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Volume 2: My Country Six Hundred and Sixty.  collaborator

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    !Droff is ready to accept the judgment of fate calmly.  !

    And all the soldiers of the Third Army of the Soviet Army are also ready to accept the trial of fate.

    The mighty German military music is ringing on the battlefield, and the sound of cannons and gunshots represent the determination of the German Army to move forward to victory.

    In a telegram sent to Moscow, Marshal Vasilevsky, commander of the Soviet Caucasus Front, had to sadly admit:

    It is impossible for the Third Army to break through - reinforcements are impossible!

    "Iron Wall" Model and his 9th Army were like mountains in front of the Russians. No matter how violent the impact, they remained firm.

    Now, we can only let the Third Legion fend for itself.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The German troops coming from all directions will play the most impassioned music on the battlefield. They will kill every Russian in the encirclement as fast as lightning.

    Victory has come to this huge German army:

    ?¡ªErnst Battle Group!

    The cheerful whistles sounded in the mouths of the German soldiers, along with the "rumble" singing from the tanks, which together formed a victory sonata on the battlefield.

    "Long live - our soldiers! Long live - our baron!" Recker, the war reporter of the Skeleton Division, could not suppress his inner excitement at all. He wrote this in his notebook:

    ¡°Having not been to this real battlefield, you will never know what a real war isHaving not seen the heroic appearance of German soldiers on the battlefield, you will never know what a truly powerful Germany is  £®Skeleton Baron is as invincible as Thor. £®The Russian land is shaking, and the goddess of victory is scattering flowers all over the sky.  There we are celebrating the victory that has come, and it is only he who brought us this victory - the great Baron Alexon!

    It was he who came back in time when Germany was in the most difficult time, who appeared in time when Germany needed help the most, and who brought Germany its greatest victory.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  "

    There is no doubt that this article, which is full of praise, proves that Recker is the most loyal follower of Baron Alexson.  In fact, who in Germany is not a follower of the Baron?

    There is no suspense about the outcome of the war. All that remains now is when the battle here will end.

    The night has gone and the day has come, and the gunfire on the battlefield is no longer so fierce.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Russian tanks were burning there, and the pungent smell irritated everyone's nerves.  When paired with the unpleasant smell of burning corpses, it's almost nauseating.

    The remaining Soviet soldiers were confused.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  It's confusion, not confusion.  They had no idea whether to continue fighting or surrender. They were at a loss.

    There is no possibility of continuing the battle; surrender?  It seems completely contrary to the political education they have received.

    There was no one left to direct the organized battle, and the Soviet soldiers were simply relying on instinct to carry out meaningless resistance.

    A large number of "political cadres" appeared on the battlefield with the German army.

    Please note - this is a political cadre brigade organized by the German "political cadres" Bill Janloski.  These political cadres are collectively called the "Collaborator Brigade", which is also part of Wang Weiyi's "Great Split Plan".

    ¡°You cannot truly conquer a country by war alone, you can only defeat it at best.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  And these former Soviet military and political cadres headed by Bill Janloski will undoubtedly assume an increasingly important role in the war.

    When they appeared on the battlefield, they did not immediately shout for the Soviet troops in the encirclement to surrender.  On the contrary, their approach puzzled the German officers.

    Bill Janloski is undoubtedly a representative who is extremely loyal to Baron Alexson and has decided to devote his life to the Baron.

    The reason is very simple. The Baron gave him everything that the Russians could not give:

    Money, power, women.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  This is what every man longs for, but only after following Baron Alexson can you get it all overnight.

    "Bill Janloski's fate has been tightly tied to Baron Alexon.

    When he arrived on the battlefield, he immediately selected a large number of Russians from Soviet prisoners and organized them, and began to use various methods to induce them to cooperate with the Germans.

    Ludwig came to the front line very strangely.How did Erjanloski see that these prisoners were willing to cooperate with the Germans?  When he raised the question, Bill Janloski said humbly but confidently:

    "General, I can tell at a glance which people in the Soviet army are die-hards and who are willing to cooperate with us. This is a natural sense of smell, just like you always win the battle Please believe me  £®

    Ludwig shrugged, but he really couldn't understand the mystery.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    However, the facts proved that Bill Janloski was right. More than 90% of the manpower he selected agreed to the surrender request put forward by the "Collaborator Brigade", and they rebelled.

