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Chapter 485: Four hundred seventy-seven: Victory, the partial teacher disappeared without a trace

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    Several people rode their horses to the old king and got off their horses. The old king looked at the few people and said with a smile: "These enemy troops are coming, you set fire to stop them, can this fire stop them from advancing!"

    After hearing this, Songtsan Gampo hurriedly said: "Father, I heard from Brother Wuji that this fire did not stop them from moving forward, but set fire to burn them all to death."

    "Ah? Can this fire burn them all to death!

    Won't they hide in the place where there are no trees!  This ravine is not all trees.

    There are many places in this valley without trees!  "

    Duan Wuji laughed when he heard this.

    "Don't worry, Your Majesty, even if there are no trees, the billowing smoke will kill them all!

    I forgive them, they can't escape, how many people!  If you don't believe me, just wait and see Haoer tomorrow!

    ?After this battle, I guess that after getting the news of the failure of the two armies, the sideline army would either retreat or stop advancing.

    Taking this opportunity, His Majesty just wrote a letter to King Nianzhu, asking him for some supplies to make up for our losses in this battle!

    Tianzhu will definitely send people to make peace every time this big defeat happens!  "

    The old king laughed out loud.

    "Brother Han, let me borrow your auspicious words. If we take this opportunity to ask for some supplies from Tianzhu, then we have completely won this war."

    Looking at the thick smoke billowing in the valley, the old king felt indescribably happy!

    Isn't it a great thing to stop this enemy without a single soldier being killed or wounded?

    The old kingdom ordered: "Now set up camp on the edge of this mountain pass. Tomorrow, after the fire subsides, let's go into this valley to collect the spoils!"

    After everyone heard this, they immediately began to build tents, set up camps and started to bury pots and cook food. After a short time, groups of tents were erected, and puffs of cooking smoke rose immediately.

    The old king led the free eldest prince, Duan Wuji and the six of them straight to the treasured tent of the Chinese army.

    The old king glanced at the big and small serf owners behind him and said: "Everyone, go to my Chinese military treasure tent in a while. I don't think there is anything wrong today. Let's have a celebration bar in advance today!"

    Everyone, come here soon, I won't send anyone to call you anymore.  "

    After hearing this, the crowd replied in unison: "Your Majesty, don't worry about your old man. We will come over immediately after we go back to make arrangements. There is no need for your old man to send someone to call us!"

    Several people walked into the big tent with the old king. At this time, the sun was just past noon, and the big tent was very warm.

    After the old king sat down in the right position, he quickly greeted Duan Wuji and the others to sit down beside him.

    The soldiers in the tent brought them steaming horse milk tea, and while drinking the milk tea, they chatted casually.

    It wasn't too long, and those serf owners, large and small, rushed over one after another.

    After all the people gathered, the old king said with a smile: "Everyone, there is nothing to do today. Let's attack with fire and temporarily repel these Indians. Let's clean up after dinner tomorrow morning."  Let's go to the battlefield.

    Look at how many people they lost in this fire!

    In order to celebrate our victory, today we will drink a few bowls of mare's milk.

    Come here, serve wine and meat immediately, Songtsan Gampo, pour wine and meat for everyone without fuss!  "

    The eldest prince heard this, and immediately ordered his soldiers to pour wine and serve meat for the people. Everyone sat on felt cushions and sat on the floor. There was a big meat bowl in front of every two people. The time was not long, and everyone poured wine into their bowls.  Full of wine.

    The old king raised his glass.

    "Everyone, it is also our Tupan country's national destiny that should not be lost. It all depends on everyone fighting bravely. Come, to celebrate today's victory, and to wish our Tupan country a prosperous national fortune, come, let's do this."

    After hearing this, the serf owners, big and small, all raised their wine bowls.

    "Your Majesty, I wish Your Majesty good fortune, good health and a long life. I wish Tupan a long life and peace, and everyone will enjoy peace forever."

    After the first bowl of wine dried up, the guards filled the people with a second bowl of wine.

    The old king said with a smile: "Everyone, the reason why our army was able to win this time is inseparable from the help of these warriors from the Great Sui Kingdom.

    Presumably everyone has seen it in the past two days. If they hadn't taken action, who would have broken the elephant vines in Tianzhu Kingdom?If there are too many, go outside Taniguchi, where there are special people to register.  "

    The more the team went in, the more dead people were in the ditch, and many people fell together in a mess, and weapons such as knives and guns were thrown all over the ground!

    The tragic death of these soldiers is a bit horrible!

    ?The further you went in, the fewer trees there were, and the corpses of the Tianzhu soldiers burned lighter and lighter, and the soldiers' ferocious faces became more and more clearly visible.

    Later, the soldier's body no longer looked like it had been burned, and the soldier Niu Qu's face could be seen very clearly.

    When the old Wang Guo saw it, he ordered loudly: "Take off all the clothes from these Indian soldiers, whoever takes off the clothes will belong to them.

    The Tianzhu people say that they come and go naked, let¡¯s meet their demands today!

    These clothes happened to be taken back for you to keep out the cold.  "

    When the soldiers heard this, they all robbed frantically.

    You must know that this Tupan country is a place of bitter cold, and there is a great shortage of clothes. If these clothes are returned and worn by the family members, that would be very good!

    The old king also ordered people to carry back the horses that were smoked to death in the valley.

    Ho!  The battlefield is so clean!  This is really not only dead bodies, but everything else!

    The team walked forward for more than 20 miles, and the dead body gradually disappeared. It took a long time to clean the entire battlefield!

    When there was nothing useful in the valley, the old king led everyone back out.

    The old king looked behind these soldiers and couldn't help laughing.

    I saw a lot of clothes on the back of each soldier!  Boots, hats, towels, whatever!

    The old king laughed and said, "These clothes are all yours. Take them back to keep out the cold!"

    The old king saw that the knives, guns and other items picked up from the valley were piled up like a mountain. The pile of dead horses was at least two feet high, and the land occupied at least eight or nine mu of land!

    The old king was delighted to see so many spoils.

    The old kingdom said to the eldest prince who was guarding outside the mouth of the valley: "Have you seen all these knives and guns?"

    "I saw the count, these knives and guns totaled 76,985 pieces!"

    "Well, so to speak, there are at least this number of dead Tianzhu people in this valley. If so many soldiers die, the vitality of the Tianzhu country may be seriously damaged!

    In the short term, I am afraid that it will no longer pose a threat to our country.

    Songtsan Gampo, with so many knives and guns, quickly send people to transport them to the arsenal of our capital, so that we can use them well when we fight again!

    Let these dead horses be distributed according to the number of soldiers!

    These dead horses are enough for us to eat for a few days.

    With so many dead horses, how much rations will be saved for us!

    Tell all the serf owners that we will rest for three days, and we will make a decision after three days!  "

    The eldest prince promised to do so.

    The old king led Duan Wuji and the others back to the camp.  (Remember the site URL:
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