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Volume 2: Unpredictable Chapter 167: Battle of Shouchun

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    Several of Xiahou Dun's confidants saw it with keen eyes and pounced on him. Dun Panping slashed one person to death first, then swung his sword around and killed another person.  Two screams immediately brought Xiahou Dun back to his senses. His eyes widened, he picked up his spear and stabbed Pan Ping in the throat.  Pan Ping hurriedly held the knife against him and quickly backed away.  Xiahou Dun gritted his teeth and seemed to want to eat Pan Ping alive, but in his heart he was thinking of withdrawing his troops and returning to the rescue camp.  With a cold look on his face, Pan Ping slowly retreated into his own army, ready to fight Xiahou Dun at any time.  Suddenly, Xiahou Dun retreated and ordered his sergeants to stop and kill him. He then turned around and rushed down to the city on a ladder chariot, urgently ordering his sergeants to summon gold and withdraw the troops.  At the same time, Cao Ren, who was ambushing at the north gate, also saw a fire in the stronghold and quickly ordered his sergeants to retreat back to the stronghold.  ,

    Suddenly, a cannon sounded from the north gate.  Liu Feng led a large army to intercept and kill him.  It turned out that Kuai Yue was in the city and observed the layout of the Wei army. Seeing that they had left the north gate behind, he expected that the Wei army would have an ambush outside the north gate. He wanted to wait for Yancheng to be defeated and his army fled through the north gate, so he took advantage of the chaos to ambush him.  Therefore, Kuai Yue taught Liu Feng to lead 20,000 troops and wait at the north gate. When he saw any movement at the north gate, he immediately led his troops to make a surprise attack.  But he said that Cao Ren was leading his army to retreat, and Liu Feng led his troops to intercept him. The Wei soldiers were immediately in chaos, and were soon defeated by the Shu army.  Cao Ren's face turned dark, and his horse suddenly flew through the rebel army. When he saw Liu Feng commanding his troops, he grabbed a bronze hammer and threw the hammer towards him with keen eyesight.  At this time, Liu Feng was eager to achieve success and only focused on commanding the troops, without paying attention.  There was a loud "whoosh", and Liu Feng felt as if a heavy object was coming from his left side. His expression suddenly changed. When he tried to avoid it, the copper hammer had already hit Liu Feng's forehead.  Suddenly Liu Feng screamed and fell from his horse to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.  When the Shu soldiers saw him, they rushed to rescue him.  When Cao Ren saw that Liu Feng had been hit, he was very happy. He shouted loudly, pointed his gun and looked at Liu Feng's place to kill him.  Liu Feng's life and death were unknown, and when the surrounding Shu soldiers saw it, they were immediately confused.  Cao Ren led his army to take advantage of the momentum and attacked fiercely, killing the Shu soldiers and causing them to flee for their lives.  Cao Ren was worried about the situation in the stronghold, so he did not take advantage of the situation to cover up the killing, but led his troops to rush towards the camp.

    At the same time, Pan Ping led his army out of the east gate and pursued Xiahou Dun's troops.  Seeing Pan Ping's pursuit, Xiahou Dun suddenly turned back on his horse, roared, and looked at Pan Ping to kill him with a ferocious look on his face.

    ¡°Shuzi!! Stop being so rampant!!¡±

    Xiahou Dun¡¯s roar exploded like thunder.  When Pan Ping saw this, he was shocked. He quickly hung his sword on his saddle, picked up his bow and loaded an arrow, looked at Xiahou Dun's face, and shot out an arrow.  Xiahou Dun's one eye seemed to flash with a crimson flame, and his horse flew suddenly, piercing the cold arrow that was shot.  Pan Ping shot two more arrows, and Xiahou Dun pierced them one by one.  Pan Ping was so frightened that he suddenly stopped his horse and left.  Xiahou Dun saw Pan Ping secretly pulling his bow, but did not pursue him. He gritted his teeth to suppress his anger, reined in his horse and retreated.  Pan Ping saw out of the corner of his eye that Xiahou Dun was not chasing him, and felt a little regretful.  At this time, most of the Wei soldiers had gone away.  Pan Ping had important matters and did not dare to act rashly, so he led his troops to a mountain forest to the east.

