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Volume 2: My Country Eight Hundred and Eighteen.  Annihilate

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    News of the sudden counterattack by the German SS Nordland Combat Regiment spread throughout the battlefield immediately.

    This is extremely shocking news.  According to the analysis of all Allied intelligence agencies, the German army has simply lost the ability to attack, and a counterattack is completely impossible.

    But under such circumstances, Germany¡¯s counterattack began!

    It¡¯s that Moyol again!

    He defeated the 1st Canadian Ranger Regiment with the help of the soldiers of the Nordland Combat Regiment who struggled to hold on in Antwater and suffered heavy losses.

    When he led a small team to raid, he had already shown his strong ability, and when he commanded a large army, his performance was equally outstanding.

    Where did this person come from?  To what extent does this person want to carry out the war before he is willing to do so?

    Not only that, the German propaganda machine is also in full swing.  After he won the first counterattack, the German side exaggerated Lieutenant Colonel Moyol into a new German myth, and exaggerated the troops under his command into an invincible miracle.  The name "Moyol" has become Germany's new pride and the confidence of German soldiers to fight to the end.

    This is very scary for the Allies.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Since the beginning of the Berlin offensive and defense, the German soldiers have shown tenacious confidence. They had no intention of giving up even when they were completely at a disadvantage.  Now, the emergence of Major Moyol may make the battle more tragic.

    This is something the Allies absolutely do not want to see.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Moreover, what surprised the Allied command even more was that Brigadier General Badger actually led his 3rd Marine Brigade in pursuit without receiving orders from the Allied General Headquarters and superiors.

    Under questioning, Brigadier General Badger insisted that he had received the order personally from General Westmoreland, but General Westmoreland denied the matter.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Things became a little strange, which even made people wonder if there was a German traitor in the Allied headquarters.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    However, when things have reached this point, there is no better choice.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Just as Wang Weiyi judged, once the US military started to pursue, their pace could not be stopped.  Moreover, the Allies really wanted to kill Lieutenant Colonel Moyol and the troops under his command to re-boost the morale of their soldiers and at the same time deal a heavy blow to the confidence of the German army.

    At this point, General Westmoreland officially issued an order to Brigadier General Badger to pursue the Nordland Combat Group with all its strength and be sure to annihilate it.  Also receiving the order at the same time was Lieutenant Colonel Karls and his rapid action team, trying every means to intercept the escape of the German troops.

    After receiving the order, Lieutenant Colonel Karls could only smile bitterly - here we go again, this damn Moyol is here again.  Every time he appeared, he would always deal a heavy blow to the Allies, and then quietly disappear.  And when he appears next time, his power will be further strengthened.

    From the earliest discovery of thirty soldiers to a combat regiment of 1,700 soldiers now, this magical German has become stronger and stronger with each war.

    Now, even Lieutenant Colonel Karls has to admit that "Lieutenant Colonel Moyol" is a magical German.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    ¡°However, if it cannot be eliminated as soon as possible, this German will sooner or later become a serious problem for the Allies.

    Faced with repeated failures, Lieutenant Colonel Karls was never willing to give up like this.

    "Today, we encountered some small groups of troops. Lieutenant Colonel Moyol led us to kill these enemy troops cleanly"

    When the Nordland combat regiment was resting, Captain Lampden, who liked to keep a diary, took out his diary again:

    "From last night to now, we have killed at least more than two hundred enemies. When Lieutenant Colonel Moyol arrived in Antwater, everything changed. No one could have imagined that in such a difficult situation, Lieutenant Colonel  We actually led a beautiful counterattack. £®To be honest, we still don¡¯t know where the destination is, but what does it matter?  The enemy is enough. £®£®£®At noon today, a lieutenant named Jonas arrived to join us. He was a subordinate of Lieutenant Colonel Moyol. He had an Eastern face.  When I saw him, I didn't pay much attention to him. However, in an encounter with the enemy shortly afterwards, Lieutenant Jonas killed two enemies without missing a beat.  What Lieutenant Manfred said makes me wonder, how did the Lieutenant Colonel find these people? Why are their performances on the battlefield so outstanding?

