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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> The world has entered the age of the Great Flood

Chapter 518 Mysterious Woman (Second update please subscribe)

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    There are gaps between the giant columns rising from the ground. Su Li followed Xu Xuehui and walked deeper along these gaps.

    As he continued to walk inside, Suli slowly saw that there were occasionally hanging pipes between these columns.

    This pipe was also made of some kind of material he didn't know, with varying thicknesses. It hung down from the countless rotating gears above, fell to the ground, and then extended along the ground to the front end.

    Su Li saw a faint hissing sound on the surface of these tubes. This was the sound of terrifying energy fluctuations in the air.

    Looking at these hanging pipes, Su Li suddenly understood that incredible energy was being transported in these pipes.

    ¡°Perhaps it is the energy transported by these tubes that maintains the rotation of the tens of millions of gears above.

    Compared to the cylinders and the tens of millions of gears, the number of these hanging energy transmission tubes is not large. One will hang down every other area, but when you add up, these hanging down tubes will eventually gather together.  Together, there are more and more tubes slowly gathering together.

    These tubes gathered together are extending towards the end, like pythons.

    All the way along the tube extending from the ground, the columns that appeared around it became more and more dense. The two of them slowly needed to get in through the gaps between the columns. Now Su Li was also full of curiosity. He wanted to see  Look, where will these energy-carrying tubes eventually lead? Where is such a huge amount of energy generated to keep these billions of gear machines running?

    Finally, they followed the tubes on the ground and found the source of these energy transmission tubes.

    The floor of this huge and boundless palace is paved with cyan material. Su Li doesn't know what kind of material it is, but he can feel that this material is extremely hard.

    Therefore, all the previous buildings were in dilapidated condition, but only this huge palace could not see any damage.

    At this moment, a huge gap appeared on the blue ground, and the energy-transporting tubes extending from all directions extended from the ground into this gap.

    Su Li opened his third eye. Although he could not capture the information of these cylinders, gears and tubes, under the observation of his third eye, he could clearly see that there was unimaginable terrifying energy coming from here.  Below the gap, along these pipes, it is transported in all directions.

    He is now completely certain that the gear machines above rely on this energy to maintain their operation.

    Below this huge gap is like an unfathomable abyss. There is no way to get here unless they slide down these energy transmission tubes, but the energy contained in these tubes even feels terrifying to Su Li and dare not  It's easy to get close, let alone climb these tubes and slide down to see what's going on.

    He could only approach the edge of the gap in the ground, open his third eye, and carefully look down, trying to see what exactly was delivering energy to these tubes and gear machines.

    There was darkness below, but fortunately, the third eye he possessed could already see through the darkness. When he looked down, he suddenly saw a huge pale face, looking up from below and facing him.

    The sudden incident shocked Su Li, and he instinctively took a step back, his face suddenly changed.

    Xu Xuehui was also observing on the side. Her eyes were wide open, and then she stared blankly. She seemed to be stunned there, as if she had seen something incredible that made her feel unbelievable. She also seemed to be full of panic, and her whole body was trembling slightly.

    Su Li took a deep breath, opened his third eye, and observed carefully again. With mental preparation, he was not frightened this time, but carefully looked down.

    Finally, he saw the tip of the iceberg below through the gap, and he finally saw clearly that there was really a huge face below the gap.

    This face was as pale as paper, with no trace of blood visible, and only a vague appearance of a woman could be seen. However, this face was too huge. From Su Li's eyes, this face alone could not be seen.  The size exceeds Longqiu Mountain.

    Under this face is her body. From Suli¡¯s perspective, he can¡¯t see the whole body of this woman. She just has such a huge face, so how huge must her body be?  It should be calculated at least one thousand meters, or even ten thousand meters.

    Those tubes that extend like giant pythons all the way down are inserted into the forehead, nostrils, ears, mouth, neck, shoulders, and body of this huge woman

    The whole body is densely covered with thousands of penises, he grabbed one of the pipes, summoned up the most powerful strength in his body, let out a violent roar, and pulled it upwards.

