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Under Snow's magic robe, blinking

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    Wang Nuo

    Just like "the sun slowly warms the stone", Xili's latest novel "Snow Roe Deer" slowly inhaled and enveloped me, making me obsessed with its magical crystal-clear space, and I couldn't bear or even leave.  Like the little protagonist Zhou Xin, I have lived in the hazy world observed by myopia, amblyopia and astigmatism for a long time; now, holding this new book that still smells of hay and sawdust in this scorching midsummer,  As if entering a hazy world again¡ªa huge, flowing, cool, translucent, star-shining robe made of snow¡ªa wonderful hazy state of art, blinking childlike eyes again.

    There are many beauties and wonders in this world, and those who have good eyesight, see too clearly, and are too scientific are not blessed to experience them.  "When you see everything clearly, you miss the light on them." Zhou Xin, who is short-sighted and amblyopic, saw that "everything has light, which wraps this thing and changes its shape."  He likes, no, it should be said that he is obsessed with things that have light, things that have been transformed by light.  In the middle of the road at noon in the sun, there was a little Santa Claus standing in the middle of the road, and he was still laughing at him. When he got closer, he realized that it was actually an ice cream cone that was moved by the traffic police.  It will snow on the street lamps at night, he raised his head and shouted: "Snow, let it fall! Snow more, and cover me!" But in the blink of an eye, "The street lamps in the distance changed again, like huge fireworks." Even though  The sewage pit on the road also looks "so clean and flat, like a mirror, like the smoothest dirt road surface, reflecting the faint night light", so you step into it without thinking, even if your trouser legs are wet  Dirty and icy uncomfortable.  The little Zhou Xin (the author Xi Li, to be precise, she has poor eyesight, but she often deliberately does not wear glasses, her eyes are hazy, sometimes in a trance) pointed us to appreciate the beauty of hazy: "The world is a kaleidoscope, how happy! You blink  Eyes, look, lookyou relish it, never get tired of it, never get enough." What kind of attitude towards life is this?  What kind of survival?  This is an aesthetic life, a poetic existence that never loses its innocence.  People living in this way are not ignorant of the bumps and muddy roads, and they may face traps, conspiracies and even dangers at any time, but they still have to face others and society with a jade pot of ice, even if it is vague and ugly.  They are willing to pay the price for aesthetic life.

    The 13-year-old boy has super-acute perception, and his poor eyesight has only enhanced his sense of smell and hearing.  When everything is asleep, he is often awake, "listening to the breath of the night, listening to the Lin Tao in the distance" slipping into his room "walking around, tiptoeing".  He sat on a big rock for a long time, inhaling deeply, inhaling the smell of wild flowers on the mountain floating far away, "burdock grass or rose, or rose, they follow the path of the sky, like a picture  The transparent handkerchief covers my face." He listened to his grandfather Yiyi oh oh reading ancient Chinese and his father playing the violin, and felt the cabin float, and he floated out of the window, "to the distant branches".  He listened to the bell in the evening, "slowly, one by one, it rang against the sky, slapping the air away Then it came down from the sky and rolled to all the open places - the big playground, the gaps in the pine forest,  The river bends and canyons roll farther and farther away, and all places with fresh air and wind flow are all gently oscillating" A large number of delicate and unique descriptions of sensory impressions rush to the face densely, which seems to not activate readers more and more.  The author will never give up on the dull and numb senses.  The senses are the bridge between people and the world, as well as the bridge between the realm of consciousness and the realm of unconsciousness; however, the true meaning and value of sensations are seriously ignored by overly rational modern people.  In order to make a living and to adapt to socialized existence, many people try to restrict or even kill their feelings rationally.  The long-term dust of sensibility and the abnormal development of rationality have caused the imbalance of the personality system, and also led to a sharp decrease in the sense of joy and happiness in life.  "Snow Robe", like Xili's other works, captures and expresses the beauty of many sensory impressions that ordinary people seldom pay attention to, and helps us develop our sensory potential, fully open our receptors, and become more and more beautiful.  Sensitive, let life consist of various and continuous aesthetic experiences.  Isn't such a life full of joy?

