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Chapter 303 The hope of returning to real estate is slim, invite friends to eat to ease

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    In the afternoon, the wit went to Grandpa Rabbit's house to sit for a while. He didn't take Hashungerili to Grandpa Rabbit's house because he was afraid that Grandpa Rabbit would slip up and let Hashungerili know that he erected a monument for the old girl without telling her.  up.  Talented people also know that if Hasun Gu Rili knew about erecting a monument for the old girl, she wouldn't say anything.  But he just couldn't resist this bend, and always wanted to hide Hasun Gu Rili from it.

    After returning to Grandma Gao's house from Grandpa Rabbit's house, he bid farewell to Hashun, Gerili and Grandma Gao's family.  He asked An Lei to call him in a month, and he went back to Shenyang to find someone to contact the construction company.

    In the car, Hashun Gerili asked the gifted scholar, "Should I see my parents?"

    The talented man said jokingly: "It's not easy to come here, can I not come to your house? Besides, I miss my sister-in-law too!"

    Hassungerili said: "It's still not serious at this time. I forgot to tell you. Last time my mother called and said that Bai Hassengerile had a crush."

    The talented man said in amazement: "Really? That's not bad. How old should I be?"

    Hashun Gu Rili said: "It should be a date."

    The talented man asked, "What does the object do?"

    Hasshun Gerili said: "It's also a teacher." The gifted scholar nodded.

    Arriving at Hashungerili's house, because he didn't call beforehand, Hashungerli knocked on the door, and Hashungerili's younger brother opened the door.  When the three of them entered the house, Hashungeri's parents, younger brother and younger sister were all surprised!

    Hashungerili's mother asked: "Hashungerili, why are you here? You didn't make a phone call before you came, didn't you say you won't come this year?"

    Hasshunge Rili said: "The wit and I went to see Nuoer's grandma Gao, but she passed away not long after arriving there. The two of us came here after attending the funeral."

    The three sat down, Hashungerili's younger brother looked at Gedligen and said, "Brother-in-law, did you come by car?"

    The talented man said, "Yes?"

    He said to Gedligan: "How many days are you staying here? I also want to learn to drive."

    The talented man said: "Then you have to talk to Brother Hai, and ask him if he is willing to teach you?"

    Lao Hai said jokingly, "Do you have to pay the tuition fee to learn how to drive with me?"

    He said to Gedligan: "Brother Hai, keep the accounts first. Why don't you teach me how to drive now? I'm envious of other people driving."

    Lao Hai looked at the talented man, and the talented man said: "Brother Lao Hai, why don't you take him for a walk first? Let him sit aside and have a look and feel."

    At this time, Hashungerili's mother said: "Learn what to drive, just stay there. If you don't study hard, it will be nonsense."

    The talented man said: "Mom, if he wants to learn, let him learn."

    Chao Gedligen watched his mother playfully "hum" and dragged Lao Hai out of the house.

    The talented man looked at Bai Hashengerile who was chatting with Hashungerili and said, "Baihashangerile, I heard that you are in love, why don't you tell your brother-in-law."

    Baihashangerile said: "It was all my mother's wild guess."

    Hashunge Rili said: "No matter how old you are, it's time to have a date. If you don't have a date, you will become an old girl. What will you do if you can't get married in the future!"

    Baihasingerile said: "Our school has a new dean. We have called a few times after get off work, and my mother thinks that I have a relationship with him. We just have a good impression of each other. It has not developed to the extent of the object."

    Hashunge Rili said: "No way, let your brother-in-law choose one for you in Shenyang. Are there all good boys there?"

    Hashun Gerili's father said: "If there is a suitable one, that's fine. It just so happens that you and your sister will have someone to take care of you."

    After dinner in the evening, Cai Zi and Lao Hai went to stay at the hotel.

    Early the next morning, the three of them headed back.

    After returning to Shenyang, he considered introducing An Lei to sdb.  In fact, he has been concerned about the development of sdb during the six months since he left sdb. Of course, there are many reasons for this.  The first is that sdb has its own 21% of the shares, which can bring a certain amount of income to itself every year, and its own words in sdb still have considerable weight.  The second reason is that sdb was created by myself, and I put a lot of energy into it, and there is my own emotion in it.  Thirdly, sdb is still keeping him in suspense. Vice President Dai has been serving as the manager of sdb real estate development company, and he doesn't often work here.  The sdb group did not arrange for a new manager of the real estate development subsidiary to come in. He still had certain fantasies about this, maybe one day Tu would suddenly summon him.  Continue to give yourself the position of manager of the sdb real estate development company.  Another point is that after he left sdb, Vice President Dai did not make much changes to the personnel arrangement of sdb real estate development company, and the senior management still arranged it originallythose people.

    After I left sdb, except for Li Xiujuan who left sdb voluntarily and concentrated on making sales for herself, the others even had their uncle still in sdb.

    In addition, An Lei majored in civil engineering management, which is what sdb currently lacks.

    Even though this was the case, he thought about it again. For him, did President Tu and Vice President Dai have other arrangements?  He has never figured out what kind of medicine Tu Zong is buying in the gourd.  So his doubts about the sdb group made him not dare to make rash advances easily. Once he did something wrong, it would affect his return to sdb.

