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Chapter 238 The Female Corpse in the Water Tank (Part 2)

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    Fortunately, the elevator reached the sixth floor at this time, and the waiter named Lu Chenfei took us to find the rooms of Boss Duan and Sister Shenxian.  Duan Qingshui looked at the house number and asked, "Why, you opened two rooms for us?"

    Lu Chenfei was startled, and asked, "Mr. Duan wants to live with this young lady?"

    After hearing this, Ruan Lingxi and I looked at Boss Duan meaningfully.  At this time, Su Ling said: "This is very good, thank you very much." After saying that, he took the luggage and walked into his room door.

    Boss Duan suddenly felt bored, and said to us angrily: "You should go home too."

    Seeing this, Ruan Lingxi and I said goodbye to Sister Shenxian, and we took the elevator downstairs together.  After entering the elevator, I glanced at the elevator of the five-star hotel.  It is very spacious, basically there is no problem in accommodating dozens of people.  The front and rear are mirrored, which visually brings a feeling of expanding the space.  There are railings behind and on both sides of the elevator, and there are exquisite silk fake flowers wrapped around the railings, with spices on the fake flowers, which look very high-end and elegant.

    At this time, the elevator stopped with a "ding".  I stared at the buttons of the elevator, and it didn't stop on the first floor, but on the fourth floor.  I asked Ruan Lingxi, "Is it the fourth floor?"

    Ruan Lingxi said: "It's not me, why should I press the fourth floor if I have nothing to do? Didn't you press the first floor to enter the elevator? I didn't move it at all."

    I stared at the red number 4, and suddenly felt a chill down my back.  I think of the female corpse that was fished out of the water tank, that weird smile always makes me shudder when I recall it.  Doesn't that woman live on the fourth floor?  I'll go, this can't be caused by a woman's ghost, can it?

    I took a deep breath and watched the elevator door slowly open.  After the elevator doors were all opened, I looked out and saw that the fourth floor was pitch black, and it seemed that the lights had been turned off.  After hearing about the accident, many guests immediately checked out and left.  Especially on the fourth floor where the accident happened, it is estimated that all the tenants have already left.

    Then who else will press the elevator?  I stretched out my head to look, but there was no one, so I came back again, ready to press the close button.  At this moment, I suddenly caught a glimpse of a face emerging from the elevator door.  There was a twisted and weird smile on that face, exactly the same as the female corpse in the water tank!  !

    I was taken aback, subconsciously took a step back, and heard the sound of dripping water in my ears.  The ghost of the female corpse in the water tank?  !

    At the moment when I was surprised, I saw that face slowly leaving the darkness, and then, a person walked into the elevator.  I rubbed my eyes and looked again, and saw that the owner of that face was an aunt in her fifties, with slanted eyes, deep wrinkles on her forehead, and drawn corners of her mouth.  It's the elevator that makes people feel extremely horrified.

    Look at that aunt again, wearing the uniform of a hotel cleaner, holding a bucket in her hand, the kind of bucket specially used to clean mops.  You must have seen it, the gourd-shaped one, the one that drains water while dripping to dry, so I heard the sound of dripping water.

    Seeing us both looking at her with ghostly faces, my aunt snorted coldly: "What are you looking at, I'm not a ghost."

    I breathed a sigh of relief, and said to the cleaner lady: "I said, auntie, people are scary, didn't you say that someone died in an accident on the fourth floor, you are so bold to come to clean at night."

    The cleaner lady snorted coldly and said, "Who will do the job if I don't clean? Besides, didn't the girl die in the water tank on the roof? To be precise, no one died on the fourth floor, but someone died on the roof.  What are you afraid of? If you want to talk about dead people, no one has died in the old house, and there are not all living people."

    When I heard that this aunt's domineering side leaked, I suddenly felt confident and came back, and said with a smile: "Auntie, which floor are you going to? I will press the elevator for you."

    The aunt waved her hand and said: "You can press it yourself, I have finished cleaning, now clean the elevator."

    So I pressed 1 again.  The elevator descends at a constant speed.  The aunt began to wipe the corner of the elevator with a rag.  When the elevator reached the second floor, the aunt suddenly said: "It's strange, there is something painted on the elevator mirror that can't be wiped off, it should not be jam."

