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Chapter 890 The Demon Duke of Oslo

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    Although the Freyagard Empire can suppress religion, it cannot stop faith.

    Just as Luo Jie made a certain water goddess into an emoticon before, it is enough to show that there are not only gods in this world, but also miracles from time to time.

    Such a high exposure rate cannot be banned by a mere decree.

    Where there are gods, there will naturally be demons.

    No matter whether he has done bad things or not, since he is classified as the opposite of God and is hated and hostile by humans who naturally yearn for light and fear darkness, it has become a logical universal recognition.

    The [Great Succubus] bloodline of "Xiahiring Reika" belongs to the high-level demon clan, and does not have the desolate aura of low-level succubi. However, the iconic bat wings and charm techniques cannot be faked after all, so they are naturally classified.  classified as evil.

    And Luo Jie became a fallen human being who surrendered to the devil (kua).

    "I will definitely kill you today, and I will never let the empire fall into the hands of heretics like you who believe in demons!"

    "Oslo" the Duke roared with red eyes. Suddenly, a red spar exuding an ominous aura appeared in his hand, and it stabbed into his chest. The blood-stained spar was surrounded by dense blood vessel-like bulges.  The surface actually lit up with flashes of light that flickered on and off like a heartbeat.


    Amidst the painful screams, Duke "Oslo"'s arms exploded into a mist of blood, and the bloody wound on his shoulder spurted out two streams of blazing flames, which instantly condensed into a pair of elemental claws glowing red.

    The fire elements in the space gathered crazily, forming a flame storm visible to the naked eye. A fiery red spear instantly condensed in his hand, and he threw it at Luo Jie with a shocking roar!

    ¡ª¡ª[Raging Sun Flame Spear]!

    A red line of fire lit up between the sky and the earth, and a huge sonic boom roared in all directions.

    "It's really ridiculous You claim to believe in gods, but you want to use the power of the devil to kill me, a heretic?"

    Luo Jie did not dodge or dodge, he jumped up with the sword in both hands, and slashed out a raging, burning flame sword light with a light weight.

    ¡ª¡ª"Kagura, the God of Fire¡¤Bone-Scorching Sun Flame"!

    The crimson blade slashed at the tip of the flame spear with incomparable precision. After a slight pause, it cut through the middle, sparks sputtering all the way.

    The flame spear rolled up in a V-shape passed close to both sides of Luo Jie, dragging out two flame tracks several kilometers long behind him, falling feebly in the distance, igniting huge fires in the mountains and forests.

    "This is impossible!"

    The Duke of "Oslo" looked at the two fires in the distance in disbelief. He suddenly held his head and let out an inhuman howl. His figure continued to expand and his clothes were torn. Two curved sharp horns protruded from his forehead, and his face was ferociously twisted.  , transformed into a strange appearance that was neither a cow nor a horse.

    ¡°For His Majesty the Emperor! For the Empire! I¡ªGah!¡±

    "Oslo" the Duke's roar suddenly stopped, his blood-red eyes widened as he looked down at the tip of the knife piercing his chest.

    This man moves so fast!

    Although his eyes caught a little bit of shadow, his body couldn't keep up with it at all.

    "Finally, wait until you transform and go on your way with peace of mind."

    Luo Jie was able to instantly kill the Duke of "Oslo" from the very beginning, but precisely because he knew that there was a stronger demon form behind him, he waited until now to actually take action.

    The purpose is naturally for the opponent's kill treasure chest - killing weak chickens will not yield anything good.

    The red crystal stone exuding an ominous aura shattered and collapsed, and the lifeless demon body fell to the ground, turning into black ash that spread all over the sky under the burning fire of the golden sun.

    ¡¾You killed the "Demon Archduke Oslo", and you got the "Devil Archduke Oslo's Treasure Chest".  ¡¿


    The commander who was known as the "Imperial God of War" was slaughtered as easily as a dog. Half of his comrades fell unconscious in their own white turbidity. The remaining cavalry had completely lost their mentality. They dismounted and knelt down in fear.

    These cavalrymen are rare elites in the army. Naturally, Luo Jie will not waste it on a meaningless massacre. When the player's large army catches up, he will directly hand over these surrendered soldiers to "Fight Tigers Tonight"  They handle it.

