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Text Chapter 748 Strange Woman

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    Hearing Ye Feng's words, Xue Rendi felt a little nervous about the strong men chasing behind him, and said to Ye Feng: "Ye Feng, get out of the way. We still have something to talk about.  "Don't be so awesome, right?" Ye Feng sneered, "Don't talk nonsense to me. Why didn't you think so when you chased me?" Ye Feng suddenly took action with Hunyuan Qigong.  After launching several attacks quickly, in just a moment, Ye Feng's ability was amazing.  Almost at the same time, blood holes appeared on the legs of the slightly weaker monk.  And Xue Rendi used several magic weapons to attack Ye Feng.  This time I really tried my best.  He knew very well what the consequences would be if he were caught back now.  That wasn't what he wanted to try.  At this time, the opponent had a solemn look on his face, and he was suddenly ready to use a secret technique to escape.  But for Ye Feng, it was obvious that he had already sensed the other party's intentions and was fully prepared to take action at any time.  Just when the opponent was about to activate his technique, Ye Feng suddenly snapped his fingers.  Immediately afterwards, the opponent's face flushed, and a mouthful of blood came out of his mouth.  It even contains a little flame.  Green flame, this is Ye Feng's demon heart fire, although Ye Feng rarely uses it.  But as long as it is used temporarily, it will have unexpected effects.  The opponent paused for a moment, but this time was enough for the strong men behind to catch up.  The men of these leaders are indeed powerful.  The strongest one among them, even Ye Feng felt very afraid of his aura.  Obviously his strength is not much weaker than that of Xue Rendi.  But at this time, more of his eyes fell on Ye Feng.  He knew very well how powerful Xue Rendi was.  Even if he and Xue Rendi fight, there may not be such a result.  This young man is really terrifying.  Everyone worked together to easily capture the opponent. Xue Rendi looked at Ye Feng, furious.  He said angrily: "Ye Feng, today is definitely not the end. We will fight again." Ye Feng said calmly: "Even if we fight a hundred more times, you are destined to not be my opponent. I have seen through it.  ." Ye Feng was in a good mood at this time.  There was a smile on the whole face.  At this time, Ye Feng suddenly thought of many things. Then, Ye Feng said to Zhen Wu who was following behind: "There are still a few people who have been tied up in the plane by me. What will I do with these people after they are captured? My friends are all  Are you okay?" Zhen Wu said with a smile: "Don't worry. They only sent two people. You were caught by us this time. I didn't expect that there were such people in the sect.  What a moth. If it weren't for you, I don't know how many disciples would have been killed." Ye Feng nodded.  "Remember to list that Diyuan Star as a forbidden area when you go back. The leader may be very interested in that place, but I hope you will listen to some advice. If you touch there too much, you will definitely cause trouble. The opponent's strength is quite powerful." Zhen Wu  He affirmed: "If I can control Elder Xue, I can certainly imagine how strong that guy will be. But I didn't expect that there is such a strong existence." "The world is so big, even the fairy world is just a relatively open stage.  There is still a lot to grow, so we don¡¯t have much to think about. I¡¯ll leave the rest to you, brother. ¡°Okay! Don¡¯t worry.  In terms of resources, I will try my best to help you. We are all our own people, and I will do my best. "Ye Feng chuckled: "Haha, that's right." Ye Feng opened the space, and Zhen Wu followed Ye.  Peak enters here.  Arriving at the place where everyone was fighting just now, Zhen Wu looked at the seriously injured and unconscious disciples, and sighed towards Ye Feng: "You are really tyrannical. One person can fight against so many strong men. There is also Xue Ren, an enemy among them. It seems that you  With your abilities, there are very few people below the level of super monk who can match you." Ye Feng certainly would not be so high-profile, and said modestly: "It's just that I have restrained him a little." Zhen Wu understood Ye Feng.  The consciousness has not been revealed.  He said directly: "I have taken these people away too. Please be safe here. This Cang Yuexing is not what it seems on the surface. Be careful in everything." After hearing the other party's reminder, Ye Feng certainly understood the other party's consciousness.  , obviously telling myself that there is also a very powerful existence here.  Judging from the legend, this was originally formed by things from the fairy world, and there must be some powerful creatures, such as the Jiuxiao Star.  Recalling what happened that year, Ye Feng was also quite emotional, but he quickly returned to reality.  Ye Feng said to Zhen Wu: "Don't worry about things here. I can handle everything. That Xue Rendi is not a simple guy. You must also be careful. If you can kill him, kill him. It will always be a disaster if you keep him.  !¡± ¡°It¡¯s not up to me to decide. Everything depends on the master¡¯s choice.¡±?.  " Ye Feng nodded, and then without saying a word, he flew directly towards where he wanted to go. At this time, Ye Feng's whole person showed a completely different aura. Ye Feng returned to his normal appearance. Zhen Wu took the lead and caught  On the way back to Qiankun Gate, the strong man next to Zhen Wu asked him, "Is that young man Ye Feng?  Legend has it that he is the strongest genius of this generation?  " Zhen Wu nodded. "He is Ye Feng.  I can't compare with him.  Although the realm is much stronger, the combat power is very different.  You should be able to tell.  " "I can see it.  