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Volume 2: My Country Six Hundred and Fifty Five.  crime

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    !The war that took place in Samiros can no longer be described in other words except "tragic".

    Marovsky, like other senior Soviet commanders, did not care at all how many casualties his side suffered.

    The 17th Armored Division has been mobilized to the front line, and those T34s and KV-1s are frantically attacking the German positions again and again.  This made the German defense somewhat passive.

    But immediately, the Germans began to use a large number of anti-tank weapons, struggling to block the Russian attack.

    There is a strange phenomenon that Malovsky did not discover - where are the German tanks?

    It seems that the Germans lost their tank force after capturing Erkling.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  But Malovsky didn't think much about it at all.

    During the whole day's attack on the 10th, Malovsky used all the forces he could use: the 17th Armored Division, the 89th Motorized Brigade, and the 190th Infantry Division.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Finally, starting at 3 pm on the 10th, Malovsky saw hope of victory: the German troops began to retreat from some positions!

    Overjoyed, Malovsky issued the strictest order to the Soviet soldiers on the front line: the Germans were about to be defeated, and for the victory of the great Soviet - attack!

    Seeing the hope of victory, the Russians almost went crazy. They began a non-stop crazy attack. At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the German army completely gave up Samiros.

    Victory?  Ah yes, victory!

    When he saw the German troops retreating across the board, it took Marovsky a long time to react.  He couldn't wait to send a telegram directly to Moscow:

    I have stood on the land of Samiros!

    "Congratulations, Comrade Malovsky, Moscow is watching you, the whole Soviet Union is watching you!" Soon, Moscow responded with this enthusiastic telegram.

    Marovsky is building extremely strong confidence in his heart.  With the capture of Samiros, Elkrin is in sight!  That idiot Tasotsky, it¡¯s time to know what a truly good commander is.  A truly outstanding commander is someone like himself.

    The Soviet army spent a night digesting the fruits of victory. The German army's retreat should be said to be orderly, but this is also in line with the German tradition.

    At this time in Elkling, Ludwig made a simple report to Marshal Ernst: "Marshal, we have given up on Samiros.

    "Very good, General Ludwig, I think the Russians will appear in Erkelin at noon tomorrow. Are you ready?" Wang Weiyi's majestic eyes swept over the German generals one by one.

    "Yes, Marshal, we are ready."

    Wang Weiyi said calmly: "Then let's get started!"

    Erkelin is ready - the German soldiers are ready!  Soon, on the battlefield of Elklin, a new hell will be formed.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    At noon on February 11th, the 89th Motorized Brigade of the Soviet Army appeared in Erklin. At 12:30, the Soviet Air Force began to bomb Erklin. German aircraft quickly met the attack, but the number was not very large.

    This once again proves the Russians¡¯ judgment: the Germans¡¯ supplies are not in place, and supply difficulties continue to plague them!

    At 13:15, Russian artillery joined in the bombing of Elklin, and German artillery also launched a tit-for-tat counterattack.  The artillery shells from both sides flew through the sky, and continued to fall on the other side's position mixed with sharp roars.

    13:30¡€The 190th, 191st, and 192nd Infantry Divisions of the Soviet Army arrived on the battlefield one after another, and the Erkelin offensive and defensive battle has begun!

    At 14:00, Malovsky¡¯s command headquarters arrived at the front line, which meant that the Soviet offensive system had been completed.

    Marovsky, who arrived at the front line, couldn't wait to issue the order for a general offensive. When the order for the attack was issued, the overwhelming Russians made a roar like a mountain and a tsunami.

    The sky was once again obscured by gunpowder smoke, and the earth was once again shaken by artillery shells.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The victory in the Battle of Samilos not only inspired Malovsky's confidence, but also inspired the confidence of all Soviet soldiers.

    With fanatical belief, these Russians launched one wave after another and never stopped attacking Elklin.

    However, Elklin's overall defensive strength and reasonable positioning were completely beyond the imagination of the Soviet commanders.  It seems that for Elklin, the German army will never allow any mistakes.

    The powerful defense did not arouse Malovsky's vigilance. Instead, it seemed that he was like a hungry wolf smelling blood.

    Victory¡ª¡ªAs long as he can capture Elklin, he will definitely become a famous general!

    But obviously it is not easy to achieve this goal.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Just like the initial attack on Samiros, the Russians encountered strong resistance, and the death rate was appallingly high.

    The corpses were piled up in layers, and blood washed the ground.  In the face of the intensive and powerful firepower of the German army, the Russians almost died in pieces.

