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Volume 2: My Country Chapter 628. The cruelest battle

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    !Heisenberg adjusted the scope according to this distance until he believed that the crosshairs of the scope were completely accurate.  Heisenberg then aimed at a Russian soldier manning a heavy machine gun and pulled the trigger.  The bullet struck him in the center of his chest, almost exactly in line with the crosshair's aiming point.

    He fired two more shots and killed two machine gunners.  The chamber was empty, so Heisenberg reloaded.  While reloading, Heisenberg looked back at the wounded comrade behind him.  He was holding his legs and holding in his mouth a wooden stick he found on the ground.  Heisenberg could tell that he was in terrible pain.  £®

    Many MG-34 machine gun crews and 80mm mortar crews opened fire with their weapons on the Russian ranks, with devastating consequences.  The machine gun crew fired in short bursts, each group of bullets stirring up a lot of dust, making it easy to see where the bullets landed.  They turned their machine guns and adjusted the impact point of the bullets until the dust approached the enemy and appeared behind them.

    The men of the mortar team also adjusted the longitude and latitude of the impact point of the shells until they were sure that their shells could hit the enemy.  Then they made fine adjustments and then saturated the target area with artillery shells.  The cannon made a loud noise when it was ejected from the barrel. A few seconds later, the cannonball hit the ground and exploded, causing a violent explosion.

    Heisenberg continued to shoot at the Russians, almost without missing a hit.  He even felt that Heisenberg could hit them even from a longer distance.  The K98K is indeed a powerful rifle!

    Heisenberg was carrying half of the bullets when he saw that the Russians were evacuating their hopeless position.  They left behind a large number of dead and wounded, as well as a large number of weapons.  They ran quickly towards their horses.

    Heisenberg's soldiers kept firing at them.  The Russians ran to their mounts, mounted, and rode off.  The commando tanks and infantry formations followed closely behind, the rumbling tanks rolling over the wounded Russian soldiers.

    This scene made Heisenberg feel sick.  what on earth is it?  Heisenberg didn't know.  Have the Russians ever treated one of their own like this?

    Heisenberg helped Misha move the injured man into the ambulance.  He asked a medic in the car: "What to do with the wounded Russian soldiers?"

    The medical soldier looked at him and said in an uncertain tone: "There is an order not to save prisoners, only to save German soldiers."

    After saying that, he turned around and looked at the wound on the wounded soldier's leg.  Heisenberg looked at Misha. Heisenberg knew that he didn't agree with this either, but he said nothing.

    The commandos moved through the dead and wounded. Some of the wounded Russian soldiers were crying for help, although Heisenberg could not understand their language.

    Heisenberg walked past them like the other soldiers.  Just then, Heisenberg heard a loud gunshot and realized that a German soldier had shot and killed a wounded Russian soldier.  Heisenberg opened his mouth to scream, but Misha put his hand on Heisenberg's shoulder and urged him on.

    The commandos chased the retreating Russian cavalry all the way to the outskirts.  The tanks in front kept firing. By the time the commandos saw the city wall of Lilbok, the Russian cavalry battalion had been completely wiped out.  Along the road lay the bloody corpses of a large number of people and horses.

    As the commandos passed by, Heisenberg shed tears silently, but he could not help them.

    The commandos could hear explosions in the distance across the city, and the Russian ground forces were being shelled or bombed.  The commando team received the order and stopped advancing outside the city.

    After talking to the second lieutenant who commanded the assault team, Sergeant Keller said to the soldiers in the squad: "We will stay here until the enemy's positions in the city are defeated. Their artillery positions in the north of the city have been destroyed. Man  Guys, take a break, you deserve it,"

    He smiled at everyone: "However, stay vigilant. The enemy may be hiding anywhere."

    This reminder awakened Heisenberg¡¯s consciousness.  Heisenberg looked around and imagined that the crosshairs of the scope were pointed at his head.  He tucked his scope under his arm to prevent enemy snipers from finding out he was a sniper.

    Heisenberg looked at the twelve comrades in the team. They were all unscathed.  Heisenberg hoped that this good fortune would continue.

    The commandos sat in the grass for several hours.  Finally, Sergeant Keller grew impatient.  He ordered the commandos to dig foxholes, sit in them and wait.  The commando took the shovel off his belt and began digging.

    After making a comfortable foxhole, the commandos sat in and talked about the previous battle.  The commando talked about how bravely Misha saved the machine gunner.

    "It's nothing," Misha said modestly: "If I were injured, any one of you would do the same to save Heisenberg."??

    Edim quietly asked Heisenberg: "Uh, how many have you killed, Heisenberg?"

    Heisenberg paused for a moment: "I don't know, there are probably not many."

