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Chapter 452 The Rain of Good Luck

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    Not only Clark, but other reporters have also realized that forest fires are not afraid of anything but wind, especially strong winds. When rushing into a fire, the wind borrows the power of the fire, and the fire borrows the power of the wind, and it can start a prairie fire in the blink of an eye.

    Seeing that the officers and soldiers who had withdrawn to rest suddenly rushed to the edge of the fire scene to widen the fire isolation zone. The victims near the train station were also organized by local officials. In addition to leaving the young and strong to assist the officers and soldiers, the old, weak, women and children had already begun to make plans.  Evacuate by car.

    These sensitive foreign reporters immediately understood that the disaster relief headquarters had obtained accurate weather conditions and began to make targeted arrangements.

    "It looks like the situation will be serious." Marcelo put down the telescope and frowned deeply. Merklein nodded and said worriedly: "There is a hospital down there. What will happen to the patients inside?"

    "Then it depends on whether God will give them time to evacuate." Breno looked like he was just watching the excitement, and his words were quite frivolous, as if he was really watching a wonderful show, and he was leading  Comedy kind of thing.

    After saying that, Breno didn't forget to look at Marcelo and Merkel, grinning: "I know you sympathize with the people down the mountain, I promise God, I sympathize too, so before coming here from the hotel, I used  The satellite phone informed the Canadian aircraft manufacturers of the situation here. They were very interested and contacted relevant parties in China and were willing to provide water-based fire-fighting aircraft with better performance. As a result"

    Breno shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "The Chinese felt that their face was more important than their lives, and then they refused, otherwise our aircraft manufacturer would use Boeing 747 cargo planes to airlift from their branch in Singapore to the Northeast region.  Then the assembled water-fire-fighting aircraft will fly here, and it is expected to arrive this evening, which can help them resist the trouble caused by this strong wind. Unfortunately"

    Breno shook his head gently as he spoke. He was not helpless, but had an unconcealable sarcasm on his face. At this time, Clark slowly walked over and said with a smile: "Not everyone will have foresight. After all, this strong wind  It came so fast that no one could predict it, so the Chinese people's previous confidence is understandable.

    However, as a post-modern country, transitional self-confidence often means the beginning of collapse, because more than a hundred years of history have proven that the basis of self-confidence is strength. China has obviously overestimated itself, but that¡¯s okay, sometimes it suffers a little.  They will wake up themselves and believe that the worsening of this forest fire will make them formalize the criticism and appeal of Breno and me.  "

    "You published another article?" After hearing Clark's words, Merklein's deep eyes suddenly widened and he looked at Clark and Breno in disbelief.

    Not only Merklein, Marcelo also looked at the two people in front of him in surprise. Although the other reporters had different expressions, they did not hide the confusion and surprise in their eyes.

    No wonder these reporters are like this. The two of them published another article before the day is over?

    They stayed in the hotel all morning and didn¡¯t even conduct basic interviews. What kind of press release could they write?  Those Y-5 seaplanes used for aviation firefighting?

    That is a rare bright spot of the Disaster Relief Command so far. Clark and Breno only think of guys from the Western world. Can they be so kind as to really praise the Disaster Relief Command and praise the Yun-5 seaplane?  How can it be!

    Sure enough, while these reporters were stunned, Clark spoke again and said quite proudly: "That's right, this time Breno and I jointly wrote an article titled "Backdated and Inefficient Equipment Can't Solve the Problem". This is  We started writing this based on our understanding of the old model Yun5.

    We have to admit that China has made huge improvements, but the problem is that their aircraft models are too backward and cannot complete multi-task attributes in complex situations. Therefore, we call on China to import corresponding disaster relief equipment from the Western world as soon as possible.  To this end, the United States and Canada are willing to provide financial support to China in this regard to ease their financial pressure.  "

    Hearing this, the foreign reporters around him immediately showed a look of surprise on their faces, saying that these two people were not so kind, and they took the eighteen turns of the mountain road, and finally planned to take advantage of the danger to cut a wave of leeks.

