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Chapter 464 The transformation of the water lin beast (first update)

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    As one piece of spiritual equipment after another was swallowed by the water lin beast, its body was obviously changing. Suddenly, it let out a slight roar and stopped swallowing these spiritual equipment. Its whole body was swelling.  , the green scales are constantly vibrating.

    Su Li knows that it has evolved.

    The water lin beast was already about to advance. As it devoured and fused these spiritual energy, it immediately evolved to the fourth level.

    The water lin beast has evolved to the fourth level. The power of the lin beast and water control skills in its body have been further improved, and its body shape has grown. Now its weight has reached at least 150 kilograms, and its body has become much stronger.

    After adapting to the changes in the body, the water lin beast opened its big mouth and sucked in all the remaining energy of the spiritual source equipment into its body. The next moment, these huge energies merged in its body,  Changes, the green scales on the surface of its body lifted up piece by piece, and were constantly shaking.

    Su Li saw a slight growl coming from its mouth, and there was a faint thunderous sound in its body.

    Soon, the bones all over its body were making crackling sounds, just like the sound of thunder from a tiger and a leopard. The most obvious change was that among the blue scales covering its body, a faint green light slowly emerged.  , this layer of blue light wraps pieces of blue scales, making its entire body seem to be glowing with blue light.

    On the top of its head, the originally small golden horn was also changing, becoming thicker and longer, with tiny golden thunder-colored circles surrounding it.

    When the water lin beast completely integrated the energy of more than a hundred pieces of spiritual equipment into its body, its body became stronger again. Now its weight has reached about 160 kilograms, and the appearance of Lei Ze's horn has grown by one.  times, there is a faint layer of green light lingering on the surface of the green scales all over the body, making it look extraordinary and handsome.

    Everyone gathered around it and felt a sense of oppression. Unknowingly, the water lin beast now had a faint majesty, which was the unique majesty of the holy beast.

    Jianshuilin Beast has completed its evolution. Although everyone does not know what kind of strength it has now, they can all feel that the energy of more than a hundred pieces of spiritual source equipment has greatly improved it. Its strength,  I'm afraid there have been earth-shaking changes.

    "After swallowing so much spiritual equipment in one breath, I wonder what level the Water Lin Beast's strength has reached now?" Ding Longyun looked envious.

    Now among them, except for Xu Xuehui, Ding Longyun feels that he is the weakest. In today's battles, he can hardly get involved, which makes him a little frustrated.

    The water lin beast growled slightly at Ding Longyun, showing a provocative look, as if telling Ding Longyun that if he wanted to know what level his current strength had reached, he could just go out and challenge him.

    Ding Longyun knew that he was definitely no match for the Water Lin Beast now, so he ignored it. Instead, he looked at Su Li and said excitedly: "By the way, the man in the flaming red armor said he gave you a blessing. What is that blessing?"

    There were so many people before that it was difficult for him to ask, but now there are only a few people with the best connections here, and he finally couldn't help it anymore.

    Su Li said: "I don't know either. The mechanical box only stores an azimuth coordinate and a suspected three-dimensional map. It should ask me to go to that place, but what is there and what kind of creation it is, I don't know.  ¡±

    Hearing what Su Li said, several people were startled. Ding Longyun said: "I thought he just gave you some powerful treasure, but it turned out to be the coordinates and map? Where is this place?" He said  There was a lot of curiosity in my heart.

    Su Li hummed, and Jiang Shuijue said: "I guess there must be some treasure in that place, but I need to go and get it myself."

    Ding Longyun said: "This guy is so stingy. If he wanted to give me some blessing, he would just give him a powerful treasure. But he gave me a map. I don't know what the situation is. This guy is really stingy."

    Very dissatisfied with the man in fiery red armor.

    Before, everyone thought that the man in the red armor was sending some kind of treasure, but no one knew that this was the case.

    Su Li smiled and said: "Let's go and have a look tomorrow to see what destiny this person is talking about." For such an unknown place, it is too dangerous for one person to go there rashly, so Su Li decided to take a few people with him  Let¡¯s take a look at Jiang Shuijue¡¯s ¡°fog maze¡±, which is relatively safer.