    There was a sizzling sound coming from the surface of the pipe. It can be imagined that there is terrifying energy on the surface, and the energy transported inside is even more terrifying.

    Even though Su Li was in an invincible state, he still felt that waves of terrifying energy were being transmitted from his body like electricity. If he were not in an invincible state, he would be wiped out in a moment of contact.

    The strongest 670,000 kilograms of force in the body exploded, but holding the tube with both arms, it didn't move at all.

    "Give me a lift¡ª¡ª" Su Li roared violently, and the abilities he controlled in his body were sent out one after another. He quickly activated ten abilities, plus a force of 670,000 kilograms, but he still couldn't shake it at all.

    Determined that he could not pull out the tube with his hands, Su Li stretched out his right hand, and a burst of energy spurted out from his chest, turning into the Red Moon Dragon Slash.

    Su Li grabbed the Red Moon Dragon Slash with his right hand and struck one of the pipes in the air.

    With a "clang" sound, the Red Moon Dragon Slash was so shocked that it almost didn't make contact and flew away. Even with Su Li's powerful strength, he couldn't hold it. If he wasn't in an invincible state, the tiger's mouth of his palm would have been torn open.  .

    Watching Red Moon Dragon Slash take off his hand and fly out.

    Su Li frowned and did not take any further action.

    The four and a half seconds of invincibility disappeared. Su Li looked at the tubes, pondered slightly, then opened the mirage and took out the stone tools.

    Carrying the heavy stone tool, Su Li did not use it immediately. He needed to wait for the sacred power to be used again.

    "I don't know if this stone tool can cut off this pipe." Su Li's only hope now is the power of this stone tool.

    Xu Xuehui hid behind one of the black columns and looked at Su Li nervously.

    Su Li stood in front of these tubes, inhaling gently to even out his breathing. He held the stone tool in his right hand. When the one-minute cooling time of the sacred power ended, he immediately entered the invincible state of the sacred power again, and then tightened his right hand tightly.  Holding the handle of the stone tool.

    The feeling of flesh and blood coming to mind again, this stone tool seemed like a part of his body, an extension of his arm.

    On the stone tool, streaks of blood appeared, and soon the entire stone tool was covered.

    Su Li felt the surging energy in the stone tool and couldn't help but let out a long roar. Holding the stone tool in his right hand, he slashed at the pipe in front of him. This time, he hit not just a pipe, but the pipe in front of him.  This bunch of thick pipes gathered together.

    With his roar, the power in the stone tool was inspired, and instantly shot out like a bolt, turning into a dazzling divine light.

    The stone tool in Su Li's hand was like an axe, chopping firmly on one of the pipes.

    This tube also contains extremely terrifying energy, and its surface is also covered with a layer of protective energy that cannot be destroyed by ordinary people. Just now, no matter whether Su Li pulled it hard or chopped it with the Red Moon Dragon Slash, he could not damage it.  No damage at all.

    But the divine power of the stone tool is simply impossible to block. Even if the energy transmission pipe is cut by the stone tool, the pipe will be broken immediately.

    The tube suddenly broke, and a faint pink energy spurted out from inside.

    With a "boom", the pink energy sprayed into an extremely thick column. The column suddenly shook violently, and the gears above immediately made a crunching sound. Several of the gears were affected and immediately cracked.  The gear fragments fell downwards.

    As the gear shattered, the entire palace shook violently.

    Su Li did not expect that cutting off one of the pipes would cause such a drastic change. In just a moment, the gears above one after another interacted with each other due to violent shaking, and then shattered.

    The sound of crackling was heard endlessly, and the huge palace was shaking violently. Su Li was shocked to find that cracks began to appear on the ground, and the indestructible blue ground also began to crack.  (Remember the website address:
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