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Text What positions were there in the army of the Han Dynasty?

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    Military positions in the Han Dynasty: Wu Commander - Shi Chang - Du Bo - General of 100 - General of Yamen, Cavalry Governor, Buqu Governor, etc. - Sima of other departments (Military Sima) - Duwei (Captain of Cavalry) - School Lieutenant (but the five schools are almost  Cheng Qing's noble military position, partial text) - Zhonglang General (the facial features, left, right, and tiger benign Zhonglang General are similar to the five schools) - Pi General - Partian General - Miscellaneous General (Pi General, Partian General should be among the Miscellaneous Generals)  The end, but the status is different from the other two-character generals) - four expeditions, four towns, front, rear, left and right generals - generals of guard - hussars, generals of chariots - generals

    General: First established during the Warring States Period, it is the highest title for a general. During the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was mostly held by noble relatives.  The specific names include General Jianwei, General Hussar, General Zhongjun, General Zhendong, General Fujun, etc. Except for General Hussar, whose position is slightly lower than that of the Three Dukes, the others are all above the Three Dukes.  superior.  During the Three Kingdoms period, Xiahou Dun, Jiang Wei and others were all generals.

    Da Sima: Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty (Liu Che) deposed Taiwei and established Da Sima, and Emperor Guangwu (Liu Xiu) deposed Da Sima as Taiwei. Therefore, Da Sima is Taiwei, the highest official position in charge of military affairs and military endowment, that is, the highest military position in the country.  Sir.  In the Eastern Han Dynasty, he, Situ and Sikong were collectively known as the Three Dukes.

    ??Da Sinong: In the Qin Dynasty, it was called Zhi Su Nei Shi, Emperor Jing changed it to Tai Nong Ling, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty changed its name to Da Sinong in the first year of Taichu (104 BC).  At the beginning of the Wei Dynasty, Da Nong was established, and in the second year of Huangchu (221) by Emperor Wen (Cao Pi), it was renamed Da Sinong. Shu and Wu also each had Da Sinong.  During the Han Dynasty, Da Sinong was in charge of taxes, money, grain, salt and iron, and national financial revenue and expenditure. However, during the Three Kingdoms period, due to the decentralization of power, he could only be responsible for the custody of these materials.  One of the Nine Qings.

    Dahonglu: It was called Dianke in the Qin Dynasty, and Daxingling in the early Han Dynasty. It was renamed Dahonglu in the first year of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and was in charge of receiving guests.  One of the Nine Qings.

    Wei Wei: It was first established in the Qin Dynasty. Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty (Liu Qi) initially changed his name to Zhongdafu Ling, and soon restored his original name and took charge of the palace gate guards.  One of the Nine Qings.

    Taiwei: Tongda Sima.  After Cao Pi came to the throne, he appointed Jia Xu as Taiwei.

    Taifu: An official who assists the monarch, participates in government affairs as an important minister, and is in charge of the military and political power of the country.  After Cao Rui ascended the throne, his descendant Zhong Yao became the Taifu.

    Taichang: It was called Fengchang in the Qin Dynasty, and was renamed Taichang in the sixth year of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty (144 BC). He was in charge of rituals, music, society, and ancestral temple etiquette.  The subordinate officials include Taishi, Taizhu, Taizai, Taiyao, Taiyi (treating diseases for all officials), Taidivination Liuling and Doctor Jijiu.  One of the Nine Qings.

    Taipu: Both Qin and Han Dynasty had Taipu. Wang Mang once changed his name to Taiyu, who was in charge of raising horses and livestock.  One of the Nine Qings.

    Taishou: During the Qin Dynasty, a county governor was established. Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty changed his name to a prefect. He was the highest official of a county. In addition to governing the people, promoting talents, deciding lawsuits, and prosecuting traitors, he could also appoint and remove his subordinates.

