just words, they are looking forward to it if they have hope.

    Zhong Zhixin stood up and said, "Why aren't you leaving? You want to stay here and sleep?"

    After Zhong Zhixin spoke, the cadres below reluctantly left.

    Zhong Zhixin, Wu Qianghui and the three deputy mayors slowly gathered around Yang Luo.  Qiao Yonghui, director of the Party and Government Office, and Wang Yujia, a clerk, also wanted to come over. It was obvious that several town leaders had surrounded Yang Luo, so they did not dare to come over.??Standing not far away and watching.

    Zhong Zhixin said with a smile: "Secretary! Tell us about it."

    "What did you say?" Yang Luo asked.

    Wu Qianghui didn't say anything for a long time. Don't look at this guy's appearance and think that he is just a brainless fool.  In the entire Dahua Town, this guy is the shrewdest.  He is well-rounded in everything he says and does, never offends others, and is very tactful.

    At this time, he was really anxious, "Secretary! Stop showing off and tell us about your development plan so that we can have a good idea and be prepared."

    Yang Luo looked at the time and said with a smile: "It's too late now, and Mayor Luo is not here. We'd better wait until he comes tomorrow. We'll have a meeting and then study the development plan."

    Zhong Zhixin nodded helplessly: "Secretary, we all have to sleep tonight." After all, he waved, "Director Qiao, the accommodation arranged for Secretary Yang has been packed up."

    Qiao Yonghui hurriedly came over: "It's arranged." After saying that, he looked at Yang Luo with some restraint, "Secretary Yang, your residence is in the second room to the east. I will take you there to see if it is suitable.  If it doesn¡¯t fit, we¡¯ll exchange it for you right away.¡±

    Yang Luo smiled and said: "As long as it can accommodate people, I don't have to pay too much attention to it."

    Huang Xinxin was sleeping soundly on the steering wheel, drooling all over the floor. She didn't know what she was dreaming about, and she giggled from time to time.

    The ghost fox was sitting in the back boredly. When he saw Yang Luo coming out, he reached out and patted Huang Xinxin on the shoulder, frightening the guy.

    "What happened?"

    The ghost fox rolled his eyes: "There's an earthquake." After saying that, he opened the door and got out of the car.

    Yang Luo saw Guihu and Huang Xinxin, who was still confused, and slapped his head: "How could I forget them?" He turned to Qiao Yonghui and asked, "Can you arrange two rooms?"

    Qiao Yonghui rubbed his hands: "There is an empty room, but there is no bed, and there is no heating facility inside."

    Wang Yujia said crisply: "Let this young lady live in my house and share a room with me."

    Yang Luo looked at Guihu and asked for her opinion.

    The ghost fox said nonchalantly: "Okay!"

    Huang Xinxin came over, looked at Wang Yujia, who was tall and handsome in a white cotton coat, and said with a smile: "I'll stay at your house too."

    "Pa" Guihu slapped him hard on the head, "You live in the car by yourself, you can't go back to the county."

    Huang Xinxin rubbed her head and wanted to say something, but when she saw the cold ghost fox, she swallowed what she wanted to say.

    Wang Yujia looked at Huang Xinxin, suppressed a smile and said, "You can go too and share a room with my brother."

    Huang Xinxin glanced at the ghost fox secretly, and Yang Luo shook his head helplessly: "That's it."

    A group of people came to the room arranged for Yang Luo. Yang Luo looked at the simple room.  It can be seen that Qiao Yonghui also put a lot of thought into it. Not only did he repaint the walls, but he also deliberately covered the windows that were originally somewhat ventilated with a layer of plastic sheeting.  Inside the house, there was a single bed, and the bedding on the bed was all new.  There is an iron stove in the middle of the room, and the fire inside is burning brightly.

    Yang Luo smiled and nodded: "Not bad!"

    Wang Yujia ran out, and after a while she came back with a brand new face plate and some toiletries. She said with a smile: "Secretary Yang, we are poor here and have limited conditions. Do you think there are any shortcomings? I will do it tomorrow."  Go buy it again.¡±

    Yang Luo shook his head: "It's good. I'm a grown man and I'm not that particular. But how do I solve the problem of eating?"

    Qiao Yonghui said: "The two rooms to the west are the canteens. If it doesn't suit your taste, you can go to the small restaurant opposite and keep the account in the town. I will settle the bill at the end of every month."

    Yang Luo frowned. Qiao Yonghui had been secretly paying attention to the expression on Yang Luo's face. When he saw Yang Luo frowning, his heart skipped a beat.

    Yang Luo didn¡¯t say anything, but waved his hand: ¡°Go back, everyone.¡±

    Watching them all go out, Yang Luo didn't even take off his clothes, lying on the bed and lighting a cigarette.  The brain was running at high speed.  During the meeting just now, he had been secretly observing Zhong Zhixin, Wu Qianghui, Wu Zhong, Lu Jianfang, and Wang Dezhi. He could clearly feel that these guys were respectful to him on the surface, but they had their own agendas in their hearts.  This is not a good thing. You must figure out the interpersonal relationships here as quickly as possible. If you are a friend, keep it. If you are not a friend, as long as you don't cause trouble, you will be kept.  If they dare to cause trouble, they can only be kicked away.

    Wu Qianghui returned home with a heavy heart and had a simple meal., and then sat on a chair and smoked cigarettes one after another.  This new secretary is too strong. If he still rides on the wall and looks around like before without offending anyone, it may not work.  But when it comes to taking sides, who should you choose?  The new secretary?  He has just arrived, no matter how strong he is, can he defeat Luo Jinrong, a local snake?  That guy has a backend in the county, and he is domineering and domineering in the town.

    He was the one who forced the former secretary to leave. After the former secretary left, Luo Jinrong acted more arrogantly and unscrupulously. The entire leadership team belonged to him alone. Anyone who opposed his opinions would definitely suffer retaliation from him.

    And Luo Jinrong has long been eyeing the secretary's chair. Originally, he had a backstage in the county, and this position belonged to him, but who would have thought that someone from above would parachute down.  In this way, Luo Jinrong and Secretary Yang will definitely fight to the death, and one of them will definitely leave.

    Wu Qianghui rubbed his head and sighed.

    His wife Miao Fengru finished clearing the dishes and walked in from the outer room. Seeing his strange appearance, she asked: "Old Wu, what's wrong with you today? You're so sad."

    Wu Qianghui looked up at his wife and his eyes lit up. Although his wife didn't know a word of Chinese characters, her brains were not free and she often gave him advice.

    Thirteen¡¯s Ultimate Hunting has been published and is available in major bookstores, and Amazon across the country.  I hope all brothers and sisters will continue to support us, thank you!

    We also recommend Gongzi Nuo¡¯s new book "The Eternal Throne".  "The Supreme God" by Zero Degree of Sadness.
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