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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Romance -> A gangster s affair

Text 590 Chapter 590 No one left alive

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    Yang Luo watched the three teams approaching the target quickly, lowered his head and lit a cigarette.

    At this time, it was already dark. Li Mingyang, Jing Zefan, Ling Yan, and Kanati climbed up the hillside fifteen meters apart. They lay there and saw that the place more than fifty meters away from them was not a mountain col.  At best, it was a deeper depression, with a small river extending forward at the edge of the depression, with no end in sight.

    There was a figure moving in the depression, and four people suddenly discovered it through the sniper scope.  The number of people there was not what Tashi Duoji said, there were only eleven people.  The four people looked at each other, and Li Mingyang raised his hand and gestured to Yang Luo, telling him that the number of people was wrong.

    Yang Luo frowned, gestured to tell them to stop, then looked at Tashi Duoji and said: "The number of people is wrong, there are only eleven people."

    Tashi Duoji¡¯s expression changed, ¡°They must have gone to Zhuonai Lake.¡±

    "Zhuonai Lake?"

    Tashi Duoji nodded: "You don't understand. Tibetan antelopes can run very fast, reaching a speed of 80 kilometers per hour. It is usually very laborious to drive to hunt. But now is June, when Tibetan antelopes are pregnant, and they cannot run fast at all. Moreover, it is June.  Tibetan antelopes have a characteristic that they like lights. All the poachers have to do is park the car near Zhuonai Lake, turn on the car lights and pull the trigger with eyes closed, and the shot will definitely kill two people.  Rivers and lakes will be dyed red.¡±

    Yang Luo took a deep breath from his cigarette, gestured to them to stay alive, and then waved down hard.

    Li Mingyang pressed his eyes tightly against the sniper scope and said with a smile: "The fat guy smoking on the far right belongs to me."

    Jing Zefan stuck out his tongue and licked his chapped lips, "The one squatting to peel off the Tibetan antelope skin belongs to me."

    Ling Yan¡¯s finger tightened on the trigger, ¡°The one by the river belongs to me.¡±

    Kanati cursed, "These guys deserve to be damned. The one who's picking out the belly of the Tibetan antelope belongs to me."

    Li Mingyang made an OK gesture and then pulled the trigger hard.

    ¡°Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!!!!¡±

    Four dull sniper gunshots sounded, and the four people could clearly see through the sniper scope that the heads of the four poachers suddenly exploded like smashed watermelons, and blood mist flew in the air.

    "Damn! It's a patrol, fuck the guys." A poacher grabbed the MP5 next to him and raised it to shoot.

    ¡°Ta-ta! Ta-ta!!!!¡±

    This guy¡¯s body trembled for a while, with blood splattered all over his body.

    "Fuck, they're not a patrol." A man shouted in horror with a gun.

    "It seems to be the army." Another person shouted.

    At this moment, from the east, west and south, Yu Fei, Hu Linyi, and Wang Baojun stood up at the same time and shouted: "Kill!"

    ¡°Ta-ta! Ta-ta!!!!¡±

    Lu Youcai was holding a high-level dual-purpose heavy machine gun while running and firing wildly. Hu Linyi cursed fiercely: "Lao Lu! I'm a Japanese girl, leave one alive."

    The gunshots that had just sounded suddenly stopped, and everyone stopped running and looked at Lu Youcai with wide eyes.

    Yu Fei walked over from a distance and cursed: "Lu Youcai! I told you to fucking kill me."

    Wang Baojun also ran over aggressively, "You stupid Lu Youcai, I'll fucking leave you alone."

    Lu Youcai scratched his hair and said with a smile: "I just didn't stop when I was excited."

    Hu Linyi glanced at him: "The instructor asked one to live, but now they are all dead. You can explain to the instructor later."

    Lu Youcai was so excited that he forgot about it in his excitement.

    Seeing his appearance, everyone lost their anger and walked towards the depression one by one gloating about his misfortune.  When passing by him, he patted him on the shoulder and asked him to wish for good things.

    Yang Luo walked down the hillside and saw the skinned carcasses of Tibetan antelopes all over the ground. The ground was stained red with blood.

    There are a few Tibetan antelopes that have not yet opened their eyes and are waiting for food. They hold their mother¡¯s bloody nipples in their mouths, and the Tibetan antelope mother¡¯s fur has been stripped off by poachers.

    The furious Tashi Dorji stared with round eyes, tears bursting out of his eyes, raised the gun and pulled the trigger.

    The sound of gunshots echoed in the air, and Zhabadoji roared angrily: "Look, what these bastards have done."

    Yang Luo narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold red light flashed in his eyes.  He took off his clothes, slowly squatted down, and wrapped his body around the little Tibetan antelope.

    "Yu Fei, Hu Linyi, check to see if there are any little Tibetan antelopes alive. If there are any, put them in the car. Don't freeze to death." Yang Luo pointed to two cars not far away.Said the car.

    When all the team members saw such a cruel scene, they were all furious.  After searching for a long time, only seven were still alive. The others were either frozen to death, starved to death, or beaten to pieces.

    "Instructor! Only seven are still alive. Apparently they were all just picked out from the belly of the female Tibetan antelope."

    Yang Luo took a deep breath, "Why did I kill you all if I asked you to live? Don't tell me you didn't see the gesture I gave you."

    Hearing Yang Luo's words, Lu Youcai shrank his neck.  The brothers all took a step back, completely isolating this kid.

    Lu Youcai looked at Yang Luo, his eyes flickering, "Hey Instructor, these poachers are so hateful. At that time, I was so angry for the antelopes. I was thinking about how to avenge these Tibetan antelopes.  When I get excited" As she spoke, her voice became smaller and smaller, and she finally closed her mouth.

