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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Prose -> Jiang Feng s Strange Love

Chapter 301 (two hundred and one)

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    Wang Liuzhi was beaten with a sap early in the morning. He was already full of anger in his heart, but he was hit on his forehead with a yellow talisman by the old Taoist priest.  , Get out!"

    The old Taoist trembled with fright, but still didn't give up, he took the mahogany sword from the disciple behind him, and slashed at Wang Liuzhi's head.

    Wang Liuzhi's anger reached the top of his head with a groan, and when he raised his hand, he slapped the old Taoist so hard that his neck didn't turn away.

    After being slapped in the face by this old Taoist, he already knew in his heart that this person was probably a human and not a ghost, but he refused to tell the truth himself, so he had to run away.

    Tantai Wutian saw this situation through the crack of the door in the next room, secretly suppressed a smile until his face turned purple.

    Later, Wang Liuzhi went down the stairs. He waited for a while, and wanted to follow him out, but when he heard him come back to pick up the key, he waited for a while.

    It wasn't until they got to the warehouse and released the prisoner that he jumped out from the back window, followed the crowd in through the front door, and mixed in the crowd to watch.

    He saw the yamen servants release the criminals, and saw them dismantle Wang Shiteng's dead body and put it on the ground.  Immediately afterwards, the gloomy yamen servant and Wang Liuzhi hid aside and talked secretly.

    He is a martial artist with sharp eyes and ears. He heard the blood book mentioned in the conversation between the two of them from a long distance away.  What Zhou Feiyan said about the county magistrate and government servants recklessly disregarding human life seems to be true.  He couldn't help sighing in his heart, thinking of the stories Zhao Yongmei told him before, he couldn't help thinking that in the early years he secretly avoided senior brother Xuan Lang and went to the bookstore to buy "Water Margin Pinghua", only thinking that the heroes and stories told in it were beautiful, but now  Thinking about it, the words "forced to go to Liangshan" and "officials to force the people to rebel" written there are probably not fabricated by Xiangbi in the book.

    Thinking about it this way, Wang Liuzhi over there had already made a decision. Except for the four arrests guarding Wang Shiteng's body, the other yamen servants and himself led the other prisoners to the crowd.

    Tantai Wutian was afraid that he would recognize him, so he hurriedly hid in a crowded corner of the crowd and watched him and the yamen guards escort the prisoners to the Chengdong Hotel.

    He went out with the crowd, dispersed, and then took another road to the county government.

    When he arrived at the county government office, he flew up to the big tree where he had been hiding before, and looked into the county government office.

    But a group of yamen guards escorted the criminals to the jail, only to see Wang Liuzhi enter the back yamen all the way, and he couldn't see anything from the tree.

    Because it was daytime, Tantai Wutian didn't dare to be too ostentatious, and slowly came to the back of the county office, took a look at the empty space, and went to the room lightly, fortunately, the back of the county office is remote, he hid  There is no fear of being discovered on the roof.

    Although the voices of Zhang Hulu talking with Wang Liuzhi and the scribe in the room were very low, he could still hear what the three of them were saying with the secret method of listening.  He also finally understood why Wang Shiteng died, who killed him, and why his and Little Monk Rongxin's names were written on the blood book that framed Wang Shiteng, Tantai Wutian thought to himself, these people can't do good things,  It's so thoughtful to do bad things deliberately, I can't help but hate it.

    Hearing the latter, he heard that Zhang Hulu asked Gao Sheng to go to the prison to check on him and the young monk Rongxin, so he quietly went down from the roof, followed the deserted path, and turned all the way back to the prison in Jiangzhou County.

    If Tantai Wutian and little monk Rongxin were going in and out of the prison these days without anyone noticing, that would be impossible, once or twice would be fine, but if there are too many times, people will inevitably be seen.

    However, since the little monk Tantai Wutian and Rongxin can enter and exit the prison freely, one can imagine that their kung fu is very powerful. If anyone does not open their eyes and opposes them, they may end badly.  Those locked up in the death row are all bad deeds, and those who have done too many bad deeds are naturally afraid of being harmed by others, so they are more careful. When they meet such masters as Tantai Wutian and Little Monk Rongxin  Never make yourself uncomfortable.  Even, when the jailer came around occasionally, he would secretly remind the little monk Tantai Wutian or Rongxin who stayed in the cell, or cover them up.

    Of course, Tantai Wutian and little monk Rongxin have been traveling around the rivers and lakes for a while, and the two of them are also very smart, so they naturally reciprocate, and occasionally take a few extra copper coins from Zhang Gourd's silver box to share with them.  Sometimes I will bring a few more buns and distribute them to them.  Therefore, these people are basically Tantai Wutian and little monk Rongxin's own people, and there is no need to avoid them when the two go out later.

    Therefore, Tantai Wutian guessed from outside the prison wall that the jailers were gambling in the Prison God Temple at this time, jumped onto the prison wall with a bang, jumped down lightly, and arrived at the cell where they were held in a flash  in front of the door.

      On the cell door made of a few thick wooden pillars, the lock of the chain lock was hanging falsely, Tan Tai Wutian tore it open, opened the cell door and entered the cell.

    The prisoners in the death row next to him also saw him, but they all pretended not to see him - if they might whisper hello at night, it would be bad if the jailer heard him in broad daylight.

    Tantai Wutian saw that the little monk Rongxin was sitting on the broken wooden bed and meditating at this time, he heard the voice, opened his eyes, saw Tantai Wutian, and said: "Uncle Wutian, you are back, we have to deal with the matter."  How is it?"

    Tantai Wutian sat lazily on the bed beside him, and said: "It's done, I have explained it clearly to Mr. Zhou."

    "Oh, did he forgive us?" Little Monk Rongxin asked.

    "Oh, it's a long story" Tantai Wutian said, and then, he told the little monk Rongxin some of the situation he and Zhou Feiyan had analyzed, and then plotted against the two people who chased and eavesdropped  , and also told him how the two went to Yizhuang, Jiangping Village to check Li Tietou's body, and found that the bodies of their whole family were gone.

    The little monk Rongxin heard him say that Ha Huwei might be related to the Dragon Slayer Gang, and even Li Tietou might also be related to the Dragon Slayer Gang, so he nodded and said, "Uncle Wutian, your analysis makes sense, I'm afraid the bamboo slips are also related to the Dragon Slayer Gang."  The guards went to steal it."

    Tantai Wutian couldn't help being surprised when he heard what he said. Although the little monk Rongxin never liked to use his brain, when he used his brain, he could often get to the point.

    Tantai Wutian thought about it carefully, sure enough, the deal between Li Tietou and Huwei might have something to do with the Dragon Slayer Gang, why did Li Tietou know Huwei?  I'm afraid that they were all members of the Dragon Slayer Gang in the first place, and that the two of them were the connectors arranged by the Dragon Slayer Gang. According to the usual way of doing things of the Dragon Slayer Gang, this is very possible.  (Remember the site URL:
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