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Chapter 1088 In the world of Jing Liuli, the army was defeated like a mountain!

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    Chu Hao¡¯s move was very sudden, without any premonition.

    When Bao Rulai's big head was hit by Chu Hao's God-killing Spear, there was only one thought left in his mind,

    How could it be me?

    However, when Bao Tathagata's head was stabbed and picked by the spear, Bao Tathagata's head was separated from his body. His head spun in the air for a long time, and then he saw clearly the situation in the Jingliu Li world.


    On the ground that was shining with colored glaze, there were already corpses strewn all over the field, and blood was flowing everywhere.

    The beautiful scenery built by countless mortals has now become extremely desolate and strange under the wash of blood.

    No one can imagine that such a world is the Buddhist kingdom that mortals have worshiped for countless years.

    Countless years of accumulation in the Jing Liuli world were all burned to the ground today!

    During the bloody storm, Jing Liuli World spent countless resources to build up and spent many years to obtain the Yasha and Buddhist soldiers, and most of them were dead.

    And the appearance of the entire Jingliuli world has completely changed, becoming extremely ugly.

    The ground is full of potholes, and all the glazed light has been turned into powder. Even the high towers and halls dedicated to the Buddhas have been mostly knocked down.

    In the entire Jingliu world, only the pagoda in the center is still shining. That is the final bottom line of the Jingliu world.

    However, in the eyes of Bao Tathagata, he saw the remaining Yasha and Buddhist soldiers in the Jingliuli world retreating steadily.

    The ten Yaaksha generals have been killed to pieces.

    Of the original 84,000 Yaaksha dependents, only a small number are left struggling to their death.

    What¡¯s even worse is those Buddhist soldiers. The entire vast land of Jingliuli World is almost covered with low-level Buddhist soldiers.

    They were all believers who once worked for tigers in the human world and worshiped heaven and Buddha. They originally wanted to come to the Pure Glaze World to enjoy blessings, but they became cannon fodder sent by the Buddhas.

    They have become a group of lonely cannon fodder. Although they are of no use on the battlefield, they still use their lives to protect the world of Jingliuli one after another.

    "It's a pity that they have no hope and it's not a pity to die. Just like they believed in the goodness of the Buddha and committed many evil deeds, it's not a pity to die."

    Bao Tathagata¡¯s head fell to the ground,

    He has seen too much. In short, the world of Jingliuli has been completely defeated, and its combat power is down to 10%.

    It was then that Bao Rulai realized that Chu Hao had come to sneak attack him because the mid- to low-end combat power had basically been killed, and the rest were basically stragglers.

    That¡¯s why Chu Hao turned his gun and came over to attack the top experts.

    Chu Hao¡¯s sneak attack means that the last storm on the law enforcement hall is coming.

    Once Chu Hao has eliminated the top combat power, it basically means that everything is over, because by that time, the Asura clan and the Law Enforcement Hall will forcefully attack the Glazed Pagoda!

    There, there is Medicine Buddha cultivating there.

    It¡¯s a pity that no one dares to count on the Medicine Buddha, because judging from what just happened, no matter how hard the Medicine Buddha tries, he can¡¯t save his life.

    It was the first time that Bao Tathagata felt such a powerless feeling. Perhaps it was because his head was chopped off and his heart was stabbed out.

    So at this moment, Bao Tathagata no longer has any hope in the pure glazed world.


    This is the only thing Bao Tathagata is thinking about at the moment.

    You have to run away!

    He Baoru is always a top powerhouse wherever he goes. There is no need to play martyrdom with Jing Liuli World.

    As long as you escape, even if you go back to the Western Heaven, Bao Tathagata will still be a well-known and strong man, and there is no need to be a martyr.

    After all, staying in the Pure Glaze World is the only way to die. Even if Medicine Buddha comes out now, it will be useless.

    After Bao Tathagata pondered for a moment, without saying a word, the body flew over, picked up his tattered head, and ran away!

    The speed is so fast, it¡¯s staggering!

    Bao Tulai's escape was very sudden, and there was no struggle or begging for mercy. He just ran all the way, unswervingly!

    Although his head was slightly damaged by Chu Hao, even his heart was stabbed out by Chu Hao.

    But the vitality of the quasi-sage strong man is immeasurable.

    Bao Tathagata grabbed his head and spent all his strength,

    After all, he is a very powerful quasi-sage. When he puts down everything,When you have full defense and run away, no one can stop you.

    And everyone present saw Bao Rulai running wildly with his head in his hand, and for a moment, there was deathly silence.

    No one thought that before the Jing Liuli world was truly defeated, and before the Liuli Pagoda completely collapsed, Bao Tathagata was already thinking about escaping.

    At this moment, the beliefs of the Buddhas and Yaaksha Buddha soldiers in the Pure Glaze World were greatly shaken.

    Even if the Treasure Tathagata were placed among the Buddhas in the Pure Glaze World, he would still be among the strongest.

    But now, before the Pure Glaze world is truly defeated, Bao Tathagata has already escaped. In an instant, the Buddhas and Yaaksha Buddha soldiers who are still resisting feel tremendous psychological pressure.

    ? ?It seems like it will be futile to continue resisting like this.

    Even senior officials like Bao Tulai are taking the lead in escaping. Doesn¡¯t it mean that the balance of victory and defeat is completely tilted again, and all efforts to defend will be completely shattered?

    This moment also shook the faith of countless Yaakshas and Buddhist soldiers.

    They were defeated like a mountain. At this moment, their morale collapsed first.

    Just when everyone thought this battle was finally coming to an end, suddenly, something shocking happened!

    The dimmed colored glaze pagoda suddenly glowed with endless colored glaze light, like the light of the righteous path, illuminating the entire pure colored glaze world!

    Chu Hao frowned,

    "This light looks so familiarwait a minute, what is this beast like Medicine Buddha planning to do!"

    "The law enforcement army obeys the order, gives up the attack, and defends against this light with all its strength!"

    Chu Hao woke up with a start. This light Chu Hao had seen before was the glazed phantom light among the five Buddha lights!

    Last time, Chu Hao was almost attacked by Medicine Buddha. If Chu Hao had not been lucky, he would have died under the glazed phantom light.

    Chu Hao still remembers how terrifying this glazed phantom light was. It corroded everything and was completely opposite to medicine. It was poison!

    At this moment, the illusory light of glazed glass spreads throughout the pure glazed world with the help of the glazed pagoda. Is this Medicine Buddha crazy?  !

    Under Chu Hao¡¯s order, everyone in the law enforcement hall quickly gave up the attack and tried their best to defend against the glazed phantom light.

    The Asura clan and others were still dumbfounded, but soon they knew what terror meant.

    The illusory light of colored glaze is very dazzling and gentle, just like the peaceful Buddha light that saves others.

    However, it is this extremely peaceful glazed phantom light that makes everyone know what the real terror is!  ?(Remember the website address:
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