    Shaofu: Both the Qin and Han Dynasties had a Shaofu. Wang Mang was called Gonggong and was in charge of the property together with Da Sinong.  However, Da Sinong was in charge of the country's property, while Shaofu was in charge of supporting the emperor.  The subordinate officials include the Shou Gong Ling, who is in charge of imperial paper, ink, pens, etc., the Shang Fang Ling, who is in charge of swords, crossbows, etc., the Yu Fu Ling, who is in charge of clothing, and the Imperial Physician Ling who treats diseases for the palace.  One of the Nine Qings.

    Zhongchangshi: First established in the Qin Dynasty, and held by eunuchs in the Eastern Han Dynasty. They were in charge of documents and conveyed edicts, and had great power.

    Zhongshu Supervisory Order: When Cao Cao was the king of Wei, he set up a secretarial order to handle Shangshu Zhangzou.  In the early years of Huangchu, Cao Pi changed the Secretary Order to Zhongshu Order and specially set up Zhongshu Supervisor to rank before Zhongshu Order.

    China Leader: Cao Cao was the leader of the prime minister, and soon changed to the Chinese leader to take charge of the Guards.

    ??Zhonghujun: Cao Cao was the Prime Minister's rear guard. Soon it was changed to the Zhonghujun, in charge of the Imperial Guards, and his status was slightly lower than that of the Central Guards.

    Long history: It was first established in the Qin Dynasty. In the Western Han Dynasty, there were two long histories under the prime minister. His position was equivalent to the secretary-general, that is, the affairs director of the highest state agency.  There is also a long history in the shogunate, which is the chief of staff; the one who can order troops to go into battle is called the general history.  The offices of Taiwei, Sikong and Situ in the Eastern Han Dynasty also had chief historians with heavy responsibilities.  The Three Kingdoms will remain unchanged.

    Engaged: The assistant officials of the governor, such as Biejia, Zhizhong, Chief Secretary, Gongcao, etc. are all called engaged.

    Cangcaobu: The official in charge of Canggu affairs. The chief officer is called the minister, and the deputy is called the minister.

    Situ: Founded in the Western Zhou Dynasty, in charge of education in the Eastern Han Dynasty, one of the three princes.

    Sikong: Founded in the Western Zhou Dynasty, in charge of water, soil and construction projects in the Eastern Han Dynasty, one of the three public officials.

    ? Sili Xiaowei: First appointed by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he was responsible for supervising and leading the disciples in the capital, and was engaged in hunting down evildoers and criminals. He was referred to as Sili.  When Liu Bei proclaimed himself emperor of Shu, he appointed Zhang Fei as the Sili Colonel.

    General Si Jinzhonglang: Cao Cao was appointed in the 10th year of Jian'an (205), an official in charge of iron smelting, coins and the casting of agricultural tools.

    Main book: Han Shi was set up, in charge of the document book, Sikong, the prime minister's government and the History of the History all have the main book.

    Merit Cao: The assistant officer of the governor, who is in charge of examining and recording merits.

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    Prime Minister: He was first established during the Warring States Period and was the leader of hundreds of officials.  There was no prime minister in the Eastern Han Dynasty. It was restored in the 13th year of Jian'an (208), and Cao Cao appointed himself prime minister.  "Prime Minister" is connected with "Cheng", and "Prime Minister" is the person who handles state affairs according to the monarch's will.

    Prime Minister Li Cao: The official in charge of justice in the Prime Minister's office.

    Guang Luxun: He was called Lang Zhongling in the Qin Dynasty, and was renamed Guang Luxun by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.  Wang Mang was called Sizhong, and in the Eastern Han Dynasty, he was also called Guang Luxun.  Cao Cao appointed Lang Zhongling as the Empress of Wei Gong. In the first year of Huangchu (220), he was also called Guang Luxun and was in charge of the entrance to Suwei Palace.  Their subordinate officers include the Yezhe who is in charge of Binzan's affairs, the Fengche Captain who is in charge of the royal chariot, the Fuma Captain who is in charge of the auxiliary chariots and horses, the Cavalry Captain who is in charge of the Yulin Cavalry, and the Dafu, Zhonglang General, etc.  It is still controversial whether the official is an official of Guang Luxun.  One of the Nine Qings.