    Ludwig was simply astonished to the extreme. As far as he knew, most of these prisoners looked like smelly and hard-core die-hards at least on the surface. Who would have thought that there would be more "suppressors" as soon as they arrived?  So many Russians are willing to surrender! It seems that Birjanloski and his companions know the Soviet army very well.

    These political cadres may be born with this instinct.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    ?????????????? Then, Bill Janloski went on to surprise Ludwig even more by releasing new collaborators who were willing to surrender.

    "Bill Janloski, what do you want to do?" Ludwig asked quite dissatisfied: "Do you want them to go back and pick up weapons again to attack us?"

    "Please don't be anxious, general." Bill Janloski said confidently: "These people will return to their companions and use their personal experience to persuade their former friends to surrender. No one can move people's hearts more than personal words.  Yes.

    Some of the people I sent out will be shot by the enemy in the name of traitors, but I believe that under the current situation of complete despair of the Soviet army, more people will lay down their weapons and follow the people I designate.  Surrendered.  Please rest assured that my loyalty to the baron proves that I am not wrong.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  "

    Ludwig snorted.  Loyalty to the Baron?  Do these traitors really have any loyalty?  No, they are just motivated by profit.

    However, it seems that the Baron still thinks highly of these people. I hope he is not wrong about Bill Janloski.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    However, Ludwig soon discovered that he was wrong. The role played by his collaborators was unbelievable.  As time passed, collaborators began to appear in front of the German army with Soviet soldiers who put down their weapons and raised their hands.

    Some of the collaborators brought back more than a dozen people, and some brought back hundreds of people.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The most shocking thing is that a collaborator actually brought more than a thousand surrendered Russians at once!

    This collaborator used to be a colonel in the Soviet army. All he found were his former subordinates.  It is completely conceivable what the Russians felt when those completely desperate Soviet soldiers saw their commander suddenly appear in front of them and asked them to surrender.

    It is extremely ironic that the officers who used to sing about fighting to the death for the Soviet Union were the first to surrender.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Ludwig was really convinced this time.  After the Battle of Elklin broke out, German officers repeatedly tried to persuade the encircled Russians to surrender, but the success rate was very few.

    But once these "collaborator brigade" guys show up, it becomes a piece of cake.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Don't be surprised, Ludwig." When Wang Weiyi heard this, he smiled and said: "This is the power of traitors. There is nothing more terrifying than the lethality caused by traitors. Of course, you have every reason to be proud.  If our troops had not defeated the Russians, the Russians would not have surrendered so easily. We laid a solid foundation, and Birjanloski and his companions just made the battle easier."

    Ludwig nodded. Now it seems that not only the "Collaborator Brigade", but also organizations including the Free Russia Alliance are likely to play an increasingly important role on the battlefield.

    ¡°Perhaps Baron Alexon had anticipated the arrival of this day a long time ago.

    Now Ludwig feels that the Baron¡¯s magic is not only reflected in his invincibility on the battlefield, but that he knows when and what method is most appropriate.

    As more and more collaborators appear, the battle becomes easier and easier.

    Before, groups of Soviet troops were wiped out in the north. Now, groups of Russians are walking out of the trenches and surrendering with their hands raised.

    The speed of surrender was shocking even to the German army.?Strange.  To this end, Bill Janlowsky and his "brigade of collaborators" were influenced by Ernst.  A special commendation from Marshal Brahm.

    And for Lindelof, this is bad news that makes things worse.

    If he still has a strong will to resist, even if he is defeated, Lindelof will have the confidence to fight until the last moment and continue to inflict casualties on the Germans.  But once the will to resist completely disappears, everyone knows what the outcome will be.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The air raids came again and again, and the shells flew in layer by layer, making Lindelof's already gloomy mood even more depressed.

    Eighty thousand Soviet soldiers, a total of 80,000 Soviet soldiers, were buried in this place.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    ¡°He has not yet been able to figure out how such a tragedy happened, and he has not yet figured out where the responsibility for the failure lies.

    Brave - Fighting hard, the soldiers under his command did everything a soldier can do, but they still failed miserably.

    He sighed and shook his head in distress.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    February 16, 1943, was the day of final judgment.

    When the darkness before dawn dissipated, the German soldiers launched the final attack of the Battle of Elkling.  Large numbers of commandos, accompanied by tanks, reappeared on the battlefield.

    At this time, the entire command system of the Soviet Third Army had collapsed, and the entire Army had collapsed.  Faced with the roaring and tsunami-laden German army, the Russians were helpless.  There were only two paths before them:

    Either die in battle or surrender!