    "Okay, let's go take a look with you." Ding Longyun immediately became interested.

    Night fell quickly, and at seven o'clock in the evening, the monster army appeared again.

    The monster leaders that appeared tonight have become two level six rare beast generals and one level seven leader beast general. However, for Su Li, even the sixth level rare beast general or??Clothing.

    Among them, Su Li has the best equipment. Including weapons, he has three pieces of monarch-level equipment, followed by Jiang Shuijue and Gong Xiao, both of whom have a full set of rare equipment.

    Ding Longyun and Xu Xuehui are worse. Only half of the complete set of equipment is rare equipment, and the other half is of ordinary quality.

    The five people all showed their full body equipment and followed the four mounts, immersing themselves in the water one after another. The water lin beast was faster than them and should sink first.

    Su Li looked down and found that no monsters were seen in a body of water. The monster nest closest to here was at least a few kilometers away. As long as the place was not disturbed, monsters should not be attracted.

    As it continued to sink, after descending about forty or fifty meters, Su Li saw a pile of rocks below.

    A large number of rocks were piled up under the water to form a rockery. He was now certain that the detailed address of the azimuth coordinates recorded in the mechanical box given to him by the man in red armor was this underwater rockery.

    Su Li slid off the back of the flying shark beast, showing a cautious expression. Although he felt that the man in the flaming red armor would not harm him, it was always right to be careful.

    The five people spread out, together with the water lin beast and the four mounts, and slowly went down, approaching the rockery. Soon Su Li saw a cave in the rockery cut by a large number of rocks.

    "It seems that we should enter the cave." Su Li pondered slightly. The cave is not big. The five of them and the water lin beast can enter, but the huge crocodile turtle and flying shark beast cannot enter.

    Su Li continuously gestured to the Crocodile Turtle and the Flying Shark Beast. Fortunately, these four mounts were psychic and could probably understand what he meant. They followed the rockery and slowly sank to the bottom of the water, temporarily staying at the edge of the rockery.

    Su Li summoned the "Devil Barrier", and the six-armed demon phantom appeared. Under Su Li's control, the six-armed demon phantom shrank to only slightly larger than him, and then let it enter the rockery cave first.  .

    If there is danger inside, the six-armed demon will be the first to suffer.

    Seeing that the six-armed demon entered safely, Su Li followed him in, followed by Jiang Shuijue, Xu Xuehui, Shuilin Beast, Gong Xiao and Ding Longyun, who entered one after another.

    Su Li got into the rockery cave and found that the inside suddenly expanded. The rockery was hollow inside, a space about two or three feet in diameter. After entering here, they saw a lot of water splashing in the water they were immersed in. They entered slowly and faintly felt the  There is an invisible force that envelopes this place. Because of the influence of this invisible force, the water that enters fluctuates endlessly and produces a lot of water splashes.

    Everyone continued to go in and found that there was a three-meter-high and two-meter-wide rock passage in the rockery. They followed the passage in and could clearly feel that the passage was sloping downwards, but the water level was gradually decreasing, which was completely beyond the laws of physics.  .

    This rock passage is about twenty meters long. When they walked out of this passage, they could no longer see the water, but entered another stone cave with a radius of two to three feet.

    After leaving the water, everyone regained their ability to speak. Ding Longyun was the first to shout: "It seems that this place is somewhat similar to the place we entered last time in Nanjiang City."

    Jiang Shuijue hummed and said, "This should be regarded as an independent space. Water can't get in, so there is such a violation of convention."

    Jiang Shuijue thought about the last time he was in Nanjiang City, he had obtained the magical water droplet, and then he had the ability to turn one into three, and then had "medium" combat power. This place looks very similar to the last place. It seems  There must be some kind of treasure hidden, and she finally understood why the man in the red armor said that he wanted to give Su Li a good fortune.

    Su Li walked to the end of the cave. There was a cave entrance there, but at this moment, the surface of the cave entrance was faintly emitting a faint white light. On the ground, flickering white light spots appeared. These light spots gathered together to form a spell.  , this talisman went up and raised a light curtain formed by white light, covering the entrance of the cave. It was obviously a man-made arrangement.  (Remember the website address:
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