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Chapter 406 Just like a husband and wife visiting a temple, the crush worships Buddha with devotion

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    After the two of them finished their meal and came out of the snack bar, the talented man asked, "Old girl, are you going to go there?"

    The old lady said: "I don't know where this is, anyway, I will go wherever you take me."

    The talented man said: "You remember the place where we sang last time. I heard that there is a temple on the mountain. I heard that praying for something is very effective. Why don't we go and see it?"

    The old lady said: "Go?"

    The talented man said: "Okay, where shall we go?"

    After talking, the two got into the car, and Cai Zi got off after getting in the car.  Because the wit had already forgotten the way, Cai Yaodong led the way the last two times and he was drunk, and it was still Heitian, so naturally he couldn't remember.

    The talented man asked an aunt passing by, and said politely: "Auntie, I am from Shenyang. I want to go to the big temple on the mountain. Can you tell me how to get there?"

    The aunt said: "The big temple? It's not far from here. There are several ways to go up. If you don't know the way, just walk. When you see the gate of the park, turn left. After walking for a while, you will see Antique Street, then turn right.  Walk another 200 meters and you'll see it."

    The talented man said: "Thank you, Auntie!"

    After that, get on the bus and follow the route given by the auntie to arrive in ten minutes.

    Surrounded by mountains on three sides, a group of magnificent, resplendent and antique buildings come into view. A tall screen-like stone wall is located at the golden section line of the asphalt square. The large screen-like stone wall is engraved with "Northeast Buddhist Holy Land"  A few large characters, and several cars parked on the black asphalt square.

    Walking through the stone wall, there is a release pool, three white marble arch bridges cross the release pool, and then there are about 60 steps of bluestone masonry steps, and then there is a tall temple gate.

    The two of them walked towards the big temple and walked to the side of the release pool. The water inside had been covered with a thin layer of ice, and through the thin ice, fish of various colors could be vaguely seen flashing by.

    Arriving at the stone arch bridge, stop for a while.

    ? Start to climb the steps, and only when you reach the steps, you can see that there is a wide slow-walking platform between the steps and the temple gate.  The four characters of "Mingyue Temple" are engraved on the gate of the temple.

    There is a plaque in the north of the gate "Fuerfamen"

    The talented man said to himself: "This big temple was originally called 'Mingyue Temple'? That's how I found out. But what does "two dharma gates" mean? So there is such a Buddhist holy place in this hometown?"

    At this time, the old lady grabbed the talented man by the arm and said, "This is the first time for me to come to the temple, brother talented? I always feel a little scared?"

    The talented man said: "It is the psychological impact caused by the antique flavor and the depth of the tall courtyard wall. Just go in and get used to it."

    The two bought tickets at the side door and entered the temple. Everywhere they entered the temple was peaceful, quiet, lush, elegant and peaceful, and well-ordered.  This is an ancient building with a typical northern garden style. The splendor contains the essence of palaces, magnificent architecture, grand style and beautiful scenery.  Cigarettes are lingering, and Buddha's voice is lingering, which makes people's perception have to be integrated into it.  At this time, not many people came to the temple.

    In fact, it was the first time for a gifted scholar to visit such a Buddhist holy place.  When he got here, he walked into the palace and faced the tall Buddha statue. He didn't know what the name of the Buddha statue was.  He didn't know what to do, so they had to imitate other people, and they did whatever they did.

    The first hall guarding the gate of the temple is the two generals "Heng Jiang" and "Ha Jiang".  The two imitated the tourists and worshiped devoutly, and put money into the merit box.

    Corresponding to the "Tianwang Hall", a young couple went to the "Tianwang Hall" to burn incense and kowtow devoutly in front of the Buddha statue.  The talented man and the old girl also went to buy incense like others. This is the kind of high incense that is superior to others. The talented man took the high incense and said to the old lady: "I heard that when you face the Buddha statue, tell the Buddha what you want to pray for."  It will come true.¡±

    The old lady said: "Really, can you do anything?"

    The talented man said: "Of course the Buddha is omnipotent. Doesn't this incense burner also say 'Buddha's light shines everywhere'?"

    After the two finished speaking, they watched the young couple in front of them kneel down and worship.  The gifted scholar and the old girl lit high incense and put it in the tall incense burner as they did. After prostrating, they went into the store, burned incense and knelt down in front of the Buddha statue.

    After kowtowing, the old girl knelt there and did not get up. She closed her eyes piously, and said in her heart: "Buddha! I am a miserable woman. I beg you now? Bless me not to go through that torment again! I don't beg  In addition, please bless me and Brother Witty to meet once a year, I am satisfied, please bless my daughter, son, parents and my Brother Wittyand my stupid husband are all safe.  "

    The talented man also closed his eyes and said piously in his heart: "Greatly compassionate Bodhisattva, I am a person who is entangled with too many emotions. I don't want to lose my Hasshun Gerili, and I don't want to lose my beloved old girl."  .thesep;Cai Yaodong said: "The inside of the big temple is very good, ancient and ancient, is it a Buddhist holy place?"

    The talented man said: "I really don't know?"