    But what is shocking is that the voice of "Ula" did not stop from the beginning of the attack

    "These brainwashed Russians simply regard death as liberation.  They were not afraid of German bullets or artillery shells. They just kept their heads down, chanted slogans, and launched charges one after another.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    On the battlefield, there was even a terrible situation where an entire Soviet company, from the company commander to ordinary soldiers, was killed.  ! It happened in the 190th Infantry Division. The company commander was Tamichev, an extremely determined Bolshevik.

    The 190th Infantry Division was the first to launch an offensive in Samiros. They suffered heavy losses, and the face commanded by Tamikov was actually the guard company of the division and did not directly participate in the attack.

    The sacrifice of the 190th Infantry Division did not earn respect. Instead, their division commander Tasotsky was subject to a dismissal review. This made the officers and soldiers of the guard company feel that they had suffered great humiliation.

    Tamichev took the initiative to ask to go to the front line. This request was also supported by the officers and soldiers of the entire company. The shame must be washed away with blood.

    During the Erkelin attack, the guard company performed very bravely. They braved enemy fire and fearlessly launched a suicide charge.

    A cannonball landed among them, instantly wrapping dozens of people into the sky.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  However, the remaining companions did not seem to see half of them stepping on the corpse, and continued to chant fanatical slogans and launch a fanatical charge.

    A row of bullets came, and more than ten people fell down.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The guard company continued to charge.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Their efforts did not bring them the desired results.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The number of people is getting smaller and smaller.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "For the Soviets - move forward!" This was Tamichev's cry that never stopped from the beginning.

    Countless comrades fell in front of him, but Tamichev didn't seem to see them at all.  Death is the best manifestation of loyalty to one's faith. Soon, he will become one of the corpses.

    After charging for a long distance regardless of life and death, Tamikov suddenly found that there were only eight people left around him.  His heart finally tightened.

    A company, a complete face, now only eight people are left!

    "For the Soviets - move forward!" However, Tamichev did not hesitate and continued to make such a call for the last time in his life.

    Then the machine gun bullet completely penetrated his body.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Tamichev fell, and his companions fell almost at the same time as him.  The last soldiers of the guard company all died here.

    "They are crazy." Ludwig muttered as he witnessed all this.

    "They are crazy." Wang Weiyi repeated the words of his subordinates: "They are really crazy This is not a normal heroic attack, it is just suicide there. There is no complete offensive formation, just relying on the opponent  They don¡¯t even have much training.¡±

    Crime, this is where crime is committed.

    Most of the 191st and 192nd Infantry Divisions are recruits who have just joined the army.  When they joined the army, their commanders did not instill in them military theory, but thoroughly brainwashed them into telling them that dying for the Soviets was the greatest thing.

    When they joined the army, their commanders did not give them any military training, but constantly controlled their souls to make them understand that only dying for the Soviets and Comrade Stalin is the most valuable thing in the world.  Value things.

    So these people who appeared on the battlefield had courage and dared to sacrifice, but from a purely military perspective, their performance was completely clumsy.

    Crime, this is an out-and-out crime!

    That kind of intensive charge is basically treating themselves as the enemy's target and facing the dense bullets. They have no idea how to avoid them.

    The cry of "Ula" - this is their highest spiritual support!

    The German soldiers were able to happily shoot and kill the densely packed enemies on the opposite side, although this scene will never be forgotten by them.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

      The arms of the heavy machine gunners became swollen, and the bullets were beating so that they could not count how many Russians their machine guns had killed.  Those grenadiers threw away boxes of grenades, and the rising explosions wrapped up human lives.

    In a sense, snipers have completely lost the value of their existence, because they can easily kill enemies one by one without even aiming.

    Here, everyone becomes a sharpshooter.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The only ones that can pose some threat to the German positions are probably those Soviet tanks.  However, the German army, equipped with powerful anti-tank equipment, can always easily kill several Russian tanks.

    The corpses piled up into hills, and the blood gathered into small rivers.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The shrill screams are like the trembling music on the battlefield.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The specific number of casualties has not been calculated at all, and Malofsky believes that there is no need to do so.  As long as he can win and add another significant achievement to his list of achievements, he will not hesitate to sacrifice everyone.

    At 16:00, Lindelof, commander-in-chief of the Soviet Third Army, appeared on the front line.

    The Soviet general suddenly became a little unhappy when he heard that his troops had suffered such heavy losses.  Of course people will die in war, but it's not like filling lives into a bottomless pit.

    However, Malovsky stubbornly believed that victory was not far away from him. As long as he worked harder, Elklin would definitely return to the hands of the Soviet army.

