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Volume 2: My Country One Thousand and Three.  Either ally or enemy!

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    Earth-shaking changes took place in Moscow, but an inquiry ruined the political future of the two marquises, and even their lives.

    ¡°Probably before this, neither Milosevic nor Khmelitsky expected such a result.

    The power vacuum in Russian politics continues, and the position of the Grand Duke now seems not only unenviable, but also a curse.

    Gregory, Milosevic, and Khmeltsky all fell in or before this position.

    For Moscow, the more realistic problem is that the German-Ukrainian coalition forces are continuing to advance towards Moscow. They have no idea how to stop their progress.

    One group army after another was defeated. The new group armies had no funds, lacked weapons, and the people had no enthusiasm to join the army.  As for the remaining armies, their combat effectiveness was so low that it was outrageous.

    The 8th Armored Corps is still trustworthy, but can the 8th Armored Corps alone prevent the fall of Moscow?  At least Marshal Tangalonev himself did not have this confidence.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    So under such circumstances, the position of the Grand Duke is not only not an enviable position, but also simply avoidable.

    However, despite this, some people still came forward.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    This person is Fritoyav, the chairman of the Special Investigation Committee!

    Originally, Fritoyav was just a tycoon, but he had already become famous in the political arena before, and he played a huge role in overthrowing the Grand Duke of Bierstoka, Grigory.  Established its own high reputation.  Especially when examining Milosevic and Khmeltsky, it was the special investigative committee he led that exposed two marquises with human faces and animal hearts.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Since professional politicians cannot lead Russia out of the predicament, let a patriotic tycoon come to power.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Such calls began to be made in Russia.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    As for the professional politicians, they are happy to see this situation.  Anyway, Russia is in a mess now. In this case, why not let Fritoyav come to power?  It would be great if they could save the situation, but it wouldn't affect them at all if they failed.

    Someone is beginning to lobby for Fristoia to take control of the Russian government.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  And this is happening step by step as Wang Weiyi envisioned.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    But Fritoyav has always been silent, and has not even expressed his attitude on any occasion.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Frito Yafto can afford it, but Russia cannot afford to delay it.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  At the end of May, Kursk fell into the hands of the German-Ukrainian forces, and they were only a short distance away from Moscow.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Since Fritoyav is unwilling to express his attitude, there may be someone who can make him change his mind.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Tsar Boris Dramilyov Romanov.

    A large number of Russians with status and status began to frequently enter and leave the palace, and Boris began to understand more and more the seriousness of the situation.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  He was indoctrinated with the idea that if Fritoyev refused to take over the position of Grand Duke, it would be difficult for Moscow to hold on, and once Moscow was lost, it would be impossible to say whether he could keep his position as Tsar.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  And this is what worries Boris the most.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    On the last night of May, Tsar Boris summoned Mr. Fritoyev in the palace.

    The two people talked for a long time in the palace, while the officials who had received the news gathered outside and waited anxiously.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  It wasn't until the early morning of the next day that the palace servant came out, and the officials' eyes all fell on him.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The chamberlain was silent for a moment, then nodded vigorously to them.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The officials were startled at first, and then, huge cheers echoed through the sky outside the palace.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    On June 1, 1966, Russian Tsar Boris Dramilyov Romanov announced that Fristoya would be canonized as Grand Duke Karasmiv, and at the same time announced his appointment as Prime Minister of the Russian Empire, who would form a new  One government.

    This is the first time in Russian history that a civilian was directly canonized as a duke.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  And he is also the first prime minister who has never had any experience in governing before.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    But what is strange is that Fritoyav has the support of the vast majority of Russians.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  In fact, to be honest, the Russians have no other better choice. Russia's politics and economy were messed up by Gregory, and their vitality has long been severely damaged. They needWhat they see is hope, a leader who can lead them out of trouble.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    That afternoon, Fritoev announced his acceptance of His Majesty the Tsar's appointment and quickly appointed his new cabinet members.

