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Chapter 655 Past lives (2)

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    Note: "Bicycle" - Eason Chan


    The old chairman will occasionally go to the second and third floors of the company to listen and see how the children are practicing.

    He has been dealing with the [idol] profession for more than half a century, but he still dare not say that he fully understands what a true idol is.

    Every era has different needs for idols.

    The world¡¯s demands for idols are constantly changing.  Just as a certain field continues to progress, products in this field will continue to be subdivided.

    In the past, idols had to be far away from their fans to give them enough room for fantasy. Now they have to be close, so close that they are almost right next to their fans.  In the past, idols were required to be mysterious, then idols were required to be perfect, and now idols are required to have flaws that make them charming.

    The indicators for judging the quality of an idol are no longer the quantifiable business capabilities and singing and dancing level, but the amount of traffic. As long as someone likes it, nothing else matters.

    As far as the old chairman knows, there are already children on the market who are terrible at dancing and singing becoming idols.  They bear the label "He is actually just an ordinary person who doesn't sing well and dance well". They rely on the fans' love and the team's packaging ability to easily earn hundreds of millions of extraordinary things.  reward.

    The old chairman cannot judge whether such an idol is right or wrong. He can only say that it does not conform to the consistent philosophy of their company.

    The concept of [Blue Whale] is to convey the power of [belief].

    You must believe that nothing comes for nothing in the world, so you have to practice hard and don¡¯t wait for luck to hit your head.

    You must believe that sweat will not lie, so when others sleep a little longer, get up earlier and practice more, so that you can make more progress.

    We must believe in the power of love, so even if there is only one fan in the audience, the people on the stage must try their best to present the most perfect stage.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    It is precisely by adhering to these seemingly unrealistic concepts that [Blue Whale] has become a behemoth in the entertainment industry. No matter how the times change, it will remain standing.

    Becoming a trainee of an idol artist is actually gambling your future with a few years of youth.  If you win the bet and become an artist, if you lose the bet, all your hard work will be wasted.  [Blue Whale] As a giant of the idol company, countless young people sign up every year, but there are always not many who can make their debut.  However, most of the children who failed to debut and left [Blue Whale] do not resent [Blue Whale]. Instead, they are still grateful. They think that the years in [Blue Whale] were not wasted because they learned to dance and sing.  something more important than that.

    Some of them went back to school and became people from all walks of life, some became platform anchors, backup dancers, and even teachers in artist training classes, and some even became artists through other difficult methods. However, whenever they have time, they will  Come back to the company to visit the old chairman.  The old chairman is like their parent, urging them to practice, solving difficulties for them, and enlightening their confusion.

    "Now that Teacher Han is back, we [Blue Whale] are really going to be invincible!"

    "I saw the news this morning, and it seems that Teacher Han has reached the top of the [Honorable Mention List]."

    "Album or single?"

    ¡°Both the album and the single have reached the top of the charts.¡±

    "Heyhow many days has it been? Three days! Two summits in three days! Teacher Han is so awesome!"

    ¡°None of the songs in [Suitable for Zhang Zishang] have been moved, which means that the inventory is more than enough. I have to work hard, strive for a debut, and sing well after my debut. If I¡¯m lucky, I might be able to get a song from Teacher Han.¡±

    "Stop dreaming, do you think you are Brother Gu Fan?"

    "How dare you insult me, Brother Gu Fan, with your useless metaphor?"


    As soon as the old chairman opened the door, he heard the children sitting on the floor chatting.

    Seeing that two of them were noisy and about to fight, the old chairman planned to persuade them that fighting is not good, fighting is wrong, fighting is If you like fighting so much, then go fight with Han Jue.

    "Okay, stop competing, don't bother me to listen to music!" Fortunately, there was still someone in the crowd who had the sense to stop the fight. He pulled the two of them apart and put the mobile phone connected to the stereo on the ground.  The music has already been selected.

    ¡°I chose whatever I wanted,¡± said the person trying to stop the fight.

    As soon as he finished speaking, a guitar sound as rich as wine came from the speaker.

    ¡¾Don't assume I know

    Everything is done for me

    Why is thisso great

    ¡°It¡¯s so hard to feel it¡­¡¿

    The sound in the practice room is very good, and Han Jue's every breath and every sigh can be heard clearly.

