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Volume 2: My Country Nine Hundred and Fifty-Four.  "Judgment Day"

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    Coret and his 2nd Armored Cavalry Division were ruthlessly betrayed by the Italians

    When he received the telegram that Touchvot's own Akmot Armored Division could not move forward because it had been "attacked" by the Germans, Koret almost didn't even have the strength to be angry.

    ¡°That¡¯s it, that¡¯s it. Anyway, this is not the first time that Italians have done such incredible things.

    Why be angry?  What is the need to be angry?  Rather than getting angry at the Italians, it would be better to think carefully about how to get out of the predicament in front of you.

    At this point, Kerrit was still quite calm.

    At this time, the German army had gradually taken the initiative on the battlefield, and all positions defended by the Allied forces were under strong attack by the German army to varying degrees.

    The entire Allied forces have completely shifted from the previous offensive to the defensive.

    What¡¯s even more serious is that after the Second Battle of Berlin began, large-scale armed uprisings broke out in almost all occupied areas of Berlin under the orders of Baron Alexson and Head of State Adolf.

    Westmoreland was forced to put out fires everywhere, and a large number of troops were sent to these cities. He was temporarily unable to send more troops to the front until new domestic reinforcements arrived.

    Not only was there only one 2nd Armored Division, but this was true for all Allied forces that were being attacked by the Germans. They had to fight alone on their own for a long time.

    This is a very serious, but also very helpless situation.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    There is simply no way to solve the problem by relying closely on Kerrit.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The German offensive was getting stronger and stronger, and calls for help from various positions continued to come into Koret's headquarters, but what good solution could he have?  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The only order he could give was to order all ministries to hold their positions tightly and strive for the arrival of reinforcements.

    In such a passive situation, Corrett had to put down his dignity as an American officer and once again asked for help from the Italians who had previously been despised by him, asking them to move closer to him immediately.

    This time he used a request instead of an order.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    However, he once again received news that made him angry: General Tachivona told the Americans that the pressure he faced was also very high. The German attack was too fierce and he had no way to move closer to the US military.

    Aerial reconnaissance intelligence told Corrett that there were only a small group of Italian troops monitoring them operating near the Italian Akmot Armored Division and would not pose any threat to the Akmot Armored Division at all.

    "When the battle is over, I swear I will kill him" Koret said through gritted teeth.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Wang Weiyi put down the telescope in his hand. Although the attack went smoothly, he was not completely satisfied: "Order, the troops commanded by Guo Yunfeng immediately approach us and join the attack on the 2nd Armored Cavalry Division.  "

    He must end the war in the shortest possible time, otherwise no one knows what will happen as the battle drags on.

    Wang Weiyi thought for a moment: "Order, the Grossdeutschland Regiment quickly launches an attack on the US 7th Infantry Regiment, 'Delphi Tank Group, help join the attack and defeat the enemy bit by bit!"

    Ernst.  Once Marshal Brahm's order was issued, the Grossdeutschland quickly left the frontal battlefield.  This made their opponents quite puzzled, but they absolutely did not have the courage to leave their position and pursue them.

    Similarly, the "Delphi Tank Group" also quickly approached the US 7th Infantry Regiment.

    Some armed helicopters appeared in the sky, which were German air forces assisting infantry operations.

    The missiles on the helicopter roared towards the American position, and soon the earth was plunged into fire and smoke.

    Then, under the cover of tanks and assault guns, the shouting German soldiers launched a layer upon layer attack on the enemy positions.

    The 7th Infantry Regiment of the US Army has worked very hard, and the helicopter gunships responsible for supporting them have also worked very hard.  But what is frustrating is that two US military helicopters were quickly shot down.

    What was raging overhead was still the German armed helicopter.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    It was difficult for American soldiers to imagine this scene happening before.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    After the Grossdeutschland Regiment and the "Delphi Tank Group" joined the battle, the US 7th Infantry Regiment, which was already in a bad situation, became even more passive.

    The last soldier in his hand was also thrown into the battlefield by Colonel Nack, but he found that he could not stop the German attack.

    The soldiers are bleeding and dyingBut being unable to do anything about it is the saddest thing for a commander.

    He couldn¡¯t remember how many times he called General Koret to beg for reinforcements, but every time he got the exact same response:

    General Koret is working hard to mobilize reinforcements.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    What does effort mean?  Colonel Nutt wanted to ask General Corrett, didn't he know that more soldiers would die for every additional minute of delay?

    But he is just a little colonel.

    At 17:00 on March 21, 1966, the German army launched the most violent offensive since the war began. This offensive lasted until 19:00 at night.