      During breaks, the lieutenant colonel always likes to tell us about some battles that happened many years ago. He tells us so carefully that even some details are described clearly.  If the lieutenant colonel were not so young, this would even make us think that he had participated in the battles he himself said.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The lieutenant colonel told us that in 1942, Germany also faced a major crisis. They might even lose the entire war, but a miracle happened just when everyone was almost desperate, and Germany finally won the war.  victory.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  I know that he is encouraging us in this way, and Germany will definitely be able to overcome the current difficult situation.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Based on the latest intelligence analysis.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  No one knows where the lieutenant colonel got this information.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The 3rd Marine Brigade of the U.S. Marine Corps is desperately chasing us, and their fast troops are quick to catch up.  At the same time, on our left and right, there are enemy troops trying to encircle us.  But I have to say, as long as the lieutenant colonel is commanding us, no enemy is worth fearing.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  It's just that those nasty planes always appear above our heads, bombing us and reporting our whereabouts to the 3rd Brigade.  If possible, I really want to kill these planes.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Just now, the lieutenant colonel asked us to stop advancing and take a good rest. He said he wanted to teach the Americans' 3rd Brigade a lesson so that they should not pursue so closely.

    The battle is about to break out, but none of us are nervous at all. Instead, we become excited and look forward to it.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  "

    ¡°As written in Captain Lampden¡¯s diary, Wang Weiyi decided to teach Brigadier General Badger and the 3rd Brigade a lesson.

    The Abraham Rapid Mobile Battalion of the 3rd Brigade was already very close to them. This battalion probably thought that the Germans were just trying to escape, and most of them had already separated.

    Killing this mobile battalion will teach the Americans a good lesson.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Increase the speed of retreat!" Wang Weiyi regrouped the team: "Manfred, command your commando team and all the tanks and self-propelled artillery to hide nearby. When the enemy approaches, give them a hard blow.  hit!"

    "Yes, Lieutenant Colonel." Richthofen responded expressionlessly.

    Captain Lampden was a little worried: "Lieutenant Colonel, enemy planes will soon discover Lieutenant Manfred and the others."

    "Don't worry about this." Wang Weiyi smiled meaningfully.

    The Germans will never know that they actually have one of their most powerful allies:

    Xiaoling and her purple light military base.  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Major, our reconnaissance plane has discovered the enemy's whereabouts, and they are fleeing in the direction of Abomela!"

    "All enemies?"

    "Yes, all enemies."

    Major Abraham is very satisfied with the reconnaissance capabilities of the Air Force. Any movement of the enemy will be invisible under the reconnaissance of the aircraft.  And he was also very grateful to Brigadier General Badger. In this way, the honor of being the first to pursue the Germans would surely fall on him.

    "The whole battalion increases the marching speed and must catch up with the enemy before tomorrow morning!" Major Abraham gave the order coldly: "At the same time, please ask the follow-up troops to follow up immediately!"

    The major had never doubted the reconnaissance capabilities of the Air Force, but the only thing he could not have imagined was that the Air Force, which he trusted so much, might destroy him and all his troops.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    When the night cleared and the sun shone on the earth again, Major Abraham seemed to have seen the dawn of victory.

    The enemy retreated very quickly, but due to lack of maneuverability, they were still caught up by themselves.

    The large army is still some distance away from itself, but this does not affect anything. As long as the Germans can be entangled here, once most of them arrive, it will only be a matter of time before they are annihilated.

    The German army obviously found that they had no way to escape. They began to build fortifications on the spot, assuming a posture of death and defeat, which was exactly what Major Abraham wanted to see.

    The battle broke out almost immediately.

    Relying on superior firepower, Major Abraham and his soldiers stood firm to resist the enemy's attack.  Although they were at a numerical disadvantage, the American soldiers were not worried. There was absolutely no way for the enemy to conquer their defensive positions in a short time.

    Brigadier General Badger's telegram also arrived. He commended Major Abraham for his heroic actions and told the major that the main force of the 3rd Brigade would arrive by tomorrow morning at the latest.  Before that, Major Abraham's only mission was to ensure that the enemy would not escape.

    Major Abraham confidently assured the brigadier general that he would not betray the brigadier general's trust.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

      The German troops retreated under the strong firepower of the US military, but Wang Weiyi smiled happily.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    It¡¯s almost time. The US military has completely entered its own trap. Now, it¡¯s time to tell these Americans what a real war is!

    "Order Manfred to attack with full force!"

    When Wang Weiyi issued this order, a sad day for Major Abraham and his rapid assault battalion had begun.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The sound of the cannon tore through Major Abraham's self-confidence.

    "Major, enemies, a large number of enemies appear behind us!"

    Major Abraham was shocked by the screams. He hurriedly looked towards the rear. Several tanks, two self-propelled artillery and a large number of German soldiers appeared without Tommy's precautions!

    Those German troops appeared so suddenly and attacked so quickly. Once these German troops appeared, the Nordland Combat Regiment on the front also devoted all its strength without reservation, launching a general attack on the US military with a roar and a tsunami.

    Richthofen, who commanded the most powerful force of the Nordland Combat Group, did not hesitate for even a second. Six tanks and two self-propelled artillery roared at the same time.

