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Chapter 1740 Get close to Tang Seng, another powerful breath

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    Wuhen quickly moved towards Sun Wukong, and in a blink of an eye, a pair of fiery red wings appeared on his back, rushing forward with Wuhen.

    There was still a little bit of red light around the wings, with a terrifying high temperature. Where the wings passed, not a single blade of grass grew, and all the flowers were turned into ashes. Even the air became dignified, with layers of ripples.

    Almost in the blink of an eye, Wuhen had already walked 100 meters, and was very close to Monkey King. His body twisted suddenly, and he was already in front of Monkey King.

    Instant transfer!

    Seeing Wuhen stretch out his fists, he punched Monkey King.  Monkey King quickly picked up the golden cudgel to resist, blocking his blow.

    Wuhen didn't back down, stretched out his foot and kicked Monkey King, Monkey King also threw the golden cudgel, and fought him with bare hands, you punched him with a kick, and the fight was in full swing.

    After hundreds of rounds, their faces were all bruised and swollen.

    Monkey King shouted: "You, it's not good to hit me, you want to hit me in the face."

    Wuhen said: "If you hit him, you will hit him. What's the matter, why does a big man pay so much attention to his appearance? Are you a woman?"

    "I finally managed to get this body. If I say disfigurement, I will be disfigured. It's a blood loss." Wukong said aggrievedly.

    Wuhen laughed loudly: "It's really a mountain wild monkey."

    Wukong looked at Wuhen, and shouted: "Boy, today I have to pull out the wings behind you."

    "Come if you are brave enough." Saying that, the two moved forward at top speed and continued to fight.

    Ye Chen saw that the two were fighting fiercely, so he said to Bajie Wujing: "You lead the little demon down below, and I will go in and rescue Tang Seng."

    Everyone nodded and started to act quickly.

    Ye Chen charged up his strength and shot into the cave in an instant, urging the magic formula to look for Tang Seng's figure in a hurry.

    After a while, he felt Tang Seng's aura deep in the cave, and beside Tang Seng, there seemed to be a hidden aura.

    Ye Chen smiled bitterly: "It seems that this matter is not simple." After speaking, he hurried in, and he felt that Tang Seng's breath was very disordered and weak.

    Ye Chen broke up the little demon with one hand, flew in quickly, and soon arrived beside Tang Seng.

    "Tang Seng, what's the matter, wake up quickly." Ye Chen stuffed the Huiqi Pill and Huiling Pill into Tang Seng's mouth, and Tang Seng slowly raised his head and said, "Go, go!"

    At this time, a sentence sounded in the cave: "Let's go? Do you think it's okay to go!"

    Ye Chen felt another very strong breath appearing from behind, shook his head slightly, and whispered: "It seems that it is difficult to leave today."

    Ye Chen helped Tang Seng aside, gave Tang Seng a quick recovery pill, then quickly got up and turned to look at the man, only to see that the man was dressed in fierce dragon and phoenix scale armor, wearing a dragon armor helmet, and holding a thunder dragon fighting the sky  hammer.

    This person is huge, with six wings on his back, hard scales on his arms, legs like dragon legs, but with phoenix hair on them, and a very fierce face, surrounded by scales.

    Ye Chen said: "The Heavenly Emperor Suwen and the Queen of Heaven raised a son, but he was irritable by nature and couldn't integrate into the life of the heavenly world, so he was demoted to the mortal world by the Heavenly Emperor. I don't know where he went."

    "Hmph, you are a mortal, you know a lot." The man snorted coldly.

    Ye Chen continued: "It turned out to be preparations for now. The Emperor of Heaven has already made preparations for a political change."

    "You, a mere mortal, don't need to know about these things. Rest in peace early." After speaking, the son of the Emperor of Heaven attacked.  (Remember this website URL:
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