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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Prose -> Don t be impatient  billionaire husband

Chapter 90 Be His Secret Lover

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    If it weren't for An's call, Qu Wanni would never have thought that the reason for the failure was actually this!

    Bai Haoxuan, did you really write the same bid as hers?

    How can it be!

    In an instant, she lost all thinking!  Slowly putting down the phone, she couldn't help but look at Yuzhe on the bed.  It turned out that he received a call from Drew yesterday afternoon and was told about this matter!

    So, he went out to relax alone!

    So, he got drunk at the bar!

    So, he made her wait all night!

    However, why didn't he tell her the real reason for his failure?

    Her tears fell suddenly, so quietly, but so uncontrollable!  Is he suspicious of her?  Or, does he still choose to believe?

    She was so angry, angry that he put up with everything, why didn't he question her face to face?  But even if he asked her, how would she answer?  She didn't even know it would be like this!

    She didn't sleep all night, and the next morning, before he woke up, she left a note and walked out.  Gu Jianbin was the first person she looked for, maybe it was really too early, when she knocked on his door, he was still awake.

    "We never thought that the bidding would fail. Since I worked with him until now, there have been almost no cases of failure. As for the reason, the boss didn't tell me." Gu Jianbin rubbed his eyes and tried to wake himself up  .

    "Then do you think this failure will have a great impact on Emperor Yu?" She asked worriedly.

    Gu Jianbin frowned, pondered for a while, and then nodded, "The influence can be said to be huge. This time he came to New Zealand to participate in the bidding with the Baifan Group, and the media in Hong Kong have already received the wind. And there have been rumors before that you and the boss  Bai Haoxuan's past relationship, so the competition between our two groups was originally predicted by most people. Everyone seems to be waiting and watching, especially the attention paid to our boss, which naturally increases. And those who watch the excitement are basically  Let's see if the boss can be both happy in love and the market, so if he fails this time, the stock market will be hit hard! But if Bai Fan fails, then the effect will be different in the later period, at least their stock market will not plummet. But  If Baifan wins, they will not only get good social benefits, but also consolidate their position in the market and greatly increase the stock market. You can think about it, this is the first time you have confronted your competitors head-on since you married your boss  , you are the daughter of the president of Eternal Bank. In some respects, it represents the relationship between Eternal Bank and Yuhuang Group. It is a strong alliance. If the combined strength of the two of you is no match for Bai Fan, then  "

    Speaking of this, Qu Wanni has already deeply understood that for them, this battle is only allowed to succeed and not to fail!

    If the powerful combination of Eternal Bank and Yuhuang is easily defeated by Bai Fan, then Bai Haoxuan will quickly surpass Yu Zhe in the future and become the new "leader".  And the real estate hegemony led by Yuzhe all the time, under the collapse of the myth of invincibility, has finally fallen behind!  Be ridiculed!

    How proud Yu Zhe is, even if he could bear it, she wouldn't let him bear it!

    "I see, thank you for telling me so much." Qu Wanni looked at her watch and realized that the time was almost up, so she hurriedly left.

    Perhaps because of the colder weather, the morning sun is very soft now, shining warmly on the road, without any glare.  Walking along the coastal road at this time, there are quite few pedestrians, and the streets are extraordinarily quiet.  She looked at the occasional vehicles and remembered the scene where Yu Zhe left her to buy drunk alone last night. At that moment, her heart was silent.

    As if she had made a big decision, she waved for a taxi and told her the address in English.

    The driver nodded and signaled her to get in the car.

    There are really few cars along the way, and many shops are not open. The whole street is like an empty city.  Her goal is to go to the envirowaste company, no matter what, she must meet Drew.

    She didn't know how long she had been waiting downstairs, but when she saw Drew's private car finally parked in front of the building, she rushed over immediately.

    Seeing it was her, Drew couldn't help being surprised.

    "Mrs. Yu?"

    Qu Wanni smiled politely at him, and without saying too many polite words, she got into the topic.

    "Hello, Mr. Drew. I'm sorry I'm taking the liberty to come to you, but I really want to know the reason why you rejected my bid, really" Before she finished speaking, Drew waved his right hand,  Immediately stopped her words.

    "As you know, I reserve the right to sue you for this matter. But if you really want to know more about it, you can go to court with me."English.

    She replied shortly afterwards: "rotterdam."

    Qu Wanni frowned, and wanted to post something, but Yu Zhe called her back.

    "Wanwan, shall we go out to eat tonight?"

