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Volume 2: My Country Seven Hundred and Eight.  love on the battlefield

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    The sun is no longer warm. On the contrary, the sunlight shining on the earth is full of the strong smell of blood.

    The corpses all over the ground looked so horrible that it was impossible to look directly at them.  The gurgling blood seems to tell everyone what kind of tragedy happened here yesterday.

    Some women¡¯s rescue teams appeared on the battlefield. They examined the corpses, hoping to find some soldiers who were still alive.

    Surrounded by countless German snipers, their muzzles were already aimed at these Russian women, but most of them, after thinking about it, quietly lowered their muzzles.

    After all, there is no point in killing these defenseless women.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    There were very few wounded who survived last night's battle. A Russian woman suddenly found something on a corpse, and then she reached into the corpse's pocket. Miraculously, she found half of the corpse.  Cookies.

    The woman greedily licked the biscuit with her tongue, with a satisfied expression on her face.  After all, such food is rare in Moscow.

    A serious shortage of food is plaguing Moscow. Even the frontline combat troops are unable to ensure adequate food supply. The daily rations are pitifully small. The situation is even worse than in Stalingrad.

    Everyone knows what food means here.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Heisenberg¡¯s gun had been aimed at the Russian woman, and he saw everything that happened.  He could take this woman's life anytime, anywhere, but he didn't.

    Poor woman, she doesn¡¯t even have a bite to eat.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The war has taken away countless lives, and the war has also broken countless families.  Maybe that woman's husband and children are dead?

    But who did she leave that cookie to?  Probably her child is still there.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Heisenberg's strong curiosity was aroused. He found that the woman quietly looked around and then left the team.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Heisenberg decided to find out what was going on. He stood up quietly and followed the woman covertly on the other side.

    He found that women specifically looked for deserted roads to walk on, which also further increased the possibility of Heisenberg being exposed.  But his intense curiosity made Heisenberg forget all dangers.

    He saw the woman stop in front of a house, looked around to make sure there was no one, quickly opened the door and walked in, then quickly closed the door.

    This house miraculously was not destroyed during the war.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Heisenberg walked to the house, and he tried to push the door open. Perhaps the woman entered in too hastily, and the door was not closed.

    But there was no one in the house.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Heisenberg was very sure that there was a dark room or something here.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  He is a member of the Bredenburg Commando, and these problems will not trouble him.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He searched the house carefully and soon discovered a cellar hidden in the corner.

    He opened the cellar lid and walked down quietly.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  There were dim lights flashing in the cellar, and Heisenberg rushed in, raised the gun in his hand, and shouted in Russian: "Don't move, raise your hands!"

    What appeared in front of him left Heisenberg stunned.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    A Russian woman is taking care of a man who is missing a leg.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  When she saw a stranger rushing in, the woman hurriedly blocked the man with her body and said in horror: "No, don't hurt us"

    However, her body was pushed away by the man behind her, and the man's face was exposed in front of Heisenberg.

    His face was covered with beard and he looked haggard under the dim light, so thin that he almost lost his human shape.  However, Heisenberg could still vaguely feel that this man was very young.

    What shocked him even more happened was that the man actually said in pure German: "Are you a German soldier?"

    "Yes, Heisenberg, First Class Corporal and Third Class Squadron Leader of the SS Bredenburg Commando."

    "Second Lieutenant of the Reconnaissance Battalion of the SS Adolf Hitler's Guards Division and Squadron Leader of the SS Three-Level Sturmer Squadron Ampna!"

    Heisenberg couldn¡¯t believe what he heard: ¡°Are you German too?¡±

    "Yes, I am German and a member of the Waffen-SS just like you."

    "Hello, Mr. Second Lieutenant."

    "Hello, Corporal Heisenberg."

    Heisenberg still felt a little unbelievable,He looked at the Russian woman and said, "Mr. Second Lieutenant, please allow me to ask an impolite question. Are you"

    "She is Yevtina, my savior"

    When Ampner said these words, Heisenberg noticed that he was holding half a biscuit in his hand.  Ah, this is what this woman named Yevtina found on the body. It turned out that she gave it to Second Lieutenant Ampna.

    "Do you have anything to eat, Corporal Heisenberg?"

    "Ah, yes." Heisenberg hurriedly took out the dry food and handed it over.  Yevtina took it and swallowed, but gave it to Ampna first.

    Ampna smiled and said: "No, Yevtina, you eat."

