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Volume 2: My Country Nine Hundred and Thirty-Eight.  Grand Duchess

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    "Sir, look, what did I find?"!

    When the battle was at its fiercest, a soldier handed a briefcase to Kirits: "We found this on the body of an American officer. I think this may be of some use to you."

    "Give this to General Ortz." Kirits said without looking.

    At this time, Kiritz would never have imagined how important this briefcase was to Germany, which was fighting, and how important it was to Baron Alexson in Moscow.

    He simply could not imagine the value of this briefcase.

    This is Berlin under war in March 1966.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®


    News always travels fast,

    A piece of news is circulating among the upper class in Moscow: a Russian from the United States is young, handsome, and most importantly, rich.

    It is said that he holds a lot of wealth in his hands and is the spokesperson of several large American families.  Making friends with him will bring you huge benefits.

    He was even the guest of honor of the powerful Mr. Migroski.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Everyone knows very well that if you can get to know such a person, the benefits to you will be huge.

    But these Russians don't have much information about this man. They only know that his name is "Peter Goff" and he lives in the most luxurious hotel in Russia. He also has a follower, Daniel, who turns out to be a waiter at the Imperial Hotel.  Mr. Petergoff, since he recognized "Mr. Petergoff", has now transformed into a great guy.

    If you want to see "Mr. Petergoff", you probably have to go through Daniel.

    Many people tried their best to find Daniel and gave him a lot of benefits, asking him to find ways to invite Mr. Petergoff to their home for dinner or a banquet. Unfortunately, Daniel not only refused their bribes, but also very  I regret to tell them that Mr. Petrogoff is too busy to attend.

    This is really a pity.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    In fact, at this time, "Mr. Petergoff" Wang Weiyi was quietly watching at the door of Marshal Kolkorok's house.

    Kolkorok was too important to Wang Weiyi's plan. He would never allow any mistakes in his escape plan. He had to watch Kolkorok leave with his own eyes.

    Now, due to the intense fighting on the front line and the sluggish domestic economy, the anxious Grand Duke of Berstoka no longer has much time to deal with the fallen marshal, and his supervision of him has also been reduced a lot.

    Even when Kolkorok applied to take his family on an outing in the countryside, Colonel Guadelav, who was responsible for monitoring him, approved the application without much hesitation.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Where else could the marshal run?  The agents monitoring him will keep an eye on him, and even if he does run away, Colonel Guadelave will be able to catch him as soon as possible.

    Wang Weiyi saw a car and a bus drive out. In the front was Marshal Kolkorok, and in the bus behind him were his family members.

    Then, two more black cars drove out, closely followed by the agents responsible for "protecting the marshal's safety."

    Wang Weiyi started the car and followed quietly.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    There was nothing unusual along the way, and it was calm all the way out of Moscow.  At this time, Wang Weiyi was also a little curious, where was Capone going to take action?  What kind of method are you going to use?

    Several cars stopped at a nice scenery in the suburbs. Marshal Kolkorok got out of the car first, and then his family members got off the bus.

    The adults had serious expressions on their faces because they knew what was about to happen today.  But the children had no such worries at all. After being watched over for a long time, they cheered happily like birds leaving their cage.

    Looking at all this, Wang Weiyi suddenly remembered a song, "Night in the Suburbs of Moscow."  Although the Bolshevik regime had been overthrown by him, I have to admit that this is a quite pleasant song.

    In the car, he couldn't help but hum:

    "It is quiet in the garden late at night, only the leaves are rustling. What a beautiful night, what a charming night, my sweetheart is sitting next to me"

    He was waiting patiently for what was about to happen on the outskirts of Moscow.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Marshal Kolkorok is also a little anxious. This is the agreed-upon location, but there is no sign of rescue yet.

      A truck came from a distance, with a group of Russian soldiers sitting on it.

    A captain of the agent waved his hand vigorously at the truck to signal it to stop, and the truck stopped in front of him very wisely.

    "Captain, please take a detour." The captain said rudely: "There are very important people here and you can't leave from here."

    The major frowned: "I'm afraid not. I was ordered to bring a very important piece of information to General Roshenko of the Intelligence Bureau."

    The captain wanted to speak, but the major quickly said: "Sir, I don't care what important people there are, but what I can guarantee is that they have nothing to do with me. However, I also want to ask you to understand my difficulties.  , It¡¯s not easy for anyone to work under one person.¡±

    This sentence quickly resonated with the captain.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Yes, it is not easy for anyone to be a subordinate.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The captain sighed and said, "Major, please hurry up."!

