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Volume 2: My Country Nine Hundred and Sixty-Nine.  curse

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    The fanaticism in New York and the entire United States is difficult to understand.  !

    Looking at all this, Wang Weiyi knew that he was one step closer to success.

    The origin of the incident came from Eliot, but the ultimate planner of the entire incident was Wang Weiyi.  He likes to see it, and even enjoys it.

    He once again visited the New York Stock Exchange and the nearby Housing Deed Exchange. He saw everyone's madness, and he was convinced that no one could stop the madness.

    No one can, including Wang Weiyi.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Since he is crazy, let him be crazy to the end.

    When he came out of the stock exchange, he unexpectedly met two "acquaintances", the dancer Xie Lisa and her daughter Alice.

    It seems that Lisa Xie¡¯s life is much better than in the past. When she got out of the taxi, she was wearing brand new clothes and holding a delicate handbag in her hand.  And Alice's face also glowed with happiness.

    "Mr. Moyol, I didn't expect to meet you again." Seeing "Mr. Moyol", Xie Lisa looked a little surprised: "Where have you been during this time?"

    "Ah, I went to travel to Europe." Wang Weiyi smiled and said: "It's an honor to see you again. And you, Alice."

    "Hello, Mr. Moyol," said lovely Alice.

    "Ah, can you please wait for me here for a while?" Xie Lisa said and handed her daughter over to Wang Weiyi, and hurried into the house contract exchange.

    Wang Weiyi smiled bitterly. Although he had invited her to drink coffee, she knew nothing about him, so she could safely leave her daughter to a "stranger" like herself.

    "Alice, how are you and your mother doing now?" Wang Weiyi asked smoothly.

    "Ah, we are living a good life." Alice said with pride for her mother: "We rented a big house again, much bigger than the original one. Mom made a lot of money, and she said she will make more money in the future.  ¡±

    Wang Weiyi shook his head. Yes, everyone seems to be making a lot of money, but they will soon find that the most terrifying thing is about to begin.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    After waiting for half an hour, Xie Lisa came out: "Ah, I'm so sorry, Mr. Moyol, today's trading is more active than any other day in the past. I'm really sorry for letting you take care of Alice for so long.  "

    "It doesn't matter. Alice and I are very happy together" Although Wang Weiyi said this, he felt very sorry for Lisa Xie in his heart.

    The closer to collapse, the crazier it gets.  Shalisha and those people would never consider this

    But Lisa Xie said enthusiastically: "You invited Alice and I to dinner last time and today it's my turn.

    Mr. Moyol, can I invite you to have coffee with me?  "

    In the cafe, Wang Weiyi roughly understood Xie Lisa¡¯s current situation.

    Theoretically speaking, Xie Lisa did make a lot of money from the house contract, but she was not able to discount it.  She used those house contracts to obtain more loans for herself. In addition to renting a larger house and buying some clothes for herself and her daughter, she invested the remaining loans in the house contract market without hesitation.

    In fact, this is just a castle in the air that you can see but cannot touch.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "The housing contract market has been really good recently." Xie Lisa didn't even think about what "Mr. Moyol" was thinking: "I think in half a year I can use the money I earned to buy something for Alice and I."  Of course, I think I might have a chance to find a father who really likes her."

    When she looked at "Mr. Moyol", her eyes were filled with affection, and she seemed to have forgotten the little unpleasantness she had with "Mr. Moyol".

    Wang Weiyi just pretended not to see it: "Alice, do you like living in a big house?"

    "Of course, Mr. Moyol, I like to live in a big house." Alice replied happily: "Mom said, we will live a happy life."

    Wang Weiyi sighed in his heart: "Xie Lisa, if you really want your daughter to live a happy life, I personally suggest that you sell all the contracts in your hands and get out of this market as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will regret it."

    Xie Lisa didn't believe what the other party said at all: "Are you crazy, Mr. Moyol, you want me to leave the market at this time? Oh no, I will never do that. Mr. Moyol, you are a good person,  You helped Alice and I when we were in trouble, but you don¡¯t understand this market, not at all.¡±

      What else can Wang Weiyi say besides a wry smile?  A crazy market makes even people like Lisa Xie become crazy.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "I know you are a very rich person." Xie Lisa continued: "But soon there will be many people richer than you Maybe I can become one of them  Mr. Moyol, why don't you give me your money?"

