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Volume 2: My Country Nine Hundred and Forty-Eight.  child

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    "I hate war. No one hates war more than me. If there was no war, I would rather be a screenwriter. Those Hollywood movies are garbage. I would rather write better scripts myself  "

    Commander of the French 29th Infantry Division, Major General Avino, March 1966.

    The war involved everyone, professional soldiers, civilians, a group of children, and a general who was quite a screenwriter.

    Major General Avino and his 29th Infantry Division performed very prominently in the Second Battle of Berlin, which greatly exceeded the expectations of the Allied Command.

    Although they did not achieve their pre-war goals, their bravery and dedication are admirable.  Especially from the first minute of the battle, Major General Avino has always been fighting at the forefront.

    This is very rare for the French.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    However, Aveeno and his French soldiers soon discovered that their opponent had changed.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  No longer those stubborn, troublesome German regulars, but, hell, they swore:

    They actually saw a group of children.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Yes, kid!  When they saw a military flag marked with a milk bottle flying on the German position, they initially thought it was a joke played by the Germans during the war.  Avino was even a little surprised, how could a German who was always strict make such a joke.

    But when the new attack started, they discovered that they were wrong.

    That¡¯s a real group of kids!

    The childishness on their faces has not yet taken off, but these children have already taken up arms and are fighting for Berlin and all of Germany.

    At that moment, General Avino was completely shocked.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    In the face of Allied air raids and artillery fire, these German children behaved so calmly.  Aveeno is pretty sure he didn¡¯t use the wrong word: calm!

    They endured the enemy's bombardment with the utmost determination, and despite the smoke filling the surroundings, they remained fixed on the position like a rock.

    And when the French army began to launch an attack, all the firepower on the position began to erupt at the same time.

    It¡¯s so scary. Are these really children?

    All the children of the Bottle Master, like real warriors, calmly attacked the oncoming enemies. MG machine guns and MP submachine guns, combined with grenades and flamethrowers, built the tightest fire net on the position.  .

    And when the enemy's armored forces began to attack, these children were not afraid at all.  They also have old-fashioned "Panther tanks" and "Destroyers" and assault guns.  They also supported the entire position with the most tenacious firepower.

    After three attacks, Avino returned without success. The spirit shown by the German children was not only shocking but also shocking.

    "Are the Germans crazy or are we crazy" Avino wrote in his diary: "We are actually fighting a group of childrenI saw us  A whole platoon was completely caught in the fire of the German children, and then they were all destroyed. £®But until the moment we were forced to retreat,  The gunfire has never stopped. £®Germany¡¯s military resources may have been exhausted, but one thing I am sure of is that the whole of Berlin has become a huge war machine.  No one can answer whether men, women, or children are involved. How many more soldiers will we lose?  The answer is that most of us will not be able to return home."

    Aveeno doesn¡¯t want to see such a war, and French soldiers don¡¯t want to see such a war either.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  No matter how brave the soldiers are, once the war has nothing to do with defending their country, they will still feel war-weary.

    Such sentiments are spreading among the 29th Infantry Division.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Why do we want to fight such a war?" When visiting the wounded, a wounded French soldier asked this question.

    ??????????????? General Avenor can¡¯t answer this question at all.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Yes, why do we have such a war?  What does this war have to do with France?  France has always maintained good relations with Germany. In particular, the frequent economic exchanges between the two countries have greatly improved the living standards of the people.

    But now all this has been completely changed.

    The war cost Germany a heavy price, and it also cost France a heavy price.?.

    Cursed war, cursed everything.  Avino murmured a curse in his heart.  On days like this, he should have been sitting by the warm fire, drinking a sip of fragrant coffee, and then carefully constructing his script.

    However, the war completely changed everything.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "General, don't worry about me. I can still fight. I guarantee that when the enemy rushes up, I can still pick up my weapon." Just when the French soldier asked why he wanted to fight, an injured baby bottle maker's child  Made such a sound.

    The difference with the French is that they know why they are fighting and what they are fighting for.

    There is nothing more proud of one¡¯s spirit than fighting to the end for a country¡¯s freedom.

    These children are not as much as adults think. They are fanatical and full of enthusiasm. They are not afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice at all. They are willing to fight to the end for their country.  !

    The injured child in front of me is one of them.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  He received a bullet in the abdomen, and General Jacart was not far away when he was shot.