    "Thank you, kind friend." The major got on the bus and shouted loudly as if to comfort the captain: "Hey, everyone, please move faster."

    The truck slowly passed by the Kolkorok family. The major sitting in the cab could even see the huge disappointed expression on Marshal Kolkorok's face.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    When passing by the agents, the truck suddenly stopped.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    ¡°What¡¯s wrong, what happened?¡± The captain chased after him from behind.

    "Ah, there is probably an engine failure." The major walked out of the cab, and then the soldiers in the carriage also jumped out.

    "Listen, you can't stop here!"

    This was the last word the captain said in this world, because at this moment, the weapons in the hands of the major and the soldiers screamed at the same time.

    The poor captain and the agents immediately fell into a pool of blood.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Marshal Kolkorok breathed a long sigh of relief, but his family members were frightened by this sudden change.

    Just when the major and his companions got rid of these agents, an accident happened. An agent who had gone to relieve himself in a distance witnessed all this horror. He knew that there was absolutely no way to fight these murderers with his own strength.  contend.  The only way is to leave here quickly and get reinforcements.

    He quietly slipped towards the back.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  He could have succeeded

    "Hey, I'm Ernst." A voice sounded in front of the agent, and then the agent heard a gunshot, and he fell to the ground clutching his chest.

    Wang Weiyi smiled, put away his gun, and then strode up to the major and the Russian soldiers.  That was Capone and company.

    They were disposing of the corpses in an orderly manner. Capone looked behind him: "Did you shoot Mr. Moyol just now?"

    "Ah, yes, there was some minor accident and an agent almost ran away, but I helped you deal with the unexpected situation." Wang Weiyi said nonchalantly.

    Then, he came to Marshal Kolkorok: "I think we can set off."

    "Thank you, Baron, for once again saving our family." Marshal Kolkorok said gratefully.

    Yes, this is the second time His Excellency the Baron has saved the lives of their entire family.

    Capone behind him felt something in his heart.

    Baron?  baron?  It is exactly the same as my own judgment.

    Now, he can be sure of the true identity of "Mr. Moyol".  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Marshal Korkorok¡¯s family all returned to the bus. When Korkorok was about to get on the bus, he said: ¡°Baron, I hope to see you in Ukraine soon.¡±

    "I also look forward to seeing you soon." Wang Weiyi said lightly: "Remember the agreement between us and your promise to me. I don't want to see a second Gregory."

    Marshal Korkorok nodded vigorously.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Moscow is still the same Moscow, and no one noticed that Marshal Korkorok had quietly left here and boarded the train bound for Ukraine.

    Wang Weiyi, who returned to the Imperial Hotel, entered his room as if nothing happened.

    Now, when Daniel, who temporarily acted as his assistant, saw "Mr. Petergoff" coming back, he seemed to have seen a savior and immediately shouted: "Look, my good sir, where have you been all day? I'm almost here."  Driven crazy. Really, I swear.?It's going to be driven crazy.  Since the morning, more than ten guests have requested to see you, but where can I find you?  Ah, I am even busier in the afternoon.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  "

    "Come on, Daniel, let me calm down for a while." Wang Weiyi smiled and threw a gold ruble to Daniel: "To be honest, I am almost exhausted today."

    A gold ruble made Daniel feel a lot better. He suddenly remembered something: "Ah, by the way, Mr. Migrosky has come to see you several times. He asked me to tell you that once you come back, please  Be sure to go to the club.¡±

    Wang Weiyi changed his clothes: "I'm going to find Mr. Migroski now"

    When Zachrov saw "Mr. Petrogov" on the 21st floor, his attitude became extremely polite and he didn't need to do any more checks at all.  Migrosky has already confessed that "Mr. Petergoff" is the most distinguished guest of the Royal Club.

    "Mr. Petrogov, Mr. Migrosky just went out with Mr. Ivan and Miss Tatiana. He told me that if you come, please wait for him here for a while. You can take any chips in the club."  Zachrov said with a flattering tone.

    This is an enviable thing. The chips can be taken at will. This is what every gambler dreams of seeing.

    The club is still as luxurious as before and full of gamblers as before.

    Wang Weiyi has no intention of gambling. For him, this is nothing more than a pastime.  The stack of chips quickly became empty under his careless bets.

    At this time, he noticed a beautiful young woman sitting in front of a baccarat table, wearing a purple dress.  When Wang Weiyi saw her for the first time, he had to admire her beauty, which even surpassed Tatiana.  Especially the eyes that I occasionally come into contact with are full of seductive magic.