    Zhi Jinwu: During the Qin Dynasty, he was called Lieutenant, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty changed his name to Zhi Jinwu.  Wang Mang was called Fenwu, and in the Eastern Han Dynasty he was called Zhijinwu.  Cao Wei was first called Lieutenant, and in the first year of Huang Chu he was renamed Zhi Jinwu and was in charge of patrolling outside the palace.  The guards patrolled the palace, and Jinwu, who was in charge, visited the capital.  When the emperor travels, he takes King Wu as his guide.  "I" should be the imperial speaker.

    ??Biejia: the assistant to the governor. The governor's duty is to patrol and inspect, and Biejia rides in a separate car to assist the governor on his inspections, so it is called Biejia.

    Tingwei: It was first established in the Qin Dynasty. Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty changed its name to Dali. From then on, it was called Tingwei or Dali.  Tingwei is in charge of criminal law and prison litigation and is the highest judicial authority for appeals in various places.  The word "ting" means straight and flat. Prison management values ??straightness and flatness, so it was named.  The subordinate officers of Ting Wei include Dali Zheng, Dali Ping and Dali Jian, becoming the three officials of Ting Wei.  One of the Nine Qings.

    County magistrate: First established during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the chief executive of a county is called the magistrate of a county with a population of less than 10,000 households, and the chief of a county with a population of less than 10,000 households is called a chief.  The county magistrate's assistant officers include the county lieutenant who is in charge of military affairs and public security, and the county magistrate who is in charge of documents and warehouses. Generally, each county has one magistrate and one lieutenant, and large counties have two or more lieutenants.

    Shangshu: "Shang" means to be in charge.  During the Qin and Han Dynasties, the minister was only an official of the Shaofu, in charge of the documents in the palace, and his status was very low.  During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, five ministers were appointed, and they began to divide Cao's administration. As they worked around the emperor, their status gradually became more important.  In Cao Wei, there were five Cao Shangshu, including Li Bu, Zuo Min, Ke Cao, Wu Bing, and Du Zhi.  The Ministry of Personnel, also known as the Department of Selection, is in charge of the selection of officials; Zuo Min is in charge of repairing meritorious works and salt ponds and gardens; Ke Cao is in charge of ethnic minorities and foreign affairs; Wu Bing is in charge of Chinese soldiers, foreign soldiers, cavalry, special soldiers, and capital soldiers; Duzhi is in charge of  In charge of military and state affairs.  Among them, the Book of Official Affairs is the most important.

    Shangshuling: First established in the Qin Dynasty, he is the head of Shangshutai. He is the head who is directly responsible to the emperor and is in charge of all political orders.  The deputy of Shangshu Ling is Shangshu Pushe. Cao Wei appointed one or two Shangshu Pushe. When the two are placed side by side, they are called left and right Pushe.  If the minister's order is lacking, Zuopushe will act on his behalf.  During the Cao Wei Dynasty, there were eight seats, including five ministers, two servants, and one order.

    Shangshulang: The official responsible for drafting documents in the Shangshutai.  In the Eastern Han Dynasty, those who were filial, honest, and talented were selected to serve as ministers. After one year, they were called ministers, and after three years, they were called ministers.

    Shizhong: First established in the Qin Dynasty, he is an official subordinate to the prime minister. He is responsible for picking up missing items, advising, accompanying people, carrying seals when traveling, and taking care of the emperor's daily life.

    Zongzheng: It was first established in the Qin Dynasty. Wang Mang was called Zongbo. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, he was called Zongzheng again. He was in charge of the affairs of the royal family and his relatives.  In both Han Dynasties, the clan surname Liu served as the official.  One of the Nine Qings.

    General Zhengdong: Commanded the four prefectures of Qing, Yan, Xu, and Yang, and stationed himself in Yangzhou.

    "Xia Guan" records that the Hu Ben family was in charge of the king's entrance and exit to Yiwei.  In the first year of Emperor Ping's reign of the Han Dynasty, the name was changed to Huben Lang, and General Zhonglang was placed in command.  The rank is higher than two thousand stones.

    Jianwu Zhonglang General: Wu was established in the Three Kingdoms, and Hu Zong was appointed.