This Ye Feng is quite tyrannical, completely different from ordinary monks.  The breath is strong and stable.  Even for a peak cultivator, his aura may not be as stable as his, and his eyes exude fighting spirit. This person must have experienced hundreds of battles.  This man is a good opponent.  If cultivated properly, he will definitely become a super monk.  That would be a great good thing for our Qiankun Sect!  " "Ye Feng does have such ability.  The master will also do his best to train him.  He is younger than me.  You have also seen the combat power.  Elder Xue's strength is also among the best in the sect.  But with so many people, I didn't get any advantage at all.  " "Taking advantage?  If he hadn't run fast, he might have died in Ye Feng's hands.  What a terrible young man.  It's hard to imagine what kind of strength he will show.  He is still in the realm of sixty-one spirits.  I'm really looking forward to how far he will reach the level of Ninety Spirits?  Perhaps his combat power will be comparable to that of a super monk.  That would be the true pinnacle existence in the mortal world, truly possessing the ability to impact the fairy world.  "This strong man is also quite sure of Ye Feng's ability. Zhen Wu is not jealous at all. Because he also knows Ye Feng very well, and his understanding of Ye Feng is almost the same as the other party. "" The most troublesome thing has been solved, and  Feeling his peak combat power, Ye Feng was in a good mood and felt comfortable. Ye Feng knew that Zhen Wu would definitely help him apply for a lot of resources, so he could complete this mission with peace of mind.  The location is where the moonlight shines directly. Every year, many monks come here to see the stone. As for the power of this stone, Ye Feng can only feel it slowly because there is no daylight here.  He could only walk under the moonlight. Just when he was about twenty miles away from the moonstone, Ye Feng suddenly felt his feet softening, and he was pulled into the space channel by a strange force, although it was only a very short distance.  Yes, but Ye Feng felt it clearly. Immediately afterwards, another force seemed to flow into his mind. After Ye Feng felt it carefully, he was sure that this force could make people lose consciousness.  Easily immune to such power. Ye Feng was not surprised at all. Recalling the previous legend, Ye Feng simply pretended to be unconscious to see what would happen here. Ye Feng blocked his aura, leaving only a little consciousness.  Feeling the surroundings and seeing what was strange here, Ye Feng felt that he fell to the ground and had obviously left the passage. Then, Ye Feng heard two footsteps.  Somewhat surprised. ¡°Sister, another man came here.  With this man's yang energy.  We should be able to rest for a while.  " The voice of a little girl spoke, which of course surprised Ye Feng. But Ye Feng felt the surroundings carefully, but did not feel any life. But the voice was indeed in his ears. Then he heard another person's voice.  Voice. ¡°This man has such a strong aura.  It seems to be a very powerful existence.  Fortunately, Moonstone is under our control, otherwise, with our current abilities, how would we be able to catch such a man.  This man is different from the previous monks. He has very strong power.  As long as we slowly absorb it, it can even become our cauldron and be kept in captivity.  "Another woman's voice sounded. The little girl who started to speak quickly said: "Okay, okay.  This is best.  You always have to worry about saving money.  But it is difficult for us to control such a strong person. Sister, you and I are not strong enough. Should we ask the sisters to come over, and then we work together to seal this person first?  " "You are right, we should do this first.  If that's the case, then it's settled.  " "You and I will go find them. Sister, you can watch him here.  I'll be right back.  " The little girl ran away with extremely fast footsteps. Ye Feng concentrated, released a little more consciousness, and felt the surrounding atmosphere. At this time, he saw a woman with a delicate face, no different from a human being. But  She is not a corpse cultivator, but Ye Feng can completely feel the vitality in her body. This makes Ye Feng a little confused, but the other party has no problem.Ye Feng did not resist this move, but waited to see what would happen.  After a while, several footsteps came from a distance, followed by a series of chirping sounds. They turned out to be a group of women, all of whom looked very young. Only one looked about ten years old, and the others were all.  They are tall and graceful, but the auras on their bodies are all the same, completely lifeless.  This is completely different from ordinary biological characteristics.  Fortunately, these guys are only at the peak of the Spiritual Infant Realm. Only the eldest sister they call has the strength of the early Bailing Realm, which is not enough evidence.  "He is really a strong man. His aura is stronger than that of eldest sister. Sister, we have used the power of the moonstone to seal him. Then we can control him better. Otherwise, when he wakes up, I'm afraid it will be really troublesome. We may not  He is his opponent." The eldest sister stood up.  "Okay. Let's join forces, everyone be careful!" At this moment, another figure appeared next to Ye Feng.  Another monk was sent unexpectedly.  He is also a man, but he only has the cultivation level of the Golden Core Realm.  One of the women said angrily: "He is another golden elixir realm waste, just send him away." After saying that, he waved his hand.  Then the figure disappeared just like that.  Ye Feng felt the power just now and was a little surprised.  It's surprising that the Spiritual Infant Realm can control the power of space to such an extent.
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