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Chapter 147: The Hanged Female Corpse

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    "Master, Master!" I shouted in surprise: "I'm sub-Am, the portrait is bleeding!!"

    When Wu Dan heard the words, he immediately came up to take a look, frowned and said, "The portrait is crying?"

    Zhao Yu said: "But Bai Tian is obviously laughing."

    As soon as he said this, something flashed in my mind suddenly.  Thinking about it carefully, I am the second child. When I met Xiaoman and Huayue on the first day, didn't Xiaoman say, "My brother can draw, laugh during the day and cry at night." Could it be this?

    Wu Dan thought for a while, and said: "Not good!" Then, he pulled me behind him.  At the same time, I saw a bloody hand slowly stretched out from the portrait, as if the girl in the portrait was crying and stretched out a bloody hand to me.

    "Did the painting work?" I asked in surprise.  But at this time, I found countless bloody hands protruding from the paintings on the wall.  Those bloody hands seemed to be bleeding dripping, and it almost scared me to pee.

    Although I have seen many scary scenes, seeing the portraits that were still smiling during the day, but now weeping, waving bloody arms dripping with blood, is really a tricky thing that makes one's scalp tingle.

    Those arms were constantly stretching towards me, I quickly raised the God of War, and shot a few shots at the bloody arms stretching towards me.  After the gunshot, several groups of fireworks exploded, and the bloody arm was also blown to pieces.  A few balls of blood splashed on my face and body, I raised my hand to wipe it, and couldn't help being very depressed.

    However, the blood stained on the body seemed a little strange, it didn't look like real blood, and it seemed to be mixed with other things, like red dye.

    Could it be that Huayue's painting skills are superb, and the portraits he draws come alive?

    Wu Dan shouted: "Both of you stay away!"

    After finishing speaking, he drew out the Zhongtian knife on his back, chanted a mantra, and swung it towards the bloody arm.  After a few puffs, the bloody arm was chopped off.  Blood flowed instantly on the ground.

    Looking at the blood all over the ground, I couldn't help feeling dizzy.

    When Wu Dan put away the knife, those portraits also returned to normal.  I looked carefully, and sure enough those portraits did not cry anymore, but returned to their previous smiling appearance.  But this still made me feel horrified, because the blood on the ground proved that what I saw just now was not an illusion, but something that actually happened.

    Zhao Yu squatted down, stretched out his finger and wiped a little blood on the ground, put it on his nose and smelled it, and then put it in his mouth for a try.

    I leaned over and asked: "How is it, what did you find?"

    Zhao Yu frowned and said, "There seems to be blood and red paint in this red thing. Could it be that human blood is mixed in the paint that Huayue paints?"

    Wu Dan frowned and said: "Painting with human blood is enough." After speaking, Wu Dan glanced at the circular staircase behind him, then turned and walked up.

    I saw him go to the top of the stairs and open the door of the cupboard.  Wu Dan looked at it for a while, took out a pen holder from it, and walked down.

    "Look, the paintbrush inside." Wu Dan handed the pen holder to us.  I turned on the flashlight and took a closer look at the paintbrush, only to feel that the paintbrush was full of blood, so I frowned.  But there was no blood on the paintbrush, which puzzled me.

    "Master, the paintbrush is full of blood, but there is no blood on it. What do you think is going on?" I asked puzzled.

    "Actually, sometimes, people's ideas can create a lot of things. I remember a story about a wasteland where there were no ghosts, but one day someone was bored and spread a rumor that there was an evil ghost in that place. Because the description is very realistic  , Word of mouth passed on, so there really was an evil ghost in that wasteland, and it was an evil ghost that could not be defeated or killed by ordinary Taoism. This is what was born in people's minds." Wu Dan said: "  I think this Huayue looks very indifferent, and there should be a lot of resentment in his heart, so the brush is also full of blood, and the things painted also have deep resentment. In the evening when the sun is weak, and the studio is too cloudy, these resentments  It will take form and become what we just saw."

    "Resentment?" I wondered, "What deep resentment does he have?"