    Jin Cao is engaged in: Wu Zhi of the Three Kingdoms.  Wei set up Jincao, in charge of currency, salt and iron affairs.  Wu set Jin Cao to work, and Hu Zong took up his post.

    General Jianwu: Cao Wei Zhi, fifth rank.

    General Jianwei: Cao Wei Zhi, fourth rank.  Wu and Shu were also established.

    ????????? Jian Nong Censor: An official subordinate to the Censor Zhongcheng.  The Qin Dynasty appointed censors and officials, and the Han Dynasty followed suit.  There are two prime ministers, one is called Zhong Cheng.  When the Yushi doctor was transferred to Sikong, the Yushi Zhongcheng became the chief of the Yushitai.  There are censors with different names under the Yushitai, who are responsible for various affairs.  One of them is the supervisor of the agricultural censor.  In the Three Kingdoms, Wu had a plan, but Wei and Shu were not seen.

    Supervising the Army: There are records in the Spring and Autumn Period, and the Three Kingdoms are all under control.  There is no limit on staff, so it can be set up as the situation arises.  When the states do not have governors, they appoint this officer.  When a general leads an army on an expedition, he places many supervisory troops.

    The Record Office was established in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Kings, three princes, and generals all set up Record Offices to order and history, and to hold seals and records.

    Family order: The prince is an official.  In the Qin Dynasty, it was the fifth rank in the Wei Dynasty, with a rank of thousands of stones. He was responsible for the food and beverage in the warehouse, and his duties were like being a farmer or a Shaofu.

    Military advisors: During the Three Kingdoms period, each country had military advisors who participated in presiding over military affairs.

    Military sacrificial wine: that is, military sacrificial wine. Chen Shou wrote "Three Kingdoms" to avoid the taboo of Sima Shi, Emperor Jing of Jin Dynasty, and changed it to military sacrificial wine.  In the Wei Dynasty, it was the fifth rank.

    Military Captain: The official position of the military.

      Admonition to the doctor: In the Qin Dynasty, the doctor ordered the subordinate officials to have a doctor, who was in charge of discussion, consultation, and response.  Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty appointed a doctor to advise him. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, he was renamed a doctor to advise him, with a rank of six hundred stones.  Wei and Shu had arrangements, but Wu had no examination.

    Establishing Wu Zhonglang General: Wu Zhi of the Three Kingdoms.  Step by step is the duty.

    ?? Establishing the Lieutenant General: Wu Zhi of the Three Kingdoms.  Lu Kang was appointed to his post.

    Leader: It is the abbreviation of the leader or the leading general.  When Cao Cao was prime minister, he was in charge of the military.

    ??Leading General: The person who leads the army and has the most capital.  The person with the least qualifications will be the leader.  Control the forbidden soldiers.

    Liehou: title of title.  In the Qin and Han dynasties, meritorious deeds were rewarded with twenty ranks of nobility, and the highest rank was called Chehou.  Later, to avoid the taboo of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he was changed to Tonghou.  Later it was changed to Liehou.  With gold seal and purple ribbon, there is a fiefdom and food and rent taxes.  The early Wei Dynasty was like the Han system.  In the first year of Xianxi's reign, the system of nobility was changed to five levels.

    Lingshi: The officials of the Shaofu in the Han Dynasty included Shangshu Lingshi and Lantai Lingshi.  The princes' offices also established the official historian, whose status was lower than that of the official official.  The history of the establishment of orders in the Cao Wei Duke's Mansion and the generals' mansions.  The Prime Minister's Mansion of Shu has a history of orders.

    Ling: In the Qin and Han Dynasties, those under the jurisdiction of county officials with more than 10,000 households were called orders, and those with less than 10,000 households were called chiefs.

    Secretary: In charge of the secretariat of banned books.  Emperor Huan of Han Dynasty established it.

    Mi Fu Lang: Wu Zhi of the Three Kingdoms, the secretary in charge of the school.