    Yang Luo pursed his lips and said, "Continue."

    Lu Youcai said with a sad face: "Instructor, I was wrong, but I was really too excited and didn't stop."

    Yang Luo looked at him and said: "After I go back, I will carry 50 kilograms of weight for twenty kilometers, do two thousand supine exercises, and do two thousand frog jumps. Remember it yourself, don't let me remind you."

    Lu Youcai¡¯s face turned bitter, ¡°Yes!¡±

    A burst of laughter came, and Yang Luo shouted: "Why are you laughing? You are also responsible for his disobedience. When you go back, do lying on your back, frog jumps, and reduce the weight by half."


    Everyone closed their mouths and looked at Lu Youcai with a fierce look in his eyes.

    Lu Youcai felt the murderous aura behind him and rushed forward a few steps. He looked at Hu Linyi and the others who were approaching and waved their hands violently, "Hey, hey, hey! What do you want to do?"

    Yu Fei shouted, "Beat him!"

    A hundred or so people shouted and pushed Lu Youcai to the ground, followed by Lu Youcai's screams and curses: "You bastards, wait for me Oh my god, you perverts"  . . .

    Tashi Dorje looked at them with a smile on his face, but looking at the Tibetan antelope carcasses on the ground, the smile immediately disappeared, followed by anger.

    "Comrade of the People's Liberation Army, we'd better get to Zhuonai Lake as soon as possible. If we get there too late, we don't know how many Tibetan antelopes will be killed."

    Yang Luo said softly: "What should we do here?"

    Tashi Duoji said: "We will come back to deal with the poachers after we have dealt with them."

    Yang Luo nodded and shouted: "Stop making trouble, get in the car and go to Zhuonai Lake."

    Lu Youcai finally escaped. Kanati got on the car and said, "What the fuck, instructor, the car is full of Tibetan antelope skins."

    Yang Luo was not surprised. Looking at the corpses of Tibetan antelopes, there must be more than a thousand.

    Tashi Dorje opened the car door and was about to get in when he heard the attentive roar of a car in the distance.

    Yang Luo shouted: "Get ready to fight!" The team members all jumped out of the car and quickly dispersed to find cover.

    Not long after, three liang old jeeps and a pickup truck came quickly. Tashi Duoji shouted: "Don't shoot, it's one of our own."

    Hearing his shout, everyone put away their guns and stood up.

    Not long after, four cars stopped in front of Yang Luo. In the first jeep, a middle-aged man in his forties, wearing a worn-out sheepskin jacket, got out.  He is not old, but his hair is gray.  He had an aura of righteousness that had disappeared from modern people, and Yang Luo couldn't help but stand in awe when he looked at him.

    At this time, more than a dozen people got off four cars and walked over quickly.

    ¡°Secretary of the Working Committee, Tashi Gonpo,¡± Tashi Dorje said. After speaking, he went up to greet him, ¡°Secretary, why are you here?¡±

    Tashi Gonpo said: "You have been out for two days. I was worried, so I came out to look for you. I heard the sound of gunshots and came looking for you." Tashi Gonpo said, but his eyes stayed on Yang Luo and the others.

    Tashi Duoji knew that now was not the time for small talk, "Secretary! They are the People's Liberation Army, and this is the instructor" At this point, he couldn't go on. He didn't know Yang Luo's name yet.

    Yang Luo came over and stretched out his hand, "Hello! Secretary Tashi Gongbu, my name is Yang Luo."

    Tashi Gonbu enthusiastically grabbed Yang Luo's hand, "Comrade Yang Luo! Thank you for your hard work."

    Yang Luo shook his head: "It should be you who have done the hard work."

    Just when Tashi Gonbu was about to speak, Yang Luo waved his hand, "Secretary Tashi Gonbu, now is not the time to be polite. Let's get to Zhuonai Lake as soon as possible."

    "There are only a dozen people here," Tashi Dorje said.??It is very likely that others went to Zhuonai Lake.  "

    Tashi Gonbu was anxious, "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and get in the car."

    Yang Luo turned around and shouted: "Get in the car!" As soon as he got into the cab, a young man wearing a black down jacket and a camera hanging around his neck followed him.

    "Hello, Comrade Yang Luo, I am Cheng Bing, a reporter from Beijing News."

    Yang Luo started the car with a smile, "Come here for an interview?"

    Cheng Bing nodded: "Yes! My father once interviewed Sonam Dajie, the first secretary of the working committee, and Zhaba Dorje, the second secretary of the working committee. Their deeds deeply moved me, so I graduated from college and started working.  The first task is to come here to interview, this is also a place I have longed for for a long time.¡±

    Yang Luo nodded: "It seems that you are very familiar with this place. Tell me about the situation here, maybe I can help them."

    Cheng Bing's eyes lit up, and he could see that Yang Luo and the others were different from the soldiers he had seen before, so he got into Yang Luo's car out of curiosity.

    "What do you want to know?"

    Yang Luo said: "Tell me everything."

    Cheng Bing pondered for a moment and said: "Let's talk about it with the first secretary Suonandajie Hoh Xil is the last primitive wasteland in our country and the last habitat of the Tibetan antelope. 85 years later,  Poachers began to hunt Tibetan antelopes on a large scale to meet the demand for Tibetan antelope cashmere in the European and American markets. In just a few years, the number of Tibetan antelopes dropped sharply from one million to less than 10,000. In 1993, Zhiduo County was established.  The only armed mountain patrol team is led by Sonam Dajie, a retired Tibetan officer.¡±
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