    When the French began to charge, the child stood up a little recklessly and fired at the enemy desperately with the submachine gun in his hand.  Of course this exposed oneself.

    He was lucky, the bullet only hit his abdomen, at least he was still alive.

    Jacart could see the pain on the child's face, and he could even see that the child was struggling to endure the pain.

    He called for the volunteers to bandage the brave child, and he advised the child to leave the position immediately.

    But his suggestion was rejected by the child, just like he rejected Marshal Ernst.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "If I can still move, I will not leave here." The child behaved quite stubbornly: "Every soldier of the Army Youth Division has sworn to the Baron and the F¨¹hrer that we will fight for Germany until the last moment of our lives.  !¡±

    "Child, what is your name?"

    "Matt." The child actually smiled: "I am probably the oldest in the whole teacher. In one day, it will be my birthday. By then, I will be 18 years old."

    "Matt, live well. I promise to celebrate your 18th birthday." Jacquet also smiled at him: "I need every one of you to live well. I also need every one of you to live well."  Everyone can see Germany's victory."

    "I'll try my best, General." Matt replied loudly.

    Jacart stood up. In fact, he knew that he was lying to himself.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Most of the people in the young division will die, and they will not be able to see victory coming. But they have no regrets, they know what they are doing.

    For the glory of Germany, fight until the last moment of your life.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Densely packed enemies appeared again, with no end in sight at a glance.  There are also those hateful tanks and armored vehicles, which are extremely arrogant in the eyes of the young division.

    Matt controlled the submachine gun in his hand calmly, patiently waiting for the enemy to approach his shooting range.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Then, he decisively pulled the trigger.

    Bullets flew out densely, and he saw large groups of enemies falling under his gun.  Matt was not excited, let alone cheering. All his attention was focused on the submachine gun.

    Around him, enemy bullets were whistling, but they did not threaten Matt at all.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  From the first minute he entered the Junior Division, he was ready to die for his country.

    One magazine was empty, and he quickly replaced it with another.  He told himself not to be as reckless as before. He had to let himself live a little longer so that he could shoot more enemies.

    A cannonball roared over and exploded not far from Matt.

    Matt shivered and felt something pass through his body.  But he didn't move. He was still firing with his submachine gun as steadily as before.

    Are you injured?  Matt didn't know, he didn't have time to check himself.

    Another magazine was empty, and Matt wanted to replace it, but he found that he couldn't move.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  He found that his consciousness was blurring, and his hands no longer obeyed his command.  What exactly happened here?

    His vision became blurred.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Ah, what is that?  Paradise?  Is there really a heaven?  Matt found that countless wonderful white lights appeared in front of his eyes, and his soul was gradually leaving his body.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

      "That's great," Matt let out a long breath.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Another French attack was repelled. The children of the Junior Division did not greet the victory with cheers, but silently inspected their weapons in preparation for the next battle.

    "Hey, Matt, the enemy has retreated, there is no need to continue fighting." Jacart came to Matt's side and found that Matt still maintained his shooting posture.

    He paid special attention to Matt just now. He found that the injured child was so brave. He probably killed at least a dozen enemies by himself.

    He deserves an Iron Cross, Jacquet thought.

    But Carter didn't hear the general's call, and his body just lay motionless on the position.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  An ominous premonition emerged from General Jacart's heart.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He tried to push Matt, but his body fell heavily into the trench.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He is dead, this brave boy is dead.  Even until death, he still maintained his fighting posture, and he was still preparing to fight.

    After all, he was not able to celebrate his birthday.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    At this moment, Jacart found his tears falling quietly.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "General, Matt is dead. He acted very bravely." Matt's commander whispered: "He is celebrating his birthday tomorrow, his 18th birthday"

    "Yeah, I know, I know" Jacart murmured, and then his eyes wandered around the position, seeming to be looking for something there.

    There he was looking for his children Venat and Porcu.

    When is their birthday?  Jacart thought about it for a long time but still couldn't figure it out.  Ah, I am really not a competent father. I can¡¯t even remember my own child¡¯s birthday.

    When the war is over, we must have a good birthday for our two children.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The premise is that they must still be alive at that time.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  !

    "Has another child left us?" The voice of Guo Yunfeng, two first-level generals, rang in Jacart's ears.

    "Ah, yes, General." Jacart wiped away his tears: "What a good boy, he just left us."