    Governor of the door: General's Handle House is an official.  The generals of Hussars, Generals of Chariots, and Generals of Guards all have a seventh-level governor.  There are one subordinate recorder, one subordinate clerk, and one subordinate clerk each.

    General Nan Zhonglang: Guang Luxun is an official.  In the Wei Dynasty, there were two thousand stones, and Shu also placed them, but Wu did not.

    General Polu: One of the miscellaneous generals of the Eastern Han Dynasty.  In the Wei Dynasty, it was the fifth rank.  Li Dian and Sun Jian once served.

    General Pingrong: During the Three Kingdoms period, Wu was established, and Bu Zhao was appointed as the official.

    General Pingdong: established in the Han Dynasty and the sixth rank in the Wei Dynasty.  Lu Bu once served as an official.

    General Pingnan: Wei set up this official, the third rank, with subordinate officials such as chief secretary, meritorious officials and so on.  Wu and Shu were also established.

    General Pingbei: Founded in the 10th year of Jian'an, he is the sixth rank, with chief officials, merit officers and other subordinate officials.  Wu and Shu were also established.

    General Pingxi: In the Wei Dynasty, he was the third rank, with chief officials, merit officers and other subordinate officials under him.  Wu and Shu were also established.

    General part of the general: The lower status of the general will be promoted by the school captain or help, without a duct, the fifth product.  The three countries are equal.

    Former guards: Wei and Shu are all nursing army.

    Former general: a permanent senior general position during the Three Kingdoms period.  Responsible for the Imperial Guards and Border Guards.  Ranked second to Jiu Qing, but higher than other temporary generals.  During the Three Kingdoms period, the grade dropped to the third grade.  To open a government office and manage affairs, the subordinate officials include Chang Shi, Sima, Zhonglang, etc.

    Former military advisor: The name military advisor began to appear in the Eastern Han Dynasty.  It is divided into the names of the front, back, left, and middle, and is the fifth grade.

    Qi Duwei: Both Han Dynasties were appointed. They belonged to Guang Luxun, with a rank of two thousand stones. They were in charge of Yu Linqi and had no fixed personnel.

    Encourage learning and engage in work: Han system, under the command of the school captain and the state governor, there are a number of people engaged in history, who are responsible for state affairs.  Shu established the Encouraging School Office in Yizhou, which was the academic official of the state, and its status was slightly inferior to that of the Classical School Office.

    Captain Rulin: The captain is the military officer of the general, with a lot of names.  Because of their different positions, their names are also different.  The Confucian School Captain was specially appointed for Shu.  Zhou skirt is responsible for her job.

    General: Wu Sunquan was established in the first year of Huanglong.  Positioned above the Three Dukes.  Lu Xun was appointed to his post.

    Suinan Zhonglang General: This official was established in the Wei and Shu kingdoms of the Three Kingdoms.  Shi Xie and Zhang Yi once held this position.

    ? Shesheng Xiaowei: Among the eight Xiaowei appointed by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, there was the Shesheng Xiaowei, who was in charge of the archers, that is, those who were good at archery.  Rank two thousand stones.  In the Wei Dynasty, it was the fourth rank, worth two thousand stones, with guards in charge, and Wu and Shu also placed it.

    Sima: "Zhou Ji¡¤Xia Guan" records that the great Sima's subordinates include Army Sima, Yu Sima and Xing Sima.  In the Spring and Autumn Period, the Jin Dynasty organized three armies, each with its own Sima.  There are Sima at the gate of the Han Palace and the subordinate officers of the generals and lieutenants.  In the border counties, there are thousands of Sima commanders who are responsible for military affairs.  Cao Wei's Duke's Mansion and the General's Mansion set up Sima, with a rank of thousands of stones, and were in charge of military affairs.

    Si Yanxiaowei: also known as Yanfu Xiaowei.  When Liu Bei established Shu, he focused on the advantages of salt and iron.  Wu Yizhi was in charge of all matters related to sea salt production.

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    Teachers and friends offer wine sacrifices: Han system, the county governor recruits talented people from the county, keeps them in the mansion, and specializes in making plans. They are called casual officials. Their status may be equivalent to that of Fu and Shi. The one with the highest status is respectfully called Jijiujiu.

