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Chapter 359 Accident

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    In this way, the three of us were kicked out of the bureau by Gao Liang, walked lightly and headed straight to the airport, and boarded a plane to Yangcheng.

    Although we were not able to enjoy the privilege of using the bureau¡¯s special plane because we were leaving in a hurry this time, fortunately, Gao Liang still helped us book three first-class seats.

    On the plane, we ordered a few dinners first, and after filling our stomachs, we read the files of this case together.

    Before leaving, Gao Liang didn¡¯t say much about the case we were responsible for this time, so until now, we still don¡¯t know what we are going to Yangcheng for this time.

    But after reading the case file, I somewhat understood why Gao Liang asked Zhang Mo and I to team up to handle this case.  In addition to Lin Qianyi's absence, perhaps more importantly, this case may be related to both of us.

    This case occurred in Yangcheng, and the cause of the case came from a statistical report from the local police station in Yangcheng.  In China, in fact, every local police station publishes a similar report every quarter. In addition to statistics on the incidence and detection rate of various cases in the region in that quarter, it also includes statistics on the number of cases caused by accidents in the quarter.  The death toll is such a number.

    For the first few data, people in the police station know very well the reason for counting them, because these numbers will be used as indicators to evaluate the work results of the police station. As for the latter data, many people do not understand it, because this data  Although each police station is required to provide it every year, it does not appear in the evaluation results of the police station.  And speaking of it, accidental deaths are inherently natural and man-made disasters, and it seems that they have nothing to do with the police. If there are too many accidental deaths, it cannot be said to be the responsibility of the police. If the number of accidental deaths is small, it cannot be said to be the responsibility of the police.  credit.

    In fact, they don¡¯t know that behind the scenes, this seemingly useless statistic is actually the 749 Bureau secretly pushing the Ministry of Public Security to issue statistics.  The purpose of counting these numbers is to serve as a basis for the 749 Bureau to monitor whether there are mysterious incidents occurring in various places.  Judging from the past experience of Bureau 749, if the number of accidental deaths in a place suddenly appears abnormal on a certain day, then it is very likely that a mysterious event occurred in this place.  Because in many mysterious incidents, the deceased seem to outsiders to have died in an accident.

    This time, the people from the Intelligence Department suspected that some mysterious incident might have occurred there because they monitored the abnormality in the accidental death toll data in Yangcheng.  As for Zhang Mo and I, our mission this time is to confirm the information provided by the Intelligence Department and determine whether something is really happening in Yangcheng?

    The specific situation is this. In the past three months, the number of deaths due to accidents in Yangcheng suddenly increased by 50%!  Because they noticed such an abnormal fluctuation in the accidental death rate, the people from the Intelligence Department immediately collected case files from Yangcheng in the past three months. As a result, among these accidental death cases, they found dozens of very strange cases.  Accidental death cases.

    These cases have few things in common. The deceased have different statuses and ages. They are both male and female. Their places of residence are also scattered in different districts of Yangcheng. They seem to have no intersection.  But there is one thing that these deceased people have in common.

    That¡¯s it, these people all died very miserably!

    In the case files Gao Liang gave us, because there were too many suspected cases, we did not list all of them. We only selected the three most representative cases, but only from the descriptions and descriptions of these cases.  In the attached photos of the deceased, we can already get a glimpse of the strangeness and horror of this case.

    The first case was a motor vehicle accident, which occurred on an elevated highway in the center of Yangcheng City. The deceased was a successful male in his thirties.  That morning, he was driving to get ready for work, but something happened on the way.

    According to the footage captured by the surveillance camera at the time of the incident (these footage was intercepted into photos by the intelligence office and attached to the file), the deceased suddenly jumped out of the driver's seat when the vehicle was driving to an area that turned sharply to the right.  He flew out of his car and fell straight to the ground from an elevated elevated platform more than ten meters high. The deceased's head directly hit the ground and he died on the spot.

