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Volume 2: My Country One Thousand and Fifty-Four.  Leaving the Elys¨¦e Palace

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    It was already dawn.

    The sound of guns and artillery on the streets of Paris has not stopped for a minute. The battle between the government troops and the rebels has reached a fierce stage.  Countless people fell in a pool of blood because of the country's civil strife, and countless people lost their lives because of the fighting between themselves and their own people.

    Most of the French people joined the uprising, but some people hid in their homes because of fear.

    They have no idea how such a thing happened, and they have no idea why such a tragic thing happened suddenly.

    Fatiha is one of them.

    This poor woman is from Algeria, which was once a traditional French colony.  There are also a large number of Algerians living in France.

    Many Algerians are affected by this and regard France as a paradise in their minds. Because of this, they want to come to this country at all costs to escape the poor life brought to them by their poor motherland.

    But reality is always more cruel than ideal.

    They found that not only could they not be recognized by the French here, but it was also difficult to find a job. All they could do was secretly do odd jobs in black factories to support themselves and their family, and they had to beware of those ubiquitous monsters anytime and anywhere.  police.

    Once caught, unless you have enough bribe money, there is only one fate waiting for you: deportation!

    Fatiha and her husband Aknin are one of the huge groups of people smuggled into France.  When they came to France after going through all kinds of hardships, they found that this country was not at all what they imagined.

    They work very hard and are willing to do anything as long as they can fill their stomachs.  Although the living environment here is very harsh, it is like paradise compared to their poor motherland.  But unfortunately, they were caught by the police from the Paris Bureau of Personnel Affairs.

    Fatiha didn¡¯t know whether she was lucky or unlucky. The person who reviewed them that day was Salam, the director of the Personnel Affairs Bureau.  Salam soon fell in love with Fatiha, who was dressed in shabby clothes but could not hide her beauty. He made a condition to Fatiha. Fatiha would be his mistress, and in return he would allow her to have sex with her.  Her husband remained in Paris.

    Fatiha initially refused this unreasonable request, but Salam threatened her that she would hand them over to officials from the Algerian Anti-Smuggling Bureau.

    Poor Fatiha was frightened. Only Algerians know what a terrible agency the Algerian Anti-Smuggling Agency is.  Those who are sent there will be imprisoned and then sent to the quarry, which is not a place for normal people to stay.  Coal mines do overloaded work, and few people make it out alive.

    The Algerian Anti-Immigration Bureau is synonymous with death for Algerian stowaways.

    Fatiha loves her husband deeply, and she does not want her husband to suffer such a tragic fate.  She must do everything possible to protect her husband from harm.

    And the only way is to agree to Salam's shameless request.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  In this way, poor Fatiha became Salam's mistress.

    She thought she had protected her husband, but Salam never let her husband see him again.  She just told her that her husband Aknin had now obtained French citizenship and was working as a small boss in a factory.

    Fatiha was relieved. Although she suffered insults every day, only her husband could be safe and happy. She could endure any suffering.

    The terrible sound of gunfire has been ringing in the street, which frightened Fatiha to the extreme. At this moment, how she wished her beloved husband could be by her side.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    There was a knock on the door, and Fatiha asked in fear who it was, but there was no answer, which made Fatiha even more frightened.

    The door was still being knocked hard.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Fatiha summoned up the courage to open the door, and a strange young man appeared in front of her.

    "Who are you?" Fatiha asked hesitantly.

    The young man smiled slightly and then gave way.  At this moment, Fatiha felt that the world had completely stopped.  The sound of gunfire seemed to disappear without a trace in an instant.

    That¡¯s her husband¡ªAknin!

    "My love!" Fatiha suddenly threw herself into her husband's arms and cried bitterly.  Aknin also hugged his wife tightly, fearing that his wife would leave him again if he let go.

    It took them a long time before they relaxed and walked into the house holding hands together.

    ?Aknin told his wife that he was thrown into jail by the police and was scheduled to be deported to Algeria next month.  Hearing this, Fatiha shouted loudly: "He lied to me, Salam lied to me! He promised me that he would let you stay in France. He also said that he would give you French citizenship and that you were in a factory.  work!"