    Concubine: an official in the Prince's Mansion, fifth rank, rank 400 shi, with a position like a third-level official.

    Give people: Qin Shizhi, took turns to stay in the class.  In the Wei Dynasty, it was the seventh rank, with a rank of 200 stones.

    The minister chooses Cao Lang: During the Three Kingdoms period, when the minister of Wu was appointed, Cao was assigned to manage affairs, so Cao Lang was selected.

     Shang Shu You Xuan Lang: During the Three Kingdoms period, Shu established Shangshu Lang, who was divided into Cao and Cao to manage affairs.  Yang Xi once served.

    Shangshu Guanquan Lang: Cao Wei Zhizhi Shangshu Langzhong, the branch department and Cao Zhi, there are officials of the Ministry of officials.

    Shangshu Pushe: deputy chief of Shangshutai.  Qin set it up and belonged to the Shaofu. The main document was unsealed, and the minister's order was absent, so he took charge of it.  In the Wei Dynasty, there were two ministers and servants, divided into left and right, with a rank of six hundred stones and the third rank.  There is no distinction between Wu and Shu.

    Du Wei Shangshu: Qin is an official of the Shaofu.  The status of the clerk in the master's palace is very low.  After the Western Han Dynasty, the authority became more and more important. There were five ministers, one of whom was the servant, and four of whom were assigned to serve as ministers.  The Eastern Han Dynasty's fashion desk officially became the centerpiece of the Prime Minister's national affairs.  In the Wei Dynasty, there was one minister, Ling, and two servants. The five ministers (divided into five cao) were called eight seats. Except for the minister of the Ministry of official affairs, the other five ministers were called ministers.  Wu and Shu were also established.

    History of the Order: There is a history of orders under the Minister of the Western Han Dynasty. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, the number increased to eighteen, with a rank of 200 stones. They belonged to six Cao Cao, and they were mainly responsible for writing documents.  In the Wei Dynasty, it was the eighth rank.

    Book Department Book Department: the name of the province where you are engaged.  Sun Quan set it up and Hu Zong took charge of it, handling military and state secrets.

    ??????????????? Shuzuo: In the system of clerical assistants, there are Shuzuo at the gates of prefectures and counties as well as all the Cao Cao, and outside the country, they are removed by the chiefs of prefectures and counties on their own initiative.  In addition to other Cao Cao officials, Shu Zuo is also called Shu Zuo under the family because he belongs to the governor of the state or county and is close to his subordinates.

    Tunqi Xiaowei: First placed during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he was in charge of knights. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was changed to Xiaoqi, and later it was reinstated, in charge of guards.  Wei Yanzhi, with a rank of two thousand stones, fourth rank, subordinate to the central leader.

    Prince Prince: Shang and Zhou have already had Prince Prince and Young Fu, as the master of the prince.  It was placed along the Han Dynasty, with a rank of three thousand stones, which was too common.  In the Eastern Han Dynasty, he was awarded two thousand stones.  The prince treated him as a disciple.  Three Kingdoms.

    Taizhong Dafu: The first emperor of Qin Dynasty. He was in charge of advising and advising, and acted as a senior adviser to the emperor.  In the Wei Dynasty, it was the seventh rank, with a rank of thousands of stones, and Wu and Shu were the same.

    Tinghou: title name.  In the Qin and Han dynasties, meritorious deeds were rewarded with twenty ranks of nobility, and the highest rank was called Chehou.  Later, to avoid the taboo of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he was changed to Tonghou.  Later it was changed to Liehou.  Among the princes, those who live in the countryside or pavilion are called Xianghou or Tinghou.

    The General of Disobedience: One of the miscellaneous generals of the Eastern Han Dynasty.  Cao Wei was placed in the fifth rank.

    General Tuolu: One of the miscellaneous generals of the Eastern Han Dynasty.  Shu appointed this official because Sun Jian of Wu once held this position, but he did not replace it later.

    General Chai Kou: One of the generals with miscellaneous titles in Wei Dynasty, the fifth rank.  Shu is also located.