    Later, according to the inspection by the traffic police at the scene, it was found that the door next to the driver's seat of the deceased was loose. When he made a sharp turn, the door happened to be thrown open due to inertia. Coincidentally, the deceased did not fasten it at the time.  The seat belt, coupled with his excessive speed, and several accidental factors happened to come together, which resulted in this incident that sounded a bit difficult.A mysterious car accident.

    The second case occurred in a residential area. This time the deceased was a male college student in his twenties. The incident occurred in a single-family house rented by the deceased.  The reason why the matter was discovered was because the deceased did not appear in school for several days. Worried that something had happened, his classmates asked the landlord to open the door to look for him.  It was found that the deceased had died in the bathtub of his home, and his death condition was extremely miserable. It was as if his whole body had been soaked in sulfuric acid, and there was not a single intact skin on his body.

    After an autopsy, the police found that there were signs of impact on the deceased's head, but the direct cause of his death was that he was scalded to death by high temperatures.

    After careful inspection, they discovered that the problem might be in the tub.  The bathtub in this room is a high-end product imported from Japan by the original owner, with built-in heating and insulation functions.

    Based on the on-site restoration, the heating function of the bathtub may have malfunctioned at the time of the incident, causing the water in the bathtub to quickly reach a temperature of 100 degrees!  Realizing that the water temperature was abnormal, the deceased immediately wanted to leave the tub, but in a hurry, the deceased stepped on the edge of the tub.

    Anyone who has a bathtub at home must know that the borders of ordinary bathtubs are very narrow, and they will become very slippery when exposed to water.  At that time, probably because of this, the deceased was so panicked that when he was about to leave the bathtub, his soles slipped and he fell into the bathtub again.

    When he fell into the bathtub, the deceased's head hit the edge of the bathtub, causing him to faint briefly.  At the same time, the water in the bathtub continued to heat up, eventually scalding the deceased to death.

    Next to the case file, there are also photos of the scene taken by the police at the time. The horrific scene made me not eat boiled pork slices for half a year.

    The third case was also a car accident on the road, but this time it was not a car, but a motorcycle.  The deceased in the incident was a young woman in her twenties who came to Yangcheng to work.

    At the time of the incident, she was sitting on the back seat of a motorcycle, and the driver was the boyfriend of the deceased, a young man who came to Yangcheng to work from other places.

    The two of them had just saved up money to buy a motorcycle. They were so excited that they decided to go for a ride on the road.  However, when the two of them drove their motorcycles to a road intersection, an accident happened

    At that time, there happened to be a team of maintenance personnel from the power company replacing a high-altitude wire that needed to be replaced due to aging at the intersection. Who would have thought that when someone had just cut off one end of the wire, a strong wind happened to blow by.

    The sudden strong wind blew one end of the wire that had been cut off, and it blew onto the road in an instant. Unfortunately, the wire did not fall to the ground, but became entangled with a lamp on the edge of the sidewalk.  Together, they straddled a distance of more than one meter above the ground.

    After discovering this situation, the maintenance personnel responded immediately and stopped passing vehicles, preparing to wait for them to cut the wires short before letting them go.

    At this moment, the deceased and her boyfriend happened to drive by.

    Although they had seen several cars stopped on the road at that time, the boyfriend of the deceased was still in the excitement of buying a new car at that time and did not consider at all that there might be an accident ahead. Instead,  I increased the accelerator, trying to overtake these vehicles while the light was green.

    Under acceleration, the motorcycle finally passed under the wire across the road at a speed of nearly 60 kilometers per hour.  The boyfriend of the deceased who was driving at the time was able to avoid injury because he lowered his head and accelerated. However, the deceased who was sitting in the back seat unfortunately hit a wire across the air. The wire, which was not dangerous at first, hit a high-speed moving object.  At this time, it became sharper than a knife, and it directly cut the throat of the deceased, causing him to die on the spot.  (Remember the website address:
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