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Chapter 49 (Nine)

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    "Don't yell, just listen!"

    Tantai Wutian just realized that the "porcelain doll" on the opposite side was talking to him, and he couldn't help being overjoyed in his heart. He hurriedly looked at the opposite side, but found that he was not looking at him, but turned slightly, sideways  Listening to the guests at other tables.  Also involuntarily followed him and listened.

    The waiter was bored, so he could only curse "little bastard" in his heart, while turning around and going to the kitchen to place an order for noodles to be made.

    It turned out that Tantai Wutian was busy looking for a seat as soon as he entered the tavern, and then all his attention was on the "Porcelain Doll", but he didn't realize that most of the guests sitting in the tavern seemed to be people from the martial arts world.  dress up.

    And these guests dressed by martial arts figures can clearly see that they come from two different sects.  Because one faction wears white clothes with red borders and black cloth on their heads, while the other faction wears black clothes with blue borders and heads covered with white cloth.

    Tantai Wutianzheng wondered which two sects disciples these were.  I heard the "Porcelain Doll" on the opposite side still maintaining a listening posture, without looking at him, and seemed to be talking to himself: "The one in white is the disciple of the Shenquan Sect, and the one in black is the disciple of the Iron Head Sect.  Although they are rivals, this tavern is opened next to the two families, so when it comes time to eat, the disciples of the two families will come instead, and an unwritten rule has also been formed here, that is, no matter what grievances or grievances the two disciples have  Not making trouble in the tavern."

    "Listen quickly, they're getting down to business."

    In fact, the only ones who spoke were the disciples of the Shenquan Sect in white clothes.

    Tantai Wutian listened carefully, it turned out that what they were talking about was about the martial arts competition between the disciples in the sect.

    Tantai Wutian listened for a while, and heard that the Shenquan Sect held a martial arts competition every three years, and the disciples in the sect would compete in pairs, and finally the disciple with the highest martial arts skills would be selected, and the winning disciple would have the right to become the head disciple  Qualifications.  Of course, the head disciples selected in this way will face the danger of being challenged and disqualified every three years.

    The reason why Shenquan School has been able to stand tall among the many schools in Songyang Wulin, and has a considerable reputation in the entire Wulin, is not unrelated to this martial arts competition system.

    It's just that this year's martial arts competition seems to have a little problem. The disciples of Shenquanmen are talking about a dark horse that appeared in this year's martial arts competition.

    It turns out that in the competition every three years, although it is not possible to determine who the final winner is, everyone can still infer the possible winners from the daily discussions and performances of the disciples on weekdays. These people will not exceed five people at most  .

    However, in this year's competition, a dark horse happened to appear.  This dark horse is not among the five disciples that people are optimistic about, not even among the disciples.

    Tantai Wutian listened to the disciples of Shenquan Sect and said that this black horse was actually an orphan picked up by the chef of Shenquan Sect. It was winter when he was picked up, and as soon as the heavy snow stopped, he froze in the Shenquan Sect.  Outside the gate, the cook saw him pitiful and rescued him, leaving him to help in the kitchen, in fact, to let him have something to eat.

    Unexpectedly, this child is very sensible and capable. Although he is a child, he can handle half an adult. He not only does the tasks assigned to him in the kitchen neatly, but also does some other tasks. The chef has picked him up since he came back.  , the work is more than half easier, so I like him very much.

    Not only that, but the kid has a very sweet mouth and knows how to raise eyebrows and eyes. He also serves all the disciples of Shenquan Sect obediently.

    At this time, he asked to learn martial arts from them, saying that he learned self-defense because he was afraid of being bullied.  On the one hand, those disciples really like him, on the other hand, what do they think he can learn as a child?  So I taught him some moves piecemeal, and didn't expect him to be able to practice to any level.

    But it happened to be so coincidental.  It was winter again that night, and it just snowed heavily at night, and the next day when the snow stopped, he got up early in the morning and swept the snow away from the courtyard.  After the snow was cleared, he unknowingly practiced the martial arts he had learned from the disciples of Shenquan Sect in the courtyard. It just so happened that Zhang Siquan, the old master of Shenquan Sect, Zhuifengquan, got up early and opened the door, and found a child in the courtyard.  Although he thought it was strange to practice boxing in the courtyard, he didn't disturb him. I just watched him practice a set from behind the door, and found that although the moves he learned were simple, they were well practiced. It was a good material for martial arts.  , could not help but feel happy.

    At that time, Zhang Siquan didn't let him see him. He didn't open the door until he left after practice.  Afterwards, he pretended to be unconscious and asked his disciples about such a child and how he looked. The disciples in the door immediately thought of him, and told the master that it was a child picked up by the chef.  , and tried his best to praise the child's sensibility and ability to the master.

    Zhang Siquan paid attention immediately.  ?From time to time, I go to the kitchen for a stroll.  The chef didn't know about this, and thought that the owner suddenly became concerned about the kitchen affairs, so he paid extra attention to it in those few days, and didn't dare to skimp on the things in the kitchen.  Who knows, he just came to observe the child picked up by him.

    After observing for a while, Zhang Siquan found that the child was indeed sensible and capable, and his conduct was also good.  Then one day, he suddenly went to the kitchen and asked the chef to bring the child out, announcing on the spot that he would be accepted as a registered student.  Needless to say, the chef was taken aback, but the child was so blessed that he knelt down on the snowy ground and kowtowed three times.

    From then on, when the disciples of the Shenquan Sect were practicing, he could learn together.  Even, sometimes Zhang Siquan would come to the kitchen to personally teach him a few things, and some disciples joked that he was more favored by the teacher as a named disciple than a direct disciple.  However, he is still as sensible and capable as ever, with a sweet mouth, and the height of his eyebrows can be seen, so everyone likes him very much, but he is not really jealous of him.  Moreover, the reason why he was favored by the teacher even though he was only a registered student was also because of his good conduct that made Zhang Siquan look up to him and not be jealous.

    However, although he has gained more opportunities to learn martial arts since then, his kung fu does not seem to have improved much, and it is rare for him to win in daily sparring with his disciples.  At the beginning Zhang Siquan was extremely confident in his own vision, thinking that he just didn't lay a good foundation and hadn't caught up for a while, and that he would definitely improve in time.  But after a long time, seeing that he still didn't make progress, I couldn't help but start to doubt my own vision, and I was glad that I didn't accept him as a disciple directly at the time, but only as a registered disciple, so I didn't care much about him.

    Time flies, and in the time it takes to speak, three years have passed. When it came time for the martial arts competition, he was not supposed to participate as a registered disciple, but he volunteered to participate in the martial arts competition.

    Zhang Siquan didn't have anything to do, he felt that he would be eliminated as soon as he came up anyway, so it would be good to let him experience it.

    But the result was far beyond everyone's expectations. He not only won consecutive victories, but also became the only disciple who was qualified to challenge the status of the master disciple.

    And the contest in the afternoon is a contest between him and the big brother.  (Remember the site URL:
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