    After the German offensive ended, Colonel Nutt had less than 500 soldiers left who could continue fighting, and most of his positions were abandoned to the Germans.

    Colonel Nutt knew very well that when the sun rose tomorrow, he would not be able to hold on no matter what.

    The cold wind whimpered, and the surviving American soldiers sat on their positions dejectedly.

    What else can be done?  Colonel Turner sighed in despair.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Colonel, can we surrender?" A second lieutenant asked cautiously when he saw the colonel again.

    "Maybe, maybe we really should consider surrendering." Colonel Turner smiled bitterly.

    Before, he had always thought that surrender was a very shameful thing, but now he knew that living was more important than anything else.

    ¡°Colonel, General Corrett¡¯s phone number.¡±

    "Hello, General."

    "Colonel, I respect the bravery of the 7th Infantry Regiment, and I hope you can be as brave as ever." General Corrett's unconfident voice came from the other end of the phone: "I tell you again, reinforcements will be coming soon.  I hope you will fight to the end for the honor of the United States. So tell me now, are you willing to do this?"

    "How many times has the general told himself that reinforcements are about to arrive?"  Colonel Nutt counted it, about three times.  But every time the general failed to fulfill his promise.  Should I tell him that I want to surrender?  No, I can't say, otherwise the gendarmerie will show up soon.

    Colonel Turner cheered up: "Yes, General, I promise that I will value the glory of the United States above all else."

    He hung up the phone, then summoned all the officers in the regiment and shared the news of his decision to surrender with them.

    The officers were silent.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Choose, gentlemen officers." Colonel Turner's tone sounded so desolate: "Either fight to the end, or let us return home alive."

    "You make the decision, you are the colonel." Finally, a major spoke: "But, I really want to see my wife and children.

    When this sentence was said, someone quietly shed tears.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The sun has risen as always.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    When the German army prepared to attack again, a scene that surprised them happened.

    On the position of the 7th U.S. Infantry Regiment, a white flag was raised.

    The Americans surrendered.

    "The war will eventually end. Those who survive, I will find ways to let them return to their hometown alive." Wang Weiyi sighed softly, and then said in a low voice: "This cursed war  "

    This cursed war.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    This is the second time Corrett heard the news of the surrender of his men. The previous time it was the French, and this time it was the Americans' turn.

    He is not angry, just a little sad.  He knew there were people in his unit who had lost their enthusiasm for fighting.

    Or will you choose to surrender one day?

    Chief of Staff Ryan on one side remained silent. After a long while, he quietly said: "Colonel Turner's surrender has had a great impact on the troops. According to our intelligence analysis, there will be more information in the near future.  Many troops do this.¡±

    "Not in the near future, but today." Corrett's tone revealed unspeakable bitterness: "Ryan, do you think I will choose to surrender?"

    "No, they can all surrender, but you can't." Ryan boldly put forward his suggestion: "You can suffer defeat, or you can choose to escape, but you can't surrender, which will make you fall from grace.  into the abyss.¡±

    "Yes, the terrible abyss." Koret sighed deeply: "Should we really fight this war? Before this, I had never doubted our victory, and I didn't even think about it at all.??Don't be afraid of the Skeleton Baron.  But the reality defeated me and told me that a country is definitely not that easy to conquer.  "

    Koret finally understood this truth, but it seemed that it was a little too late for him.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    At this time, Wang Weiyi decided not to give the Americans any chance to breathe. After the US 7th Infantry Regiment surrendered, he quickly ordered his troops to attack the 8th Infantry Regiment.

    And Keret, who decided to give up his fantasy, also made a desperate move and made a tit-for-tat deployment. He deployed the strength of an armored regiment to the position of the 8th Infantry Regiment.

    He could not let his subordinates lose any hope. Although he did not have many troops at his disposal, he still worked hard to mobilize reinforcements.

    Once the troops have hope, they may be able to burst into powerful capabilities.

    There will always be miracles on the battlefield.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    ? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.

    His opponent¡¯s name is Ernst.  Alexson.  Feng.  Brahm¡ª¡ªSkeleton Baron!

    Wang Weiyi will never allow victory to slip away from his hands!

    He also sent all available forces to the battlefield. This may be the final decisive battle!

    On March 22, 1966, the German army commanded by Wang Weiyi and the US army commanded by Koret entered into a decisive battle posture on the Western Front battlefield in Berlin.

    This battle, in order to support this decisive battle, the German and Allied forces used almost all available forces.

    Planes were engaged in a desperate battle in the air, and cannons roared at each other on the ground.

    Perhaps the Allies did not expect such a situation to occur before.