    But this is also the minimum professional quality of Western journalists. After all, values ????can¡¯t be eaten as food. If they can¡¯t get some big deals for the fathers who are the financial backers behind the media, reporters like them will eat, drink, and pretend to be whatever they want.  ~~What are you forcing me to do?

    So Clark's words not only did not arouse their disgust, but actually gave them a feeling of enlightenment. Yes, if the forest fire cannot be controlled this time, can they also sell their own equipment and buy ours? China is  Good guy, we in the West support you; if you don¡¯t buy it, I¡¯m sorry, there¡¯s something wrong with your values.We also support you, but instead of supporting you as a person, we support your lungs.

    So everyone is thinking in their minds whether their country will follow the United States and Canada and cut a wave of leeks.

    Merklein is also a little moved. Although he has seen China's operational and organizational power in southern Tibetan areas, he is still essentially a Western journalist, and he will naturally take an active part in things that benefit his country.

    But he was a little hesitant. After all, the performance of both sides of the border during disaster relief in the southern Tibetan area had a great impact on him, so he frowned and looked at Marcelo.

    Although he didn't speak, Marcelo, who had a clear understanding of the situation, naturally knew what Merklein meant. He smiled and nodded: "Let's write an article too. Once the wind here blows, it will be level five at least. In addition, the climate is cold.  The river has not yet thawed. Although the Chinese-modified Yinwu seaplane is a good idea, it does not have the ability to perform tasks under complex climate conditions.

    In fact, not to mention old-fashioned aircraft like the Y-5, even other more advanced aircraft models are difficult to cope with in the current climate environment. After all, the hot airflow at the fire scene and the surrounding cold air are very dangerous.  Coupled with the forming wind, it would be difficult for a general aircraft to remain stable in such an environment, so this time they were really in trouble.  "

    As if to confirm Marcelo's statement, a twin-engine An-26 belonging to the Chinese Air Force roared past the hill where they were mistakenly located, preparing to carry out disaster relief operations. However, at this time, a strong northeast wind brought a biting  The chill was ignored for no reason, and the An-26 that was close to the fire was blown to and fro like a kite in the air. It took a long time to regain stability, and then it flew twice around the bare hills where foreign reporters gathered.  After adjusting the controls, he sadly turned around and left.

    Seeing this scene, Merkle nodded, while Clark glanced at Shaokin not far away provocatively: "This is a Soviet aircraft. If the Chinese switch to similar products from the United States, they will definitely not be in vain."  , Oh~~ I forgot, it seems that the Y-5 used by China is also a copy of the Soviet Union"

    After finishing speaking, he nodded suddenly: "Now I understand who is responsible for China's ineffective disaster relief, but it is also true that Chernobyl has long proven everything."


    The Chernobyl nuclear accident was a scar on the Soviet Union. Clark tore it open and sprinkled a bag of salt without hesitation. The bear-like Shaojin immediately became furious. Fortunately, Lisa had quick eyesight and quick hands to stop Shaokin.  Down.

    But despite this, Shao Jin was still furious and had to rush over to practice with Clark. At this moment, another gust of wind blew by. Shao Jin felt that his face was wet. He wiped it with his hand and found that it was water. He was stunned.  After a while, he exclaimed: "It's rain!"

    As soon as these words were spoken, the fine raindrops were carried by the wind and fell. Foreign reporters, look at me and you all find it incredible that the wind has picked up and it has actually started to rain. Are the Chinese people being deceived?  Grandpa God kissed me, otherwise how could I have good luck?

    However, before they could figure out what was going on, they saw an officer who stopped them running up quickly and shouting: "Please get out of here, our artificial rainfall aircraft is about to make an emergency landing here. Please cooperate."  one time."

    As soon as these words came out, all the reporters opened their eyes instantly.

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