    A person who has always been straightforward in his work suddenly becomes indecisive.  He thought about it for a few days, but he didn't dare to make a decision lightly.

    He also thought of Ma Weiguo, the plump captain who is now the general manager of the Sanjian Company. If he were to find him, it would be no problem to arrange for An Lei.  However, he didn't want An Lei, who had just arrived, to enter a state-owned enterprise, because there were a lot of talents there.  If you want to have a big development, you can't just rely on understanding technology. There are also many factors such as personnel relations.

    When he couldn't make up his mind, he had to ask his big brother Lu Dalin for advice.  After all, Lu Dalin has been in the officialdom of the enterprise for many years, so he is very experienced in this area.

    So he asked Lu Dalin out for dinner, and Lu Dalin agreed, so Lian Dao and Liu Xiaohong accompanied him, and invited Zhou Guangren out.

    In the evening, in the special room for Yaya geniuses, several people were present.  Naturally, old friends are not polite when they meet, the dishes are served and the wine is opened, and several people start to drink. During the dinner, the gifted scholar and Lu Dalin talked about An Lei and his own thoughts.

    Lu Dalin thought for a while and said: "An Lei has no roots and no strength when he arrives at Sanjian? There won't be much development. What about SDB? Although Vice President Dai gave him a certain amount of care, it's the same.  In fact, the current Chinese enterprises are similar whether they are state-owned enterprises or private enterprises.  Someone needs to speak up, and if you want to go up, you must get the approval of the top leader. Although private companies employ more odd jobs, they still have family ideology, and the boss will not easily hand over the power to outsiders."

    The talented man said: "Brother Lu, what you said has some truth. Indeed, I feel the same way at sdb. If I want to use someone, I have to get Mr. Tu to nod. In fact, the people arranged by Mr. Tu may not necessarily be the ones I want to use.  "

    Lu Dalin said: "You are just the tip of the iceberg. If you want to be promoted in a large state-owned enterprise, it will be difficult! Just say me! I did a good job in the Chunming Security Section. When the leadership changes, the personnel will also change.  But there is one thing. Generally, if you don¡¯t make mistakes, your level will not be lowered. My level has not changed from the section chief to the secretary of the service company, but the management is different. Now I am a manager again, although the level has not changed.  , but the power has changed. 'Hi!' Who can say clearly about these things!"

    At this time, the sickle said with Jiu Jin: "Brother Lu, I don't understand the officialdom as a commoner, but I think the current officials are indeed a virtue with a small number of them?"

    Lu Dalin looked at the sickle and said, "I don't understand what you mean?"

    The sickle said: "One person can ascend to heaven, have you heard of it? You see some officials, when they become big, their brothers and sisters and even brothers-in-law and sister-in-law, etc., are either promoted or reused. This family  A swarm of bees, and gradually they all become officials. Even those who are not officials can do some business that harms public wealth and private interests. There are also things like dragons beget dragons and phoenixes, and mice give birth to children who can make holes. Isn¡¯t this a popular catchphrase among ordinary people?  Is it? Who are they talking about? Aren¡¯t they some officials?¡±

    At this time, Liu Xiaohong yelled at him and said, "Did you drink too much? Why are you talking about this? What does this have to do with us!"

    The talented man said: "Sister-in-law, we are just chatting here, is it okay to talk about it? Although today's society is not as serious as Brother Sickle said, there are still some exceptions."

    Lu Dalin also said: "Tell me, what's the matter? This phenomenon is not uncommon, just take me as an example? If I don't rely on my brother-in-law's strength, how can I become the manager of the service company smoothly?"

    Sickle said: "Brother Lu, what I said was not aimed at you? Don't worry too much!"

    Lu Dalin smiled and said: "Look at you boy, how can I think about that! It's okay."

    At this time, the talented man said: "Look at you, you have dragged the topic away. I want everyone to analyze An Lei's matter for me, and I won't talk about anything else."

    Ai Zhi pushed the door open and entered the room, seeing everyone chattering enthusiastically, she said, "What are you chattering about?"

    Hasshunge Rili got up and said, "Sister-in-law, are you done?"

    Ai Zhi said: "It's all right now."

    Hasshun Gerili called the waiter to bring a chair, and Ai Zhi sat down.  Seeing that there was no wine in the glasses of Hashungerili and Liu Xiaohong, she said, "The two sisters haven't drunk yet? Come on, sister, pour some wine for you two."

    Hashun, Gerili and Liu Xiaohong did not object, and Aizhi poured wine for everyone and said, "Why did you see that my sister-in-law is coming, but there is no movement?"

    The wit said: "We are chatting!" (Remember the website URL:; Hashun Gerili called the waiter to bring a chair, and Ai Zhi sat down.  Seeing that there was no wine in the glasses of Hashungerili and Liu Xiaohong, she said, "The two sisters haven't drunk yet? Come on, sister, pour some wine for you two."

    Hashun, Gerili and Liu Xiaohong did not object, and Aizhi poured wine for everyone and said, "Why did you see that my sister-in-law is coming, but there is no movement?"

    The wit said: "Let's chat!" (Remember the website URL:
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