    She nodded, hurriedly said "bye" to Li Jiayi and turned off the computer.

    Yu Zhe handed her the handbag, put on a windbreaker for her by the way, put on her shoes, and walked out the door with her on his arm.  He seemed to be back to the way he was before yesterday, and the failure of the bidding didn't seem to have much impact on him.  But she still looked at him worriedly, afraid that it was just an illusion he created for her.

    The seaside wind made Qu Wanni's long hair messy, she couldn't help but stop, took out a rubber band from her handbag to raise her ponytail.

    "Don't tie it up, I just like the way your hair is loose." Yu Zhe grabbed her hand.

    "But the wind is too strong, and it often hits your face."

    "I don't mind." He smiled and kissed her lightly on the lips.

    Her heart was finally touched warmly, a little sweet.

    "Zhe, do you really believe me?" She stared at him with bright eyes.

    He stretched out a finger and put it on her lips, "Let's go out for dinner and a walk, not to talk about business, huh?"

    Seeing his serious look, she had no choice but to nod, and did not talk about the bidding anymore.

    They found a very special seaside restaurant, surrounded by transparent floor-to-ceiling glass, sitting there, surrounded by the sea on three sides, it feels very comfortable.

    Yu Zhe ordered very authentic roast venison and smoked lamb, as well as a very representative New Zealand dessert pavlova, two people ate, a little bit full.  He wanted two more glasses of wine, shaking the glass, his eyes were quite blurred.  There was only one candle lit on their dining table, and there were only wall lamps dimly shining in the dark around them. The atmosphere was so romantic and mysterious.  The lights at night seemed to be dreamy, shining directly on him through the glass window. At that moment, his figure really made people feel distressed.  It was as if a frustrated man suppressed his grievances and drank his sorrows in the dark.

    Gu Jianbin also said that Yu Zhe is actually a man who hides deeply, no matter how calm he is on the outside, he can't tell whether his heart is as handsome as he looks on the outside.  This time, the bidding was inexplicably lost, and it was dishonorable. No one would give up easily!

    She thought of the condition Bai Haoxuan put forward, if it were An, she would definitely use that method in exchange for success.

    "Wanwan, do you want to have a manor too?" He asked suddenly.

    She was stunned, how could he have such an idea?

    "I really like it, but doesn't it require a large piece of land?"

    "When I get back to Hong Kong, I'll dig a piece of land for you." He promised solemnly, as if he really knew how to dig the ground, "Then, we can also plant grapes there, open a horse farm, play golf and so on.  of."

    How much land would it take?  Qu Wanni couldn't imagine that in a place like Hong Kong where every inch of land is so precious, it is not easy to find a suitable land.

    "Zhe, you really don't have to spend too much on me." She held his hand with grateful eyes.

    "Fool, everything I do now is to make you happy. Only when I am strong, no one will dare to bully you anymore. If it is purely for profit, then I don't have that much drive."

    This may be the most beautiful words she has heard from the merchant, but it is also the most sincere confession.  However, Yu Zhe never lied to her. Since childhood, when he promised to marry her, he vowed to make himself stronger.  Now, he has fulfilled that promise.

    Can she believe that all his achievements are for her?

    Seems a little flattered!

    "So Wanwan, although I lost this bidding, as long as you are still by my side, I won't be sad. But please, no matter what your reasons are, don't betray me, okay?" He held her tightly  With the ring in his hand, his gaze was like a galaxy, as deep as a pool.  Did he know something?  Or, his eyes can see through her heart?

    She couldn't help being a little ashamed, but she quickly agreed to him.

    "I will never betray you, because the only person I love is you! If I betray you, then"

    She stretched out her hand to make a promise in front of him for the first time, but at this moment he asked her to put her hand down and gave her a shudder, "I didn't make you swear to throw away all your bad thoughts!  "

    She smiled, raised her wine glass to touch him.

    After dinner, they held hands and wanted to take a walk by the sea.  And just as they walked out of the restaurant and walked to the beach, she saw two people clearly on the seaside promenade not far away under the bright street lights.

    One, Bai Haoxuan; one, Li Jiayi.

    Her complexion suddenly changed. In the afternoon, she clearly saw Li Jiayi saying that she was in Rotterdam, why did she come to Wellington again in a blink of an eye?  (Remember the site URL:, Bai Haoxuan; one, Li Jiayi.

    Her complexion suddenly changed. In the afternoon, she clearly saw Li Jiayi saying that she was in Rotterdam, why did she come to Wellington again in a blink of an eye?  (Remember the site URL:
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