    Although he was Malovsky¡¯s superior, Lindelof lacked the ability to supervise his subordinates because Malovsky received support from Moscow.

    Even if Marshal Vasilevsky is here, he may not be able to confront Malovsky.  Because just an hour ago, Comrade Stalin personally issued orders to Marshal Vasilevsky and General Lindelof, asking for unlimited support for General Malovsky to achieve greater victory for the great Soviet!

    No one dares to disobey Comrade Stalin¡¯s orders!

    "You can do whatever you want to do." Lindelof was a little helpless, but he added: "Comrade Marovsky, have you ever thought about the consequences of failure?"

    Marovsky couldn¡¯t help but shiver.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    What will be the consequences if it fails?

    Comrade Stalin now has unlimited trust in himself, but if he fails to meet his requirements and loses this war, something very terrible will happen.

    "No, no, no." Malovsky tried his best to keep calm: "Comrade Commander, please watch my performance."

    Lindelof smiled bitterly and said nothing more.

    Originally there was a problem with this arrangement. As the commander of the Third Army, he was a lieutenant general, and his subordinate Malovsky was also a lieutenant general.

    The military ranks are exactly the same, and Malovsky is just his nominal subordinate.  £®  £®  £®

    Let him go, let him go.  If it failed, Marovsky would naturally be blamed, but he was not guilty because he resolutely carried out Comrade Stalin's orders.  £®  £®

    After the differences disappeared, Malovsky desperately adjusted his troops and launched the most powerful attack again!

    Now, how much military exploits you can add to yourself is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Lindelof¡¯s words reminded him that once he failed, Comrade Stalin would be completely angered.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The supreme leader of the Soviet Union can easily give you great power, but he can also throw you into an abyss of eternal destruction.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Attack - attack - attack again!  Use non-stop attacks to completely ruin this terrible ending!

    When a commander makes such a determination, it will be very terrifying.  There will be more blood, more death.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Wang Weiyi clearly discovered the changes in the Soviet offensive. He knew that the Soviet commander was starting to go crazy, and this was exactly what he needed.

    "Marshal, the Arko Cluster and the Imperial Division are about to pass through Meslo. The Grossdeutschland, the Viking Division, the Hohenstaufen Division, the Prinz Eugen Mountain Division, and the Nordland Battle Group have also arrived at the designated battlefield."

    General Paul Hausser's report made Wang Weiyi smile: "Tell them that once Val's troops launch an attack behind the Russians, all troops will be engaged in encirclement and annihilation operations!"

    "Yes, Marshal." Paul Hausser said politely: "Congratulations on your upcoming victory."

      "Our victory" Wang Weiyi said calmly: "Germany's victory."

    Yes, this is another upcoming victory for Germany. The siege of Erkling will be an extremely good start for Germany in the Battle of Stalingrad.

    Even, in a sense, this will lay the foundation for Germany to win the Battle of Stalingrad.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    On the frontal battlefield, although the Soviet army paid a huge price, they did not achieve the results they wanted. The German defenses were like iron walls, blocking every advance route of the Soviet army.

    Until this time, Lindelof and Malofsky had not yet felt the coming of a huge crisis.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    This place will soon become a hell on earth.

    In Elklin, a baron from hell is coldly watching everything happening on the battlefield.  His young and resolute face showed his firm determination to win.

    The door to hell is slowly opening.

    "And when the door is fully opened, every Russian will always remember this person's name, and will always remember everything terrible that happened here.

    He - from hell!

    He will lead a horrific human massacre.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    February 12, 1943.

    The battlefield was enveloped in the strong smell of blood, and corpses could be seen everywhere.  In yesterday's war, the losses of the Soviet army were completely horrific.

    When the sun slowly rose, the Russians had not thought that something terrible was approaching them.

    "These people who survived yesterday's cruel war, after having a hurried breakfast, did not even have time to check their weapons, and they were already prepared to face death.

    Then, a new attack began again.

    There was no difference from yesterday. From 6 a.m. to 10 a.m., the Soviet army carried out eight charges in a row. The sound of "Ula" was still heard continuously, and there were still heavy casualties.

    Numb, the Russians are completely numb.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  They don't care whether they are injured or not, and they don't care whether they are still alive. Anyway, as long as they are not dead, the next attack will still be their turn.

    At 11 o'clock, a piece of news that broke out of the blue reached the ears of Lindelof and Malofsky:

    A large number of German troops appeared behind the Third Army!

    In an instant, the two Russian generals were completely stunned!  Impossible, this is impossible, where did the German troops come from?

    The siege has begun!
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