    I turned my head inadvertently when I heard the words, and was immediately startled.  I saw that the reflection of the cleaner aunt with her back to me in the mirror was not her, but a pale baby grimacing!  !

    The infant spirit's dark eyes were bleeding from the seven orifices, and the blood stained most of the mirror red, flowing to the ground, and almost spreading to my feet.

    "Ah!!" I screamed, startling Ruan Lingxi beside me.

    "Erhuo, what's wrong with you?!" Ruan Lingxi asked.

    "What's on the mirror?? Blood??" I pointed to the mirror in surprise.

    At this moment, the cleaning lady turned her head, giggled strangely, and looked at me with bloody eyes.

    "?!  "I quickly took out the God of War on my waist, and shouted at the cleaner.

    "You idiot, you are so stupid!!!" Ruan Lingxi grabbed my arm: "That's a human!!!"

    Ruan Lingxi's voice made me wake up like a dream.  Looking at it again, I saw the cleaner aunt looked at me in surprise, opened her mouth wide, and dropped the rag in her hand.

    I wiped off my sweat and said with a smile to the aunt, "I'm sorry, I'm a policeman. I've been under too much pressure recently and have hallucinations." Then, I quickly put away my gun and went to the mirror to look: "Yes  What can't be wiped clean?"

    The aunt didn't dare to stay any longer. When she saw the elevator door, she ignored us and ran away with the bucket.

    Ruan Lingxi said helplessly: "Erhuo, did you see something just now?"

    I nodded in embarrassment: "Yeah, somehow I saw a child's face in the mirror." Saying that, I leaned forward to look in front of the mirror.  The so-called mirror surface of the elevator also has seams.  My eyes fell on the seam, and I saw that there seemed to be red stains in the seam.  The cleaner was supposed to be wiping this stuff just now.

    I asked Ruan Lingxi for a wet towel, wiped the red in the gap, put it on the wet towel and put it in my pocket.  Although I don't know what it is, I can find out if I go back and find someone to test it.  If it's blood or something, maybe it has something to do with the case.  But what was the meaning of the baby spirit just now?  Did a child die in an elevator?

    At this time, the elevator door opened again, and a foreigner walked in, glanced at Ruan Lingxi and me, and was about to press the elevator floor.  Then I hurriedly dragged Ruan Lingxi out to the hall.  Looking back at the closed elevator, I wiped my sweat.

    If there is any problem with this hotel, I didn't find much black air, that is to say, I couldn't see the ghosts floating around.  But if there is no problem, why are there so many ghosts and supernatural phenomena?  This baffled me, and it was so contradictory.

    After leaving the lobby, I looked back at the Holiday Inn Castle.  Due to an accident in this hotel, many rooms are dark, probably because the guests moved away in a hurry.  Ruan Lingxi and I took a taxi all the way home.  After arriving home, when my mother saw Ruan Lingxi, she immediately put me aside as her own, and kindly pulled the villain into the door, asking for her health and warmth, so enthusiastic that even Ruan Lingxi felt embarrassed.  The always busy father is also busy cooking at home.  The smell of food in the room was overflowing with warm lighting, which made me temporarily forget the gloomy atmosphere of the Castle Hotel.

    I lifted the sleepy Xiao Mi out of the backpack.  My mother looked at Xiao Mi, frowned and said: "What is this, puppy? You still keep this thing, making the house dirty, full of fur and fleas, what a trouble."

    I knew my mother didn't like pets with fur, so she said, "Don't blame me, this is raised by Ruan Lingxi. He brought it back because he was afraid that no one would take care of us during the holidays. His name is Xiao Mi, and he is a little fox."

    "Fox? Oh, isn't it so cute?" When my mother heard that it was raised by Ruan Lingxi, her attitude immediately became amiable.  I felt uneasy in my heart.

    ? In recent years, my father's business has been pretty good. Although he is not rich, he has a good life. He changed to a bigger house, which just happened to give Ruan Lingxi a guest room.  I originally wanted to throw Xiao Mi into Ruan Lingxi's room, but then I thought, no, Xiao Mi is actually an uncle, so I still threw him into my room.

    "Xiao Mi, did you feel something was wrong in the hotel just now?" I asked.  My Nether Eyes didn't see the form of a ghost, so I wonder if Xiao Mi can detect it.  (Remember the site URL:
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