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Chapter 10

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    ? On this day, the gifted scholar was working, and the squad leader Lao Guo asked him: "Isn't your family from the countryside? Are there any construction workers in your family who know how to work as bricklayers or carpenters?"

    The wit didn't think much, and said casually: "There should be."

    The squad leader Lao Guo said: "The captain said that whoever can recruit workers will arrange jobs for them. If you can do it, you might as well go home and find some people."

    As soon as he mentioned going home, the gifted scholar became furious, and hurriedly said: "Yes, there are only one or two, which is boring."

    Lao Guo said: "How many can be found, then you and I will go to the headquarters?"

    The talented man hurriedly said: "I can't, I can't."

    The class leader, Lao Guo, is a straightforward person. He said: "Will it work? If you haven't tried it, how do you know it won't work. Let's go. The captain has forced me to ask me every day. Come with me.  Take care of it for me."

    After finishing speaking, Lao Guo ignored the talented man's repeated evasions and dragged the talented man to the headquarters.  At the headquarters, Captain Fatty was fiddling with a telephone when he saw Lao Guo dragging the talented man in.

    Captain Fatty asked: "What's wrong?"

    Lao Guo said: "Captain, this kid's family is from Tieling. We are quite close to Tieling. Some rural people would be willing to work here. He said, there are a few in his house."

    Captain Fat Dun said: "Okay, there are really not many people in our team who come to work here in Tieling."

    Lao Guo said: "The talented man said that there are idlers in his house. Ask him to help find someone, and he will definitely find him."

    Captain Pangdun said: "Old Guo, it's very convenient this time. The company has installed a new phone for us. We don't have to call back to the company if we need anything."

    The talented man looked at the phone, but didn't speak.

    When Caizi was at home, he saw a telephone in the village brigade headquarters, but he never used it.

    Lao Guo said: "With this thing, there is no need to go home by car."

    Captain Fatty said: "Do you want to go home by phone?" This sentence made everyone in the room laugh.

    Lao Guo also said with a smile: "I mean, you don't have to go home, you can call the workers."

    After finishing speaking, he asked the gifted scholar: "Does your village have a telephone?"

    The talented man blinked his eyes and thought to himself, why not, but I can't call the village, so wouldn't I tell the villagers that I am there by myself?  It's better to call the police directly!

    Thinking of this, the witty man was terrified for a while, and the witty man said, "I don't know?"

    Captain Fatty said: "Boy, if you can find someone, try calling."

    The gifted man chirped and said, "II"

    Captain Fat Dun asked the talented man again: "Where is your home?"

    The talented man thought for a while and said: "My family is from Tieling, and my village is,"

    Just as he was about to say that he was from Xiwazi, he thought about it for a second, that would not work. After a pause, he continued: "My uncle's village is big, and there are many people there, so let's find my uncle first.  It belongs to Sanchakou Village."

    Captain Pangdun said: "Your uncle is at home in which county or township in Tieling, you have to make it clear? Otherwise, how can you make a phone call?" The wit hurriedly added: "It's Tieniu Township, Tieling County, Tieling City."

    The phone at that time was a "shake handle" phone, and the switchboard was called first.  Transfer from the switchboard to the destination.  Captain Pangdun shook the phone, and the call was connected within about a minute. Captain Pangdun said, "Please answer the call from Sanchakouzi Village, Tieniu Township, Tieling County, Tieling."

    After a while, there was a sound of "HelloHello" on the phone, and Captain Fatty handed the phone to Cai Zi.  "Several times.  The other party also "HelloHello," after a few times, the call was hung up by the other party.

    Captain Chubby was so angry that he yelled at the talented person: "I haven't called you! You idiot!"

    After finishing speaking, he took the receiver and shook the telephone rocker creakingly again, the switchboard was connected again, and waited for the operator to reconnect the destination number. After a few minutes, the call was connected again, and "HelloHello  ," answered the answer, and this time Captain Fat Dun simply said, "Is this Sanchakou Village?"

    The other party said: "Yes,"

    Captain Fatty said: "I am Shenyang!"

    The other party said: "Ah! Shenyang! Is there something wrong?"

    At this time, Captain Fat Dun hurriedly asked Caizi, what is your uncle's name, and Caizi touched his head and said, "It's called ZhouZhou"

    Captain Fatty said: "I don't even know what your uncle's name is! ?Fuck!  "

    The talented man said: "I really don't know. Everyone calls him a nickname, but I haven't heard anyone call him a name."

    Captain Fatty said, "What's your nickname?"

    The talented man said: "It's calledit's called Sanwai."

    Captain Fatty was just about to talk to the other party: "The microphone came out: "Are you looking for Sanwai?  "It turned out that the other party had heard their conversation.

    Captain Chubby said: "Yes yes"

    The microphone came out again: "Then who are you?"

    Captain Fat Dun was also anxious, and simply said: "My name is Caizi, and I am Sanwai's nephew. I have something to do with him."

    A voice came out of the microphone: "Okay then, I'll make an announcement on the loudspeaker and ask him to answer the phone. Call back in an hour!" Then the phone hung up.

    Captain Fat Dun said: "Okay, let's go out to work first? I'll be here later."

