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Chapter 42: The Eve of Opening

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    The next few days were very peaceful. I was ordered by Zhao Kewen to wander outside during the day to "encounter" her so-called youthful girl. At night, I went to the small stone bridge in the west of the city to sit quietly, thinking about the first time after the bar opened.  One and the most important theme activity.

    I sat on the steps beside the stone bridge with my guitar in my arms, strummed the strings casually, and occasionally sang a few words along with the rhythm, trying to relax my brain that was in a mess because of no clue.

    The other side What kind of activities can express the meaning of the other side?  How to express the freedom that breaks through the shackles of the world and the fantasy and pursuit of perfect love?

    Leaning on the wall of the stone bridge, I looked up at the chaotic starry sky, felt the cool wind blowing my side face, but felt a little flustered in my heart Zhao Kewen's preliminary work is in full swing, I once asked her about the bar  It is expected to open some day, she just smiled and said within a month.

    I know she is worried that telling me the specific time will bring me too much pressure, that is to say, the opening time will definitely be much closer than a month. If I budget according to Zhao Kewen's current work progress, the bar should be officially opened in about 20 days.  Opening, maybe even shorter!

    Putting down the guitar, covering my face with my hands, I was a little confused breathing the heavy air, what should I do

    I recalled the situation when I sang in Fenghua Bar before. If the theme of this time is to be done according to its model, then the season should be used as an opportunity to cut in. Now that it is the end of summer, we can use nostalgia as the keynote, and use the passion to retreat and separate as the keynote.  core idea.  But although this is relatively easy, it lacks too many new ideas, and also misses the most important event when the bar opens.

    I shook my head and denied this method. It lacks originality and wasted a very precious opportunity. Absolutely not.

    What should I do to innovate without losing the theme of the other side I rubbed my long hair that had not been repaired for a long time, and looked at the couples of students walking hand in hand at the bridgehead.

    I seem to have some ideas, what happens if other elements are added?  This season coincides with the season when students graduate and break up. If the keynote is the rupture of relationships, then the freedom of being single is the soul to perform an interpretation.

    The more I thought about it, the more excited I became, and a complete idea began to emerge in my mind.

    At the beginning, the song is provocative to drive the audience into the parting atmosphere, and then the narration is added to deepen the emotional flow in the form of a story. In the middle stage, the emotional transformation is carried out, and the theme begins to approach freedom.

    In the middle and late stage, the enthusiastic and unrestrained rock music interprets the price of love once paid and the meaning of freedom today, and finally ends with an acoustic guitar ballad full of fantasy and comfort, explaining the meaning of love to life and the instinctive yearning for freedom  .

    I excitedly picked up the guitar and played it, my mind was still running: If I adopt this idea, it is very likely that the audience will be too small, just students and young men and women who have just entered the society. Even if the business is successful, the follow-up  The spread effect will not be obvious either.  Obviously, it is not feasible to follow this line of thinking completely

    Walking up and down on the stone bridge, I considered the countermeasure: when the bar opens, the most visitors must be competitors in the same industry under the banner of blessing, so it must be influenced by various groups of people at the same time, one point will be detonated, and more points will blossom.

    I thought about it but couldn't think of a way to get the best of both worlds. A gust of cool wind made me shiver. When I looked up, the sky was already oppressively black, and the bright starry sky had disappeared without a trace.

    Seeing that the sky seemed to be raining, I hurried back with my guitar in my arms. As I walked, my mind kept consolidating and deepening the thoughts just now. This battle can only succeed and not fail!

    Just halfway through the journey, the heavy rain suddenly fell, and the icy rain washed my body, so I had to change my walk to jog back.

    When I arrived at the old building, I was almost drenched all over, and I couldn't help cursing how this ghostly weather that changed its face when it said it changed its face was just like Luo Qing!

    Walking to the second floor, I knocked on the door of Zhao Kewen's room, wanting to discuss with her the theme I conceived and ask for her opinion.

    Not long after, Zhao Kewen opened the door, but my blood was surging. Tonight, she was wearing a bathrobe, her hair was tied up with a towel, and she seemed so wet that she had just come out of the shower.

    "My brother came late at night, what instructions do you have?" Zhao Kewen turned around and sat on the sofa in the living room, her white and snowy skin faintly emerging from the large bathrobe.

    "Uh" I quickly lowered my head, touched my nose with my hand, and then said, "Sister, the bar will open soon. I want to tell you about the idea of ??the first theme party and listen to your opinions."

    Zhao Kewen looked at me slightly embarrassed.? Smiling, nodded: "Let's listen."

    I sorted out my thoughts and told Zhao Kewen the idea that had just taken shape.