    "Ah, I don't think so." Wang Weiyi said calmly: "Xie Lisa, no matter what happens, please don't give up. After all, you still have such a lovely daughter. Difficulties will always be overcome  £®¡±

    Lisa Xie didn¡¯t understand what he meant at all. She looked at the beautiful and lovely Alice lovingly: ¡°Yes, the difficulty has been overcome, and Alice and I will definitely be happy¡±!

    Wang Weiyi sighed again, but said nothing more.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Mr. Robert Kennedy."

    At the New York State Senator¡¯s home, Wang Weiyi met one of the important figures in the Kennedy family: Robert.  Kennedy.

    If it were not for Wang Weiyi, the "Rambler", he would have become the Attorney General of the United States, and his brother would have become the President of the United States.  It is a pity that no one except Wang Weiyi, the "rambler", knows the truth of all this.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    In Eliot¡¯s introduction, ¡°Mr. Moyol¡± is a very important figure who can represent the Morgan family, the Rockefeller family and the Wittgenstein family.

    This makes Robert.  Kennedy was shocked.

    Those are the three most important families in the United States and even the world. He never knew that these three families actually have a common spokesperson.

    What kind of big shot is he who can represent these three families?

    "Welcome, Mr. Moyol." Although he was surprised, Robert still did not lose his grace: "I had talked with Mr. Elliot before, and it was very pleasant. He mentioned you to me many times.  It is an honor for me and my family to be able to meet you today.¡±

    "I am also very honored to meet you, Senator Kennedy." Wang Weiyi said politely: "I hope this can become a happy memory between us."

    After they sat down, Robert said: "Since you can represent three families, I think you must have a very unique view on the economy. I believe you must know the current situation in the United States, right? What do you think of this?  ?¡±

    "It's so crazy, and it's abnormally crazy" Wang Weiyi didn't hide it at all: "If this continues, the U.S. economy will suffer a new setback."

    He knows that these things cannot be hidden from a family like the Kennedys. In any crazy market, the final winners will definitely not be ordinary people, only these big families and big plutocrats.

    Sure enough, Robert said: "Yes, it's a terrible market. This is the same as the prelude to any economic crisis. The securities market will collapse overnight, and countless people will stage tragedies one after another. But what about our government?  There is no solution to this."

    Having said this, he looked at Wang Weiyi: "So, in this turmoil, what roles do Morgan, Rockefeller and Wittgenstein play?"

    "Businessmen always try to find ways to get something out of it." Wang Weiyi said calmly: "Since the government is helpless, we have no solution. All we can do is to minimize our losses."

    "Or get a lot of benefits from it" Robert smiled meaningfully: "It doesn't matter, people who don't want to make money will not succeed. Mr. Moyol, I appreciate your candidness, so today your  Can coming bring us anything?¡±

    "What I can bring you is to win a stronger ally for the Kennedy family." Wang Weiyi replied calmly: "The new election is about to begin. I know that your brother John Fitzgerald Kennedy  He is extremely eager to become the candidate of the Democratic Party. But the war has prevented him from becoming the president of the United States again."

    The corners of Robert¡¯s eyes twitched.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Wang Weiyi still said in that calm tone: "You want to stop such a scene from happening, but you can't do it with your own strength alone. Then, you need us. Don't you, Mr. Senator?"

    Robert was silent for a moment: "As far as I know,Incorruptible.  President Wittgenstein is a member of the Wittgenstein family. He received your full help during his election campaign. Why should I believe that you will switch sides?  "

    "Because of each other's interests" Wang Weiyi said without hesitation: "Yes, we funded William's campaign, but he let us down.

    You probably also know that William¡¯s new campaign sponsor is not us, but several large Jewish consortiums.  We need to redeem ourselves.  Now, what do you think of our suggestions?  "

    Robert did not answer immediately, but remained silent for a long time before slowly saying: "So, what is the return you need?"

    This conversation was a secret negotiation. Wang Weiyi, who represented the "New York Alliance", and Robert, who represented the Kennedy family, reached a secret agreement.

    The specific content of the agreement is unknown to outsiders.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  But this will have an extremely serious impact on the future world situation.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Politics is nothing more than that. There are never permanent allies, only permanent interests.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "I hope this is a good start." After nearly three hours of negotiation, Robert felt comfortable: "I have a new friend, and the Kennedy family also has a new friend. Ah, you probably know our family.  I always have a dream.¡±

    Of course Wang Weiyi knows.

    The Kennedy family has a long-held dream: the presidential dream. Someone in this family must become the president of the United States.  Joseph.  Kennedy once secretly swore while praying in church: "I have reached the highest peak of wealth, and I want my son to reach the highest peak of power."!