    Zhao Yu said: "Speaking of resentment, I suddenly thought of the three female students who died in the hotel. The silver needle was sealed on the key point, and when the silver needle was pulled out, the body burned itself and screamed. This shows that  , Something like a flaming talisman was placed in the corpse, and the silver needle temporarily sealed the talisman, and once pulled out, it would be burned. What do you think of this point?"

    I thought for a while, shook my head and said, "I don't understand what you mean. What did you think of?"

    "I remember Uncle Wu said that a French couple was burned to death in a museum, that is, somewhere in the University of Foreign Studies.??, very similar to the moment when people burn to death?  " Zhao Yu said.

    "Uh, what do you mean, the murderer wants to use this to accuse the French couple who were killed?" I said in amazement: "But was the French couple who were burned to death a murder? Their descendants took revenge? It is unlikely  Right. Who is the descendant, Hua Yue?"

    Zhao Yu said: "This is also a possibility."

    Wu Dan said: "Okay, let's not talk about it, we have to deal with the blood and paint all over the floor. Otherwise, if Hua Yue sees him, if he is the murderer you mentioned, wouldn't he startle the snake?"

    I looked at the red all over the ground, and frowned: "How to deal with this, Master?"

    Wu Dan said: "This is easy to handle." Then, he took out a bottle, unscrewed the cork, and dumped the contents of the bottle on the ground: "The black dog blood was not used up last time.  This time it came in handy."

    Sure enough, after the blood spilled on the ground, all the blood-colored pigments dissipated immediately.  I looked at those weird words again, sighed in my heart, and followed Zhao Yu and Wu Dan out the door.  It seems that Huayue hides a lot of secrets behind it.  The next step is to check his background and see if he has anything to do with the dead couple.  If there is, it is likely to seek revenge.  Those dead female students may be the objects of his revenge.  Although I don't know what the young female student association has to do with the old case back then, it should be no problem to investigate in this direction.

    The three of us saw that the studio had almost been restored to its original shape, so we went downstairs and returned to the square again.  I looked at the small pavilion from a distance, and saw a circle of small neon lights hanging around the small pavilion, which seemed to be for decoration.  The lights were not on during the day, and I didn't look carefully.  Now at night, all the small neon lights are lit up, which is quite emotional.

    I thought to myself that if this place is not full of ghosts, then this small pavilion is quite interesting.

    But at this time, I suddenly felt that something was wrong with the pavilion.  The bell in the distance rang slowly at this time, and it soon passed twelve o'clock.  At this time, I found that the small neon lights that were on in the circle suddenly went out a little.  But the remaining ones suddenly flickered on and off, and began to flicker irregularly.  Soon, only the red colored lights were on, and the other colors were silent.  And at this time, I suddenly saw the black air rising into the sky in the pavilion.

    I screamed "ah" and ran forward, but saw a white shadow in the pavilion.  When I ran closer to have a look, I was completely taken aback.  Because that white shadow turned out to be a girl with disheveled hair hanging from the top of the pavilion.

    The white clothes are shocking and very strange under the reflection of a red light.  I shivered, and called Zhao Yu and Wu Dan: "Come on, someone hanged himself!!"

    With that said, I rushed into the pavilion.  The moment I entered the pavilion, I suddenly felt something was wrong.  Because not only in the pavilion, but also in the girls' dormitory building and the old museum site, a black air gushed out one after another.  Three strands of black air gathered above the pavilion.

    I couldn't care less about this abnormal phenomenon, and I thought it was important to hurry to see if the hanged man could be saved.

    I walked closer and saw the girl's long hair was loose, and I couldn't see her face clearly.

    I jumped onto the stone table in the pavilion and went up to untie the hanging girl.  At this moment, I suddenly saw that black air rushing down from the top of the pavilion and rushing towards me.

    Ghost spirit?  !  I frowned, unable to dodge in time to be caught.  But other than being as cold as being splashed with cold water, the body doesn't feel anything else.  I hastened to untie the rope, but suddenly found that the female corpse moved.  The female corpse slowly raised her head, her round eyes stared straight at me, her tongue was not retracted, but the corners of her mouth were hooked up, and she smiled sinisterly at me.

    My hands trembled and I almost fell off the stone table.  At this moment, the female corpse suddenly fell down and jumped on me.  (Remember the site URL:
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