    After hearing this, Zhao Kewen put away her smile and seemed to be lost in thought while holding her chin. I also squeezed my palms quietly, waiting for her opinion a little nervously.

    "The overall framework can be adopted, but there are too many details that need to be considered slowly. For example, the choice of music at the beginning will directly determine the direction of your so-called musical plot later. If the tone is not set correctly, it will directly let the  People who were originally full of expectations lost interest Let¡¯s talk about your so-called narration, what kind of identity do you use to tell it? Is it a student who just graduated, or a young man who has lost his soul? Or is it a long time at the grassroots level without any value?  Personally, I don¡¯t think any of these three roles that are easy to fit into the music scene are suitable When we open our bar, most of the first guests will be voyeurs from other entertainment industries, I hope you can understand when I say that  " Zhao Kewen raised her head to look at me, and said with a straight face.

    I looked at her in surprise. Zhao Kewen's words even directly overturned my perception of her. Although she is usually chic and arrogant, she really has a lot of unique insights and real talents in her stomach.  She emphasized to me before that she didn't continue to study after high school, and I was misled into thinking that she was just a naive woman who was lost in love, but the facts don't seem to be the case, her ability is far more than I expected  much higher.

    I remained silent, thinking about the essential problem that Zhao Kewen said. Indeed, this is exactly where I have been unable to find a solution, the limitation of the audience!

    "I think that since music concept is the core of the theme, in the final analysis, it is still up to the music to solve the problem. The sensational stage at the beginning should be more substantial. It can't just be shown with a song or a narration, it should be more grand, so that everyone can watch it.  Those of us who make jokes know that this is a wrong judgment!" Zhao Kewen wiped away the water stains on her hair, with an encouraging smile on her rosy cheeks, "And this is the real problem you are facing, brother!"

    I stared blankly at Zhao Kewen, not knowing how to answer.

    "Okay, brother, you should go back and have an early rest. I can't bear to see you soaked. In fact, I didn't want to discuss bar-related topics with you since you entered the room, but seeing your eager eyes  But I don't know how to refuse sorry!" Zhao Kewen smiled and leaned towards me slowly, I could even see a blush in her chest

    Zhao Kewen kissed my forehead lightly, then waved to me to go back and rest.

    Lying on the wooden bed in the hut, I tossed and turned and couldn¡¯t sleep. As Zhao Kewen said, the real problem I faced was not how to conceive this plan, but how to make the theme more perfect, the later work more perfect, and get a better result.  score!

    If it is said that the sense of substitution in the early stage is stronger, then more evocative singing and artistic conception are needed, but can this really be done?  I lay on my side on the bed, looking at the bedding with my hands, but I kept thinking about the solution in my mind.

    What is the essence of a bar, nothing more than music and drinks, but is there really no other better way?

    I was thinking about it on the bed, but I couldn't find a solution for a long time. How to innovate, how to innovate, is it necessary to break away from the original meaning of the bar?

    After getting up and lighting a cigarette, I sat down on the bed and kept thinking in the smoke. If I want to create miracles, I must make innovations and breakthroughs compared to before, but what kind of breakthroughs can achieve better results

    In desperation, I had no choice but to learn from those small-capital films that were extremely successful at the box office and seek their solutions.

    In the darkness, the lonely Mars kept flickering in the light and destruction. I sat alone on the head of the bed and kept thinking about these seemingly ideal issues that were of great significance to me and the Bian Bar.

    "Movies can achieve big success with small capital, why can't we" I murmured.

    What is the essential difference between these two things?

    I stubbed out the cigarette butt in the ashtray, and tried my best to compare their advantages and disadvantages.

    "The advantage of movies lies in the clarity of emotion and storyline expression. A look, a smile, and an action can interact with the audience and even resonate with the audience. Music seems to be difficult to achieve such conditions." I fiercely  10% of my hair was folded, and I kept thinking, "What if give up music?"

    Looking at the dark floor, I seem to have some breakthrough ideas. If I give up music and change to physical expression, will it be able to solve the problem of the depth of the audience's sense of substitution and the height of understanding

    I had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly I had an idea about the beginning of the theme!

    "If you really decide to do this, it will be too expensive for the bar, but at least it will be much stronger than the effect of music substitution." I cheered myself up.  Perhaps what I should consider at this time is not the cost issue, but whether I have the human resources to achieve this goal.  (Remember the site URL: Ideas!

    "If you really decide to do this, it will be too expensive for the bar, but at least it will be much stronger than the effect of music substitution." I cheered myself up.  Perhaps what I should consider at this time is not the cost issue, but whether I have the human resources to achieve this goal.  (Remember the site URL:
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