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The sixteenth chapter thinks back to the year (1)

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    It was after ten o'clock in the evening that Gong Xiaojun heard the light knock on the door. At this time, he just lay down and listened to the sound of rain outside the window.

    This is the last autumn rain this year.

    For more than ten days, Gong Xiaojun has always been uneasy. This is because Liu Hai, Liu Yang's younger brother who is the judge in the court, has gone from behind the scenes to the front desk, and has come directly to the Gong family many times to destroy the 20,000 yuan in damages.  It's not that Gong Xiaojun doesn't want to pay, but because he doesn't have the ability to pay. He is still short of five thousand yuan.  The woman named Jing still hasn't shown up yet, Gong Xiaojun thought, if he calls her tomorrow, he will say that Wang Long is going to be overwhelmed and is going to confess everything.  Gong Xiaojun did not forget Zhuzhu either. He had been to Longfeng Hotel secretly, but was told that she had left here, which made him even more sad.

    Accompanied by the sound of rain, the gentle knock on the door only rang three times, but Gong Xiaojun heard it so clearly that it sounded like thunder.  He was waiting for Jing to arrive.

    Could it be that Jing finally came?  Gong Xiaojun was a little nervous and overjoyed.  He turned on the bedside lamp, got out of bed, and opened the door.  Standing in front of him was not Jing, but his wife Min who was taller in the same courtyard.

    Min is a special character in the palace compound. She seldom interacts with people in the same courtyard. When she walks, she always walks with her head down, so that she seems to be unable to see anyone, so she can not speak to anyone.  Therefore, the people in the palace garden have almost forgotten her existence.

    Min was wearing a purple bread jacket, and the thin raindrops had turned into several streams of water on her body.  Her face was very pale, like a patient who has been ill for a long time.

    "Xiaojun," Min stood outside the door, seeing Gong Xiaojun's surprised expression, and said, "I know I shouldn't come."

    Gong Xiaojun was thinking about the purpose of Min's visit at this time.  Gao Diandian is still in prison, how could she break into the house of a newly divorced man alone in the middle of the night?

    Min hesitated for a few days about knocking on the door tonight. For her, knocking on this door was equivalent to knocking on the gate of memories, and she wanted so much to refuse to recall the past.

    "Xiao Jun," Min's tears welled up in her eyes, "I"

    Min wanted to say, I really can't stand it anymore, but no.

    Gong Xiaojun stepped back and said, "Min, what do you want me for?"

    "What's the point of my life?" Min said, wiping away tears.

    Min's words startled Gong Xiaojun. He remembered that she had said this to him more than ten years ago.

    Gong Xiaojun, Min and Gao Diandian were classmates in middle school. They spent four years of poor life together.  In the 1970s, they went to the countryside together and became educated youths.

    The village where they went to the countryside was called Liuzhuang, not far from the city, about 50 kilometers to the southwest.  Liuzhuang is on the north bank of the Yellow River. It is famous for its large and fragrant soybeans. It was a tribute in the Qing Dynasty.

    The most popular days of Liuzhuang were more than 40 years ago.  In the autumn of this year, when the great leader Chairman Mao inspected the Yellow River, he stopped by this village.

    Today, the older people in this village still remember that exciting moment.  Accompanied by the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman Mao went to the field, walked around a square soybean field, and shook hands with Liu Fu, an old farmer who was weeding in the field.

    There is a tall poplar tree on the ground, there is a stone bench beside the poplar tree, and there is a tea set on the stone bench. Chairman Mao and the peasants are sitting here smoking and chatting.

    Chairman Mao glanced at the soybean field beside him, and asked the people beside him, how many catties of beans can be harvested in one mu of soybean field?

    Liu Baoming, the old party secretary of Liuzhuang, was standing beside Chairman Mao at this time. After thinking about it, he reported the number.

    This number startled the villagers present. Liu Fu even dropped the cigarette pot in his hand to the ground. They knew that this number would not be reached even if they spread a layer of beans in the bean field.

    Chairman Mao obviously also found out that there was a fake in it, so he asked Liu Fu again, old man, do you think that one mu of bean field can sow so many beans?

    Liu Fu trembled for a long time before shaking his head and saying, no.

    Chairman Mao looked back at Liu Baoming, the village party secretary who was already hiding behind him, and said, do you have some brain problems as the village party secretary?

    At this time, Liu Baoming almost lowered his head into his crotch, so he dared not speak any more, he just kept nodding.

    Liu Fu's son, Liu Degang, is a demobilized soldier. As the deputy branch secretary of Liuzhuang Village, he usually has a bad relationship with the old branch secretary. He has been looking at the position of the village leader for a long time.  He leaned forward and boldly said to Chairman Mao, Chairman Mao, we have just established a people's commune, called the Hongqi People's Commune, please give me an inscription.

    Chairman Mao smiled and said, ok, I will write it down and send it to you when I go back.  Say it, MaoXi also reached out and touched a little guy's head, little guy, what's his name?

    This little guy was Liu Degang's son, who was only 6 years old at the time.  My name is Liu Weidong. He wiped the water from his nose when he crossed the river, raised his head high and said, my father said it was to protect Mao Zedong.

    After hearing this, Chairman Mao laughed heartily and said, don't defend Mao Zedong, but defend the country.

    Liu Degang on the side hurriedly said, this is the eldest son, and the second son is still breastfeeding in his mother's arms, his name is Wei Guo.

    The grand festival of Liuzhuang came on the seventh day after Chairman Mao left. A jeep delivered the six characters "Red Flag People's Commune" written by Chairman Mao to Liuzhuang in the provincial capital.

    At this time, the old party secretary Liu Baoming had stepped down, and Liu Degang took his place.  During these seven days, he paved the field ridge that Chairman Mao walked into a one-meter-wide path, and built a grass shed under the poplar tree. The tea sets used by Chairman Mao were preserved and placed on the grass.  shed.  He personally went to the newspaper office in the provincial capital to ask for a photo of Chairman Mao in Liuzhuang, framed it and hung it in the thatched shed.

    Chairman Mao's autographed inscription is undoubtedly the great happiness of the people of Liuzhuang. How many villages in the country have received Chairman Mao's autographed inscription?  Liu Degang led the whole village to beat gongs and drums to welcome them to the head of the village, and beat gongs and drums to send them to the village branch.  The next day, the Hongqi People's Commune was officially established, and Liu Degang became the first secretary of the commune.

    When Gong Xiaojun, Min and Gao Diandian went to the countryside and came to Liuzhuang Hongqi People's Commune, the commune members also beat gongs and drums to welcome them, but the atmosphere was not as enthusiastic as when they greeted Chairman Mao's inscription.

    At this time, Liuzhuang had become a "revolutionary holy place". The provincial capital also specially allocated funds to erect a granite statue of Chairman Mao in front of the thatched shed. Shaoshan and Yan'an were too far away, and Liuzhuang was the place where people in this area received revolutionary education.  the only option.  The Red Guards, workers, and revolutionary cadres from the provincial capital came here in groups on foot, and under the leadership of the local guide, they walked around the bean field that Chairman Mao had once seen.  , Then look up at the photos in the thatched shed, and then come to the statue of Chairman Mao and raise your hands to swear, those who join the team join the team, those who join the league join the league, and those who join the party join the party.  Of course Gong Xiaojun, Gao Diandian and Min had been here before, and they raised their hands here to swear to join the Red Guards and the Communist Youth League of China.  (Remember the site URL:
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