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Text 459 Chapter 459 The bereaved dog

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    Yang Luo turned around and entered the cabin, "Taozi! It's time to take off. "

    Li Tao tapped the pilot¡¯s head with his gun and said, ¡°Close the cabin door and take off.¡±

    The pilot was sweating profusely, ¡°Where are we going?¡±

    "Pa" Li Tao slapped him on the back of the head, "There's so much nonsense, let's take off immediately and leave Japan first." The cabin door slowly closed and the plane's engine began to roar.

    Ishikawa Shigeaki stood in the control tower and watched the plane roar into the sky and said feebly: "Contact the police command center."

    When Bunji Okada received the call and heard that the terrorists had run away, he roared, but he couldn't lose his temper with Ishikawa Shigeaki, because everyone knew that Ishikawa Shigeaki's decision was right.

    After hanging up the phone, Okada Bunci immediately called the Prime Minister's residence.  Naoto Kan was very calm after receiving the call. He just ordered the Defense Agency to dispatch two F22 fighter jets to follow the passenger plane hijacked by the terrorists and report the plane's heading at any time.

    Yang Luo laughed and wandered back and forth in the cabin. He suddenly stopped and said, "Zhou Hao, let's count the hostages from several countries and how many there are. We can't let them fly in vain. They have to buy tickets anyway."

    Zhou Hao laughed and shouted: "Stand up for me. Which country are you from? So that your country can pay the ransom, otherwise we will kill them all."

    There was a commotion among the little devils, and one guy shouted: "We have paid so much ransom, why don't you let us go, and we still have to ransom"

    Yang Luo suddenly turned around. Seeing Yang Luo's cold eyes, this guy swallowed what he didn't finish.

    ¡°You better stay the fuck alone, or I¡¯ll throw you off the plane.¡±

    "Boss! Among the seven countries, there are only three Koreans, and Indonesia has the most monkeys, with fifteen people."

    Yang Luo said: "Indonesian monkeys are not worth one billion per person, Koreans are the richest at five billion per person, and each person in other countries is two billion." Dan Enen recorded a video and posted it online, and then contacted their country to pay.  "

    Dan Enen took out his phone and enthusiastically recorded the scene in the cabin and uploaded it to the Internet. Then he sent a large number of extortion emails to various countries, and each country received dozens of bank accounts.  In just a few minutes, the world was in an uproar again. These guys started blackmailing again, and they blackmailed several countries.

    The White House of the United States

    Obama sat there with a gloomy face and looked at the emails sent by the intelligence agency. Now there are demonstrations all over the United States. The Japanese garrison bases flooded by the tsunami have not yet been solved. Now these terrorists are coming to blackmail again. He is in a bad mood.  To the extreme.

    Fox stood up and said: "This money must be paid. Now when I return to the headquarters, I must trace the flow of the money and find out the origins of these terrorists. I want to see these bloody money and which country's bank has the guts to help them."  Clean up.¡±

    What the terrorists have done is absolutely intolerable to these arrogant Americans. It is a provocation to them and is unforgivable.  It doesn't matter which country you blackmail, but blackmailing the United States won't work. If the identities of the terrorists are not revealed and all are annihilated, the U.S. government, a country that has always claimed to be the world's policeman, will lose face.

    In a heavily guarded hall at the FBI headquarters in the United States, more than a dozen people are busy in front of computers. These dozen people are all top hackers in Europe and the United States.  Fox is personally in charge, which shows that the determination to eradicate these terrorists is even stronger than the determination to eradicate bin Laden.

    After the countries that were extorted knew that even their masters had paid the ransom, they no longer hesitated to spread the money to more than a dozen accounts.  No one is willing to pay to compromise with terrorists, but no government dares to face the anger of the people

    People will not tolerate a government that does not cherish its own people and a government that ignores the lives of its own people.  Even Obama didn't have the guts to do this, so he paid the ransom quickly, otherwise he would be kicked out of office immediately. There is no doubt about this.

    They finally tracked the whereabouts of the money, which made them feel like they were on stimulants, because as long as they tracked the whereabouts of the money, they could know the identity of the terrorists.

    Fox was not worried about anything because he believed that this was the ability of a dozen people.  Just then he suddenly heard a "pop" sound that startled him.

    "What's going on?" Fox said with some dissatisfaction.

    "Boss, we failed. The other party was obviously a master. He took us around the world. In the end, the money disappeared. The accounts and IP addresses we tracked were all fake." The keyboard in front of Harry  It had been smashed to pieces by him, and his eyes were full of anger. This was the first time that he had failed and was tricked around.

      A dozen people all looked at Harry helplessly. To them, top network hackers, Harry was a god-like existence.  Every action he took was accomplished very easily, but this time he lost miserably.