    The only thing that makes people feel a little strange is that a beauty like this is surrounded by a group of followers, but there is no one around her.  !

    The young woman's luck is not very good like Wang Weiyi's. She has lost very few chips.  The young woman took a sip of wine with some irritability and pushed up all the chips.

    What she got was a six-point, which was definitely not a good number. Wang Weiyi walked up to her: "Why don't you want another card?"

    The young woman glanced at him: "I want another one."

    ? 2-8 points for one piece!  A smile appeared on the young woman's face.  When the dealer draws the card, 7 o'clock.

    "Thank you, sir." The young woman smiled and said, "This is the first time I have won money today. I have always been unlucky before."

    "Maybe this is the beginning of a change of fortune." Wang Weiyi sat down next to her.

    "Ah, I think maybe." The young woman introduced the chips again.

    Wang Weiyi saw that she had only pushed out half of the chips: "Why not put them all in, madam? I think your luck has improved since you just picked up the deck of cards."

    After saying that, he put all the chips in his hand on the young woman's pile.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The young woman hesitated for a moment, but finally followed Wang Weiyi's suggestion and pushed out all her chips.

    Just as Wang Weiyi said, the young woman's luck has indeed begun to improve.  In not much time, a lot of chips were piled up in front of her.

    "Madam, I think it would be nice if we could see each other." Wang Weiyi once again put forward his suggestion

    ??Obviously, at this time, the young woman already trusted him very much. She asked someone to take the chips and write a check for herself, and then said to Wang Weiyi: "Can I buy you a drink, sir?"

    ¡°Of course, no one can refuse the invitation from a beautiful lady like you

    "I'm Sorkina, what about you, sir?" At the bar of the club, Sorkina ordered two glasses of wine and then introduced herself.


    "Ah, are you the Mr. Petrogov that everyone wants to know recently?" Although Sorkina said this, there was no surprise on her expression.

    This woman¡¯s family is probably quite good.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Wang Weiyi thought so in his heart.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "I heard that you won a lot of money the first time you came here, right?" Sorkina asked with interest: "Do you have any tips?"

    "I think there are no tricks to gambling other than cheating." Wang Weiyi shrugged: "Courage, luck, and generous gambling capital are the factors that make up for winning money."

    "Do you have a lot of money?" Sorkina suddenly seemed to remember something when she said this: "Ah, by the way, everyone in Moscow is here"??You are a rich man. I am curious how much wealth you have?  Of course, this is a very personal question and you don¡¯t have to answer it at all.  "

    "I don't know how much property I have" Wang Weiyi said nonchalantly: "I really don't know. I'm probably richer than the average person."

    Wang Weiyi is telling the truth. Putting aside the huge and shocking wealth in the base, his shares in the Wittgenstein family, Montagut and Chateau Margaux, as well as the properties in the United States and continental Europe, it is enough to make anyone  People coveted it.

    Sorkina and Wang Weiyi seemed to be chatting so enthusiastically that it took a long time for the two of them to notice when Migroski came to them.

    "Mr. Petrogov, I kept you waiting for a long time." Migrosky said apologetically, and then said to Sorkina: "How are you lucky today, Grand Duchess?"

    The Grand Duchess?  Wang Weiyi's heart moved. Could this be Gregory's wife?  If it is true, then the age difference between the two is really too big.

    "Ah, thanks to Mr. Petrogov, otherwise I would have lost not even a ruble as before." Sorkina said happily.

    "It doesn't matter, the club's door is always open to you, Grand Duchess." Migroski said respectfully.

    Sorkina drank the last sip of wine in the glass: "I think you must have something to talk about, so I will take my leave first. I hope to see you again soon, Mr. Petrogov."

    "She is the wife of Duke Berstoka" In the office, Migrosky confirmed Wang Weiyi's guess: "Before marrying the Grand Duke, she was the most famous beauty in Moscow. It's a pity that  What happened was that the family encountered some misfortune, and she had to marry the Grand Duke to save her family. "

    Wang Weiyi nodded.

    "You'd better not have too much contact with her." Migroski advised kindly: "The Grand Duke does not allow any man to have any contact with his wife, even the bodyguards assigned to the Grand Duchess.  Woman. I remember that a young man met the Grand Duchess by chance at a cocktail party and invited her to have dinner with her. But guess what? The young man disappeared before the cocktail party was over, and no one could see him again.  ¡±

    A beautiful wife and a husband who holds great power but is already in his old age and unable to do what he wants will always be wary of his wife.

    This is true in any family.

    Wang Weiyi smiled: "I think I'm here to do business, and I don't want to cause any trouble!"
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