    One of Abraham's light armored vehicles and a personnel carrier were destroyed in the first round of shelling.  But this is just the beginning.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The shells came with a crazy noise and kept falling on the U.S. military's positions. The shock wave caused by the explosion made the U.S. military become a mess.

    Another armored vehicle was blown to pieces. Facing the powerful "Leopard Yin" and "Garde self-propelled artillery", the US military's light armored vehicles had no ability to resist.

    Under the cover of tanks and self-propelled artillery, the German army launched a fierce attack in waves.  Under such an offensive, the US military suffered huge losses in a short period of time.

    There were corpses on the ground and blood flowing everywhere.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Major Abraham was as confused as his soldiers.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He still hasn¡¯t figured out how such a thing happened. The reconnaissance plane obviously did not detect the enemy, but where did these Germans come from?

    "We are under siege, asking for support, asking for support!" Major Abraham in despair could only issue such an order.

    But the attack occurred too suddenly. Most of the troops commanded by Brigadier General Badger were still a long way away from them, and the air force was unable to arrive on the battlefield in time.

    Americans must rely on themselves.

    But in the chaos, they no longer have the determination to resist.  Under the continuous attack of German artillery fire, those American soldiers either ran away or lay on the ground praying to God to help the occupation survive this disaster.

    But the German army had no mercy at all. They rushed up quickly and completely overwhelmed the US military's defense.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    A large number of American soldiers died under such a rapid and violent blow. Some American soldiers who no longer had any hope raised their hands.

    Surrendering is their most helpless, but also the best choice.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Major Abraham swore that he would never surrender. He was an American soldier. Even if he failed, he must act like a soldier upright.

    He commanded the few soldiers who were still willing to continue fighting, struggling to resist the enemy's attack, even though they knew there was no hope.

    A shell fell not far from them, and the airwaves from the explosion overturned several American soldiers.

    At this point, even the most determined people know that they cannot succeed.  Everyone had their eyes on Major Abraham.

    The major knew that he had played a trick. He smiled bitterly: "You have done your best. Now you can do what you want to do."

    "What about you, Major?"

    "Me?" Major Abraham said in a daze, "I'll be here soon, but I want to take a closer look."

    Until now, no one has been able to understand the meaning of Major Abraham¡¯s words.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    ¡°My dear, I¡¯m going to Europe.

    "Ah, dear Abraham, you will definitely return with full honors."

    "Yes, Sally, you will definitely see your fianc¨¦ come back with medals on his chest. Everyone will be proud of you then."

    "So, will you fulfill your promise?"

    ¡°Of course, I will give you the most dreamy wedding and I will make you my wife!¡±

    These words keep coming?rang in the ears of Major Abraham.  He had no chance to give Sally the most dreamy wedding, and he had no way to make her his wife.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He smiled bitterly, then raised the pistol and put it to his temple.  Then, he closed his eyes and pulled the trigger hard.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    After the gunfire, everything was over.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    In this battle, Major Abraham of the U.S. Rapid Mobile Battalion committed suicide. 271 officers and soldiers of the battalion were killed and 126 were captured.  The entire battalion suffered a devastating blow.

    Not only that, the Nordland Combat Regiment also seized a large amount of supplies, including armored vehicles and trucks that they urgently needed.

    Americans could never have guessed that they would suffer such a defeat.

    Among the corpses of those Americans, Wang Weiyi saw the body of Major Abraham. In the major's pocket, he also found a photo of a beautiful girl.

    ¡°Probably his fianc¨¦e,¡± Wang Weiyi thought in his heart.

    It¡¯s a pity that such a young major and such a beautiful girl are waiting for his return.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Why come to a place that doesn't belong to you?" Wang Weiyi whispered to the corpse on the ground: "In the United States, you may be married now. You will have a beautiful wife and several children.  ¡±

    Major Abraham heard nothing.

    "Lieutenant Colonel, what should we do with those prisoners? Or should they all be released?"

    Wang Weiyi nodded silently.

    He does not need these prisoners. If necessary, he will defeat these enemies again.

    Every time, he will bring the heaviest blow to his enemy!

    "And these released prisoners will never forget this day. Their self-confidence has been completely destroyed, and the vast majority of them will never have the courage to take up arms again.

    What else is there to fear about such soldiers on the battlefield?

    The soldiers of the Nordland Combat Regiment did not cheer. There must be many more such victories in the future.  When "Lieutenant Colonel Moyol" appears, it means that miracles will also continue to come.

    Some German soldiers had already taken their captured weapons and jumped into the trucks and armored vehicles that had also been captured by them.  The Americans provided them with necessary battlefield supplies.

    Maybe they should thank the Americans?

    Wang Weiyi smiled and got into the jeep, which was used by Major Abraham.

    This is just the beginning!
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