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Chapter 7

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    Slytherin Code of Conduct Six: Avoid expressing emotions superficially and learn to smile.

    The little platinum prince, who had finished his awkwardness, turned back and pointed at the handbag, "Why don't you open it and take a look?"


    "Idiot!" Draco used his habitual expression of raising his chin and turning his nostrils upward, "Do you think that I, Draco Malfoy, the heir of an ancient pure-blood noble family, would give someone an empty wrapping bag as a birthday gift?  ?¡±

    Is such a valuable thing just a packaging box?

    Harry looked at Draco's increasingly arrogant expression and opened his handbag in confusion

    "Wow!" Harry couldn't help but exclaimed. From the outside, it would be impossible to tell that such a small handbag had such a large space inside - to match the capacity of the largest book bag, there were already several things in it.  Yes, the magical world is simply amazing!  "Draco, are thoseare those all gifts?" Harry moved his eyes away from the unknown objects in the bag and turned to Draco, only to see his blond friend's chin lifted higher.

    To be honest, Harry didn't like Draco showing such arrogance at all, as it would evoke very bad and tragic memories of his time at his aunt's house.  The reason why he accepted Draco as a friend was because he didn't want to let go of the rare care. He was so eager for it that even though he felt uncomfortable, he tolerated the flaws in his new friend's character.

    But the more time they spent together, the more Harry became confused about the intentions behind Draco's arrogance.

    Harry knew that Draco hated ordinary people who didn't know magic. He said it bluntly and called them Muggles. That didn't sound very comfortable, did it?  When queuing to buy drinks or squeezing to see animals, Draco would avoid the crowd and keep a low profile, but Harry had never seen Draco show off his high chin and unique speech to Muggles.  Long tone, so you see, even when facing the group of people he disdained the most, Draco never showed superiority or obvious contempt, so why did he show that expression to himself alone?

    In fact, well, Harry admitted frustratedly, Draco threw all his gorgeous sarcastic sentences at himself, and he especially liked to raise his chin at himself, even though he was very good to himself just a moment ago

    Hey, wait!

    Harry suddenly couldn't help but widen his eyes. It seemed that every time Draco showed kindness to him, his mouth would become particularly bad!  From this point of view, at this moment, Draco had that arrogant expression again, but as Harry glanced around, Draco's hand hanging down by his side had bloody nails missing from twisting his fingers so hard.  Gaier has nowhere to hide.

    Draco was puzzled by Harry's silence, but following Harry's gaze he saw his unconsciously clenched fingers. He immediately loosened his grip and tried to hide his hands behind his robes Oh, damn Muggle clothes!

    "So" Draco said slowly, leaning against the big tree behind him as if he was completely relaxed, "From your rude glare and completely self-righteous question, can I think that you are numb?"  Your relatives didn¡¯t even teach you basic etiquette?¡±

    Harry smiled, truly happy, showing his beautiful green eyes that had curved into a lake of clear water to Mr. Malfoy without any grudge at all. Under Draco's arrogant expression, haha  Lee really found the pink ear tip hidden in the pale blond hair.


    The space magic bag is made of Saharan salamander skin, which is particularly suitable for performing space magic. It is a rare and excellent magic material. However, this color is not very popular in the Malfoy family. When Draco first picked out the gift, it was  Choose it at first sight and there is no doubt that the Gryffindor cub will love this noisy color!

    Draco picked out a notebook from the pile of things in his handbag, "Accidents are happening around you now because your magic is messy and unstable. Eleven years old is the age limit for magic. After you turn eleven,  The magic power will stabilize and it will be suitable to have your own wand. The situation will be much better after that. The school's task is to teach you how to effectively control it. But this does not mean that you cannot be exposed to magic before the age of eleven. Some are particularly ancient or prominent.  The wizarding family also systematically teaches young wizards some magical knowledge in preschool." He handed the notebook to Harry, "My family's collection."