    Prandi, the U.S. ambassador to Moscow and Fritoyav's old friend, immediately congratulated him and reminded him very tactfully that to continue the war against Germany, the United States would do it for its allies and for new ones.  The Fristoia government provides all necessary assistance.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Fritoyav nodded in agreement, but then he started secret contacts with the German government.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "This is an extremely smart decision" Wang Weiyi said with a smile at Fritoyav's home: "What the Russians need now is not war, but peace. They don't care at all who will get this."  £®What they want is butter, not bullets£®  The German government is negotiating with you. I think this is a good gift.¡±

    Fritoyav smiled.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Everything in Germany, even everything in Russia, is in the hands of this baron.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He can turn Russia upside down, or he can put everything back on track.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Of all the people Fristoia knew, he was the only one who had this ability.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Once Germany and Russia successfully negotiate and sign a peace agreement, then Germany can mobilize a large number of troops" Fritoyav suddenly said: "Actually, what you really want is not Moscow at all, even if Germany and Ukraine  The coalition forces are unstoppable along the way, but once they launch an attack on Moscow, they will inevitably cause a decisive blow. After all, most people do not want their capital to fall. £®

    Wang Weiyi nodded and did not deny it at all: "I have no interest in Moscow. If we really launch an attack on Moscow, just one Baron Guard, a few German SS commandos and those Ukrainians are completely insufficient, and this will involve  Germany has extremely limited manpower and material resources. You are right. What I need is a peace agreement so that I can calmly deploy a large number of troops on the German-Russian border to launch a new and decisive counterattack in Berlin.  ! Mr. Fritoyav, let¡¯s make no bones about it, I need allies now, are you willing to be my ally?¡±

    "Your Excellency Baron, either your ally or your enemy" Fritoyav said calmly: "Especially under the current circumstances, everyone has seen the consequences of choosing to be your enemy.  Here we are. To be honest, although I am a staunch patriot, I don¡¯t want to die in disgrace like those of Gregory. Moreover, a peace agreement will also be of great benefit to Russia. I will sign a peace agreement with you as soon as possible.  . And withdraw all our forces from all German cities that are still under our control. As for those Russian troops who participated in the attack on Berlin, I will order them to surrender to you or with your assistance.  Return to Russia."

    "Thank you for your efforts." Wang Weiyi said very sincerely: "However, this will inevitably put you under tremendous pressure from the United States."

    Fritoyav lit his pipe: "What's the point? Russia can't be bullied by anyone. Although we are weak now, we are still a behemoth. Does the United States really dare to use troops against us? Baron  Your Excellency, I am more confident than that.¡±

    Yes, Russia is not Italy. Even though the new Italian government has chosen to form a secret alliance with Germany, they still dare not make it public. But Russia is different.  They don't care about the attitude of the United States. They know that the United States does not have the ability to use force against Russia.

    So they can do some things unscrupulously.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "I will assist you in exploring real oil fields." Wang Weiyi suddenly smiled: "Of course, it is not the so-called Armenian oil fields. Mr. Fritoyav, to be honest, we have the location of a large number of oil fields in Russia, and  The abundant reserves of natural gas can help you solve a lot of employment problems and relieve Russia's domestic economic pressure and allow your government to quickly gain a foothold. £®  £®

    "Russia will become Germany's largest and most terrifying supply base." Fritoyav is a very smart man: "A huge country can continuously provide you with supplies including crude oil.  will ensure that you and your Germany win the final victory of the war!"

    Wang Weiyi smiled, then nodded slowly.Recognize.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  It was for this purpose that he did so many things in Russia.

    "What about Ukraine? What to do about Ukraine?" Fritoyav suddenly asked: "If Ukraine becomes independent in my hands, I may become a criminal in history."

    "Ukraine's independence is inevitable" Wang Weiyi said after a pause: "Russia is a very strange country. During the former Soviet Union, many countries became member states, and Russia inherited this legacy. In the Soviet Union  After the collapse, many participating countries are ready to become independent. £®Flitoyav, there is nothing anyone can do.  £®Compared with your contribution to Russia, you have gained more. £®

    Fritoyav sighed deeply. In fact, he knew very well that there were some things that there was no way to stop.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Such as the rolling tide of history.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Wang Weiyi¡¯s major mission in Moscow has come to an end. The Fritoyav government is in active contact with Germany. A peace agreement will be reached soon, and Russia is about to withdraw from the Allies.

    This is the most important good news for Germany.  They can use all their forces in Berlin.

    At this time, Wang Weiyi was also preparing to leave Moscow.