    The couple has nine children, and the ones with political potential are naturally four boys.  These four boys are the eldest son Joseph Jr.  Kennedy, second son John.  Kennedy, third son Robert.  Kennedy, fourth son Edward.  Kennedy.  Based on his own experience, Joseph knew that in order for his sons to have status, they must first have money so that they would never have to worry about life.  He established trust funds that provided $10,000 each to his children and wife.

    In the father¡¯s mind, the eldest son Joseph Jr. is the most qualified of the four sons to become president.  But the ruthless war shattered his wishful thinking.  During a flight, the plane he was driving exploded due to a malfunction, and he and his co-pilot were blown to pieces.  This was the first disaster that the Kennedy family would encounter in the future.  Two weeks later came another bad news.  The newlywed husband of the second daughter Catherine, the Englishman Lord Hartington, died while skiing.  A few years later, Catherine, who was widowed, had a new boyfriend, the English Earl Fitzwilliam.  On May 13, 1948, the two rented a small plane to go on vacation to France. They both crashed and died in strong winds in the mountains.

    After the death of the eldest son, the family¡¯s hopes rested more on their second son, John.  On Kennedy.  According to John.  Kennedy later said, "My brother Joseph was the natural choice in the family for politics. If he had lived, I would have continued to be a writer. If I had died, my brother would have been a senator. If anything happened to him, my other brother would have  Run for us.¡±

    A son inherits his father's legacy, and a younger brother inherits his brother's legacy, just like a sequence of succession in politics.

    It¡¯s a pity that John.  Kennedy's dream of becoming president was defeated by William.  Wittgenstein.

    Wang Weiyi is even more aware that this is the curse of the so-called "Kennedy family".

    The Kennedy family can be called the most prominent, oldest, and most influential political family in American history.  In addition to its unparalleled reputation and status, this family is also shrouded in a worldwide mystery: the Kennedy Curse.  The second generation patriarch is the financier Joseph.  Kennedy, a former ambassador to the United Kingdom, had 9 children - 4 boys and 5 girls.  For half a century, this family, which grew up in New England, seems to have been cursed by a mysterious curse. Its members have suffered many misfortunes, including serious injuries, deaths, or being entangled in various scandals. Over the past few decades, there have been  Nearly ten "Kennedys" died of unnatural causes.  So many "coincidences" have become a difficult mystery for this family.  A newspaper once said: "The story of the Kennedy family is just a long list of obituaries As a member of the Kennedy family, you should not expect to die quietly in bed"

    I¡¯m afraid no one can solve the mystery of this curse.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He calmed down: "Of course I know your dream to reach the highest peak of American power. What is certain is that we will spare no effort to help you realize this dream. The birth of a president requires all kinds of strength.  A joint effort.¡±

    ¡°I completely agree with your opinion and I can¡¯t wait to see that day come soon.¡± Robert said with a little excitement.

      This was a good meeting, and Wang Weiyi once again got what he wanted.  When leaving Senator Kennedy's home, Wang Weiyi suddenly asked as he boarded the car: "How much time is left?"

    "A month." Without Mr. Baron asking specifically, Elliot had already said: "The terrible storm will begin in a month.

    "Very well, Elliot, let us welcome this moment together." Wang Weiyi boarded the car and said unhurriedly: "In the United States, Russia and Italy, we will launch our actions at the same time.  A month later, the situation in Russia will undergo earth-shaking changes. The first betrayer to be punished will face the same curse as the Kennedy family. "

    He was talking about Gregory.

    "Are you going to Ukraine?" Elliot quickly understood Mr. Baron's destination.

    "Yes, I am going to Ukraine. This will be the beginning of the collapse of a huge empire, just like the American financial market." Wang Weiyi smiled faintly: "The German army has launched a full-scale attack in Ukraine, but because we still have to  Facing the Allied offensive, we cannot invest more force in Ukraine, and the battle there is said to be not going very well. "

    Elliot nodded silently. Mr. Baron was supporting the entire country almost by himself.

    Wherever there is danger and Mr. Baron is needed, Mr. Baron will appear there.

    He never seems to feel tired, just like a tireless robot.  Germany needs such people, but Germany cannot rely entirely on Mr. Baron alone.  However, this is not the case in reality.

    Elliot suddenly felt that Mr. Baron had also been cursed. Every time he appeared in Germany when it was most in danger and needed help the most, he was always so busy, and he was always running on roads full of dangers.

    It¡¯s just that Elliot didn¡¯t say this.

    When will Mr. Baron¡¯s curse be lifted?

    I¡¯m afraid no one in the world can answer this question!
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