    The old chairman stopped and stopped by the door, clasping his hands behind his back and listening to the song.

    It turns out this is the song.

    This one.

    ¡¾It¡¯s hard to leave, I want to hold you tighter

    The vastness of life is like a wilderness

    If a child can lean on his father¡¯s shoulders

    Who wants to get off the car

    There are always some things that are hard to leave and hard to leave

    It is so inevitable

    No matter how cruel the world is, I will think of this bicycle

    There is still happiness to be borrowed]

    After the song ended, several young people¡¯s faces were filled with unfinished expressions.

    Listening to Han Jue¡¯s songs is a kind of enjoyment.  Han Jue's singing skills have now reached the highest level in China, but there are actually many singers of the same level. However, there are not many singers who can sing with Han Jue's appeal.

    Listening to Han Jue¡¯s songs is like walking into a movie. You can see the pictures, hear the sounds, and touch the people in your fantasy.

    "It's a bit warm."

    ¡°It¡¯s quite touching.¡±

    "I remember Teacher Han said that he grew up alone. I thought he would at leasthate and dislike his father a little bit, but I didn't expect to write such a warm song."

    "Yeah yeah¡­¡­"

    Listening to the conversation of the young children, the old chairman had no intention of listening anymore.  He turned around silently and walked out of the practice room silently.

    Walking in the corridor, he still recalled the song called "Bicycle" in his mind.

    Is it cozy?

    The old chairman sighed and shook his head slightly.

    He didn¡¯t feel it at all.

    He has listened to this song countless times, and every time he hears it, he only feels distressed.

    Some listeners listen to the song and have no intuitive expression in words. Once they reach the chorus, they will be emotionally guided by the warm music and be infected by the image of the father and son riding a bicycle in their minds. They feel that it is so warm and touching, and it is a song of praise.  The song of father's love.  But judging from the lyrics of the entire song, this is not the case at all.

    "Why is it so great and so incomprehensible?" "How can I believe this?" "Who cares if you care?" There are questions and accusations everywhere.  Questioning the silent father's love and accusing the lack of father's role.

    Under such accusations, the warmth of the chorus is made very ironic.  It was how hard I searched in my memories that I could barely get a hint of warmth from the informal hug while riding the bike.  What about other warmth?  Gone.

    The old chairman walked slower and slower.

    He was walking in the corridor on this floor.

    He saw a drink vending machine nearby, and also saw a fist mark on the side of the vending machine.  The old chairman remembered that this fist mark was left here by Han Jue before.  He bought a bottle of drink, but it got stuck in it and didn't fall out. Han Jue was so angry that he punched the machine, shaking it.  The drink fell and the fist mark remained.

    Thinking of this, the old chairman laughed.

    Looking forward, he remembered that it was here where he discussed the rights and wrongs of something with Han Jue. Han Jue became so angry that he took off the wig on his head.

    In front is the toilet.  The old chairman thought that Han Jue had climbed in from the toilet on this floor before and danced all alone in the practice room on New Year's Eve and was sweating profusely.

    The old chairman smiled and touched his now shriveled belly. Of course he also remembered that stubborn young man wearing new clothes and new shoes, crying and dancing at the same time.


    The old chairman stopped and suddenly thought of something. Then the smile on his face gradually widened and he walked more easily.

    He and Han Jue had hugged each other.  Not a biker kind of hug, but a heart to heart hug.

    The old chairman knew that he could not replace Han Jue's father's position, but he at least hoped that when Han Jue looked for the warmth in his memories in the future, he would never be disappointed or feel that he was unloved.

    One of the concepts of [Blue Whale]: The so-called [love] actually means [to believe in the person you like].  Believe that you are not alone and that the people around you will support you.

    The old chairman walked forward again.

    "Next month is Xiao Han's birthday" the old chairman muttered, while walking, thinking about how to celebrate Han Jue's thirtieth birthday.

    First of all, you must be called to your home, or go to a good hotel.  The dishes that Han Jue likes are must-haves, but always having these spicy dishes may not be enough.

    ¡°I need to prepare some new dishes.¡± (Remember this website address: dishes you like are must-haves, but the same spicy dishes may not be enough.

    ¡°I need to prepare a few more new dishes.¡± (Remember the website address:
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