    Cai Yaodong said: "Are there still many historical sites? Back then, the Dajin Kingdom conquered half of the Northern Song Dynasty, and captured the Hui and Qin Emperors and returned to the north, where they stayed in Wushu Mountain. Therefore, they left Jiangtai, Wushu Street, Suolong  Ditch and many other historical sites and related legends. We think it was a military pass, a military town, and the transportation hub of the Dajin Kingdom at that time, do you know?"

    The talented man said: "There are still these stories! I just told the old man, but not as detailed as you said. Okay? I will definitely go home for a trip when I have time." The talented man put down the phone.

    The old girl asked: "Brother genius, is that Cai Yaodong?"

    The talented man said, "It's this kid."

    The old lady said: "It's quite windy on the mountain and it's a bit cold. Let's get in the car, shall we?"

    The two got into the car and continued to drive along the road. After a while, they came to a not-so-big square. There were a few cars parked here, and two couples of young men and women were chatting leisurely here.

    The genius also stopped the car. On the south side of the square is a tall stone mountain. This is a typical mountain on the mountain, that is, there is a peak protruding from the flat part of the whole mountain. This is a peak of the whole mountain.  The steps on the mountain led to a gazebo on the top of the mountain. The talented man asked the old girl, "Do you want to go to the gazebo above to see the scenery in the distance?"

    The old lady said: "Since you're here, let's go up! You can't say when you can come again in the future?"

    The talented man said: "Okay, let's compete to see who can reach the top of the mountain first."

    The old lady said: "Compare, you go first."

    The talented man said: "Okay, why don't you let me chase after you, who are ten meters and eight meters."

    After hearing this, the old girl smiled and said: "How can I compare with you? Why don't you pull me halfway?"

    The talented man said: "Try it and see how far it can pull you."

    After finishing speaking, the wit started to run to the steps quickly, and the old lady followed closely behind.  The talented man ran thirty or forty steps in one go, which was less than one-fifth of the total steps.  Panting, he stood there condescendingly watching the old girl climb up one step at a time.

    At this time, the talented man also felt his legs were sore, so he had to wait until the old lady came in front of him and climb up one step at a time with the old lady.

    The two climbed for nearly 10 minutes before reaching the top of the mountain.  The two stood in the gazebo, the cold wind rustling through their clothes.

    The old lady said: "Brother talented, are you a little cold?"

    The talented man said jokingly: "It won't be cold in my arms."

    The old girl was honest, she got in front of the talented man all of a sudden, and gave her back to the talented man.  The talented man looked around and saw that there was no one around, so he hugged the old girl.

    The old girl suddenly felt a warmth rushing from her back to all parts of her body.

    The old girl asked: "Brother Witty, you built those residential buildings in the east?"

    The talented man looked at the patchwork of buildings, and said, "Where can I find it? Besides, I only built a dozen or so buildings, and there are hundreds of buildings there. I can't find them."

    At this time, the talented man asked: "How did you know that I am developing a residential building here?"

    The old lady said: "The second sister-in-law told me."

    The talented man said: "It seems that your second sister-in-law is very scheming. After a few contacts with you in the hospital, I think this woman is unusual?"

    The old lady said: "Second sister-in-law does have a bit of urban woman style! She is very elf."

    The talented man said: "Isn't it? I've seen it for a long time. Not only is she scheming, but she is also very good at talking. Unlike your sister-in-law, you can tell that she is a rural person at a glance, and she has no discernment."

    At this time, the old girl turned around, faced the gifted scholar and said, "My heart is warmed by having you shielding me from the wind! This feeling is so good!"

    The talented man said: "As soon as you speak out, my heart warms up again!"

    Afterwards, the two kissed deeply again

    After finishing the work, the old lady said: "Go down, don't you catch a cold?"

    The genius nodded, and the two began to walk down.

    When they reached the foot of the mountain, the two hurriedly got into the car to warm up, and the car continued to drive along the winding mountain road.

    Not long after, the car drove out of the mountain and returned to the urban area.

    The old lady said: "It's getting late, take me home, you should go back to Shenyang too."

    The talented man said, "Okay."

    The car drove straight towards Yaonan Town. When it reached the entrance of Xiwazi Village in Yaonan Town, the old lady said, "Stop here? I'll walk home by myself."

    The wit said: "Lady, take care. I won't go into the village, lest those women see it and bite their ears again?"

    The old lady said: "Brother Witty, please drive slowly."

    The talented man said: "Don't worry, I won't drive too fast, and you also take care."

    When Cai Zi returned to Shenyang, it happened to be off-duty time, and Cai Zi handed over the car keys to An Lei.  Put the pair of shoes in the car in his own car, and go home in Lao Hai's car.  (Remember the site URL: old lady said: "Brother Witty, please drive slowly."

    The talented man said: "Don't worry, I won't drive too fast, and you also take care."

    When Cai Zi returned to Shenyang, it happened to be off-duty time, and Cai Zi handed over the car keys to An Lei.  Put the pair of shoes in the car in his own car, and go home in Lao Hai's car.  (Remember the site URL:
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