    But this scene has really arrived.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    ¡°Germany showed its courage to fight to the death in times of crisis, and now, it is also time to show Germany¡¯s courage to fight to the death.¡± Wang Weiyi calmly watched the fiery battlefield, and then issued his order:

    "let's start!"

    Amid the roar of artillery fire, the German rebellion begins!  !

    Tanks roared out, soldiers roared out, and the entire battlefield fell into a kind of frenzy.

    The fanaticism of the German soldiers, the fanaticism of the American soldiers, and the fanaticism of everyone are intertwined.

    Fight for the honor of the country, fight for your own life!

    Bullets were flying crazily in the air, hitting the target from time to time, and then a life left this world.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    This is an extremely shocking scene.

    ¡°For those who can survive and see this scene with their own eyes, some will relish the memories, and some may never want to remember what kind of nightmare they have encountered.

    A soldier fell in a pool of blood. He was not dead yet.  He painfully begged his companions to help him, but he was disappointed and no one wanted to care about him.

    The only one who can save you on the battlefield is yourself.  £®  £®  £®  £®

    An American soldier was probably frightened by this terrifying battlefield. He actually grabbed a grenade and screamed, as if he was afraid that the enemy would not know his existence.

    He's crazy.

    Of course, the bullets did not pity him because of his madness. When the American soldier fell, his body was almost beaten into a honeycomb.

    Still no one wants to take another look at him.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The battlefield is so cruel. You can choose to fight to the end, or you can choose to go crazy.

    Everything is your own choice!

    The battlefields are so intertwined that it is almost impossible to tell which one is the main battlefield, and at this time, it becomes a test for senior commanders.

    Rommel and Guderian are undoubtedly outstanding representatives.

    When the decisive battle came to its most critical moment, Adolf was obtained.  After receiving Hitler's permission, Rommel mobilized the last available force in his hands:

    The Imperial Head Guards and all the security forces around the marshals are handed over to Ernst.  Marshal Brahm commands!

    They know one thing very well, either they will win, otherwise, no matter how many guards there are around them, they will not be able to prevent Germany's defeat.

    Wang Weiyi thanked Rommel, Guderian and Hitler for everything they had done for him, but there was only one thing he could give them in return:


    Wang Weiyi personally led these troops to the battlefield.

    "Then, let's move forward together now." Wang Weiyi's voice revealedWith calmness and determination to win: "Let us defeat our enemies together!"

    Let¡¯s defeat our enemies together!  "

    The German army no longer retains a single soldier. All those who can act are thrown into the battle.

    The Germans are working hard, and so are the Americans.  They know that if they fail, they will lose not only victory, but also their lives and freedom.

    This was a decisive battle between the two armies. This was March 22, 1966.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The day of judgment of fate!

    "General Corrett, more than two divisions of troops are approaching the battlefield." Commander-in-Chief Westmoreland's voice finally rang on the phone: "This is all the reinforcements we can organize at present. I ask you to  Hold on until March 24th.¡±

    ¡°I don¡¯t know if I can hold on until that day comes.¡± Koret decided not to hide anything anymore: ¡°What is certain is that the Germans are preparing to achieve a decisive breakthrough today, or at most tomorrow.¡±

    "I still hope that you can live up to our expectations of you." Westmoreland on the other end of the phone said coldly: "The president has personally called. In addition to asking about the progress on the battlefield, he also specifically mentioned you. I  I must remind you, General Koret, that you failed once. If you fail again, I think your future will be ruined."

    Koret smiled sarcastically.  future?  At this time, Commander-in-Chief Westmoreland actually used these two words to threaten himself?

    I am not sure whether I can survive the war.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "I will do my best, Mr. Commander-in-Chief." If Westmoreland was by Corrett's side at this time, he would probably be able to see the contempt on Corrett's face: "But if I unfortunately die in battle,  When I get here, I hope I can at least put a flag on my coffin.¡±

    "I can guarantee this. I would rather do what you say than fail."

    When the contact was interrupted, Korrit completely understood what the other party meant.  Either win or die here, he has no other choice.

    Your own death in battle is acceptable to any force, at least it can divert domestic conflicts.  Koret even thought about how one of his bosses would say with a heavy expression at his funeral:

    "General Corrett fought to the last moment for the honor of the United States. He is the pride of the United States and a model for all American soldiers"

    Then, your coffin will be buried, and no one will remember you in a few years.

    What a sad life, what a pitiful life.

    "Let's do what those politicians asked for, Ryan." Corrett picked up the hat and put it on his head: "The Commander-in-Chief has promised me, at least we can have a national flag covering us. At least, we  Our families will not be ashamed of us. At least those damn politicians have a reason to explain to the people!¡±

    Ryan also smiled bitterly and helplessly.  There is nothing they can do but do this!
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