    When the confidence in resistance completely collapses, then surrender becomes a matter of course.

    Countless Russians laid down their arms.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  They have to go down and survive until the war is over.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  They also have parents, wives, children, and families.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  No one is truly not afraid of death.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    A firm belief will always collapse one day in the face of cruel reality.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    General Lindelof knew that the time had come for him to face death, and he had nothing to worry about. All the things that needed to be explained had been explained. If death really appeared in front of him, Lindelof firmly believed that he would face it with a smile.  Death's.

    He appeared on the front line in person.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  In fact, where is the distinction between frontline and rear now?  Through the telescope, you can see the war everywhere, you can see the attacking German army and the defeated Soviet army everywhere.

    The torrent of tanks rolled forward, crushing the last Soviet resistance position.  Those assault guns roared horribly, completely destroying each Russian position in the explosion.

    There were still some Russians who were making the last, most pointless resistance, but they were quickly wiped out cleanly by the Germans.  The corpses piled up everywhere told the Russians a shocking fact:

    Surrender, otherwise this will be your fate!

    £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Surrender, otherwise this will be your fate.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Lindelof muttered silently in his heart, and then he smiled bitterly.

    Now, he can only relieve his despair with a wry smile.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    At 8 a.m. on the 16th, General Lindelof, who had completely lost all hope, issued the order he was least willing to issue in his life:

    All Soviet officers and soldiers are allowed to surrender to the German army on the opposite side.

    Lindelof knew that this was probably the only thing he could do for the soldiers.  Since a breakout becomes impossible, let less blood be shed on the battlefield.

    When the order was conveyed to the commanders who were still fighting, they knew that the war was actually over by this time.

    The last faith was destroyed.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Farewell¡¤Farewell to the Third Army, I was extremely proud to be a Soviet general!

    After General Lindelof¡¯s order was issued, the battle became simpler.  But at this time, the German soldiers on the front line received an order from Baron Alexson:

    Try to find Lindelof as much as possible and try to catch him alive.

    Not out of pity, but out of the need for the decisive battle in the future.  Lindelof is a general deeply trusted by Marshal Vasilevsky. He is familiar with everything about the Caucasus Front. If such a person can be captured alive, it will be of great help in the future decisive battle.

    Baron Alexson¡¯s order must be carried out unswervingly.  The German army began to search for Lindelof like crazy.

    Of course, Wang Weiyi¡¯s order also has some negative consequences.In order to fulfill the Baron's orders, some eager SS officers began to take some extreme measures.

    They urgently needed to know the whereabouts of Lindelof, so they began to shoot prisoners to coerce those who knew about Lindelof's whereabouts.

    This was something Wang Weiyi had not expected.

    Fortunately, the tragedy on the battlefield did not last long. At one o'clock in the afternoon, Klingenberg's squadron finally captured the whereabouts of Lindelof's headquarters.

    Klingenberg did not launch an attack immediately. The baron asked for him alive.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Therefore, Klingenberg, who has always been bold, did something even more bold:

    He appeared in front of General Lindelof single-handedly!

    "Now I roughly know why the German army always wins." Looking at the German major in front of him, General Lindelof was not too surprised: "Your officers are actually able to do such a thing, especially when your  I didn¡¯t see any fear in him, which is the most rare thing.¡±

    "Surrender, general." Klingenberg said seriously: "Time is very tight now."

    "Nervous? What does this mean?" General Lindelof was a little curious.

    "Marshal Ernst has issued an order that you must live." Klingenberg's words were very solemn: "All we can do is resolutely implement Marshal Ernst's order. In order to find your whereabouts,  Some German officers began to shoot prisoners, which was strictly forbidden by the German sergeants, but now the situation is a little out of control. £®  The failure to complete the order would drive some fanatical German officers completely crazy, so a massacre was inevitable."

    Lindelof¡¯s expression also became heavy: ¡°Major, will the situation you said really happen?¡±

    "I can guarantee it in the name of a German officer." Klingenberg said loudly: "I think it is meaningless to continue to resist now. Surrendering will only lose your personal reputation, but it will save countless lives."  Russian prisoners, I don¡¯t think there¡¯s any reason to hesitate.¡±

    Klingenberg was right about one thing at least. Resistance has become meaningless.  It can only bring more deaths.

    General Lindelof suddenly smiled: "Please take me to your Marshal Ernst, Major!"
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