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Chapter 1117 Some love requires honesty

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    "It is said that it is difficult for upright officials to deal with household affairs because people cannot love or hate someone so decisively.

    "It's exactly what you said. I relied on Mr. Shenggu to confirm my father's physical condition from the side."

    And after hearing Karasawa tell the reason, Miura Aya directly admitted it, with a look of anger on his face: "My father is a miser.

    Even though he was hospitalized, he still kept urging Mr. Shenggu, a real estate agent, to sell the house quickly.

    My mother¡¯s matter has always been a knot in my mind, but he is my father after all. When the nurse at the hospital talked about his illness, I thought about going to visit him.

    "But now that I know that he has been urging Mr. Shenggu to sell some houses, this move makes me very angry"

    So because of her mother¡¯s heartache, Miura Aya never visited her. This was also her way of expressing her dissatisfaction.

    On the other hand, she was also asking Mr. Shenggu about her father's actions.

    ¡°As long as there is no movement from President Shenggu¡¯s side, it proves that his father is fine.

    "A miser"

    Tang Ze shook his head slightly with a sigh on his face, "But is this really the case?"

    "What do you mean by that?" Miura Aya frowned upon hearing this.

    "Actually, your father seems to want to sell the villa early to get money, but in fact it doesn't make sense."

    Tangze smiled and explained: "In fact, President Shenggu told him more than once that the land will be separated from the Cultural Education Department, and the land price will rise a lot by then.

    If he is really the miser you say, then why not sell the money when the value rises, but sell it at this low price?  "

    "Huh? You said that land is going to appreciate in value?" Aya Miura looked surprised, "Then why"

    "Perhaps it's because of your father's illness. When we visited him today, he said that he is not going to die soon."

    Tang Ze sighed: "Because I can't wait for the day when the value will appreciate, I want to sell it quickly. At this time, bao laixsw. co m Zhang Si

    As a law major, although I am not specialized in inheritance, I still understand some laws in this area.

    Compared with a house, if its selling point is converted into cash, it is more convenient to give it away during your lifetime.  "

    "Gift during your lifetime?" Miura Aya asked: "What does that mean"

    ¡°Actually, that¡¯s the literal meaning, but from a legal perspective it¡¯s for tax avoidance.¡±

    Tangze explained: "But if the amount is smaller, the tax will be higher than the inheritance tax."

    "Then why do you still choose to give it away during your lifetime?" Miura Aya asked puzzledly.

    ¡°Because gifts during your lifetime must go through legal procedures.¡±

    Karasawa looked at Miura Aya's violently contracted pupils and knew that the other party had actually realized the answer: "Yes, because this way I can see you."

    "That's why he wants to sell some villas quickly." Koshimizu Nanatsuki suddenly said.  &#24378&#29306&#32&#98&#97&#111&#108&#97&#105&#120&#115&#119&#46&#99&#111&#109&#32&#35835&#29306

    "My dadhow could this happen" Miura Aya murmured, her eyes turning red instantly.

    "Your father wants to see you more than money."

    Karasawa said, pointing to the photo of Mrs. Miura placed in the living room: "By the way, this photo is also on your father's bedside."

    "Eh?" Miura Aya was stunned: "My father"

    ¡°I don¡¯t know the rest.¡±

    Karasawa looked at Miura Aya and smiled and said: "If the disputes and misunderstandings between close relatives cannot be solved early, they may regret it for the rest of their lives.

    The rest is up to you, right?  "

    "I understand." Miura Aya wiped her tears and bowed deeply to the two of them: "Thank you very much."

    Seeing that the other person was about to go to the hospital, the two of them did not continue to argue and said goodbye to each other and left.

    "The truth is actually like this." Nanatsuki Koshizui sighed: "I still have a lot of shortcomings. You must have foreseen this result a long time ago, Karasawa Criminal."

    "After all, I have legal knowledge, but you don't."

    Tang Ze smiled and said: "Because of the lack of necessary information, you will suspect that there is a hidden secret, but there is no way to restore the truth of the matter.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? It¡¯s already time, let¡¯s go straight to get off work. Do you want me to give you a ride?  "

    "No, I can just take the bus here. It's not far from my home."

    ?Fortunately, the police department accepted the disappearance case, otherwise it might not be possible to determine the identity of the skeleton this time.

    In addition to these, Mrs. Zhongshan provided a very important clue.

    He said that his son sent her money once a year and a half ago, and she even kept the envelope and money.

    But the money was definitely not sent by his son, because the other party had already been killed and buried in the soil at that time, so it was impossible to send money to her.

    ¡°So there must be someone else involved in this competition, and it is closely related to the death of Nakayama Hiroshi.

    He is even the criminal in this case!

    So Tangze asked Sendai again to send over this important evidence.

    "A total of 35,380 yuan, and the owner of the fingerprints extracted from the envelope and cash has no criminal record."