    But he said that although Pan Feng set fire to the Wei village, he was also wounded by an arrow and was returning with his troops.  Xiahou Dun heard the rapid sound of horse hooves in the mountains to the east, and immediately guessed that it must be the Shu soldiers who had sneaked into the village and rushed back.  Xiahou Dun was astonished, so he led his troops to detour and intercept him.  Soon, the two armies met.  When Xiahou Dun saw Pan Feng, his murderous intent burst out, he roared loudly, raised his gun and leaped on his horse to kill Pan Feng.  Pan Feng was shocked. He quickly shook his head and held Xiahou Dun against Xiahou Dun with his ax.  The two fought fiercely for dozens of rounds. Pan Feng was injured by an arrow, which made his axe-style increasingly messy.  Xiahou Dun was very happy and was about to kill Pan Feng in one go.  Suddenly, Pan Ping led his army to respond.  When Xiahou Dun saw this, although he was extremely unwilling, he did not dare to show his strength. He attacked fiercely for a while, forced Pan Feng to retreat, then reined in his horse and led the army back.  Pan Feng snorted coldly, and immediately wanted to chase after him, but severe pain suddenly came from the arrow wound on his body, and Pan Feng could not help but grimace in pain.  When Pan Ping arrived, he was shocked to see his adoptive father's face turned pale. He also saw that Pan Feng had been hit by arrows in his chest and abdomen. He quickly ordered his sergeants to support Pan Feng and return to the city.

    The fighting ended overnight.  Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun returned to the stronghold one after another. By this time, the fire in the stronghold had been put out.  Cao Ren looked gloomy and asked the soldiers to count the casualties and losses.  After statistics, there were only more than 70,000 soldiers left in the original 100,000-strong army.  Almost half of the food and grass baggage was lost, and a lot of siege equipment was also lost during the panic retreat last night.  When Cao Ren heard the report, his face became even colder, and he ordered his sergeants to report to the central army and tell Cao Cao.

    As for the Shu army, Kuai Yue heard the reports from the future and learned that nearly 20,000 troops had been lost in the past few days of fighting. Last night, Liu Feng was rescued by soldiers and returned to the city. He died before the doctor arrived.  Pan Feng learned that his anger aggravated his injuries and he fainted on the ground. After the doctor gave first aid, he told everyone that Pan Feng's injury was not optimistic and that he would not fight again after two months of rest.  After Kuai Yue heard this, he was panicked and sent someone to write a letter to Liu Bei.

    Pan Feng was injured, there was no general to defend Jingzhou, and Cao Cao¡¯s army did not know when it would arrive.  Just when all the Shu ministers were feeling uneasy, the Five Tigers General Hua Xiong and Fang Zhengzheng, as well as Wu Ban, Feng Xi, Zhang Nan and other generals rushed to Yancheng.  It turns out that Zhuge Liang had long expected that the war in Jingzhou would be fierce, and it was difficult for Cao Cao to stop Cao Cao with his original team of Pan Feng, Pan Ping, Liu Feng, etc.Due to the general situation, Hua Xiong and others were dispatched to Jingzhou to help in the battle.  Hua Xiong and others arrived, and Kuai Yue and other civil and military officials all felt their hearts drop a little.  Kuai Yue then invited everyone to see Pan Feng. Pan Feng felt at ease after seeing everyone and temporarily handed over the affairs to Hua Xiong and Fa Zheng respectively.

    It is said that at that time, Sun Quan ordered Zhou Yu to station troops in Hefei to prepare for the attack on Yan and Yuzhou.  Zhou Yu accepted the order and gathered 100,000 elite troops in Hefei.  Sun Quan later learned that Cao Cao had marched into Jingzhou from the Central Plains, so he led Gan Ning, Lu Meng, Ling Tong and other generals in the hope of coming from Hefei.  Sun Quan arrived soon and rewarded the three armies.  One day, Sun Quan wanted his ministers to discuss things in his tent.  Zhou Yu's face hardened, he walked out first and offered advice.

    "Now Cao Cao ordered Zhu Guang, the governor of Huainan, to station troops in Shouchun, open up rice fields, and collect grains from the counties in Yuzhou to strengthen the army. Now we can take Shouchun first and seize its grain. This will definitely cause the morale of the Wei army to drop.  , the war in Yuzhou will be successful!"

    As soon as Zhou Yu came up with this plan, all the civil and military personnel in the tent secretly praised it.  Sun Quan nodded and smiled after hearing this.

    "The plan of the Governor is very suitable to my liking. The plan can be carried out quickly!!"