    Wow, it¡¯s like an introduction to magic!

    While Harry took it excitedly, he was also very nervous. With Draco like this, he must have been the worst student in school!

    "You can't do anything without a wand." Draco saw Harry's panic. "We all started at the same point when we were in school. Even if I memorize all the family books now, I can write a forty-foot-long article about  The Twelve of Dragon BloodThe ever-chattering conductor¡¯s sales pitches and attempts to strike up a conversation.

    Muggles are not good at anything, but one thing Draco has to admit is that Muggle buses are definitely much more comfortable than wizard ones.

    Harry stuffed the red handbag Draco gave him under his clothes before he dared to knock on the door and enter the house. He should be grateful for the convenience of magical objects. If he came in with so many things, Aunt Petunia would probably scream until the next time.  moon.

    Watching Harry come in empty-handed, Petunia curled her tight lips and said, "It looks like your charity sale to save the polar bears was a success."

    Harry's face froze and he responded vaguely. Before Aunt Petunia could give him the task of watering the garden, he quickly ducked into his cupboard. Before closing the door, he could still hear his aunt talking about watering the garden.  'Don't pay for those damn polar bear candy bars, the school is full of vampires' or something like that.

    Sitting in the dark cupboard, Harry's whole face collapsed. He was so happy that he was so sad. He had played so crazy today. He didn't even remember where he put the box of candy. It seemed that he was holding it in his hand at the beginning.  It was still there when we got in the car, but after entering the zoo, I had no impression of it at all.  Harry stooped and bent down. This was terrible. Where was he going to save two pounds of donation money after school started?  You know, the Dursleys never gave him half a penny for housework.

    This incident ruined Harry's good mood for the whole day, but now it was too late to mourn. Harry decided not to think about such a tragic thing on such a beautiful day. He took out a gold-red handbag from under his clothes, and there was something in it.  There were several things that he didn't have time to look at. When Draco took out only the notes, Harry thought it was quite strange. After all, in terms of size, the old notes were the most inconspicuous of the items.

    A square patent leather box with a lily pattern, Harry felt it was quite heavy when he took it out of his handbag.

    Open - wow!  Harry silently marveled. The box was full of candies. They were very delicate and beautiful. There would definitely be leftovers until Christmas. Harry couldn't wait to take a white piece and threw it into his mouth. It was nougat and had a very strong milk taste.  Putting the box aside, Harry took out another box that was slightly larger than the one before, but not as heavy.  Open itit's a birthday cake, with a little lion with golden hair and a red scarf painted on the white cream, and it says 'Happy Birthday Harry'.

    Harry's eyes were unbearably moist.

    It is true that Harry once sincerely envied and prayed that he could also have a birthday with a birthday cake, but today, being able to go to the zoo and have fun on his birthday was enough, enough, and good enough for Harry.  But now, he actually even has a birthday cake just for himself.  He really didn't expect Draco to prepare this.  A perfect birthday, so perfect that Harry even began to fear that he would be punished for such a luxurious birthday.

    In addition, there was a well-wrapped set of clothes in the handbag, the kind of clothes Draco wore, but too gorgeous for Harry. Although he was grateful for Draco's kindness, Harry knew that he would never be able to wear it.  No chance to wear it.  Oh, there were also several things that looked like jewelry boxes, all of which were filled with shiny pins, hairpins, etc. Harry's head was covered with black lines. Judging from the color and pattern, Harry had to suspect that they were all for  Accessories specifically designed to go with that outfit.


    There are a lot of gifts, but if you take into account the birthdays next year and the year after that, plus the Christmases of the past two years, the number is just right - no wonder Harry thinks so.

    After taking out all these things, Harry found something in the innermost corner of the handbag. He took it out Aha!  Harry really didn't know whether to be happy or anxious. It was Draco's wallet with a considerable amount of pounds left in it. Oh, what else could he say? Draco's carelessness even saved his polar bear charity sale!  (Remember the website address:
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