    Koshizu Nanatsuki looked at the forensic report in front of him and said: "In addition, the handwriting on the letter is not Nakayama's handwriting.

    Fortunately, Mrs. Zhongshan left these behind, finally giving us a trace to follow.  "

    "This is what being a mother is." Tang Ze sighed: "I will always miss my children."

    "It's not too late, let's go find those two people immediately."

    Koshikoshi Nanatsuki said: "With this evidence, we can finally take the initiative.

    Speaking of which, we really have to thank the staff of the forensics department, otherwise we would only be able to investigate slowly and in roundabout ways until now.  "

    "The power of an individual is naturally inferior to that of the collective."

    Tangze walked towards the elevator and said with a smile: "Many times, things that are difficult for detectives to investigate are very simple for criminals.

    The reason lies in the division of labor and the convenience of technology. In movies and TV shows, detectives always have good connections with criminals, because those clues that seem to be easy to tell are actually very troublesome in reality.  "

    ¡°Indeed, it¡¯s only after you¡¯ve been a detective that you realize how convenient it is when investigating criminal cases.¡±

    As the two walked towards the parking lot, they chatted about the advantages and disadvantages of criminal and detective work. While chatting along the way, the two of them also felt the park of the Miura family villa.

    And their targets are the bald man and the bearded homeless man who followed them yesterday.

    These people all have their own fixed "home" and occasionally work part-time jobs on construction sites to make money, but most of them receive the minimum social subsidy.

    Because of this, even if their "homes" are very simple, they generally will not move easily.

    So their fixed activity trajectory is basically determined.

    The two walked around the park and soon found the bald man from yesterday.

    "What are you doing?" The bald man became wary after seeing the two of them: "Why are you here again?"

    "Why, you are allowed to follow us, but we can't ask you questions?" Koshisui Nanatsuki raised his eyebrows, looking a little aggressive.

    "It's really not stalking. Didn't you say that yesterday?" the bald man said angrily.  &#24378&#29306&#32&#107&#97&#110&#122&#111&#110&#103&#121&#105&#46&#99&#99&#32&#35835&#29306

    "But you felt guilty yesterday." Koshizui Nanatsuki said: "We are criminals, so we can still recognize this reaction."

    "Actually we are just curious."

    The bald man sighed and explained honestly: "That's a haunted house. People always disappear there. There's no point in coming out

    We saw you coming and going there, and we just wanted to see if the legend was true At this time kanzong*y*i .cc Zhang Si

    Who would have thought that you would suddenly be discovered, and you are still a criminal, so you feel guilty for no reason"

    "You guys are really free enough." Tang Ze asked: "I guess this suggestion was made by your companion, right?"

    "Eh? It's"

    The bald man¡¯s eyes widened and looked a bit funny. Apparently he didn¡¯t know why Tang Ze could directly say something that only the two of them knew.

    "Obviously, you were taken advantage of." Koshizui Nanatsuki on the side stuffed two snacks into the other person's hand: "Take us to find him."

    Hearing what the criminal said, the other party dared to have other small thoughts. He took the snacks from Koshizui Nanatsuki and took him to find the bearded man from yesterday.

    On the way, the two of them also knew the basic situation of the bearded man.

    The other party¡¯s name is Nario Mikio, who is about forty years old. He used to be a senior executive of a construction company. Later, he went bankrupt and became a homeless man. He has been living here for about three years.

    "It's been three years again." Koshizui Nanatsuki muttered when he heard this, "The time is right"

    "That Mikio guy, isn't he going to get into trouble?" Hearing Koshizui Nanatsuki's words to himself, the bald man beside him couldn't help but ask, but Karasawa's look stifled his subsequent words.  .

    In this somewhat solemn silence, the two found Mikio Nario who was eating in his "broken tent".

    "Nobita, why did you come here with the two criminals?" Seeing the three people coming, Nario Mikio was stunned and asked.  Zhi Da Zhi Xiao

    Before the bald man with the same name as the hero of Doraemon could say anything, Karasawa stepped between the two of them.

    The next moment, Karasawa's eyes were like daggers, he looked down at the bearded man lying on the ground and said calmly: "Naruo Mikio, something happened to you."

    (Remember the website address: groaned, "The time is right"

    "That Mikio guy, isn't he going to get into trouble?" Hearing Koshizui Nanatsuki's words to himself, the bald man beside him couldn't help but ask, but Karasawa's look stifled his subsequent words.  .

    In this somewhat solemn silence, the two found Mikio Nario who was eating in his "broken tent".

    "Nobita, why did you come here with the two criminals?" Seeing the three people coming, Nario Mikio was stunned and asked.  Zhi Da Zhi Xiao

    Before the bald man with the same name as the hero of Doraemon could say anything, Karasawa stepped between the two of them.

    The next moment, Karasawa's eyes were like daggers, he looked down at the bearded man lying on the ground and said calmly: "Naruo Mikio, something happened to you."

    (Remember the website address:
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