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Chapter 67 Struggling Choices

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    Luo Qing lay tenderly in my arms, but when I was holding her, I could no longer hear the sound of the outside world, as if all the troubles and pains had nothing to do with me.  I silently looked at Luo Qing's beautiful and flawless face, believing that it must be in stark contrast to my face with scarlet blood flowing at this moment.

    Qi Tian was still lying motionless on the tiled floor not far away, as if, as they said, he was really dead.  But I didn't feel even the slightest bit of fear. Even if I went back to the same situation and gave me a thousand chances to choose, I would still do it.

    Afterwards, the security guards at the bar surrounded me and helped Luo Qing and me up, and it was only now that I realized that my hands and legs were trembling with exhaustion.  No one dared to touch Qi Tian on the other side at the moment, perhaps because he was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble, or maybe because he was afraid that the scene would be destroyed if he really died.

    "Brotherhow could this be" Zhao Kewen walked to me lightly and supported me who was a little shaky when I walked. After seeing the tattered Luo Qing who was still clinging to me and whose clothes had been torn, Zhao Kewen hurried  She took off her small suit and put it on Luo Qing's shoulders.

    Putting a hand on Zhao Kewen's shoulder and meeting her concerned eyes, my heart is warm, at least I still have someone who misses and cares.  However, I didn't have any intention to answer Zhao Kewen's question, so I could only shake my head and express that I couldn't explain it.

    Slowly walking out of the door of the bathroom, the whole bar was surprisingly quiet at this time, all the people stopped their movements and looked at us with different expressions.  I saw panic and suspicion in their eyes, all of which seemed to bring me back to the days when I was singing and living a life of forcibly ignoring other people's opinions.

    "Yang Chen" Luo Qing, who was always next to me, seemed to be calling me in a low voice.

    I looked at her pure and sparkling eyes at the moment, and couldn't help but smile. As long as she is okay, the result of all these actions seems to be a perfect ending.  Even if I will be imprisoned to face an unknown trial, even if I will be stigmatized as a murderer, even if my behavior is misunderstood by everyone But, as long as the one I like is still intact  Does everything matter?

    "Be my boyfriend" Luo Qing's voice at this time was so gentle, like a gust of wind blowing through my scarred heart, and like a ray of sunshine suddenly breaking through all the darkness in my life.

    I stood there stupidly, looking at Luo Qing in my arms with disbelief, and she was also looking at me gently with a smile on her face, as if she was waiting for my answer.

    Luo Qingshe saidshe wanted me to be her boyfriend

    Is this a confession?

    I looked at her silently, how much I wanted to agree directly and straightforwardly, I even wanted to hold her tightly and spin around, isn't this the result I dreamed of But

    "What's the matter?" As if seeing the hesitation in my eyes, Luo Qing gently pushed my chest and said softly: "This is the first time I've taken the initiative to confess my love to others, don't reject me, or I will get angry.  "

    I have always liked Luo Qing, haven't I?  Then why don't you agree quickly, even if it's just her impulse, even if this relationship can only be a flash in the pan, it's okay to separate when she regains her composure Isn't it okay to just agree first?

    I turned sideways and hugged her gently with trembling arms, feeling the fragrance and softness of her hair, the smoothness and tenderness of her skin, and my blood stained Luo Qing's flawless white shouldersCompared to Luo Qing  Qingqing is pure and beautiful, but I am so dirty at this moment.

    Perhaps, all of this is fate. Fate is a wonderful connection, and love is a road that makes people lost and intoxicated. Since we have chosen, there is no way out. Now that we have obtained it, we should know how to be satisfied

    "I'm sorry" I exhausted all my strength and finally squeezed out a smile, sticking it to Luo Qing's lovely and fair ear, and I made the first choice in my life after repeated intense struggles,  "I don't deserve this love anymore"

    Hearing my answer, Luo Qing's body trembled violently, then she pushed me away forcefully, grabbed my arms, looked straight into my eyes, I could see her big eyes full of tears, and  That bewildered look.

    Maybe I can really put aside the gap in status and try to keep up with her, but I can't let go of the upcoming unknown trial. Although I haven't studied law specifically, only I know how hard I just hit.  I also know that even if it is self-defense, my behavior has already exceeded the standard of defense.

    I raised my hand and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Luo Qing's eyes, and coaxed her softly: "Hey, don't cry, it's best when the female heroine Luo is having a temper."?!  "

    "Yang Chen, you bastard How could you do this" Luo Qing was not coaxed by me this time, but cried loudly, and the tears that gushed down my fingers all the way down my arm.

    "Luo Qing Be good, we are still best friends, aren't we?" I held Luo Qing in my arms again, and also concealed the sore corners of my eyes.