    Guo Yunfeng sighed softly.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  He immediately cheered up: "General Jacart, Marshal Ernst thought that it was too difficult for you to be solely responsible for the defense of the position, so he organized some scattered troops and gave them to you to command."

    "Ah, thank you so much." Jacquet breathed out a sigh of relief.

    Yes, it is really difficult to rely entirely on these children to defend the position.

    A group of real soldiers appeared in the position. There were about two hundred people. Their previous organization had been disrupted, but no matter where they went, they were German soldiers.

    Guo Yunfeng watched these soldiers walking past him one by one. He suddenly saw an oriental face, which made him a little curious.

    He stopped the soldier: "Soldier, what's your name?"

    "Yunfeng Fu, general." The soldier replied.

    "What's your name?" Guo Yunfeng's heart trembled.

    "Yunfeng. Fu."

    Yunfeng.  Fu?  Guo Yunfeng seemed to suddenly think of something.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Yunfeng.  Fu became bold and said: "General, are you General Guo Yunfeng, the winner of two first-level generals?"

    This time, he actually spoke in Chinese.

    Guo Yunfeng nodded, Yunfeng.  Fu seemed a little excited: "Have you been to China?"

    Have I been to China?  Guo Yunfeng felt that this child's question was really ridiculous: "Soldier, I am a Chinese."

    "No, no, I didn't mean that" Yun Feng.  Fu was somewhat panicked: "Have you participated in China's Anti-Japanese War?"

    "Tell me, soldier, why are you asking this question?"

    Yunfeng.  Fu was silent for a moment: "General, because my mother told me that she once knew a very brave soldier. His name was exactly the same as yours, also named Guo Yunfeng

    "Your mother, what's her name?" Guo Yunfeng asked while controlling his trembling mood.

    "Fu Yu, general, my mother's name is Fu Yu"

    Fu Yu, he is Fu Yu¡¯s child.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    At this moment, Guo Yunfeng seemed to have returned to the fiery battlefield.  £®  £®  £®  ??.

    There, he once had a wedding on the battlefield.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    That day, Guo Yunfeng completed his mission and was about to leave. He stood on a landmine, and then Fu Yu appeared.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Guo Yunfeng no longer hid anything. He completely exposed his heart in front of so many people: "Sister, I like you, but I'm stupid and can't tell you. I wish I could still come back."  , I will definitely marry you!¡±

    "Brother, do you keep your word?"

    "You can keep your word, brother!" Guo Yunfeng was still smiling: "But I'm afraid I won't be able to come back. Sister, find a good family to marry, and don't miss me anymore!"

    Fu Yu suddenly wiped away her tears, turned around and said, "Master, can I ask you something?"

    Wang Weiyi nodded.

    Fu Yu actually smiled: "Sir, I beg you to be my witness, I want to marry my brother" She turned to the brothers again: "Sir, I implore you to be our witnesses.  Man, today, I, Fu Yu, married Guo Yunfeng. From now on, I, Fu Yu, will be born as a member of the Guo family and die as a ghost of the Guo family! "

    Everyone is nodding silently, everyone is shedding tears.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Guo Yunfeng suddenly found something wet flowing out of the corners of his eyes.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Fu Yu smiled and cried: "Brother, have you heard that, from now on, I will be your wife. I think about you every day, miss you, and look forward to you. Remember to come back early, sister, I am waiting for you."  £®

    He never saw Fu Yu again, but in Germany, he met Fu Yu's child.

    "I was adopted by my mother. My mother has never married in her life." Yun Feng.  Fu - No, he should be called Fu Yunfeng. He didn't know what Guo Yunfeng was thinking: "My mother has told me the story of Guo Yunfeng since I was a child, so she gave me this name. General, are you the same person?"

    Looking at the expectation on his face, Guo Yunfeng shook his head vigorously: "No, soldier, we are not alone. I have not participated in China's war.

    "Ah, that's such a pity." Fu Yunfeng was somewhat disappointed: "My mother later accidentally learned that there was a very great general in Germany, also named Guo Yunfeng, so she asked me to come to Germany to see it with my own eyes.  , are you the same person?"

    "It's a pity, I also think it's the same person." Guo Yufeng said calmly: "Tell me, soldier, has your mother really never married?"

    "Yes, she has always been thinking about Guo Yunfeng, ah, not you, but the Guo Yunfeng on the battlefield. She always thinks that the hero in her mind is not dead."

    For a moment, Guo Yunfeng felt like crying.
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