    Moscow has many happy memories for him, and he can always feel at home here.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Everything he does here can always have a major impact on the situation.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Capone was left in Moscow, and now he has confirmed that "Mr. Petrogov" or "Mr. Moyol" is Baron Alexson.  He was full of pride and pride in being able to work with Baron Alexson.

    He was appointed as the head of the German Intelligence Agency in Moscow, which changed his identity drastically.

    He officially became a German intelligence agent.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    But there are still some things Capone doesn¡¯t understand, such as Tsar Boris Dramilyov Romanov. This is a stupid, greedy, selfish guy. Why does the Baron let him continue to stay in that position?

    "Russia under a backward system is very beneficial to Germany" Wang Weiyi told him the answer: "If Russia has an advanced political system and strong leaders, then this country will be the confidant of all countries.  They are even stronger than the United States in some aspects. Capone, Russia is composed of a large number of alliance countries, each with its own goals. Once the Moscow government is in turmoil, there will always be calls for independence, and the United States will also have it.  It is composed of many continents, some of which were forcibly occupied by the United States or shamelessly seized by other means. But why have these continents never rebelled against the U.S. government, but have always been loyal to the United States? Have you ever thought about this? "

    Capone pondered and nodded.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "So, the current status quo in Russia must be maintained" Wang Weiyi said thoughtfully: "Although Fritoyav agreed to almost all my requests, he is still a patriot in essence. He knows that now there is nothing but  There is no other way to cooperate with us. And what about Tsar Boris Dramilyov Romanov, the nominal ruler of Russia? With the fall of Grigory, he seemed to see the restoration of tsarist rule.  hope, then Fritoyav will become his biggest stumbling block, and he will get rid of the new Grand Duke at all costs. But he did not notice this.  As if he were to surrender, Fritoyav would never put his head under the butcher's knife. Of course, he would also not rebel. Otherwise, it would not only violate his beliefs, but also damage the reputation he attaches great importance to.  A stain that cannot be washed away.

    Capone completely understood that the Baron had already thought of this.

    While Russia is actively recovering, it has also fallen into constant political infighting.  Fritoyev and the Tsar were worried about each other, and neither dared to kill the other. Therefore, this became a complicated and quite long struggle.

    And Germany can fully enjoy the dividends brought by their internal fighting.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Mr. Baron, I understand." Capone said completely convinced: "And I also understand my mission. I will closely monitor their every move in Moscow, and I will report to you at any time."

    "Elliot helped me find a very good assistant." Wang Weiyi looked at the man in front of him with approval: "Capone, there are many outstanding agents in German history, and you will undoubtedly become one of them.  onemember.  "

    Capone felt excited after receiving the baron's praise, but he immediately asked: "What if an uncontrollable situation occurs? For example, what if someone like Gregory appears?"

    "Either an ally or an enemy." Wang Weiyi said coldly: "There is no centrist in my dictionary. Capone, I will gradually send you a large number of additional manpower. If an emergency occurs, you have the right to make your own decision."  and disposal rights.¡±

    Capone knew what he should do.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    ¡ª¡ªEither a friend or an enemy!

    Wang Weiyi tidied his clothes: "Then, Russia will be left to you. I will return to Berlin. I think the war will end as soon as possible."

    He walked out accompanied by Capone, and there were already many people waiting for him outside.

    Lonanova, Sorkina, and many loyal friends he met in Moscow.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Are you leaving? Will you come back?" Sorkina came up to her, her eyes full of reluctance.

    "I think I will come back." Wang Weiyi looked at his friends: "The sky in Moscow is no longer what it used to be. My friends, I think you will be very happy here!"

    "Mr. Petrogov, can I go to Berlin to find you?" Until now, Tatiana still prefers to call her lover "Mr. Petrogov".

    Looking at this wild girl, Wang Weiyi smiled slightly: "Of course, any of you can come to Berlin to see me anytime, anywhere, and you will receive my most hospitable hospitality."

    At this time, a car stopped, and Alice walked out of the car accompanied by Migroski.  She jumped to Wang Weiyi's side: "Dad, where are we going now?"

    "Germany, that is our country." Wang Weiyi hugged Alice and smiled: "Let's go home!"

    We - go home!

    A brand new Germany is waiting for him to come home!  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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