    "No way!" Luo Qing struggled violently suddenly, pushed me away again, looked at me with tears in her eyes and said, "Are you scared?"

    I didn't dare to look into her eyes anymore, and I didn't know how to answer.

    At this time, some people in the bar who went to the bathroom and saw the truth had begun to evacuate the bar quietly, and this truth was spreading rapidly like a domino, and it didn't take long for only a few dozen people left in the bar.

    "At leastcan you give me a reason?" Luo Qing looked at me, but her voice was hoarse.

    I hesitated for a moment, and finally made up my mind, looked into her eyes, and said loudly: "Yes, I'm afraid, I'm afraid I won't be able to give you the happiness you want, I'm afraid I will delay your most beautiful years if I go in,  I'm afraid that no matter how hard I try, I won't be worthy of your family, and I'm afraid that I will become your weakness when chatting with others Yes, I'm afraid! Is this a good reason!"

    My voice echoed repeatedly in the bar, while Luo Qing silently watched my disappointed expression and stopped talking.

    Just when my heart seemed to be pierced by steel thorns, when I felt that everything was completely over and could not be undone, Luo Qing suddenly smiled happily.

    "Did you reject my confession for such a naive reason?" Luo Qing smiled and patted my heart lightly, "You idiot!"

    I looked in amazement at Luo Qing, who was still angry and tearful just now, but suddenly turned into a happy smile, and I didn't understand why.

    Seeing Luo Qing seem to be very happy again, I don't know if she is pretending or what she thinks in her heart, but after thinking about it, she is relieved, isn't Luo Qing always like this?  Thinking about it carefully, there seems to be nothing surprising

    I seem to be infected by her emotions, and I can't help but ask myself, shouldn't the love I pursue be pure and transparent love that should abandon all distracting thoughts in the first place?

    "You dare to scold me when you see my vicious appearance!" I also smiled and hugged Luo Qing into my arms for the third time, and whispered in her ear, "One must be obedientwait  I go home."

    Before Luo Qing could answer, the door of the bar was suddenly kicked open by a huge force, and a large group of black-clothed men with sticks rushed in, completely surrounding the bar.

    Just as Zhao Kewen was about to go to ask what happened, a middle-aged man walked over from the group of men in black.

    "Take Miss back." The middle-aged man's voice was very thick, and it gave off an inexplicable pressure, which seemed irrefutable.  On the other hand, his clothes are also very different, a large black windbreaker, a pair of close-fitting trousers, and shiny black leather shoes, it lookssurprisingly similar to Luo Qing's clothes!

    "Could it behe is Luo Qing's father, Luo Qiancheng" I seemed to have the answer in my heart. The moment my gaze met the middle-aged man, I felt an unprecedented pressure, a kind of  The oppressive force of seeing people after a long time in the mall seems to see through my body and pierce my soul.

    As if seeing my miserable state, the middle-aged man frowned his thick eyebrows, then waved to Luo Qing.

    "No more breaches of the contract this time!" Luo Qing said as she turned her head and made a face at me before leaving the bar with the middle-aged man.

    When Luo Qing and the two left, all the people in black in the bar evacuated in an orderly manner. It took only a few minutes before and after, and everything now seems as if nothing happened. The only thing that has changed is that it has gone away.  Luo Qing.

    "He is Luo Qiancheng, the bigwig in Yichun's entertainment circlethat is, the father of your little lover." Zhao Kewen seemed a little surprised why Luo Qiancheng suddenly came to her small bar to find Luo Qing.

    I nodded and didn't speak, but at the same time there were police cars and ambulances outside the door.

    Later, according to the procedure, Zhao Kewen was taken into the police car, while Qi Tian and I were supported and carried to the ambulance at the door respectively.

    On the way to the hospital with the ambulance, I finally let go of a hanging heart. Qi Tian did not really die, but was temporarily in a deep coma.  This has greatly increased my bargaining chip to mitigate the crime.

    At this moment, I really realized that without Luo Qing's company, sitting alone in an unfamiliar ambulance, my heart was so flustered.

    This terrible fate is so joking, if Luo Qing doesn't keep her further, if my heart is firmer, will I miss this precious love?

    But I don't know whether such a result is good or bad for Luo Qing and me, but I don't regret any of the choices I made, just because my heart is still warm at this time, at least I  I know there must be someone who is thinking about me at this moment (Remember this site URL: fate is so joking, if Luo Qing doesn't keep her further, if my heart is firmer, will I miss this precious love?

    But I don't know whether such a result is good or bad for Luo Qing and me, but I don't regret any of the choices I made, just because my heart is still warm at this time, at least I  I know that there must be someone who is thinking about me at this moment (Remember this website URL:
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