    Hearing this, Zhou Yu raised his hands and shouted loudly, his starry eyes twinkling.  So Zhou Yu taught Lu Meng and Gan Ning to be the vanguard, and after Jiang Qin and Pan Zhang joined forces, they led the army and set off first.  Sun Quan led Zhou Tai, Ding Feng, Dong Xi, and Xu Sheng as the central army.  At that time, Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Han Dang and other veteran generals were guarding various places and did not go out with the army.

    But it is said that Zhou Yu first led 30,000 troops and horses across the river, fought towards Huainan, and reached Shouchun City.  Zhu Guangting, the prefect of Shouchun, heard that Zhou Yu, the governor of Eastern Wu, was leading troops to kill him. His face suddenly changed with fright, and he hurriedly sent people to the open jaw area to ask for help. At the same time, he ordered the soldiers in the city to stick to the city and not come out, waiting for reinforcements to come.

    Zhou Yu led his troops to the city to have a look, and first taught Gan Ning to go into battle.  Gan Ning took the order and went out into battle, and shouted loudly at the foot of Shouchun City.  There was no response from the city.  When Gan Ning saw this, his face turned cold, he patted his horse and flew forward.  When the soldiers on the city saw this, they quickly picked up their bows and loaded their arrows. The arrows were flying out like rain. Gan Ning drew his sword and hacked at them, braving the rain of arrows, and forced him to the edge of the city to shout and curse.  General Wei in the city was furious when he saw Gan Ning being so aggressive, so he ordered all his troops and horses to rush to the south gate.  Gan Ning was running around the city when suddenly there was a sound of cannon and a Wei army suddenly turned around from the south gate.  Gan Ning looked at it and grinned. He was not afraid of the backlash and flew his horse into the crowd.  The Wei army had hundreds of men and horses. When they saw Gan Ning coming to kill them alone, they were immediately shocked and rushed towards them.  Gan Ning laughed loudly, wielded his tiger-toothed sword, and ran straight ahead. A Wei general rode his horse to meet him. The two horses crossed each other. Gan Ning raised the sword and lowered it. The speed of the sword was astonishing, and he chopped down the Wei general in one move.  Fall off the horse.  Blood rain flew violently, and Gan Ning's sword was seen dashing left and right, killing him in an instant.  When the Wei soldiers came to their senses, they realized that their general had been killed by Gan Ning a long time ago. They were immediately frightened and panicked, and each of them fled.  Gan Ning cried out in ecstasy, wielding his sword to pursue him.

    Zhou Yu saw it from a distance, smiled brilliantly, and talked to the generals.

    "Gan Xingba is indeed a powerful general in the world!"

    Gan Ning killed for a while, but the Wei soldiers broke up and fled.  When the soldiers on the city saw this, they quickly fired arrows again.  Gan Ning waved his sword to resist, and suddenly there was the sound of gold.  Gan Ning then rushed back to the formation and retreated to the camp with the army.

    Zhou Yu gathered all the generals in the tent and asked them what they wanted to do.

    "Zhu Guang defends the city. According to the opinions of the princes, how can he achieve Shouchun?"

    As soon as Zhou Yu finished speaking, Jiang Yin attended and answered.

    "There is no need to worry too much, Commander-in-Chief. The army wants to defend it, so we sent soldiers to build a mountain to attack it."

    After hearing this, Zhou Yu smiled calmly and shook his head gently.  Pan Zhang pondered for a while and then said again.

    "If this is not possible, why not just erect a cloud ladder, build a rainbow bridge, look down into the city and attack it."

    After Zhou Yu heard this, he shook his head and smiled, and slowly turned his eyes to Lu Meng.  Lu Meng's eyes narrowed, then he attended and said.

    "Such a method will take the sun and the moon to achieve. If the reinforcements of the other army arrive, it will be impossible. Now that our army has just arrived, its morale is very strong. We can take advantage of this vigor to attack with all our strength. If the governor is willing to personally lead the three armies,  In my opinion, if you go to the front line and stir up anger, you will be able to attack the city at dawn."

    When Zhou Yu heard this, he smiled brightly and said hello repeatedly.  After the plan was finalized, Zhou Yu followed Lu Meng's plan and made arrangements.  At the fifth watch of the next day, the troops were ordered to make rice and eat it.  The sergeant had a good meal and rested for a while.  Zhou Yu mounted his horse, led his generals, and gave orders to march.  Thirty thousand Wu soldiers shouted in unison, which was very majestic.

    So the three armies of Dongwu advanced, and Zhou Yu personally led his troops to kill Shouchun City.  When Zhu Guang saw that Soochow was coming to attack, he immediately became anxious and called his sergeants to prepare for the battle.  Zhou Yu suddenly galloped on his horse, pulled out the sword from his waist and made a move. The sergeants of all armies fought bravely to kill him.