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    General Wuwei: Wei Zhi, fourth rank.  Cao Cao appointed General Zhonglang of the Military Guard.  Cao Pi was changed to the general of Wuwei, and Xu Chu was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the central army.  Wu also set up Diansuwei.

    There is no difficulty to the right of the right: Wu Zhi, the Three Kingdoms.  The Wu Di Camp of the Forbidden Army is divided into two parts, the left and right parts, both of which are overseen by supervisors.  Therefore, it is called.

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    King: After the Qin and Han Dynasties, the emperor was renamed emperor, and the king became the highest level of nobility.

    Wei: In ancient times, military attaches were mostly named after Wei.  In the Spring and Autumn Period, there were military officers.  During the Qin and Han Dynasties, there were Taiwei, in charge of military affairs; Tingwei, in charge of punishment and prison.  There are captains in counties and county captains in counties. They are all local officials in charge of military affairs, referred to as captains.

    General Wei: The first emperor of Han Dynasty, ranked Yasansi, the second rank.  Among generals, he is second only to the general, the hussar general, and the chariot general.

    Selection of Cao Shangshu: one of the Cao Shangshu, responsible for the selection of officials.  The Han Dynasty inherited the Qin system and established the Shangshu, which belonged to the Shaofu.  When Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty established four ministers, the affairs were divided into four cao.  During the reign of Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty, Chang Shi Cao was changed to Li Cao, and he was in charge of the selection of temples and sacrifices.  This is the reason why Cao Shangshu was chosen.  Wei reorganized the selected department into the Ministry of Personnel.

    Captain to the school: There are many names of the Captain Captain in the Three Kingdoms.

    ??Xianghou: Han system, Liehou, the county where he lives is the country of the lord.  Those with great merit will eat the county, and those with small merit will eat the villages and pavilions.  In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, the titles of County Marquis, Township Marquis, and Ting Marquis were added.

    Participating in the army: Cao Cao set up the army when he was the Han Dynasty, the seventh product.

    School affairs: Cao Cao first established the school and stopped in Jiaping.  Wu Yizhi.  He served as the emperor's eyes and ears, spying on the words and deeds of his subjects, inspecting the ancestral temple at the top, and photographing the officials at the bottom.  Or serve as a magistrate or school director.

    School captain: Qin Zhi.  The Han Dynasty established eight captains to take charge of special forces.  In the Han system, military attaches below the rank of general in the general army have captains.  Three Kingdoms because of this.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? washing horses.  The prince is an official.  At the beginning of the Qin Dynasty, the person in charge was like Ye, and the prince took the lead in going out.  In the Wei Dynasty, it was the seventh rank, with a rank of six hundred stones.

    Prime Minister: The position is like the prefect of the county.  Each of the Wei kingdoms has a prime minister with a rank of two thousand stones and the fifth rank.

    ??Xicao: Han system, the prime minister and the Taiwei's subordinate officials are divided into Cao to manage affairs, there is Xicao.  The upright officials are called Þò, and the deputy officials are called subordinates.  At first, it was used to preside over hundreds of officials to report affairs, but later it was changed to be used for the administration of officials in the main palace.  During the Wei Dynasty, the prime ministers, generals, Situ, Sikong and other palaces built Xicao Tu, with a rank of 400 shi, the seventh grade.?? Western Duwei: Qin Dynasty had a county lieutenant. It was renamed Duwei during the reign of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty. His rank was as high as two thousand stones. He was in charge of assisting the prefect in charge of military affairs and maintaining public security within the territory.  Three Kingdoms because of this.  Each county has one captain, and large counties may have two captains to take charge of the east, west, or north and south of the territory.

    Captain Yizheng: An official of Wudong Palace in the Three Kingdoms.  When Sun Deng was the crown prince, Zhuge Ke was the Zuofu Commander, Zhang Xiu was the Youbi Commander, Gu Tan was the Fuzheng Commander, and Chen Biao was the Yizheng Commander. They were the four friends to assist the crown prince.

