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Chapter 574 The Balance of Life

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    This is a true wave.

    After entering the urban area of ??London, the dense population caused the number of Kabane to suddenly grow explosively. The number of Kabane, which originally only numbered more than 10,000, increased almost tenfold in less than an hour.

    Whether it's on the road, alleys, or destroyed doors and windows, Kabane's gray skin with orange-red cracks is everywhere. The brightest light spot in his heart is flickering. Looking at it, it looks like a rolling lava from hell.  .

    The citizens who originally had a lucky mentality no longer cared about their belongings, and some even had no time to wear shoes. They fled along the road with their families in panic, but they were soon thrown to the ground by Kabane who was flying towards him.  Bite until the flesh and blood are bloody.

    None of the citizens hiding at home were spared from this disaster. Each Kabane infected by the mysterious virus had nearly times the strength of a normal person. Even an oak door wrapped in iron could not stop several Kabane.  With Kabane's continuous collision, once the door was broken through, there were only screams that filled the entire house.

    "Hurry and save people!"

    The students who participated in the battle for the first time were seriously lacking in experience in large-scale wars, and they actually tried to rescue citizens who were about to be overtaken by Kabane or even knocked down.  .  .

    The doll, who did not know what fear was, faithfully carried out the orders given by its master and rushed into the black tide of Kabane like a rock facing a flash flood. After buying an extremely limited ten seconds for the citizens in front to escape, it was ignored.  Countless Kabane were instantly submerged, their limbs pulled and torn into parts all over the floor.

    ¡°No¡ª¡ª! My doll!¡±

    Several puppet masters turned pale, and were immediately overtaken by other puppet masters who arrived from behind.

    "Those who lost their dolls will immediately withdraw from the battle order and organize the citizens to move to London Port!"

    The person giving the orders is the "Emperor of Three Thousand Worlds" Ashura Owen. Although his ranking in the Night Club has dropped to third place, his strong personality and leadership skills still make him one of the thirteen people with the most followers under his command.

    "Asura, there are too many Kabane and the most troublesome thing is that they have been mixed with the citizens. We simply cannot eliminate these Kabane without harming the citizens!"

    "Do we still need to consider this? The price we have to pay to rescue those citizens who are mixed with Kabane is too high, so we can only give up on them!"

    Those who can make such a calm judgment are naturally players.

    Unfortunately, what he faced was not professional soldiers with strict orders. The puppet masters who first entered the battlefield still maintained the concepts and hierarchies of their student days. They directly ignored the player's opinions and unanimously cast their sights on the dazzling mass in mid-air.  of thunder.

    Asura Owen was suspended in mid-air, looking at the Kabane tide below that was slowly advancing like flowing magma, frowning, and it was always difficult to make a decision.

    Although his reason told him that only by giving up the citizens who were asking for help in the rear, could he buy more time for the citizens fleeing in the front, but after all, those were hundreds of lives, and any one of them was an unbearable weight for his conscience.  .

    Not only Ashura Owen, but also several other Thirteen People on the First Page fell into the same hesitation.

    They are just a group of students, and they cannot yet exchange the lives of a few for the lives of the majority without changing their expressions.

    The weight on the scale of life has never been measured by quantity.

    "Sigmund! Use the "Terminal Cannon" to cut off the streets below!  "

    Luo Jie didn¡¯t have so many worries. He rushed up to the sky and shouted towards the gray-blue dragon hovering above his head.

    To prevent Charlotte from being hesitant, he directly faced the dragon-shaped doll "Sigmund".

    "Night Dire, why do you order my puppet! Wait, Sigmund, what are you going to do?"

    The biggest feature of the forbidden doll is that it has intelligence that is not inferior to that of humans. As a doll that has served the head of the Birao family for several generations, "Sigmund" understands better than Charlotte what needs to be done at the moment.

    Without consent, Sigmund mobilized Charlotte's magic power, and a scorching beam of light that was thicker than the one in the previous night's game shot out from his mouth.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    Wherever the beam passed, countless Kabane melted away like snowmen in the scorching sun. Even the sound was turned into a mass of shapeless black marks. The center of the street was covered from south to north.  A long and narrow trench was plowed out, which was five to six meters wide and nearly as deep as one person.

    The cards coming from behind?Life is in danger in battle The fear of death is a natural instinct of living things, so before you make a so-called plan, you'd better not be too optimistic about other people's ability to withstand stress, otherwise when the front line collapses, don't say I didn't  I reminded you.  "

    "Dorothy is right. There are too many Kabane. Our numerical disadvantage is huge. We can barely fight a defensive battle. We cannot afford the losses in frontal battles."

    The person speaking this time was Felix Kingsford, the "Silver Gun Girl" ranked fifth in the night party.

    Although the code name is Girl, it refers to his girl-shaped doll. He is actually a handsome blond guy who serves as the disciplinary committee of the college and has countless admirers of the opposite sex.

    By the way, in the original work, this "Felix" is the first mini-boss that the protagonist Akabane Raijin encounters after coming to the academy. However, for some reason, the theft of magic circuits in the original work does not happen in this world.  "Demon Eater" incident, so "Felix" is still among the thirteen people on the first page.

    Asura Owen frowned and said: "Fighting defensive warfare can indeed reduce losses and reduce the psychological pressure of students. But the question is, how can we make these monsters give up other goals and only focus on attacking our defensive positions?"

    "Use blood."

    Luo Jie, who had been silently listening to others, suddenly spoke.

    "There is something I have been hiding from you, but it doesn't matter if I tell you now - before this disaster broke out, I had obtained samples of Kabane virus and conducted a series of biological experiments."

    "No matter whether you were eating grass or meat during your lifetime, once you are infected with Kabane virus, you will become extremely bloodthirsty and will be particularly attracted to the smell of blood."

    "There are many horses in the city of London. As long as we collect enough horse blood and sprinkle it on the ground, we can attract Kabane to move to a fixed position. As long as we can hold it, we can drag the tide of Kabane to the ground.  a place."

    Except for the "Fiery Cactus" who had known Kabane's characteristics for a long time, several others showed surprise. They obviously did not expect that Luo Jie had known about this and had studied Kabane so thoroughly.

    "Sonechka Snitkina" from Tsarist Russia folded her folding fan, pointed at Luo Jie with the fan handle and asked sternly: "Since you knew about this, why didn't you report it to the school?"

    "Student Sonechka, I only want to say two things - first, if you point at me like this, I can definitely regard it as a challenge to me; second, do you think the school really doesn't know about this?  "(Remember the website address:
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