    "He is just a shameless liar!" Aknin said equally angrily: "You can't imagine the torture I suffered in the French prison. If this good gentleman hadn't rescued me, I wouldn't have been able to survive."  I don¡¯t know what my future will be like.¡±

    "Ah, sir, you are my and Aknin's savior." Fatiha's eyes were filled with tears: "You don't know, if I lose Aknin, it will be more painful for me than death!  "

    "Good people will always be rewarded." The young man said with a smile: "Congratulations on your husband and wife reunion, and this is a gift from me to you."

    He put down a document bag in his hand: "Then, I think it's time for me to say goodbye."

    "Ah, wait, sir, I haven't had time to ask your name yet." Aknin suddenly remembered this serious question at this time: "Please tell me what your name is, and I can repay you."

    The young man smiled lightly: "Ernst Alexson von Brahm."

    Then he left here without looking back.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Ernst Alexson von Brahm, what a strange name it is. The Aknins have never heard of this person.

    But Ernst left them a gift. The couple opened the document bag carefully. When they saw clearly what was inside, they were completely stunned.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  They were two passports with photos of the couple and their names on them.

    These are two French passports!

    From now on they are officially French.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The couple cried with joy. What had appeared in their dreams countless times was now in their own hands.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  However, they also found something else in the document bag, which was a check for twenty thousand francs, which could be cashed at any bank.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Aknin and Fatiha hugged each other tightly. They walked out of the door, wanting to see Mr. Ernst again, but the kind and kind gentleman was gone.

    Tester, Alexson von Brahm, Aknin and Fatiha remembered these two names firmly, and they swore that as long as they were alive, they would find the opportunity to repay this good gentleman.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Good people are always rewarded, and angels will always appear by your side when you need help the most.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    On this night, countless ordinary French families received gifts from Mr. Ernst Alexson von Brahm.  Some of them have already known about the famous Baron Alexon, and some have heard of it for the first time, but no matter what kind of people they are, they are begging God to bless them this night.  This good and benevolent Baron, this Baron who brought them hope:

    Ernst Alexson von Brahm!

    Of course, President Carter, Prime Minister Sinager and Marshal Lucien, who were in panic all day long in the Elysee Palace, would never be able to understand this mood.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  They don't care at all what is happening in Paris now, and they don't even care about the feelings of ordinary Parisians.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The only thing they care about is when they can leave this damn place.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The Elysee Palace was once the center of power in France and a place that countless people yearned for. However, now in the eyes of France's most senior officials, it has simply become the most terrifying tomb.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Mr. Prime Minister, can you answer me why the situation in Paris is so out of control?" President Carter said angrily: "I trust you so much. You always tell me that the situation is under your control. I  I have never doubted your words, but what about now? Now the mob has launched a terrible riot, and the troops have mutinied. Is this your promise to me? And you, Marshal Lucien, why did you even join the army?  Can¡¯t master it?¡±

    Facing the angry president who almost lost his self-control, Sinager and Lucien looked at each other, and then Sinager said helplessly: "It happened so suddenly that no one was prepared. Mr. President, I hope you don't  I'm so angry about it, I think it's not as bad as we thought."

    "Things are not as bad as we thought?" President Khatri became even more angry: "Then you still want it to be bad?"?To what extent?  My Mr Prime Minister?  The rioters will soon be here and all of us will be guillotined.  But what is different from before is that Robespierre volunteered. Do you also voluntarily be sent to the guillotine?  "

    Sinager smiled helplessly.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  At this time, his phone rang, and Sinager hurriedly took the call: "Yes, I am Sinager. Berkeley? Ah, he is finally here? Yes, I signed the special pass, let me  He and his people appeared in front of me."

    He put down the phone and breathed a long sigh of relief: "Mr. President, it's okay now. Berkeley has arrived with a special guard. He will protect us from here and leave Paris. Believe me, as long as we leave this city  £®

    "Now what else can I do except believe in you" President Carter sighed deeply.

    Berkeley, whom Sinager had been waiting for, finally appeared, and with him came more than a dozen guys holding weapons. One look at these guys gave people a sense of security.

    "They are all carefully selected by me" Berkeley introduced with a proud tone: "They are fully capable of escorting us out of Paris"

    President Carter looked at these people carefully: "Are all of you here?"

    "No, Mr. President." The guy in the lead said: "We still have more than a hundred people outside the Elysee Palace. Mr. President, time is very urgent now. The 28th Armored Division and the National Guard are fighting fierce battles with the rebels.  Please follow us and leave immediately.¡±

    President Khatri nodded: "Remember to bring my wife and children. Ah, what's your name?"