    Edim smiled and said: "Don't be like this, Heisenberg, I know your marksmanship is great. I think you killed at least twelve enemies."

    "This is nothing to be proud of, Edim."

    "Heisenberg and these people are enemies. They will kill us all."

    The commandos sat in silence.  Edim could see that Heisenberg was a little distraught.  Heisenberg lay down, put his helmet on his face and slept for a while.  Then he untied the food bag tied behind his belt, which contained cold rations.  A military canteen filled with water hung from a belt next to the food bag.  Heisenberg took out the food and ate it. The food he was given included a small piece of bread, butter, honey, cheese, jam and baked potatoes.  Heisenberg was also given a box of sweets and some tea bags, which Heisenberg kept.

    After dark, some comrades continued to monitor the enemy's movements, while others tried to sleep for a while.  The air was filled with the roar of shells, making it difficult to sleep.  Heisenberg had a nightmare about Russian soldiers being killed and commandos walking past them.  Heisenberg also saw some heads crushed to pieces by tank tracks.  Heisenberg had not noticed this before.  Heisenberg was awakened and could not sleep again that night.

    The commandos remained in the foxholes until the next morning.  The shelling continued all night.  Before sunrise, Sergeant Keller woke everyone up: "Everyone, wake up, we are going to deal with those Russians!"

    Everyone in the class woke up and quickly packed up their equipment.  The commandos walked over to the supply truck, where several cooks were preparing greasy sausages and baking waffles over a campfire.  Each man was given two huge sausages, a muffin, some ration packets, and the commando's canteens were refilled.  Each man was also given seven rounds of ammunition, much to the dismay of many since yesterday's battle had seen far more bullets used.

    Thirty of the sixty rounds of ammunition have been used by Heisenberg. Now, Heisenberg still has a total of thirty-seven rounds.

    While having breakfast, the commando team was told that they would enter the city and eliminate the enemy.  This gave Heisenberg an ominous premonition.  Yesterday's long-distance firefight was indeed scary, but that was what Heisenberg was good at.  He knew that the enemy he would face today might be only a few houses away from him, or even closer.

    Heisenberg bit into the sausage, his hands trembling involuntarily.

    The Panzer Divisions of the Commandos circled the city from the east, and Heisenberg watched as they headed northwest.  Shells continued to rain down on the city, and the explosions sounded like thunder.  The air was filled with smoke, which severely limited long-range aiming.

    Soon, the commando team advanced towards the city.  During the advance, the commandos paused several times to carefully observe the situation with their own scopes.

    During the third pause, Heisenberg saw rifle barrels protruding from several houses.

    "Get down!" Heisenberg shouted, and some of his comrades fell down.  Others moved on, waving at Heisenberg as if Heisenberg was going crazy.  Just then, a volley of bullets was fired from the house where the Russian soldiers were hiding.

    Heisenberg began to fight back.  He aimed the crosshairs in the scope at the top of a protruding barrel and quickly pulled the trigger.  Every time Heisenberg fired a shot, he could see a rifle fall to the ground, either out of the window or into the window.  After using up two magazines, Heisenberg remembered that he still had twenty-seven rounds of ammunition left.

    Soon, several mortar teams set up 80mm mortars and fired at the houses occupied by the enemy.  With a flash of light, an explosion occurred inside a house.  Heisenberg thought he saw a green flame coming out of the window, but it was only for a brief moment before the walls of the house collapsed.

    At this time, the commando's heavy machine gun and mortar fire violently hit the fragile walls of many houses where enemy soldiers were hiding.  But Heisenberg also saw that several German soldiers were wounded, some were shot in the limbs, and a few were shot in the torso.  Heisenberg saw a bullet penetrate the throat of a soldier who was feeding the MG-34 machine gun. He fell down, clutching his throat, and suddenly couldn't breathe.

    Then, Heisenberg saw another soldier push the wounded soldier aside and start feeding the MG-34 machine gun, but he put his head behind the ammunition box so that he could be fully concealed.  This allows the machine gunner to shoot faster and more accurately.

    When the war raged, the dying wounded soldier made a miserable sound and trembled.

    After the large number of houses where the Russian soldiers were hiding were razed to the ground, their gunfire also subsided.  Heisenberg walked over and picked up a dead German soldier hanging from his belt.??Take some bullets out of the magazine bag.  After Heisenberg filled his magazine bag, he gave Misha five more bullets.

    There are about a thousand combat groups in the division, with a total of more than 20,000 people.  At this moment, they used the thick smoke as cover to rush towards the southern end of the city.

    The smoke in the city was caused both by the brief battle they participated in and by the 105mm artillery bombardment throughout the night.
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