    Gan Ning, Lu Meng, Jiang Yin, Pan Zhang and other generals joined forces and leaped forward, bearing the brunt of the attack and divided into four groups to attack the north gate of Shouchun.  Arrows and stones rained down on the city, and L¨¹ Meng urgently ordered his sword and shield men to form a shield wall to block the attack.  Jiang Yin and Pan Zhang commanded their troops and struck the city gate with wooden stakes.  Waves of thunderous sounds like the sky and the earth are shattering.There was a loud noise, and the Soochow soldiers charged fiercely and with great vigor.  Zhou Yu beat the drum himself to boost morale.  The Wu soldiers were all greatly shaken and bravely fought towards the city without fear of death.  When the soldiers on the city saw how brave the Wu soldiers were, they were all frightened.  A few hours later, with a loud noise, the city gate fell.  Gan Ning put away the tiger-toothed sword, held the iron chain in hand, and ran into the city first.  There were several teams of crossbowmen waiting in the city. When they saw Gan Ning approaching, they immediately fired arrows.  Gan Ning roared loudly, danced his iron chain and charged in, sweeping away many Wei soldiers.  Zhu Guang was so frightened when he saw it that he called his guards to intercept him.  Gan Ning danced the iron chain wildly, smashing and sweeping him, and suddenly rushed forward in the blood, showing his unstoppable courage.  Zhu Guang could see that Gan Ning was so close that he was so frightened that his soul flew away and he ran away.  Gan Ning saw it with keen eyesight and roared.

    "You little thief, where can you escape!!!"

    With the sound of the chain falling, Zhu Guang screamed, and Gan Ning knocked Zhu Guang down with just one chain.  The soldiers who came from behind all swarmed forward and slashed a bloody path with their swords.  Gan Ning swept away the soldiers with iron chains and pursued Zhu Guang vigorously.  Zhu Guang endured the severe pain and rolled and crawled away, but Gan Ning wrapped a chain around his head.  Gan Ning laughed loudly, and with a sudden pull, Zhu Guang's head was broken off.  Blood flew up, and a head flew into the sky.  Gan Ning stepped forward quickly, jumped up and caught Zhu Guang's head, shouting loudly.

    "Zhu Guang is dead, why don't you surrender quickly!!!"

    When Zhu Guang's troops saw him, their expressions changed. They put down their weapons and knelt down to surrender.  Only a small number of troops were still resisting, and Lu Meng, Jiang Yin, and Pan Zhang led their troops to clear them out. It was only then that all the remnants were wiped out.  Zhou Yu then led his army into Shouchun, and Gan Ning came to see him holding Zhu Guang's head.  Zhou Yu was overjoyed and rewarded the three armies greatly. All the sergeants were delighted.

    However, Zhang Jaw heard that Shouchun was in danger, so he quickly urged the army to advance and led the army halfway. The sentry horse reported that Zhou Yu, the governor of Soochow, led 30,000 Wu soldiers to conquer Shouchun, and the prefect Zhu Guang was killed by Gan Ning.  Zhang Jia's face changed greatly when he heard this. When Le Jin heard the words, he gritted his teeth and spoke to Zhang Jia.

    "General Zhang, the army defeated Shouchun hard and will be exhausted by now. Why not send troops quickly to recapture Shouchun and avenge Zhu Guang!!?"

    He opened his jaw and his expression changed continuously. Finally he suppressed the anger in his heart and shook his head.

    "No. That army has just defeated Shouchun, is vigorous and strong, and has a city to hold. If our army advances by trade, it will be difficult to attack. Let us withdraw the army and withdraw to Ruyin first. Wait for the army to arrive, and then plan the aftermath."

    Hearing this, Le Jin glared with tiger eyes. Although he was unwilling to accept it, Zhang Jia was the commander-in-chief of the three armies after all, but he did not dare to make any mistakes.  Zhang Jaw then gathered his troops and rushed back to Ruyin.

    Not long ago, Sun Quan led his rear army to Shouchun. Sun Quan had heard earlier that Zhou Yu had captured Shouchun so quickly, and he was surprised and happy at the same time.  At that time, Sun Quan led his troops into the city, and after the consolation was over, he rewarded the three armies, rewarded Zhou Yu, Lu Meng, Gan Ning and other meritorious men, and held a banquet to celebrate their achievements to show off their achievements.

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