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Ninety-ninth lonely day

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    Unexpectedly, it was the first rain since Shuying left Shenzhen that night.  One autumn rain and one cool.  Sleeping until midnight, Civilization actually covered the quilt.  The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and it has spread to Chengdu, which is two thousand miles away. This is the first nectar that Chengdu has harvested after two consecutive months of drought. People can't express their joy, but Chenru is crying in a ward in Chengdu.  His strength was exhausted, Qi's mother passed out on the ground, his father stood there staggering, his eyes were full of tears - son, son why are you so cruel!  !  !

    Qi has been in the hospital since he passed out on the streets of Tianjin last time and was sent back to Chengdu. He was weak and had a lung infection caused by smoking. The doctor said that as long as he is treated properly, he will be fine, but  Emphasize that seven must quit smoking.  There is no smoke, Qi's world is gloomy, but luckily with Chenru by his side, he gritted his teeth and endured, but after a few days, he couldn't bear it anymore, there seemed to be hundreds of gnats in his body.  The ants are gnawing, slowly, thousands, tens of thousands They are about to bite the skin, and they are about to emerge from the torn skin. Qi can't bear this heart-piercing torture.  His mouth frantically bit his own finger, and the blood flowed from the bite, but the pain of being bitten by the ants did not subside at all. He tossed and turned on the bed, and almost bit his tongue to kill himself. Fortunately, the hospital tied him up in time and used a cloth  Shutting his mouth, Chen Ru stood beside him, looking at Qi's painful eyes, her tears fell all over the floor.  Qi's eyes lost their luster, and his normally flowing hair was stuck together by sweat droplets, sticking to his face, blocking one eye, Chen Ru stepped forward to help him push his hair away, and Qi pointed at her  Laughing, Chen Ru also smiled happily, but Qi suddenly wanted to bite Chen Ru, but fortunately he was tied with a rope, and he was pulled back without struggling.  Chen Ru stood there dumbfounded, her mind went blank, how could Qi be like this - no.  Will not.  Seventh, they have lost their sanity.  He will be sober.  Chen Ru wrung out the tears in her heart, ran to the window sill, and showed the sunflower to Qi¡ªQi.  look.  You see.  sunflower.  sunflower.  You are sunshine.  I am¡­¡­

    Chen Ru never left the ward, and Qi's parents took turns to take care of Qi.  Chen Ru feeds him porridge and washes him up.  A week passed, Qi gradually improved.  His face gradually turned rosy, and he ate a lot, but he was still in a trance.  After examination, the doctor said that he is recovering well, and according to the current situation, he will recover soon.

    After another week, Qi's spirit also began to return to normal. He told Chen Ru that he wanted to go out for a walk. This was the first time Qi spoke in half a month. Chen Ru was so happy that he asked the doctor for permission.  Finally, took Qi to the garden of the hospital.

    There were already signs of rain that day, the wind was strong and refreshing, Qi showed a long-lost smile, Chen Ru pushed him, and stayed on the stone road in the garden.

    "Ru, look, blue sky and white clouds, shadows of coconut trees, clear water and fine sand." Qi pointed to the sky and looked at Chen Ru. The sky was very beautiful, but there was a dark cloud not far away, which was gradually expanding.

    "Hmm. Like the Maldives. Seven. You said you were going to take me there."

    "Maldives, Zengmu Ansha, Mohe, north of Mohe, north of Polaris, south of Transit, and west of the sun." The seven statues are rare.

    "Do you think those two clouds will merge together?" Chen Ru pointed to two white clouds that were approaching to Qi.

    "No! They will never be together. They will only overlap temporarily, and then they will soon separate and go their own way." Seven's eyes regained their former wisdom.

    Chen Ru nodded knowingly, she knew the answer a long time ago - the clouds in the sky are a whole, although sometimes they "join" together, but they will eventually separate, this is when she and Qi met thirteen years ago  , Qi confirmed that she had seen it.  Chen Ru just wanted to use this to confirm Xia Qi's recovery status.

    The two of them looked at the sky. After the two white clouds merged together, they really separated again, but soon after, the dark clouds all over the sky occupied the entire sky. They failed to assimilate the white clouds, but they completely blocked the white clouds behind.