    The joy of life lies in dreams.  Dreaming, daydreaming, and fantasizing are effective adjustments to boring and even hard and painful life. They are not limited by external restrictions, and people can decide and create happiness by themselves.  Like the author Xi Li, Zhou Xin often dreams and slips into the world of imagination and dreams in his daily life in broad daylight.  He felt, "The dream world of daydreams and the real situation are not so clearly separated. Sometimes they are separated by a thin film, and sometimes they are simply connected together." "Things in the world can be separated from reality and  Illusion, you can imagine as much as you want, love it for what it is! It is your own world, a world that you can imagine as you like!" He was fascinated by it.  In his dream he saw many strange things: the stars became little tinklingAt 10 minutes, the puppy sticks out its long and thin tongue that curls like a pumpkin flower, and the poplar tree blinks at him, stares at him, and narrows his eyes with a smile Even when his life is dying, dreams can bring him happiness.  Happy: He floats in the dark, the sky is like a huge jar, "the air inside is dark blue, and has a strange smell of wild plants".  The breeze blew in his face, and he glides where the wind came from.  Swimming out of the only exit of the big jar, he saw a sea with ripples as thin as silk.  Flying over the sea, he landed in a vast field.  Cornflower greeted him with a peaceful, blue face, "When I walked by, the little face next to me brushed against my calf, and so many blue faces in the distance smiled briskly  Welcome me." Zhou Xin firmly believed, "Dreams are the gods of our children. When I am sad, comfort me; when I am lonely, take me to another beautiful place and let me see a flower on the grass.  Bloom one after another, let my friends come back to me When I am afraid, please bring grandpa and dad.¡±

    Oneiroi is also the god of adults, the god of all people.  "Snow Robe" is a children's literature work, which also adopts the classic wandering structure of children's novels in the world.  Zhou Xin, a simple and romantic rural boy, deeply experienced the evil and kindness in the world during the thrilling, dangerous and even almost fatal city wandering, and finally found the symbol of poetry and romantic life in his heart¡ª¡ªhis  Father who loves music.  Zhou Xin's final choice is to return to the simple countryside and return to the poetic dwelling.  Considered from the perspective of children's literature, the works promote childlike innocence, innocence, imagination, integrity and love - the love of the world and the love of nature.  However, in my opinion, it is more a work for everyone.  Children are teachers of adults.  Adults should not always think about guiding or even teaching children, but should put down their bodies and sincerely learn from children, always have a childlike heart, and often reflect on whether they no longer have childhood imaginations and dreams.

    Dreams and fantasies, like sensory imagination, are necessary for poetic survival; and poetic survival, especially poetic personality, is precisely the quality that our nation urgently needs to cultivate.  The Chinese nation originally had a long tradition of poetry, and our nation was not inferior to any nation in terms of poetry and painting.  However, what is heartbreaking is that the sixty years of fighting against people, against heaven and earth, and for power, money and wealth have almost wiped out the poetry of this nation.  The brief poetry craze in the 1980s cooled down rapidly.  The rampant of pragmatism, utilitarianism, nihilism, consumerism and materialism in the past two decades has made people more and more numb, more practical, more and more focused on material wealth and physical enjoyment, and farther and farther away from  Mental, dreamy, emotional, imaginative, perceptual - far from poetic.  The significance and value of cultivating poetic personality is far more than creating more poets, nor is it limited to developing cultural undertakings and improving the level of mass culture, but to cultivate the sensitivity, dreams, imagination, publicity, sympathy and integrity of this nation.  Independent personality and free creative spirit inspire continuous innovation and originality.  It is not only science and technology, resources, industry and modern facilities that ensure a country leads the world, and it is not just the political system. The deeper reason lies in the national character, which lies in the establishment of a whole set of training, shaping and caring for healthy, optimistic, poetic  and creative national character mechanics.  It is in this sense that "Snow Robe", a work with outstanding achievements in sensation, imagination, fantasy, and childlike innocence, is particularly important and is of value that is urgently needed by the times.

    (Wang Nuo: Professor of the Chinese Department of Xiamen University) (remember this site URL:
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