    But Yevtina stubbornly brought the food to Ampna's mouth. Ampna took a bite with her fingers, and then said: "Corporal Heisenberg, are you surprised why I am like this?"

    Seeing Heisenberg nodding, Ampna said slowly: "It is now 1943. I participated in the attack on Moscow on September 30, 1941. On November 13, my reconnaissance battalion and I entered Moscow.  , but was discovered by the Russians. All my companions died. Only I survived, but I was shot in the calf. I didn¡¯t know what to do. I could only drag my injured leg everywhere to avoid the Russians.  £®

    Ampna told all his story.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He met Yevtina. At this time, Ampna was completely desperate. He was even unwilling to kill the woman in front of him.

    Most of the people in the reconnaissance camp can speak Russian. He threw away his weapon and then told Yevtina in Russian to hand herself over to the Soviet army.

    But a strange thing happened, Yevtina did not do this.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Because she knew very well that any captured German would not end well in Moscow. They would be beaten to death.  However, she somehow developed a fondness for the German in front of her, and then hid him in the cellar of her home, which is where he was.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The injury on Ampna¡¯s leg became more and more serious day by day, and the wound began to fester and suppurate, but they could not get medical help.  So Ampna made a decision on his own. He sawed off his calf without any anesthesia.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Heisenberg was stunned when he heard this.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Did he actually saw off his own leg without any anesthesia?

    God, how much courage this takes.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "I survived, and we fell in love." Anpuna looked at Yevtina deeply: "We lacked food, and Yevtina left most of her pitiful ration for me to eat every day.  £®£®£®£®£®I fell into a high fever, and I wanted to give up several times, for Yevtina¡¯s sake.  Go down Later, when I heard Yevtina say that the Germans were defeated and all the Russians were driven out of Moscow, I was really desperate.  Surrender and avoid disturbing Yevtina. £®

    Heisenberg really couldn't imagine how they survived until now.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Two years. It¡¯s almost two years.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  He and Yevtina survived in this small cellar.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "One night, I suddenly figured out something" Anpu's face showed a very determined expression: "I know that we will fight back sooner or later. At that time, it will be me.  When the day comes, Yevtina must be protected, don't you think so, Corporal Heisenberg?"

    "Yes, Mr. Second Lieutenant, I must pay tribute to you!"

    "I have finally waited for this day." Anpu's face showed a bright smile: "We have really fought back! Yevtina told me the good news. I am extremely eager to see you.  But it¡¯s really messy outside, so I want to wait a little longer.¡±

    "Yes, we are back, and we are about to win, Mr. Lieutenant!" Heisenberg said with pride: "We went to victory in Kharkov and won the battle of Stalingrad. Now, 240  The ten thousand powerful German army is launching the most fatal attack on the Russians under the command of Marshal Ernst Brahm!"

    "Who are you talking about?" Ampna didn't seem to hear clearly: "Ernst Brahm? Which Ernst Brahm? Is he a subordinate of General Lucas?"

    "No!" Heisenberg said with a smile: "He is Baron Skeleton!"

    Now, it¡¯s Ampna¡¯s turn to have a look on her faceHe had an expression of disbelief.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  God, God!  Whose name did he hear?  Baron Skeleton?

    No, how is this possible?  The Skeleton Baron has long been dead.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Mr. Second Lieutenant, I think this is not the place for us to discuss this issue." Heisenberg said at this time: "A new attack is about to begin. Our troops are not far from here. Let me take you away together  £®

    With the support of Heisenberg and Yevtina, Ampna stood up.  He was so excited at this moment.  After nearly two years of waiting, he finally waited for this day to arrive with incredible confidence.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Second Lieutenant Ampna!"

    "Yes, Marshal Ernst! Second Lieutenant of the Reconnaissance Battalion of the SS Adolf Hitler's Guards Division and Captain of the SS Level 3 Commando Squadron Captain Ampner salutes you!"

    Wang Weiyi stared deeply at the German second lieutenant.

    Miracle, this is the real miracle.  He had no idea what kind of perseverance Anpu had relied on to survive nearly two long years.  But he knew it would be extremely difficult.

    At least he has one belief that has never changed: that is, he firmly believes that the German army will fight back sooner or later.

    ¡°Perhaps it was this belief that helped him survive.

    "Are there any soldiers we left behind during the first war in Moscow?" Wang Weiyi asked.

    "I don't know, Marshal, I think maybe"

    "Yeah, maybe" Wang Weiyi sighed.