    "Heisenberg," the man replied quickly.

    "Ah, that doesn't sound like a French name" President Carter muttered: "But it doesn't matter, you will be rewarded for your loyalty."

    The most senior government officials took their families and hurriedly left the Elysee Palace, which in their eyes had become so terrifying.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  They don't even want to stay here for even one more minute.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Berkeley and Heisenberg had already prepared high-end bulletproof cars, and what made these most senior officials of the French government even more gratified was that they actually saw two tanks.  They hurriedly got into the car, and the convoy quickly set off.

    Now they can probably feel a little more at ease.  Sitting in the car, President Khatri said to Sinager beside him: "Mr. Prime Minister, what's the next plan?"

    "We can go to Lyon first, where there are still troops loyal to us." Sinager quickly replied: "The reason why the Americans are waiting and watching and are still unwilling to send troops is because they are worried that the situation has completely lost our control.  , But as long as we can regroup the army in Lyon and launch a counterattack against Paris, I believe that the US government will directly intervene. "

    "I hope things develop as you said" President Khatri sighed. To be honest, he no longer believes in his prime minister.

    The Prime Minister always swears to tell himself how good the situation is and how much the Parisians love him, but the real situation is not like this at all.

    If he can arrive in Lyon smoothly, the first thing he will do is to consider a new candidate for prime minister. After all, Sinager has completely betrayed his trust in him.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The car suddenly stopped, and the people in the car didn't know what happened.

    Sinager rolled down the window and saw Heisenberg walking towards here. He hurriedly asked: "What's wrong? Why don't you move forward?"

    "Mr. President, Mr. Prime Minister, Mr. Marshal, our destination has been reached." Heisenberg said with a smile.

    arrive?  Catri, Sinager, and Lucien walked out of the car in confusion. They saw that this place was still in Paris, but the only difference was that there were soldiers with live ammunition standing around them.

    Ah, I probably sent myself to the military camp first.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  After all, it is safer to have so many soldiers protecting you.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  These senior officials thought so at the same time.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Their families also gathered around them. At this time, all the soldiers cheered in unison:

    "Long live **! Long live **!"

    Long live **?  The officials' expressions changed at the same time.  They knew instantly what was happening.

     "Bodyguard, bodyguard!" Sinager shouted in fear, but he soon found that the bodyguards who followed him had all been subdued by the black holes of the soldiers' muzzles.

    "Mr. Prime Minister, don't call those bodyguards anymore." Berkeley appeared in front of them at this time: "Now, this is the place for the rebels!"

    Sinager stared at Berkeley angrily: "Berkeley, I once trusted you so much, but how could you betray me?"

    "I always choose the side that is more beneficial to me." Berkeley was completely unafraid of the other party's angry eyes: "I also want to keep my power, no, maybe I want to gain greater power."

    "Do you think these rioters will let you go?" Sinager suppressed his anger: "You were also a senior government official, and your hands are also stained with blood."

    Berkeley shrugged: "So what? At least, I chose the most correct path in the most timely manner! I will be forgiven, and I will be rewarded. Mr. Prime Minister, I don't think you need to worry about these things anymore."  Worry!¡±

    Sinager was so angry that he was trembling all over, but what else could he do in the face of such a villain?

    Berkeley proudly pointed to Heisenberg beside him: "Let me introduce to you, Colonel Heisenberg, the supreme commander of the German Brandenburg Commando!"

    Colonel Heisenberg, the supreme commander of the German Brandenburg Commando?  Oh my god, this shameless Berkeley not only betrayed himself, but also colluded with the Germans?  Is there anyone more shameless than him?  How dare he betray the best interests of France?

    In fact, Sinager never thought about a thing. It was himself who betrayed France's interests in the first place. Berkeley just did what he had done before.

    At this time, a young man with a stern face came over. Heisenberg and his commandos stood at attention, raising their right arms straight: "Hey, Ernst!"

    Hey - Ernst!

    Ernst_?  That is obviously Moyol Wittgenstein!  Sinager vaguely guessed Wittgenstein's true identity, but he still couldn't believe that this person actually appeared in Paris.

    Wang Weiyi looked at this group of senior French officials with a smile: "The French spring has finally come to us!" (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)
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