    Yulin Zhonglang General: Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty began to use Zhonglang General to oversee Yulin. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Yulin Zhonglang General was appointed, with a rank of two thousand stones, and was in charge of the guards and attendants.  In the Wei Dynasty, he was the fifth rank, with a rank of two thousand stones, and his chief was Yu Linlang.

    Yueqi Xiaowei: Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty first established him, and he was in charge of Yueqi.  Along the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a Yueqi school captain, worth two thousand stones, who was in charge of the guards.  The three countries are equal.

    Þò: The general name for subordinate officials in ancient times.  Such as Þòzu, Þòzuo, ÞòÀû, ÞòÊ·, etc., which are referred to as Þò.

    General Yamen: It was established during the Huangchu period of Emperor Wen of Wei Dynasty. It is the fifth rank and has no quota.  Shu Wu also set up.

    General Yangwu: This position existed during the Eastern Han Dynasty and was shared by all three countries.

    Youbudu: The full name is Zhangxiayoubudu.  During the Three Kingdoms period, when a general opened a government office, his subordinate officials had one person who was in charge of the account, the seventh rank.  Lu Xun was Sun Quan's right-hand governor.

    ??You Zhonglang General: Founded in the Western Han Dynasty, with a rank of two thousand stones, he is in charge of You Shulang, and his position is under Guang Luxun.  In the Wei Dynasty, it was the fourth grade, with a rank of two thousand stones.

    You Guo Shi: Wu Zhi of the Three Kingdoms, and Zuo Guo Shi was in charge of compiling the national history.

    General Right: The Three Kingdoms of Shu established a general at the beginning of the 13th year of Jianxing.  Jing Yaochu appointed the right general.

    Right Guard Army: The three kingdoms all set up guard troops, divided into left and right sides.

    General Right: This position existed in the Han Dynasty, with a golden seal and purple ribbon. It had the same status as a high official, but it was not often held.  By adding officials and giving him a medium title, he could stay with the emperor, participate in Sino-Korean discussions, and decide on military and state affairs. If he was appointed minister, he would be responsible for actual government affairs.  In the Wei Dynasty, it was the third rank, with official subordinates.

    Yi Lang: The subordinate official of Lang Zhongling is the one with a higher status among the Lang officials, with a rank of six hundred stones, in charge of advisors and response, no permanent staff, and is located along the Three Kingdoms.

    Cao Cao is engaged in: The state of the states of the two Han Dynasty or the officials of the state animal husbandry, including history or engaged in several people, divided into Sizhou Zheng.

    Zuo Jun Sima: Han Zhonglang will belong to the official Sima.  Sun Jian once served.

    ?Zou Cao: Han system, the Sangong Mansion has a Zao Cao, who is in charge of discussing affairs.  The prime minister's house in Cao Wei placed a memorial to Cao Cao, worth three hundred stones.  Wu Yizhi.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.  During the Three Kingdoms period, there were many titles for captains and their responsibilities were also different.  The captain of Zanjun was appointed by Wu and appointed by Lu Su. He assisted Zhou Yu in military affairs, so he was named Zanjun.

    General Zhechong: one of the miscellaneous generals set up by Wei, the fifth rank.  Wu also set up, but Shu did not.

    ??Zhechong Xiaowei: At the end of the Han Dynasty, Cao Cao appointed Fenwu General and Xiahou Dun as Zhechong Xiaowei. Later, he did not leave Shu.

    ??Left law enforcement: Wu Zhi of the Three Kingdoms was an official affiliated with Yushitai, and jointly decided all official affairs with the middle law enforcement and right law enforcement.

    Zuodian Army: During the Three Kingdoms period, Wu established the left, right and middle armies to lead the camp troops.

    Zuo Jiedu: Wu Shizhi, Dian was in charge of military rations.  Minutes or so.

    Zuo Sima: Han system, many generals have Sima, their positions are second only to military advisor and chief historian.  At the end of the Han Dynasty, Cao Cao appointed Sun Quan as the general to fight against the captives. Quan appointed Gu Yong as Zuo Sima, and he should be an official subordinate to the general to fight against the captives.
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