    But even if there were, they would not be as lucky as Anpu.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    His eyes fell on Yevtina. Without the help of this Russian woman, Anpu would have died long ago.  It seems that fk's power is really powerful.  !

    "Have a good rest and let the doctor examine you carefully." Wang Weiyi calmed down his mood: "As for you, Yevtina, I allow you to stay with Second Lieutenant Ampna to take care of youAh,  No, it¡¯s not Lieutenant Ampuna.¡±

    "You, you want to promote me to major?" Ampna opened his mouth: "Marshal, I don't deserve such an honor. All my comrades in the reconnaissance battalion are dead"

    "No, you deserve such an honor." Wang Weiyi said firmly: "No matter what, nothing can be great without the power of faith. You have never betrayed your beliefs, and you have never betrayed your country. Major Ampna  !¡±

    Yes, he spent the longest time with firm faith.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    This is a legendary love on the battlefield, the love between a German soldier and a Russian woman.

    In fact, as one of the supreme leaders of the Soviet Union, Stalin once had his own love, which was his wife Nadya, whom she once loved deeply.

    His wife also died in the purges initiated by Stalin.

    In the spring of 1937, the top leaders of the German secret police, Heydrich and Schulenberg, forged an "important intelligence" and cleverly sent this "top-secret document" to Stalin's desk in the Kremlin through their spy agencies.  The content of this false intelligence was extremely simple: a group of senior Red Army generals headed by Soviet Marshal Tukhachevsky were dissatisfied with Stalin's dictatorship and reign of terror, and were preparing to launch a mutiny to overthrow Stalin.  Stalin only used this as evidence to execute Tukhachevsky and others.

    It should be said that Stalin¡¯s large-scale purges had objective historical reasons.  At that time, the Soviet Union was under siege.  Various plots to overthrow the Bolshevik regime continued one after another.  This isolated and difficult situation will inevitably affect Stalin's judgment to a certain extent.  But the tragedy and losses it brought to the Soviet party, army and people are unquestionable facts.

    This also included the psychological trauma caused to Stalin personally.

    The great purge launched by Stalin not only brought great disaster to the country, but also brought great misfortune to his family and relatives.  As early as 1932, Stalin's wife Nadya committed suicide with a small revolver on the night of November 18 after a quarrel with him.

    Although this incident was caused by drinking at the reception, the essence of the matter reflected Stalin's wife's serious dissatisfaction and protest against certain policies and rough behaviors he formulated.  When she heard that during the agricultural collectivization movement, many people were pulled out and shot due to forced orders, and many people were persecuted to death;  , because she and her husband disagreed with the principles and lines of building socialism.But after being punished, she could no longer endure it, so she took this angry and violent action.

    The death of his wife was a terrible blow to Stalin and made his soul so empty.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    So that I lost trust in my comrades and friends.  Especially the note his wife left for him hurt his feelings even more and made him feel angry.  The note was full of denunciations and accusations against him personally and on some political issues. At that time, the phenomenon of coercion in rural areas to get farmers to join collective farms was at its most serious. She heard some cruel and ruthless legends from her classmates and friends.  .

    She was horrified and blamed him. For Stalin, this last note from the woman he regarded as his "closest and loyal friend" was a devastating "betrayal".

    He was so distraught that during the farewell ceremony, he stood close to the coffin for a while, then suddenly pushed the coffin away with both hands, turned around and walked away.  He didn't even go to the funeral.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Stalin stood in his office, holding a photo in his hand and looking at it constantly. The photo showed his wife Nadya.

    At this time, someone knocked on the door, and Stalin put away the photo: "Come in."

    It was Marshal Zhukov who came in.  Stalin noticed that the look on Zhukov's face was not good-looking: "Did Malinovsky fail?"

    Zhukov nodded with difficulty.

    After confirming his judgment, Stalin did not look very angry: "Are our losses big?"

    "Very big, Comrade Stalin." Zhukov's tone was low: "Especially 10 of the 15 guerrilla brigade were annihilated, and the losses of the regular army were also heavy. Malinovs blames himself very much and asks you to give him severe punishment  ¡±

    "Punishments cannot change the situation." Today's Stalin seemed to be uncharacteristically very lenient: "Let Comrade Malinovsky throw away his burdens and start working again. Tell him not to worry about anything, and not to have any ideological burden.  What Moscow needs now is their loyalty."

    "Yes, I will convey it word for word, Comrade Stalin." Zhukov breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Malinovsky was still a very brave general.

    But the question now is, how long can Moscow last under the powerful attack of the German army?

    No one can answer their question!
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