    Qiqi is recovering day by day, and the weather in Chengdu is beginning to cool down day by day. Late today, lightning and thunder descended on this long-awaited sky. They kept roaring and flashing, as if to make up  Two months of absence.

    Qi said that he wanted to eat apples, Chen Ru took the apples to wash, and after washing, he was ready to peel for Qi, but Qi said he wanted to do it by himself.  He took the fruit knife from Chenru's hand, and peeled it skillfully, Qi was still as good as it was together, the whole apple was peeled to the end, the skin was continuous, and they were piled together round and round.  Qi peeled off a piece for Chen Ru, and another piece for his mother who was beside him. His mother stretched out her hand to take it, and almost fell to the ground in excitement.  Qi began to bite the remaining apples in big mouthfuls, and then took out the "heart shape" in the middle of the leftover apples with a sense of accomplishment, and showed it to Chen Ru.  Reflect the lightning and thunder outside the window even more ferociously.  later??His mother got up and went to the bathroom, and Qi asked Chenru to wash a pear. Chenru was holding the pear, and her white hands were carefully washed under the faucet. The water splashed on her hands, making a rhythmic melody  , Like an oriole jumping on a branch, singing happily.  Chen Ru washed the pears and returned to the ward.  Pushing the door open, she was stunned by the sight in front of her¡ªthe snow-white bed sheet was stained red, and blood flowed from Qi's wrist.  Laugh proudly¡ª¡ª

    seven.  Did you go to the Maldives alone?  Why don't you take Ru.  Ru is your dearest person.  She can drift with you.

    It rained all night and didn't stop until morning, and soon after that, the sun began to flood outside the window again.  Wenming slept until noon, got up and went to the cafeteria to eat. Feeling tired, he lay down again and continued to sleep. He thought it was because of the excessive mountaineering yesterday. In the afternoon, Chen Xiaofu and Gao Shan called and asked Wenming to go swimming together.  Civilization agreed.

    It was already 5 o'clock when I went to the school's swimming pool, and the swimming pool was already full of people.  Wen Wenming and the others tested the water temperature by the pool, but after a day of sun exposure, the water in the pool was still very cold.

    At this time, Shu Ying was walking staggeringly on the street.  The rain in Chengdu has not stopped from last night until now, but the rain has weakened significantly, and it is pattering down.  She didn't know where to go, or where to go.  Autumn in Chengdu is fierce and deep, and the street lamps on the side of the street emit a faint light. Chen Ru walks staggeringly, her eyes are hazy.

    On the corner of the street not far ahead, a young man was playing and singing with a guitar¡ª¡ª

    This is a very lonely sky, with some sad rain

    This is a caring me and an ending without ending

    I don't know any news about you anymore

    I don't know your secret anymore

    Only the familiar past

    Only the strange you

    In those black and white dreams

    No more memories of blue and purple

    At this age of meeting and breaking up

    There are always traces of rain and wind

    Continue for that pale love

    For the beauty gained and lost

    Just let these tears dry up and flow out again

    Turn into the rain of lovesickness in the sky

    The cars speeding past on the road splashed the muddy water all over Chen Ru, looking at the blood-stained spots on her body, Chen Ru passed out on the streets of Chengdu.

    Civilization chose a place where there were few people and jumped down. He didn't swim forward and allowed himself to sink, but before he sank to the bottom, he was floated up by the water again.  Wenming opened his eyes wide, his ears were quiet, he could hear the sound of water flowing, and there were many frog-like legs swaying in the water around him. Wenming thought of the IQ question that Shu Ying had given him that year¡ª"Warning,  Frogs generally swim faster than dogs, but there was a swimming competition held in the Animal Kingdom, and there was no accident or accident, but all the frogs in the competition lost to the dogs. Do you know why?"  Hehe, that's because the 'breast stroke' is forbidden in that match, only the 'dog crawl' is allowed!"

    When civilization is about to be surfaced, it spreads out its hands and stretches forward, then, with a full breath, swims forward rapidly in a dog crawling style (Remember the website website:
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