    ? After leaving the team headquarters, the squad leader Lao Guo and Cai Zi returned to the construction site to continue working.

    After an hour, accountant Chen came out and shouted, "Genius, it's time to call."

    The talented man hurriedly agreed: "Oh, I'll go right away." The talented man looked at Lao Guo in embarrassment, and Lao Guo pushed him with his hand and said, "Go quickly." The talented man walked towards the headquarters in a hurry.

    At this time, accountant Chen himself was the only one left in the headquarters.  Accountant Chen said to the talented man, "Call now! Captain Ma told me to call you before leaving."

    Caizi was a little hesitant because he didn't know how to call, but accountant Chen didn't intend to come to help, so Caizi had to bite the bullet and imitate Captain Fatty's method and started to shake the phone. After shaking the phone several times, there was no sound from the microphone.

    At this time, accountant Chen came to see the talented man, and saw that the talented man was shaking the phone with the receiver in his hand. Accountant Chen said to the talented man, "Put the receiver on and hold it for shaking, then pick it up to listen."

    It turned out that Caizi was nervous at the time and didn't see the detailed actions of Captain Fatty's phone call at all. Caizi did what Accountant Chen said.  Sure enough, after shaking the phone and picking up the receiver, a female operator's voice came out clearly from the receiver: "Hello, where do you want to answer?"

    The wit hurriedly said, "Sanchakou Village."

    At this time, the microphone said: "Sir, I'm sorry, there is no such place."

    The talented man hastily added: "Yesit is Sanchakou Village, Tieniu Township, Tieling County, Tieling City."

    The microphone came out: "It's a long distance, okay."

    The talented man put the microphone on the desk like Captain Fatty, and waited for the other party's reply. After a few minutes, a clear female voice came out of the microphone: "The call has been connected, please listen to the call."

    The wit hurriedly put the phone to his ear, and a familiar yet unfamiliar voice came from the microphone: "Is it a wit?"

    The wit said, "Yesit's me! Uncle."

    Sanwai said: "It's really you, I can recognize your voice. It's been more than three years, and I don't know what's going on with you. Uncle misses you all the time in his dreams! Are you okay?"

    The talented man said: "I'm fine. Now I'm working on a construction site in Shenyang? I can earn 5 yuan a day. I'm fine."

    "Hi!" Sanwai sighed and said, "By the way, I have good news for you. The police didn't arrest you. The Zhang family didn't report to the police at all. It was just a wild guess. Your parents are thinking about you.  What! Since the police won¡¯t arrest you, why don¡¯t you come back?¡±

    The talented man was stunned when he heard this, for a long time he was unable to speak, and his tears had reached the circles of his eyes.  After a while, the talented man said, "Uncle, is this true?"

    Sanwai said: "It's true, the old girl's family didn't report to the police at all. Your uncle has already found out, but he couldn't find you, and couldn't tell you. How are you doing now? If you can't, come back!"

    The wit hurriedly asked: "Then old girl, has she been admitted to high school?"

    The voice on the phone disappeared, and it took a while.

    Sanwai on the phone said, "Then then I I didn't ask."

    The talented man asked: "My father, my mother, are they all right?"

    Said on the phone: "Everything is fine, they are all fine! You don't have to worry about it. I just don't know how you are. Where have you been all these years?"

    The gifted man blinked, tears rolled down his eyes, and murmured: "I'm fine. I've been in Shenyang for the past few years. Now I'm working on the construction site. People here are very kind to me."

    Said on the phone: "It's fine, now uncle can rest assured!"

    The talented man said: "By the way, the construction site is short of people. There are bricklayers and carpenters in your village who can work here. The team leader asked me to call this time. We are recruiting people?"

    Sanwai said: "Since the division of production into households, many people are idle at home, and there should be some who are willing to go out to work."

    The wit said: "Then can you help me?"

    Sanwai said: "Okay, then I will go door-to-door to ask at night, and you can call back in two days."

    The wit said: "Okay!" He excitedly picked up the phone.

    Sanwai on the other side of the phone hadn't finished speaking, he was still listening on the phone, but nothing happened.

    Sanwai said: "Boy, I haven't finished talking yet? Why did you hang up the phone?"

    During this call, Sanwai did not tell Caizi about the disappearance of the old lady.  Sanwai didn't intend to tell Caizi about the disappearance of the old girl and the job recruitment in his hometown.  The purpose of doing this is not to make him have any psychological burden.  (Remember the site URL:  "

    The wit said: "Then can you help me?"

    Sanwai said: "Okay, then I will go door-to-door to ask at night, and you can call back in two days."

    The wit said: "Okay!" He excitedly picked up the phone.

    Sanwai on the other side of the phone hadn't finished speaking, he was still listening on the phone, but nothing happened.

    Sanwai said: "Boy, I haven't finished talking yet? Why did you hang up the phone?"

    During this call, Sanwai did not tell Caizi about the disappearance of the old lady.  Sanwai didn't intend to tell Caizi about the disappearance of the old girl and the job recruitment in his hometown.  The purpose of doing this is not to make him have any psychological burden.  (Remember the site URL:
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