    Harry took a deep breath to calm down, but the shock on his face could not be concealed. He looked at Fox and said: "We lost, and we lost miserably this time. We thought we found their real IP just now, but  We found that it was our own IP address. When they broke into our website and left a backdoor, we didn¡¯t even notice it. It can be said that we made a big mistake this time.¡±

    Fox's face was full of shock, "You didn't even track it?" Harry sat there and nodded.

    Forrest felt powerless for a while. This was the most failed operation since he took control of the FBI, and it would also become a lifelong shame.  In the eyes of the world, the FBI is a very mysterious and powerful state machine. No matter which country it is, it is a headache for this powerful department of the United States.  Countless elite agents from various countries have fallen into the hands of the FBI. As long as you are targeted, no matter how deep you hide, there will be nothing to hide.  It is those powerful mafias who can shoot and kill police officers without any scruples, but they are deeply afraid of the FBI and will hide as far away from them as possible.

    It is such a state machine that fills the world with fear and mystery. Every action it takes is always detrimental.  But this time, they fell into the hands of terrorists who usually ignored them at all.

    Just then an American colonel walked in, holding a folder in his hand, "Mr. Forrest, this is the information that has just been sent from the embassy in Japan."

    Forrest was shocked and reached out to take it. He opened it and flipped through it carefully and found that it contained details of the terrorist attacks in Japan and the general physical characteristics of the terrorists.  There was no substantive information, which disappointed him, but it was comforting to know that these terrorists were yellow and Asian, which also allowed them to narrow the scope of the investigation.

    After reading it, Forrest said to the colonel: "How is the evacuation operation going?"

    The colonel said: "The armed riots in Japan have been basically controlled, and the evacuation operation is going very smoothly. They can all be evacuated tonight. And according to our analysis, the armed riots in Japan should be caused by the Red Army and a mysterious terrorist organization."

    Forrest nodded: "Call everyone to the conference room, and then notify the Ministry of National Defense to use spy satellites to monitor the hijacked aircraft. We must rescue people no matter what the cost."

    The colonel said: "Japan has sent two F22 fighter jets to follow us. The terrorists cannot escape."

    Forrest snorted coldly, "Don't believe those Japanese idiots, it's useless even if they send ten fighter jets." The colonel nodded, saluted and turned to leave.

    "Yeah! You are too young to play with my aunt." Dan Enen waved her fist in the air.

    Yang Luo chuckled: "Okay! Taozi told the pilot to fly to the Golden Triangle, longitude and latitude 96 east longitude 103 qi B north latitude 18 qi 25.5 qi A." After speaking, he looked at Zhou Hao and the others and continued: "You guys check the parachutes.  Bag, don¡¯t fucking open it. There won¡¯t be any need for little devils and Americans to come to us, we will explain it.¡±

    Dan Enen suddenly said: "Yang Luo has two fighter jets following him."

    Yang Luo waved his hand, "Ignore them. You should upload the video of East Turkestan Moharisov, and inform Hong Yejun that the game is over, and evacuate people immediately, and then it is time for him to come out and perform."

    No matter who it is, everyone who pays attention to this matter has not slept all day and night, but they are all looking at the TV or computer in high spirits, wanting to know the result.  These terrorists hijacked a plane, where did they want to land?  No matter which country they come from, they will not be allowed to land, and even if they land, they will be mercilessly attacked.

    At this time, a video suddenly appeared on the Internet, claiming to be the leader of the East Turkestan Revolutionary Party. He was responsible for the terrorist attacks in Japan.

    The whole world suddenly became silent, followed by a burst of gloating sounds.  The reputation of the United States has plummeted this time.  It is no secret that they support East Turkistan. A terrorist attack just occurred in China, and even members of international human rights organizations died there. Because of this incident, the US government was pushed to the forefront

    Now this video is not as simple as two slaps, but two very loud slaps. The Obama regime has been pushed directly to the edge of the cliff, and if it is not handled well, it will fall.

    Moharisov was completely dumbfounded when he saw this video. He knew that the US government would not believe that this video was true.  But in order to give an explanation to the people and restore his reputation in the world, he will definitely become a scapegoat.


      Obama stood up and kicked the chair away. He had just received news from the technical department that the video had undergone technical appraisal and was 90% authentic.  He didn't believe the video was real, or rather he didn't believe Mohharisov could be so stupid.  But there is no other way. Moharisov must be arrested immediately to give an explanation to the people of the world and save some face.  But when they arrived at Moharisov's residence, he had disappeared without a trace.

    ¡°The countries headed by the United States were as disgusted by this video as if they had eaten flies, and ordered the security agencies to make every effort to arrest the East Turkestan terrorist organizations in their territory.

    Those countries that have no contact with East Turkestan know that East Turkestan has become a lost dog and is likely to escape to their own countries. This is not a good thing.  Therefore, we responded quickly and went all out to crack down on smuggling. The airports were tightly fortified and absolutely could not let in the East Turkestan terrorists.
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