    Except for those who knew Luo Jie to a certain extent about "succulents" and "sacred radiance", everyone felt unbelievable at the outcome of this battle. Privately, the eyes they looked at Luo Jie became increasingly complicated and awe-inspiring.

    Even privately, it has begun??Some people began to doubt his true rank.

    Luo Jie did not give any positive answer to this. Anyway, due to the unspoken rules among players, no one would be stupid enough to ask him for confirmation in person, and he did not need to explain anything to others.


    This time the Imperial Crusade Army blocked the battle, and the shock it brought to the entire Fendorf Territory was undoubtedly explosive.

    At first, no one was optimistic about these rebels, which numbered only a few hundred people. Especially when they heard that the empire had sent a crusade of 8,000 people, everyone from nobles to civilians believed that the end of this small rebel army was coming.

    However, what happened next shocked everyone. Facing the menacing Imperial Crusade, instead of frantically grabbing a vote and running away, the rebels took the initiative to attack regardless of life and death - and finally  The key is that he actually won!

    The Archduke of "Oslo", known as the Empire's God of War, was killed in battle. The 8,000-strong expeditionary force suffered more than 1,000 casualties and nearly 3,000 prisoners. The active regular troops in the neighboring "Buchwald Territory" and "Ackerland Territory" were completely destroyed.  Being beaten and disabled, there is no possibility of sending troops again in a short time.

    Common people under the feudal system rarely have the concept of country and nation. As long as they can ensure their normal life, they will not mind the change of rulers.

    After it was confirmed that the players could secure Fendorf's leadership, many people's minds started to get excited. Among them, the businessmen and the small nobles who were not in power reacted the fastest, and all their families came to invest, completely treating the players as an emerging force as a rare commodity.  Betting object.

    With the proofing provided by the masters above, the common people began to accept the rule of the players with complete confidence. Not only were the various construction sites and factories crowded with people looking for jobs, but even the military recruitment office, which had always been neglected, began to  Normal operations resumed.

    Without the threat of being wiped out, three times the military pay is quite attractive.

    Of course, it has now been adjusted to 1.5 times.

    The dozens of "veterans" who received three times the salary immediately became the smart and farsighted people in the eyes of everyone. They were the favorites in the eyes of the seven aunts and eight aunts. It is said that many people were already busy dating each other.  .

    With sufficient human resources, the young scientist "Big Star Ringo" also began to climb the technology tree as quickly as possible. Various new technologies and new tools that are in line with current productivity have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. Fendorf's collar is changing almost every day.  are undergoing tremendous changes.

    What makes the players most excited is that after defeating the Imperial Crusade and completely taking control of the Fendorf Territory, the map exploration rate that had not been touched for a long time in the main mission suddenly increased by one percentage point.

    This also proves that their efforts are in the right direction. Through occupation and domination, this main mission can indeed be achieved more efficiently.

    On the other hand, look at the Freyagard Empire.

    Perhaps they were frightened by the ultra-high combat effectiveness displayed by the players, or perhaps they could not find a suitable candidate to lead the army for a while. After the news of the death of the Duke of "Oslo" came back to the imperial capital, the upper-level officials and nobles of the empire  They remained surprisingly silent, making it impossible to guess what they wanted to do.

    However, this kind of cold treatment, which did not mention either crusade or recruitment, also gave Fendorf the valuable time for stable development, and both the economy and the military began to enter a virtuous cycle.

    Based on multiple war chess deductions after gathering intelligence, players can already be convinced that unless the Freyagard Empire is willing to risk being invaded by aliens and mobilize elite frontier troops for an expedition across most of the empire, they can only hold their noses and negotiate.  , acquiescing to their dominance over the Fendorf Territory, or continuing to force the lords of several nearby territories to carry out crusade, and then helplessly sit back and watch as they are bloodied little by little by the nail in the butt of the Fendorf Territory.

    In other words, they have survived the most difficult stage. As long as they climb the technology tree to a certain height and form enough generational advantages over the Freyagard Empire, it is only a matter of time before they cannibalize this behemoth bit by bit.  .

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